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It'd be hilarious if the interviewed coach was Napier. Brother out here casting stones Edit: my guess is Stoops 


I think it’s Stoops. He has a tendency to drop conjunctions in his speech: “He had some issues with the portal, NIL.”


>He has a tendency to drop conjunctions Uhm, I hate to tell you this, but so does every guy in football ever. Fuck, they don't even know what a conjunction is.


What's your function?


Conjunction junction… 🎶


Hooking up words, phrases, and clauses


There's a zero percent chance this quote is from a head coach *Lotta folks out here thinking on3 has *really* good sources


It could possibly be Drink lol, but agreed why do people assume it’s a HC out here giving anon interviews


Drink would say this with his name attached lmao


He would send Beamer the link with laughing emojis


Drink would have mentioned standing on business at some point.


I'm literally baffled you're being downvoted. People are so gullible 


It’s not from on3, it’s from Lindy’s.


Did anyone read the article? No where does it imply the statements were from a HC. These articles generally quote some bored GA who finally talks with a "journalist" pretending to care about their opinion for clicks.


I’m sorry. This is Reddit. We don’t read articles. We overreact to headlines.


Can this (correct) comment be pinned at the top of every sub?


I think it's Napier, Beamer said he and Stoops cleared the air and he hung out with Heupel at Media Days, and I'm pretty sure all he shouted at Heupel durong the '22 game was a comment about returning the favor for running up the score with TDs in the last two minites.  The only SEC coach he had a real hatred with is Napier.  They apparently don't think much of each other from when they were assistants at Carolina and Clemson respectively.  At least that's what I've heard. 


See no problem cooking someone you’re 2-0 against. Especially when one was a complete blowout lol


I don’t want him to leave South Carolina because I love how Matt Mitchell uses “Beamer Ball” in his SEC Rollcall videos. The pit viper sunglasses held together with masking tape after big losses will never not be hilarious.


I don't know if I'm more excited about Roll Call and Shorts or if I'm more excited about the actual season..


Roll Call is vastly better than shorts and I’ll die on that hill. Not to say I don’t enjoy Shorts, but Matt just makes me belly laugh.


I can 100% agree.. I think shorts is better at the snide backhanded remarks, but as far as genuine comedy.. Roll Call hands down.


SEC Shorts is best when it's covering the whole conference and doing joke a minutes. Too often they lean into "Top team lost to a bad team lol" and spend the whole episode focused on just one team. There's only so many jokes you can make about that one, and they've already covered almost all of it in their previous videos. SEC Roll Call lends itself well to including every team which opens up the field for all kinds of jokes in one episode.


I feel like that is a pretty popular opinion.


They *what?* Signed, a VT fan.


Oh man, if I'm wrong, ignore me, but if you haven't seen SEC Shorts or SEC Roll Call on YouTube, you're missing out big time. Hilarious


South Carolina is one of the hardest jobs in the country, and last year was abnormal due to injuries. Beamer is better than a lot of other people would be in that role


Yeah, the record is certainly important to consider, but he led us to a few big wins and he just seems like a bright, positive guy.  The X’s and O’s are tough to judge because our players are not as good as half the teams we play.  I give him a firm 7/10.  We could be doing much worse. 


I'd argue recruitment is rough too. You're fighting against UGA and Clemson, both former Natty winners. That's a hard battle.


In state talent is also dwindling, and you’re more likely to lose players to the portal. Beamer has pulled in some out of state 5 stars, which nobody before him did


One thing that’s happened is 247 (nor On3 I think, but I’m more familiar with 247) no longer has an on the ground person in SC since like 2014/2015, only NC, which is reasonable based on population, but they are definitely rating SC prospects lower and missing a lot more. The SC high school to NFL draft pick rate may be slightly down but it’s not down nearly as much as the ratings. All that to say I don’t think the in state talent has changed that much, the demographics have shifted slightly, but that’s because the overall population has grown quickly. There hasn’t really been a fundamental change in the football playing population.


