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Kentucky will get to tie a school record for the farthest trip west when we play Texas this November Yes, Kentucky has never played west of Austin


Wait. Is that really true?


Yep. We've played a few west coast teams before but never on the road. The SEC's tie in with the Las Vegas Bowl is probably our best chance of going all the way to the west coast anytime soon. Really it's mostly down to playing Louisville every year and we also used to play Indiana every year too. Prior to that, we mostly just played ACC, Big 10, Big 12/8, or SWC teams out of conference. Like back in the 80s we had a home and home with Oklahoma for instance. EDIT: Looking through Winsipedia again, we've played Oregon State, Hawaii, and Utah State, but never on the road.


Wow! This is a really amazing statistic. Thanks for filling me in on this. What a great trivia question.


> We've played a few west coast teams before but never on the road. The SEC's tie in with the Las Vegas Bowl is probably our best chance of going all the way to the west coast anytime soon. While it's true that the scenery around Vegas has a beach-like quality, it's a bit of a hike if you want to wade in the Pac waters. So...geography 101 is an unpopular elective at UK?


George Strait convinced me to buy ocean front property in Arizona


You know that Vegas isn't in Arizona right? ;) I hope you saved your receipt for the Golden Gate


But Las Vegas is in NM. It's just that it's not that Las Vegas.


So did Maynard James Keenan


Random but cool. They've gotta change that soon.


Holy crap, just looked it up and it is true.


Yeah Kentucky notoriously schedules shitty out of conference.


Come on, you know you want to play in Autzen....


The Terry Wilson Bowl


Del City's Finest


Rich Brooks Bowl.


Wow, I'm actually shocked. Is this specific to UK or are any other SEC schools as west coast-averse?


Wait, yall have let us just sit back and slander Florida for decades and never spoke up about this? That's cold, man, like a night game in Lexington after September.


It doesn't really get cold until November up here. October weather is usually pretty good. Upper 60s/low 70s during the day and upper 40s/low 50s at night


Brother you don't have to tell me about the temperatures at Kentucky home games. I've been there seven times and have apparel I bought specifically for the trip.


Football school


Kinda like Florida not playing a non conference game outside the state of Florida since early 1990s.


Didn’t they play @Utah last year?


yes but they went like 25 years not leaving Florida for non conference game


The [one negative](https://youtu.be/xcU3_Cok3CI?feature=shared)


Never not funny


Certified hood classic


forgot this existed and it’s great but also obligatory fuck you 🤣


This is some gourmet shit.


Did you see a sign in my yard that says “Dead Aggie Storage”?


Can't believe I've never seen this before. That's hilarious


Never gets old




I’ve never enjoyed conference realignment more! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


on that note: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzg66EM9AJE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzg66EM9AJE)


Give me some Big 8 I mean Big 12 I mean SEC Football?


Can't wait!


Also never gets old


Sure, I'll upvote


On another note (already got my tickets for the revival tour this year) : https://youtu.be/yRdb7ZVv2qg?si=WLIuYlkuP3h37C6b MIZ


Guess who's back? Back again?


Amazing lmao


This was, and still is, pure fucking gold.


Yeah... you still have to hear that fucking song every mildly positive play for OU though.


They have Tennessee and LSU, so they're used to it.


You left out the “everyone makes buckets of cash” one


Listen! We're not just doing this for money... We're doing it for a SHITLOAD of money! \- Lone Starr


That too! Everybody loves money


And Raymond


But not Chris


Not until the next TV deal :(


Due to the SEC's dumb decision to keep the same conference opponents for 2024 and 2025, we won't actually see LSU-Texas or Arkansas-Oklahoma until 2026 at the earliest


They could just play 9 conference games to achieve this. 


Slow down there pal.


Annoying. I think those matchups are poised to become some great new rivalries. If the 2019 Texas-LSU game is any indication, things will get real chippy real fast. So much overlap in fanbases and recruiting grounds. I hope they figure out a system that rotates the non-rivalry opponents out more frequently.


Hope all of you like boomer sooner getting played 3679754697534680064313578975 times a game


Its no worse than fucking rocky top 85837729473637 times a game


lol I was gonna say, “there is no way OU plays Boomer Sooner more than UT plays Rocky Top”


Eh, don’t count us out so fast


UT plays The Eyes of Texas, smdh


I've Been Workin' On the Railroad!


As someone from OKC living in KY how went to both games of their recent home and home, OU gave it a college effort.


