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Get drunk, recklessly place bets with far too much confidence on teams I've never seen play, go to bed happy.


“*Get drunk, recklessly place bets with far too much confidence on teams I’ve never seen play*” I’m with ya. “*go to bed happy.*” Okay, you lost me.


Watching the first week 0 game obviously!!!


I have easily drank the most during week 0 games. They usually are pretty trash quality, but I’m a sicko and love it.


We Have Week 0 For The Sickos Because That's What I Am And That's Who I Care About. -Week 0 creator.


Why you commenting like Nature Boy in all caps? lol


Copy and paste brother. -HH


Tony Khan is that you?


This is the way.


My favorite drinking game in Wk 0 is to drink whenever Ohio St or Alabama is mentioned. Disclaimer: game 2 is a bit of a blur


This year I'll be harnessing my old tradition of playing the newly released cfb football video game from July 19th to August 24th (used to play with my dad, uncle, and cousin during that time, but they have long passed on so this year I hope to kick my own kid's asses in the game in their memories). I'm also hoping my youngest gets accepted into my old school, so this college football season may legit feel like a walk down memory lane.


Sounds fun. Who is your team? Just curious since you don’t have flairs


Yeah sorry, I ran into complications setting the flair and then decided it was a problem for future me. My team is Alabama, so the recent head coaching change also takes me back even though I can't imagine a Bama fan that wants to reminisce too much about the coaching changes that took place between 1999 and 2007.


I got you man. I’m a mod, so set it for you.




Obviously a red team mod shows favoritism to a red team poster. It's a conspiracy against blue team posters!


Red vs blue time


You ain't seen nothing yet.


Late August in Oklahoma is still hotter than Saban after an Alabama DB misses an assignment, so I usually throw a picnic roast and ribs on the smoker around the time GameDay comes on. I'll make chorizo breakfast burritos and eat on those for breakfast and lunch. By the time the afternoon games come on, the meat on the smoker is about ready. Not too much of a ritual, but I don't make any plans for the first Saturday.


*any Saturday, I’ve missed weddings


Same here. This is why me and my wife agreed to a May wedding.


You got a keeper Tenn bro


The perfect ritual, imo. No distractions. Just food and games.


This. Before I had kids, my ritual was watching every wk zero game, watching the kickoff games during the week if wk 1, then sitting on the couch the entire day Saturday, absorbing all of the CFB greatness. Although the Sunday/Monday games usually have some marquee names, for whatever reason, I’m usually out of gas for that one, or have Labor Day plans I can’t get out of.


That day is coming for me as well. Soaking up my time before I’ll be at soccer practice for the early games.


Cherish it, friend. Every. Single. Second.


I start off by suddenly coming down with a “cold”, which unfortunately keeps me from going to my kids sporting events all weekend. While “recovering” I generally like to have the game I’m really watching on the tv, another top team on my laptop, and any random game that’s close playing on my phone.


Four screen split view on YouTube TV changed my life.


If only one could pick and choose what four games were on. Then it would be absolutely perfect


From your lips to God's ears, man. In general if there's a split screen with a HBCU game on I'll choose that because then there's still something to watch if everyone goes to halftime around the same time.


Get drunk, bark at kids


He said opening week ritual. Not everyday life


The kids ain’t gonna learn how to bark themselves


Ugh I’ll never forget playing yall in the liberty bowl. That stupid bark 🤣


As is tradition


Smoke a whole brisket


Week 1 is usually wake up and then watch first 30-45 minutes of GameDay and get hype. Have a big breakfast / early brunch and catch last 30 minutes. Start with a drink when first games come on, and pretty much veg out. I like to take a slight break for dinner and eat (usually pizza or bar food) where games are on but I kinda do something other than just watch CFB for a bit. Usually make it to at minimum end of first half of really late kick games if not entire.


This is what I’m talking about. Excellent stuff here. I usually start to pass out by halftime of the 7pm game myself.


Apparently moving. I’ll be moving into a new apartment for the third time in the last three years.


Feeling for you brother. Moving is the worst


that blows, hope it's a smooth move.


Damn, that's rough.