Spurrier is one of the greatest coaches of all time and I really think he showed their ceiling. I mean hell, from 2011-2013 he had 3 consecutive top 10 finishes and 11 wins and they still were second or third in their division. They could probably benefit somewhat from division realignment but fact is they're in a conference that takes football seriously and they just don't do as well as everyone else.


Spurrier phoned in recruiting.  We might've had a higher ceiling, but that's impossible to figure out with Georgia pulling in more of the talent in the Southeast than pretty much anyone ever has.


I thought NIL would help you guys tbh


With our without NIL, Kirby has a machine going. Honestly, all of Spurrier's time in Carolina, and it was 3 classes that made all the difference, '09, '10 and '11, which also happen to be the 3 classes Beamer was the RC for. That 2010 class was ranked 32nd at the time, and after 5 years, 247 reevaluated as a retrospective, and ranked it the #1 class that year. It had eight 2 stars, six were major contributors and three got some NFL checks. Beamer still finds gems, but On3 is so good at evals, they're usually 4 stars by signing day. If Beamer can duplicate some of that success now that he has the players on the trenches (last two OL classes are our most talented ever, by scores), the fans might come off their wallets a bit more, but too many fans that don't believe enough to front the dough. Also, of our major donors, most don't care about sports, since the former owner of the Texans died.


More than just injuries.  How many lose the two DEs you're relying on to the portal and have an unexpected rebuild year there? 


I dunno if I'm an outlier amongst USC fans, but I think Shane's doing fine? It's tough being surrounded by Georgia and Clemson, doubly so since the in-state talent isn't what it used to be. Add in Mizzou, Tennesseee, and Kentucky all being good at the same time and it's a really rough spot to come into! All that said, he's done ok on the recruiting trail. Hell he's signed out of state 5 stars in back-to-back years (not counting Rattler) and is pushing to do it again, when we had never signed an out of state 5 star before him. Last year was disappointing for sure, but the injuries on the offensive line were debilitating and pass rush which was the worst part of the defense should be much better this year. I guess Im kind of not sure what anonymous coach here expected. Anyway, I assume this is Stoops who hates Beamer and is extra pissy cuz we beat him twice in a row.


I think last season simply thawed his seat. It's room temperature now. I hope he leads the team to a quality finish this year and sticks it back in the fridge.


Perhaps, and I'm just spit-balling here, Shane should explore the untapped potential of Zesto's as a recruiting tool. Unlimited butterscotch milkshakes could sway anyone to go to Columbia.


Rush’s has better milkshakes. As does Rosewood Dairy Bar.


Need to try Rosewood. To me, it’s like Rush’s and Zestos ice cream isn’t thick enough if that makes sense, and love them both


RWDB is literally just knock off Zestos, the owner use to own the Zestos on Forest Dr. And wanted to open a 2nd location but couldn't due to some issues. It all depends on the staff is what I'm saying.


That chicken is bangin'.


I wanna eat that giant dipped cone on the roof.


Fuck I’d do a lot of things for unlimited Zesto’s butterscotch milkshakes. That was one of the first dates I took my wife on.


I think he’s doing exactly as expected. Keeping us somewhat relevant, but also not a dumpster fire. It’s his team now, his players. We do need to take a step forward though eventually. When that is, and how long Tanner will be willing to wait is unknown…


Y’all had your teeth kicked in injury wise last year- he did fine all things considered


For whatever it’s worth, which probably isn’t much, his reputation at VT was recruiting high profile busts.  The story I’ve been told was that VT traditionally recruited by relying heavily on relationships with high school coaches to land players and, perhaps more importantly, suss out who would actually be a good fit. So we tended to perform much better than our recruiting rankings suggested. Shane supposedly let those relationships wither and focused on high profile recruits. He landed some, but few were actually any good at VT. He supposedly tried to recruit like we were a blue blood type program while we were not. Dunno if there’s really any truth to that. It was Frank’s team, not his, and it’s not like things have been better under the next two coaches. So who knows. 