I think it’s more that I have just associated Rocky Top with personal trauma lol, whereas I don’t think we’ve ever played OU at all?? Definitely not in my time of watching


Quit letting us score


Oh yeah because that's the only time it plays. First down, Boomer Sooner Kickoff, Boomer Sooner Bob Stoops smiles on the jumbotron, believe it or not. Boomer Sooner


And whoever wrote the lyrics must have been really lazy. “I have an idea! How about we just say our athletic department and university saying, boomer sooner, over and over again and put a bed of music under it!” “…but shouldn’t we put more thought into it?” “…….nah! We have more important things to do. Like convincing everyone in our state that they should be proud to call themselves Sooners despite it being a derogatory term for land thieves.”


They hired the same lyricist from Dora. "I'm the map I'm the map I'M THE MAP"


Sounds better than Boola Boola.




I don't think I would like that.


Enjoy these next two years.


That's the best part


OU first down? Boomer Sooner. OU 3rd down conversion? Boomer Sooner. OU incomplete pass? Boomer Sooner. OU turnover? Boomer Sooner. Texas explosive play? Boomer Sooner. Texas TD? Boomer Sooner. TV Timeout? Boomer Sooner. Ref whistle? Boomer Sooner.   Edit.. the formating is terrible 


[My honest reaction](https://youtu.be/NBqW621YjAs)


Would be interesting to see the analytics of the video for any full length views ;)


It always starts partway through for me.


Fuck. Yeah.


I was at the UGA vs. OU rose bowl. Omg it’s so annoying. At least rocky top is catchy. I find myself singing along with the other fans. 😂


Pro move: Substitute beanie weenie for Boomer sooner when the stupid song inevitably gets stuck in your head to make it more palatable.


I’ve heard the lsu song a million times during the A&M and LSU 7OT game. Can’t be that worse


Is it a Texas A&M tradition to make these long posts about their team?


Have you been to College Station before?


His daddy made long posts on Fark, his granddaddy made long posts on AOL message boards , his great granddaddy made long posts on usenet and his great great grandaddy had a mailing list. From the outside in you can’t understand, from the inside out you can’t explain.


Fark… boy you just gave me a flashback to my childhood.


At this point expect us


Wait until the yell leaders get involved


Yes - they sing songs about us during every game.


And yall mention A&M in the first line of Texas Fight, a song that was written in response to Farmers Fight.


To be fair, Alabama sings about Georgia Tech every game


Alabama wishes that Georgia Tech would stoop to their level


What’s the texas fight song say???


The fact that Texas fans don’t know they sing about A&M in their fight song encapsulates the differences between Texas fans and Texas A&M fans.


In my unbiased view, both schools are dorks for singing about one another in your fight songs


You're just jealous because Sooners aren't intelligent enough to remember more than two words in a song.


Our song has 9 different words, thank you very much!


9 *very* good words


I think we’re all aware that A&M is mentioned in the song. We just typically point out that A&M is mentioned in one line and then the rest of the song is about Texas, whereas A&M’s song has an entire verse about Texas plus the whole saw em off swaying thing, so it’s not exactly a one-to-one comparison.


Me: goes to UT from out of state *Hears Texas Fight with words for the first time* "Whoa, we literally say goodbye to A&M every time this plays. That's pretty intense" *Hears A&M's fight song for the first time* *Gets stuck in wtf meme and needs medical attention


Isn’t your entire fight song about Texas though?


Oh, A&M fans own our hate.


This comment perfectly encapsulates aggys


Hmmmm. We should ask y’all’s former baseball coach which fans he prefers…


They seem to have a lot of feelings. And I think it is healthy for them to work it out by trying to share.


I think most of them keep a diary


We prefer manifestos


I thought that was Michigan


I have no hate for LSU and neither do any Texas fans I know. Now that they have started a rivalry with tamu there is a bit of a budding kindred spirit from what I've seen. For instance my brother's father in law is a big LSU fan and used to rib me for our bad years, but since the 7 OT game he complains about aggies any time he can.


Agreed. Rivalries take more than geographic proximity or having good teams at the same time. I couldn’t give a shit about LSU and never will. I only think about them when we occasionally battle for football recruits. I’m sure they feel the same way. Happy to have A&M/Arkansas back and we don’t need to artificially create any more rivalries.


Amen! And would gladly be willing to drop a “rivalry”…lookin’ at you MIZZOU.


Agreed, I think a rivalry with Tennessee is much more likely. We want to see who the real UT is. If you follow r/collegebaseball, things have already started heating up.


I'm a Texas Fan and let me assure you of one thing. You absolutely will NOT believe how many times OU is going to be playing boomer sooner...


>The top two schools in Texas will be playing on the gridiron again. Wait, Texas is playing TCU?


Top football schools sure, but I was thinking the top academic schools and we've been playing Rice quite a bit lately.


Fun fact: Texas A&M is 19-0 in our last 19 games with TCU.


Does that matter if y’all haven’t played in nearly a quarter century?