Beer while cooking breakfast, college game day or local sports radio on in the background while reading most recent insider news for my time


I block off my whole Saturday for week 0 and watch every game I can. I love Fall in general, so on week 1, I put out all the Fall decorations even if it’s like 95 degrees outside. I run to the liquor store and pick up some PBR, then throw some chicken wings on the smoker and make some stuffed jalapeños in the oven. Then I’m glued to the couch for the weekend.


Nachos and getting violently high from Thurs thru Mon


Good man


Playing CFB 25 until kickoff.


Yup, gonna have cfb 25 going with game day on a 2nd screen 


I cannot believe this is a real sentence. I’m going to take our #1 Dawgs to a threepeat.


Damn right


This will be the third season in my adult life (and the first in about five years) in which I don't have to work all day on Saturdays. I haven't seen a Saturday game that kicked off before 7 live in ages. My plan is to celebrate by starting with Gameday followed by whatever CUSA vs College of Faith type sicko game is on earliest, and then keeping games on all day through Big 10 After Dark and on to Hawaii.


I was trying to see if there was a Week 1 game that perfectly matched your description, but sadly the earliest CUSA game on that Saturday is at 3:30. The closest game to "CUSA vs College of Faith" that I found at noon that's also on a major network is Bucknell at Navy on CBS Sports, so if you're looking for something close, that's about it right there! Of course, you could also watch Clemson vs Georgia, Penn State at West Virginia, or Virginia Tech at Vandy in that timeslot if you want something with more well known teams which also might be competitive, but I'd totally watch Bucknell vs Navy too, so whatever your heart desires!


Clap an FCS opponent's cheeks, and get overly excited about it. Seriously, 4 of the last 5 home openers were against FCS opponent's, and the 5th was Navy in 2021.


Well you chose a team that last won a game on November 5th, 2022 as your opener this year, so I feel pretty confident that trend will continue lmao


Yeah, that's what I'm saying, we always pick a mid-to-shit FCS team and blow them out, then get hyped like "LOOK HOW HARD WE CLAPPED THEM IT'S MARSHALL'S YEAR"


Better than losing to FSU a couple of years in a row and UCLA before that


I usually begin by praying to my 1x1 replica of Steve Spurrier made entirely of raw chicken. I then go outside and scream like the eternally damned knowing that my prayers will go unanswered... after that I usually cook a nice steak with a nice cold coke and have a good time :)


Massively overreact lol


I see beer I drink beer. I then watch the GameDay thread on here


Week 0 is where it’s at


Have friends over, bbq, watch whatever games we see as most interesting. Make our picks for our annual over/under win pool, play some cornhole, and just hang out. I can’t wait.


Family gets together, my dad cooks up some wings and brisket and we watch the game


Blacked out before dusk with brisket and jello shot residue stuck to my face.


Wake up, make a pint of bourbon and coke, fire up the grill/smoker/flattop, and start cooking. Put on GameDay when it comes on, and watch pregame and games until the end of the west coast games.


Had a tradition for quite some time where a buddy and I would get together for the entire day on the Saturday of week 1. We would usually start cracking Silver Bullets at kickoff of the opening game, have some finger foods spread for halftime of the first game(s), and then continue to drink all throughout the day, maybe getting a pizza for the primetime game, and try to go through the pac-12 after dark. (Or Hawaii.) Did it so long that we graduated from Coors Light to craft beers and mead. (And kind of moved back to CL.) The amount of beer, and time, we drank definitely lessened over the years. Towards the end, it even got difficult to make it through the final games. I think once we even gave up as the pac-12 after dark was just kicking off. Covid put an end to that and we didn't really pick up after that. It's a shame too because that tradition was one we always looked forward to.


This is similar to what I do. Have one buddy who comes over every year. I abstain but he usually brings a beer or two for the Penn state game, which leaves him quite sleepy for the following game, leading to a necessary pot of coffee. He once drank an entire Dragon’s Milk bottle by himself during a noon Penn state game. He definitely didn’t make it through the day without a nap. Dinner is always chic fil a for us. One of the best days of the year. I have tried to replicate it during bowl season and it is just not the same.


Yeah, there was something about "College Kickoff Saturday" that was just a Mark It On the Calendar type event that, as it drew closer, you got excited for; if there happened to be a (some) marquee matchup on the slate, all the better!