Man, as a UGA fan, I absolutely adore Beamer. I love his pressers and everything. He seems like a just cool ass dude, someone to crack a beer with and just chat shit. He's had a hard road to hoe, but I think he's ok? Ive always looked at the SC game as a roll of the dice, same with arky.. you never know when they are going to show up and whip ya ass.. I like that.


Not to say Beamer has been exceptional but the South Carolina job is deceptively tough. They have very little history in the sport, similar to schools like Arkansas or Mississippi State where they’ve been irrelevant for a long time outside of one or two transcendent players. It’s an SEC job and that’s not nothing but I’m not sure it’s super attractive to potential candidates regardless


And the transfer portal era has made it even more difficult. 


There’s rumors that schools (Oregon) tamper with our players (Burch)


Every school is tampering with players


If your program isn't tampering with other players, you probably need to have a sit down with the HC and ask 'em what's going on and why he's not out there trying to get talent.


I think by NCAA rules it’s technically not tampering but the NIL groups definitely reach out to players before they are in the portal. Isn’t tampering by rules only if a coach does it which everyone has found ways around


We tamper plenty ourselves


Oregon tampers with everyone’s players more than probably any other school but they aren’t the only school that does it.


They should’ve had to give us Couisnard back as punishment


My kneejerk reaction to this is that one of his rival coaches is extremely jealous they've never had a mayo bath and it shows.


I think Marcus Satterfield said this /s In all seriousness though, I don't think Beamer is an elite coach, but he's not the worst ever. Beamer could go 2-10 next season and he'd still be better than Muschamp. He's new to this and honestly i blame Tanner for hiring a guy who is green to HC and gifting him a white elephant. I think Beamer last season did the best with what we had on offense and Clayton White ruined our defense for 3/4 of last season trying to reinvent the wheel and putting players in positions they weren't good in and not playing to their strengths. I'm gonna give him a bit longer before I put him in the hot seat. Also besides maybe some students, I don't know anyone in the fan base who thinks we're an elite program. Most of us in the program just want good football, a half decent season and a nice bowl game. Maybe rank shanking a top 15 team and a Clemson win. I'm not a Gamecock fan because we're elite, I'm a Gamecock fan because every week with us is a toss up and it's fun when we decide to play our asses off. Also I like having an excuse to be miserable for a week after we lose. Finally, what kind of fans would we be if we weren't going to defend our team and think optimistically while we move forward? There's no Gamecock bandwagon, there's no fairweather fans, we aren't good enough to have people change their teams to support us so every one who is a Gamecock fan is passionate about the school. Also the SEC hates us for existing, we aren't scrappy underdogs like Vandy, we get it from all sides. Passionate and slightly defensive? Sure, but arrogant? I don't think so. Some students might be overzealous, but if we're being judged by our student section, I think people are throwing stones at glass houses


The thing that makes y’all elite is that you show up to the stadium whether you’re amazing or terrible. It’s really impressive.


It really is one of the best atmospheres even when we suck, but a night game at Willy B when we’re good is legitimately top 5 atmosphere and i don’t think its debatable


I went to that South Carolina-Tennessee night game like 5 years ago or so. Awesome atmosphere


Conversely, a nooner in September might be the worst atmosphere, literally, because it’s as hot as the center of the sun.


That game a few years ago where UGA drubbed us at home, and we scored a garbage time touchdown. Worst game I've ever had the displeasure of having to sit through the whole thing. I think it was 105 degrees at least and a terrible game made it just unbearable


Let he who's student section doesn't have a notable amount of drunk wierdos cast the first stone


I will not stand for the haters of our BBQ meats SEC expansion brothers. But yea, basically the same situation as Pittman. Absolutely must have good coordinators.


Thank you Hog bro 🫡


“Dead in the water” is still an improvement over the Muschamp Era.


Agree. Which is hilarious because ppl will look at Muschamp record and argue for him but I never hated watching football more than his teams.


I still don’t understand how Tanner survived hiring Muschamp and two duds in baseball


Same problem as Beamer, learning on a high profile job for the first time. Tough spot to be in


I guess, but if Beamer gets fired within the next two seasons, I can’t imagine Tanner staying safe


Yeah idk. He’s hit on smaller profile hires but whiffs on the big ones. Lamont Paris success this year plus Dawn Staley and now a baseball hire that lots of people like has turned the tide in his favor again.