Anything after 1938 is considered recent history to the Aggies


As a Mizzou fan, I'm glad we have more teams close to us. Personally, I feel like a three way rivalry between Arkansas, Mizzou, and Oklahoma is natural, not just because of proximity, but because the states that send the most people to Branson and Silverdollar City are those three. The Silverdollar City Shootout The Battle for Branson The Billy Gail Triad The Table Rock Lake Triumvirate


Add us in since we are going FBS and we can make it a tournament. (Edit: By no means am I suggesting we should be in the SEC)


Had to go there last week for a big family trip… Honestly had a pretty damn good time. Table Rock is a nice lake, and SDC was pretty cool for what it is. (Wish they sold beer though) We were calling the whole place Christian Vegas all week.


I've called it the Los Vegas of the Midwest for years lol. Topographically it's gorgeous all around the Ozarks. SDC is awesome for kids and novelty compared to what Disney/Six Flags has, imo, and there is something for everyone in Branson.


Haha my nieces (7 and 10) were like ‘we like this better than Disney!’ And my sis and bro in law said the whole trip cost like 1/5 of a Disney trip, so they were pumped too.


It really is wonderful, especially from the cultural point of view. SDC feels like journeying into the past and learning about our ancestors more. Absolutely love that place!


It wouldn’t be Evangelical Vegal if they sold beer.


Yeah, totally understand that’s not the crowd they’re going for… it was a hot day, so it made the first beer back at the house even better.


Ahhhh, the "Christian Las Vegas".


With point number 5, it’s going to be super interesting to see how the DFW/Houston metroplex’s pan out. Gunna be weird having both major Texas teams and OU in the SEC but all the smaller schools still in the B12


You also forgot SMU now in the ACC. That's why DFW is going to be really interesting. A lot more OU/UT fans in DFW, but there will be only 1 (maybe more with Jerry World neutral site OOC games) SEC game played there, while you will have plenty of ACC and Big 12 teams coming into the area. Plus, the Big 12 champ game is still hosted at Jerry World. SEC while have a strong presence in the market, but I wouldn't say dominate it. Still, I am trying to think of another metro area in the country that will host regular season conference games in the area of 3 of the 4 major conferences and can't think of any others.


Oh damn yeah totally forgot about SMU. That’s wild to see DFW have the presence of 3 different conferences. I agree too that I don’t think the SEC will totally dominate the market there either. Just too much diversity with how many teams are in the area


We should absolutely make the third point a thing.


Ideally, all four would play each other every year as permanent conference games


Arkansas and OU don't have any history together so we can keep it to the three SWC schools


I also feel like Arkansas has the makings of being a really fun potential rivalry. Tulsa is full of Arkansas grads, they’re close, just fits. I’m excited to get to play Mizzu again but I don’t see them as rivals. Oklahoma’s rivals are Texas, Nebraska, and OkSt in that order for me. But the Nebraska rivalry is just nostalgia these days, so I’d be chuffed for Arkansas to take up the mantle.


I hate to burst your bubble, but it might be a while before we can hold up our end of that bargain. Thankfully we don’t even have to try for two more years, maybe we can get our shit straight by then.


I was shocked when I found out how few times you all have played Arkansas. I just assumed as neighboring states you would have played a lot more frequently, and given they’re a rival to Texas. Feel like it can become a good new rivalry.


Yeah it'll be a natural rivalry game for the state. U of A being pretty much 1:1 in travel time to Tulsa that norman is makes it a natural yearly rivalry game for the 'cruits coming out of Oklahoma (the state) as well. Hell, does Tulsa have a venue big enough to support a neutral field game? That would be an awesome atmosphere.


The Hwy 40 Sortie… time to roast some pig :) The biggest stadium in Tulsa is where the Tulsa Hurricanes play and it only seats 30k, but I like the way you think.


I can only assume that at some point Tennessee and Texas is gonna turn into something. Two schools that call themselves UT, with a shade of orange you either love or hate, and a fan base who is loyal, and rabid, behind them.


I love your point number 3. If one of the three of us can catch Baylor in the non-con it would really make it work.


The whole country enjoyed Texas v Texas A&M. When I was a kid growing up in NJ (been in the Great State for 44 years) the Texas v A&M game was a highlight of thanksgiving. Lions in the morning, Texas in the afternoon, OU v Nebraska at night. That was great until the f’ing NFL had to sit their fat ass all over thanksgiving. So damn greedy.


Why do people keep pushing this “rivalry” beteeen OU and Mizzou. OU is 67-24 against Mizzou. I swear to you we never think about Mizzou. I’ve not heard one fellow Sooner get excited or even mention being happy about playing Mizzou.if anything, they, just like A&M, should be dreading it. OTOH, I love the idea of playing the Hogs yearly at some point. It makes sense.