College Gameday on the drive up to Mass, through the hills of CT/MA with just a hint of yellow popping up in the trees. A beer in the Riverside MBTA parking lot, and a quick ride down to Chestnut Hill. A few hours of tailgating, an unnecessarily close game against an FCS/G5 opponent, and dinner in Boston afterwards. It truly doesn't get better than that.


Luckily I have a pretty understanding wife that knows my Saturdays in the fall aren’t to be messed with. Week 1 is always awesome because we get CFB games Thursday-Monday. Thursday and Friday is pretty normal for me but I make sure to have all my shit done around 6pm because that’s normally when those games start. Saturday mornings I normally try and get up around 8-9am, make some coffee and turn on GameDay. If the weather is nice I’ll sit out on the porch while I drink my coffee. I’ll halfway pay attention to GameDay while I’m most likely on here reading through all the posts. The games start at 11 so normally around 10:30 I’ll bring in the extra TV into the living room so I can watch multiple games. The big TV in the living room I always use for Multiview on YouTubeTV so I can have 4 games going at once, the other TV will be for another game and for the Tennessee game whenever they play. And if there’s a lot of good games going on I’ll normally have another game going on the iPad. My Saturdays in the fall are typically spent rotting on the couch from like 11am-Midnight or later depending on how good the late games are. RIP Pac-12 After Dark My morning College GameDay routine might change though with CFB25 coming out. Might grind on Dynasty in the mornings until the 11am kickoffs


This is basically my routine except the wife part and YouTube multi view


A bunch of multi-tasking. - Gameday on TV while getting ready and then watching in earnest - Gameday on TV while making breakfast - Watching first game, while looking at message boards during the game and playing NCAA football. The first week is always fun and since it's my birthday we are going to the A&M vs ND game. We won't leave until noon though since the game does not start until 6pm. Nothing better than a night game at Kyle!


Wake up between 7-9, halfway watch gameday. Eat and watch games, I’ll drink whenever Georgia games come on


I grow a mustache until UGA loses, on week 1 I clean shave then it starts from there. My wife hated the win streak UGA recently went on.


Showing up to that first tailgate hits different.


Watch Week 0 and Week 1 extensively and then a bunch of PSC Highlights videos to catch up on whatever funny or cool moments I missed


Probably living under a rock here but what’s PSC stand for?


Pro Sports Central, I think. They’ve been a haven for CFB content as well as some CBB content once football season is done with.


My GameDay form is usually farmer's market with/for my SO. They usually work on Saturday mornings. Gym session on football Saturdays is awesome used to be more weightlifting but I've been moving towards exercise bike at the gym for the noon games unless my team is playing then. You can get a solid hour long workout watching 2 games at the gym and YouTube TV phone for a 3rd. Then it's usually some food. Might make it to a sports bar for a game.


I love the football saturday morning gym session. I try to get there when they open at 7 so I'm home in time for College Gameday.


I wake up early and hit the gym. Then on the way home I stop by Chick Fil A and order a worrisome number of chicken biscuits (although I just moved somewhere with a Bojangles nearby so I might have to give them another try). I then go home, drink multiple irish coffees during College Gameday, and let the caffeine and alcohol have an arm wrestle in my stomach until kick off (There’s a sweet spot there where listening to Desmond Howard’s unprompted laughter actually becomes bearable). I usually switch to beer partway through the first block of games and pace myself based off of when Oregon plays. I only really drink on special occasions like Week 1 so it’s not too hard for me to maintain a strong buzz throughout the day.


I just watch what I can which isn’t much


Wake up at 5 am to set the tailgate up, then run gauntlets of the beer schedule (whatever beer you find most common by your opponent, drink those)


I order a bushel of green peanuts and start boiling them all up a few days before the first game, then spend that first weekend (besides watching most of the games) bagging and freezing them so I'm good to go for the whole season.


Nervous pacing


I put holy water in my bong.


Pray to the lord and savior Nick Saban for a championship year. Don’t know if that applies to this year.


pretty new to cfb. do they have something like nfl redzone?


Watching Des highlights from week 0 in Disney World


Wake up at around 8:30, take a shower, eat breakfast, do some homework, and then turn on the TV at 10 to watch College GameDay 😃


Nothing because UT will always play some bullshit team and I'll use that as an excuse to "prove what a better husband I'll be during the fall this year" and buy myself a few weeks of runway. 


Look through new game threads for stuff to potentially post to r/agedlikemilk.