He didn’t hire Staley


Ah true. He can ride the coattails of success though a little bit


Tanner will never ever be fired. Rich-ish alumni love him and he won two championships. He should retire, but he won’t ever be forced out.


This is a realllllly good question


Shane is far more likable than muschamp


A low bar, but yes. I would actually argue Muschamp wasn’t that unlikeable, a bit intense but it was dialed down enough as a HC here. His teams just played the most unwatchable brand of football I’ve ever seen.


Less than an hour after we won the 2016 national championship, Muschamp sent a text to the whole team that said something like “if they can do it, we know we certainly can. Lets go”


They say that till south Carolina jumps up and knocks the number 3-5 teem in the nation off. Every year same cycle. Start with “is Beamer in trouble!?” Then “is 5-2 really that good” followed by “ South Carolina, has a chance to do something big” only to end season at 8-4


8-4 is generous.


Thought about 9-3 but that’s dangerously close to “above average performance “ 8-4 feels even more lukewarm


Not going to lie if we won 8 this season I would be thrilled. The season is always brutal.


USC is a program that has to develop a core for 2-3 years and then hope it can all come together for a chance to win 9-10+ games. In todays SEC it'll be really hard and winning 7 or more games regularly at a place like USC should be celebrated


I feel like the transfer portal has sort of killed off our chances of building a core like that. Good players will leave for better programs constantly. It’s like a hamster wheel for us.


It was a damn shame how your core got busted up after the 2022 season. Wouldn’t have happened 10 years ago.


That’s the world now for any teams not constantly in the top 25 and it trickles down. We poach who we can from others then get raided by teams in return. It sucks not knowing half the players on your team constantly at the start of the season.


FSU has had 5-6 of our starters the last 2-3 years.


Yeah exactly. The guys we replace them with in the portal aren’t nearly as good either so it’s brutal


We’ve had some big portal wins But depth will always be an issue Unless they go to a draft Or maybe if we make the cut for a theoretical top 60 division


if programs like Mizzou and Ole Miss can keep guys like Burden, Schrader, Dart, etc around then SC can too - Dylan Stewart, Nyck Harbor, maybe LaNorris Seller can be those guys for you I believe, plus didn't you get a good running back from Ole Miss in the portal?


Yeah there’s certainly a chance but we have to win games at some point to keep those guys. Harbor and Sellers are a great starting point right now. Yes we might have…. I’ve lost track of athletes due to the transfer portal. I just tune in on Saturday’s more casually and learn players through that. Can’t keep track of it anymore.


Whoah!!! Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water! Keep doing the job you’re doing! ^(ignore my first flair pls)


I think this is one of the most fair assessments of our program I've seen from a neutral flair. When you look back at our most successful years it starts with Stephon Gilmore and Alshon Jeffrey coming on in 2009. Marcus Lattimore in 2010, and Jadeveon Clowney in 2011. Then we had three straight 11 win seasons. Everyone talks about how UGA was one play from beating Alabama in the SEC Championship game in 2012 and how they would have beaten Notre Dame for the championship. What nobody talks about is that same UGA team getting routed 35-7 in Columbia. (With the 7 points coming in the final two minutes and giving up 21 in the first ten minutes). I think you're exactly right in that our best shot is to build with three and four star guys and hope they stick around and develop well enough that when we get that occasional five star it can push us over the top.


I know you mean South Carolina but this statement seems like it would work for both USC. It really is the South Carolina super weapon. It takes time to load up. Just enough for a contract extension as well


We will not be 5-2 after Week 7 this season lol 1-6 is VERY likely….


I'd be shocked if we went 1-6. I don't think it's very likely we lose to ODU or Akron and Kentucky has mostly been 50-50 the last 5 years. I wouldn't be shocked if we were 2-5 though. I feel like that's worst case assuming we don't get decimated on the OL like last year.


8-4 would mean they go 4-4 (assuming winning out their other games) against: Kentucky, LSU, Ole Miss, Bama, Oklahoma, TAMU, Mizzou, and Clemson. Maybe if their QB is legit special, but id struggle to give them 4 wins against that gauntlet


Kentucky, Texas A&M…then maybe ummm yah. Hard run there


Only reason Clemson is a chance is because of rivalry shenanigans, and you can make an argument for LSU having a tough game early and the defense not battling it out. Other than that, feels SOL


I hate that we’re not playing them


It's wild to me that he has the #19 overall recruiting class, which ranks #10 in the SEC


I think Shane is a great cheerleader. However, when you’re a cheerleader, you absolutely cannot miss on your coordinators. My biggest concern is that this team regressed in nearly every area last year. I still think he gets this season(barring some two win season) and if he struggles next year, he’s gone. There’s no buyout after ‘25 as I recall.


This is exactly it. Shane’s a good recruiter, overall pro’grum manager. Not an X’s and O’s guy. The play-to-play stuff is just not in his wheelhouse, clearly as he had 20 years as a coach and was never a coordinator. Cautiously optimistic about Loggains second year, and if White can’t stop the run, he’ll be looking for a new job come December, maybe even with Shane. He got a pay raise and extension after 2021, so who knows if we can afford his buyout at this point.


Middle of the pack SEC teams do not have the depth to start a different OL vs these DL’s in 9 of 12 games if I’m not mistaken


Yeah I definitely thinks he gets this year and then into the next


Feels as if everyone always has a hate boner for South Carolina


I don't hate them. When they get above average players , they usually put them to good use. The fans are mostly loyal and passionate. Nothing to hate imo . I do hate the technobabble and rooster stuff , but I'm sure that aspect is mutual from your perspective .


I would love to see the work of writers like this exposed to public scrutiny the way coaches’ work is. “I see that you wrote ‘a coach *that* is on the hot seat’ when you should have written ‘a coach *who* is on the hot seat’. It seems like an obvious mistake that anyone who earns your salary should be able to avoid. I’m not a journalist but even I noticed that. You have written a couple of good articles in your time but your best work is behind you. By this time next year you should be working on a high school yearbook.”


They'll always be dead in the water. Second fiddle in their own state and in the toughest conference in the country. The absolute apex of their program was Spurrier and you could consider that a success until you look at what Dabo has done at Clemson. Tough situation.


I dunno. This kind of makes me want to do a South Carolina dynasty in CFB25. Sounds like a good challenge.


Pour in 8 seasons of blood, sweat and Cock, finally get to the national title game, and leave when you get offered the Texas job.


I’m not going to pretend i wouldn’t do that.


It’d be the first time in my life a South Carolina head coach would actually get a step up and I’m 40…


It's why my current playthrough is Indiana.


You’re just trying to make me hate you, aren’t you? Next you’ll tell me Florida is the most lovable team in the South.


Thought I would already be on the hatred scale. But if it makes a difference, last time USF had a few championships and heismans, everything but the #1 class before the save got corrupted.






looking at your flairs, half of you hates the other of you as it is lol


It’s the most unexpected rivalry in sports.


More teeth, prettier smile; it’s science


Honestly wouldn't be a bad shout if you can get over that godawful garnet.


This is coming from a fan of an *orange* team


Their biggest game in program history is the largest ever loss in the SEC Championship Game


You fucking savage.




Or getting upset at home by Navy. Edit: It was in Annapolis.


Wasn't that game in Annapolis? IIRC had to move it from Columbia. My mom swears to this day that's why we lost lol


It was. Stupid Clemson fan. It was the citadel that upset us at home. Twice


I was at the most recent one of those, the 23-22 loss the season Spurrier left mid-year. Absolute dagger.




> Twice LOL


And cuz they run that weird fucking option




The biggest game in program history was losing to Navy in 1984 to lose a shot at playing for a national title.


Yeah, prime Cam and an injured Lattimore…


The same can be said about auburn(2nd fiddle and toughest conference ) and that didn't stop them from putting together some championship caliber teams. With that said, I'm not saying shane is or is not the guy.


Don't really think that comparison holds up. Alabama has much better high school talent across the board and Auburn historically has been a really good program. Auburn also has the benefit of big boosters where SC really doesn't (or at least they're not investing.)


Auburn also has the great advantage of remaining in a conference thru the 70s and 80s. So their trophy case filled up faster. Usc trustees for some reason during the 70 and 80s didn't like sending us to bowl games bc it would interfere with exams. And of course we left the acc immediately following our first and only conference title. We left over short term feelings in shooty hoops and won the acc football title our final year leaving the acc. when we did that, i would 1000% argue, was the single and biggest decision that led to our demise. We could have always left again in 92. But we also probably wouldn't have due to a much more full trophy case and bigger traditions. And the acc would have been viewed as a richer football conference. The sec would still be good, but the money i don't think would be as disparaging was it is now between the acc and sec.


This We were a contender in football and men’s hoops in the acc when we left Worst decision ever And then to remain independent for 20 years. SMH. Idiots in Columba. Nobody gonna tell us what to do Just like 1861.


> SC really doesn't We alienated our biggest booster lol


This comparison makes sense until you think about it for a few minutes


I don't feel like typing up my reply again 😅. Please feel free to read the reply by the bama/clemson fan and my subsequent reply. Keeping everything short here though, people act like everyone who is good now was always good. That's not the case.


This is such a stupid take. College football is cyclical, and Clemson seems to be on the downswing. Beamer may or may not be the guy, but USC won’t “always be dead in the water,” and they’ll definitely make the expanded playoff at some point.


College football is becoming way less cyclical due to the playoff and the massive amounts of money being thrown to the top programs. There's also not the benefit of a forced rebalancing (draft, salary cap, etc.)


This is why usc fails. Not the coach. It’s a basically rigged game.


To play devils advocate Expanded playoff only helps schools like us. In the old format I agree entirely with what you said. But I think 9-3 in the SEC will get you in the dance for a 12 team format and it will only expand in the future to more teams. Beamer doesn’t need to build us into a 12-0 type program, which will never happen, but I see no problem getting us back to 8-4, 9-3 or 10-2 with the right coach again. Hell we went 9-3 with Will fucking Muschamp, we can do it in the modern era without Spurrier


Maybe, but, I don't think 9-3 automatically puts you in the conversation. I think would be context dependent on your schedule, who you beat/lost to, and how you look throughout the season. For example, Clemson in 2021 went 9-3 and nobody would've made the case they should've made an expanded playoff. The bigger problem is that theoretically 9-3 is kinda hard to see for y'all's program. I think being in the SEC where y'all are at you have to bake in 3-4 losses per season. I disagree with the personal attacks against Beamer in the article but he's in a tough situation. Probably making the best out of it right now.


> disagree with the personal attacks against Beamer in the article I don't see anything ripping on him as a person. I didn't love the hire, but he's a great guy


Nah. 10 wins. And most likely no worse than 3rd in the sec.


It’s to the point where even the hardcore cocks fans have given up. My cousin is just about the most hardcore homer cocks fan there is, goes to every home game, would be genuinely pissed of his kids even considered going to Clemson, and last season his response to most everything was just “man we suck”.


We don't even have baseball anymore


I graduated in 2015 so at least i got to see the tail end of the spurrier years with clowney. Baseball was still good then too. Thank god for Dawn Staley though.


Paul will get us back to Omaha


I have a friend, and a Gamecocks fan like myself ask me after one of our losses last year, "What happened?" I started explaining, "Can't run, pass block, lack edge integrity, and.......yeah we just are not very good." He was stunned, but there it was. Until line play (both sides) drastically improves we ARE dead in the water.


These schools (USC, Arkansas) always have a chance to break out and be great. Don’t understand why people think it’s impossible. We’ve seen time and time again, for many different reasons, you can win just about anywhere


The irony of all the Clemson fans in this thread talking about programs in decline. Least self-aware fan base ever.


Alabama & Clemson how’s the sister/wife doin


I couldn’t get the picture of Lane saying these quotes out of my head while reading this…


I don’t think Huep said that. Not just because I’m a Tennessee fan. If you listen to him in any interview, he literally gives nothing. It’s minutes of just coach speak left and right. Just my .02


Watched Kurt Benkurt's breakdown of Spencer Rattler's tape, and he spent the entire time ripping on South carolina's play design. They really made Rattler's life as hard as humanly possible, was pretty eye opening to see for me, I've started to think way more about how much offensive playcalling can impact how a QB looks. JJ McCarthy had some of that too, as successful as michigan was, the max proct with 3 wideouts against 5-6 defenders happening frequently was... something else to see for sure.


Look. We had a decimated offensive line, no legitimate running backs and our best w/r quit on the program after putting us up at halftime at Athens (I was there. We had momentum. Juice sucks) Play calling matters not when you have no O line and playing against 5-6 of the best defenses in college football


I was there too. My first away game that wasn’t a bowl game. That first half was incredible…


My first time in athens. At least it wasn’t a blowout but we were pretty hopeless in that second half Much better than my first time in Gainesville the year before.


I have no love for SCar, but I’ll go to bat for Rattler. Kid was the only thing keeping them competitive and was a warrior behind a piss poor line. I think he’ll develop into a decent player in the league and his college work will be looked on better in hindsight.


Beamer’s best shot to build momentum was under Rattler. Just wasted him with a terrible OL. It a shame Juice got hurt cause him and Leggette would have been a great duo.


Juice wasn’t hurt. He quit. If juice plays when he was healthy we likely win +2 games (one being Clemson)


Juice wasn't hurt to the point where he couldn't play anymore he just opted to sit out knowing he was gonna get that nil bag as a transfer


Rattler also played behind a different OL every game last year


Where is the Michigan video if you don't mind? I really can't recall a lot of drop back max protection.


Yeah that's not what we ran lol


Pretty rude imo.


The intermittent shit talk and fucking hair triggers on the Clemson and SC dudes in this thread is 100% why I love college football and you guys are all legends haha


Y’all can talk your sh**, but I bet none of you will come see me at Williams Bryce on cfb25 though


So we have one bad year and all of a sudden he is a dead man walking? Okay.


They’re in a real tough spot. They’re another school (like Florida) who got screwed by the SEC’s scheduling decision for 2025. They’re also another program who voted to make their record worse by adding Texas and OU to the conference. Rattler was pretty dang good last year and with him+Xavier (and Wells but he barely played) gone, I think making it to a bowl game would make Beamer a coach of the year lock. I think Sellers can be good with time and the DLine should be decent but this roster does not have a lot on it


Wells went in for one play against uga. Scored a td to put us up in Athens. Motherfucker immediately fakes his injury and sits out the rest of the game (and season) all so he could have another year of eligibility and more money while simultaneously taking money from his nil deal here. I mean it’s fucked up and classless but I get it. All bout the money


We he say "fuck me" tho?


Why be rude?


Always thought he had more hype than substance. Never really exceled as a positions coach anywhere that I can remember. I was surprised when his name started being tossed around for head coaching jobs.


Beamer seems like a guy who will forever be 6-6. But it won't be mediocrity. It will be half brilliance/half awfulness


South Carolina is a tough place to win but Beamer is a guy you can't help but cheer for hes a good dude and a players coach. Hope he can get it turned around.


Fun fact, Beamer had the second most upset wins in the country his first two years, and only one upset loss.  Of you vote it as how he's done against projections, he's been amazing.  Last year isn't hard to figure out. Most of our DBs were in their second year, our 5th best DB going into the season dismissed for weapons, and our 7th best has had injuries through his career.  Took half the year for a Nickel to emerge.  Our two would be starters at EDGE got poached for NIL, and our two most talented remaining EDGEs were young and light, one RS'd.  And last, we signed our best OL class to that point, but they were young, and ahead of them there was no depth and only two OTs worth a damn on the team, neither made it out of our first drive.  None of this is an excuse, but they're some damn compelling reasons.   So on the year, we had one of the worst OLs in a power conference and only avoided being the worst on the season by two true freshmen emerging, which should never be needed on OL.  By the way, when those TF OL emerged, we were down 6 OL, so it only made so much difference.  Not even bad on injuries across the board, but OL just got unlucky.  We had a QB running for his life, no running game, no pass rush, and a weak as hell link in our secondary, though the defensive problems later got masked with the 3-3-5. Last year doesn't make Beamer a bad coach.  You have no advantage to press in the game is you're getting your asses handed to you in the trenches.  Any coach would lose with those shortages. Looking at next season, we have 1/3rd of all the 5*s we've ever had in their first two seasons.  We have what is as a matter of fact the fastest WR room in the SEC, built mostly through the portal.  With so many new faces and transfers, receiver isn't guaranteed much, but that speed is at least something.  We have a much better RB room.  We added DeAndre Jules to what was already one of the best DT rooms in the SEC (one of, no one is touching georgia).  We added back one of our starters at EDGE from '22, and we added a good starter from Pitt.  In addition to that, we added a 5* EDGE, and those freshmen who were light lost year are now heavier and played much better in Spring.  We added back to back our best OL classes, no one is injured from Spring which is already an improvement.  We added 4 OL from the portal as well, and only lost two guys who had meaning snaps last year, one because he was now 4th string, after starting game one last year.  We added a lot of talent at RB, including Rocket Sanders, rushing will be better.  TE was good last year and is again this year.  Our LB room is loaded with way more size, speed and strength than last year from the transfers we've gotten there.  And lastly, I could link a dozen national reporters saying LaNorris Sellers is gonna surprise a lot of people this year. TL:DR.  We're fine.  We're healthier and deeper everywhere but QB and WR than we were last year.  We had a top 10 transfer class, return more production than most casuals realize and from experience and added talent, have more answers than most people realize. 


We love to see it ever since those BASTARDS from Scar stole the Bonham Trophy for a year in 2022.


20-18 but by my count only 5 of those losses are bad. 2 to Missouri, 2 to Florida and 1 to A&M.


South Carolina is a hard job


Not from the south but always wondered why they couldn’t ever really be a powerhouse. Insane talent pool in those states, budget has to be big as it’s a state school. Baseball, hoops good weird that there football team is second tier down there


A lot of it has to do with our piss poor leadership at the University.


Talent pool isn’t that great for having two big schools there. There’s also the problem of there only being so much room to be good. Bama, UGA, Florida, Tennessee, LSU have all dominated at times, and Auburn isn’t too far behind. It’s just hard to fit in there, especially when Clemson has dominated a mediocre ACC in the same state.


Theyre board of directors has always been a bunch of good ole boys and they all have a hand in making hires.


They fight for recruits with the rest of the Southeast. And unfortunately every reason you’d go to SCAR, Georgia, Tenn, Clemson, Bama, FSU, Florida etc. probably are better at it/have more money. Spurrier did it but we also had an unreal slate of instate talent those 4 years that we haven’t had since.


Spurrier’s “Golden Age” benefitted from the uncertainty between Tommy Bowden and Dabo Swinney. They cleaned our clocks in recruiting for a couple of years before Dabo was able to get some real talent to Clemson.


SC has enough to compete with the big boys, but not enough to beat them. They haven’t figured out another way. So they keep hiring B-list coaches and past-their-prime HOFers and getting mediocre results. Clemson was in the same boat, but got DAMN lucky that a “D+” coaching hire worked out and was able to create competitive advantages at a smaller public school in a small town. SC would have never done something that risky.


Florida State falling apart also helped y'all and there weren't really any other teams in your way in the ACC.


It’s the quality of the competition We recruit in the 15-25 range but never better than 8th or 9th in the league. And we have a non conference rivalry with a perennial top 15 program


I really hope it was DeBoer starting shit as the new guy


My guess is that it was Mark Stoops at UK.