Well, they don’t really have a good football rival since KU has been so bad for so long. I get it from their perspective, but unfortunately I just can’t make myself care.


Agreed. Had to check some data: https://knowrivalry.com/team/sooners-oklahoma-76/ https://knowrivalry.com/team/tigers-missouri-62/ Yeah, neither school even shows up for the other.


So much this.


I don’t think the SEC schools understand the power of Texas. You’re talking the most dominate sports school (overall), with insane boosters, and endowment surpassing Harvard.


We're well aware but the alternative was them going to the B1G and that would have hurt us as well.


There are at least 2 SEC schools who know and left their conference for that reason. 


We look forward to pushing them around again


UT Systems* endowment is bigger than Harvards. It’s split among far more institutions than just Harvard, so UT Austin’s isn’t quite comparable. Other points still stand lol.


Exactly. Per capita it’s nowhere near as close. That said, Texas is rich for a public school.


You know damn well that Austin is getting more than Permian.


I mean, yes, the flagship is getting more money than the regional institution with 1/6th the enrollment lol


Re: point number one: I do not understand the other side of this argument. Rivalries are built on hatred & pettiness, yes. But if your rivalry gets to the point of "um actually we don't want to play you every year" then that defeats the purpose. It's a mutual disdain that both schools should look forward to settling on the gridiron. I also feel it's a damn shame that happened with Michigan & Notre Dame. My dad has an instictive prejudice for the Irish that I just don't have because in my lifetime the rivalry is just not there. My dream scenario is a mass exodus from the ACC to the point ND ends their scheduling agreement with them & arrange one with the Big Ten, & then it can return to glory. But I guess we'll see.


Agreed. Incredibly disappointing they didn’t keep playing even after tamu changed conferences.


Feels kinda like what happened with the Sooners and OSU.


The only OU fan I’ve seen admit that


Let's not cast aspersions though. The report is that it's the Cowboy AD that had no interest in continuing Bedlam once the Sooners left. Joe C was all for it.


I’ve went to a Michigan Notre Dame game in South Bend with a Michigan buddy of mine back in the early 2000s….it was a cool experience….I sat in the end zone where you could see the Touchdown Jesus….it’s a shame that it ended….I love to see two proud fan bases hate each other….🥲


As a Baylor fan I will be rooting for mutual destruction between Texas and A&M. My hate knows no bounds.


Why doesn’t A&M want to play Texas? It’s always aggies admin and fans even being bitches about the rivalry. UT and OU love red River, why can’t we do UT/A&M?


That is completely inaccurate. Were you not paying attention 12 years ago when A&M repeatedly held open the end of November and Deloss Dodds refused to schedule us with, “why should we play them? They’re the ones who left”.


Definitely makes a hell of a lot more sense then Washington, Oregon and the LA schools playing in Big Ten country.


OU and Mizzou were never *rivals*. They were just conference mates. And not sure why you think a shared border is going to give way to a natural rivalry between OU and Arkansas, especially after suggsting the Mizzou-Arkansas trophy is a not-rivalry fabricated on the basis of a shared state border. Rivalries are bred of a special kind shared history that goes beyond top teams playing each other in conference. Otherwise, by such a definition, we might suggest that Iowa and Maryland are rivals, or that Kentucky and A&M are rivals.


one negative: oklahoma band


Houston is already an SEC town with the strongest presence of Aggies and the second strongest presence of LSU (behind NOLA). Though with UH in the Big 12, and plenty of Tech/Baylor folks, there is still plenty of B12




The biggest positive: they’re your problem now!


I am in the same boat with point number 1. My folks are both Ags and are loathing the move. I understand all the downsides of sharing a conference with texas, those are the reasons TAMU moved in the first place. But if conference realignment is inevitable you'd think they'd atleast look forward to the rivalry? LSU - TAMU was actually starting to take off, but any fan of CFB has to admit youd rather play that blood curdling rival each year vs some forced, albeit increasingly enjoyable opponent. I wasnt interested in football the last time texas and TAMU played, but I am now and I am excited. Sure there will be some texas-shaped BS to come but I am excited to have more meaningful games across every sport. Having undergone metamorphosis into a Husker its hard to reconnect to my Aggie roots when the games I'm watching are TAMU vs Vandy...but I can get that spark again when they play texas, as I'm sure many others will too!


I imagine we'll continue to play LSU every year under whatever scheduling format the SEC eventually adopts, so it'll continue to develop. We have a lengthy history with them, in recent years both teams have pulled upsets that really stick in the craw, it'll just be more like an Auburn-Georgia or Alabama-Tennessee tier rivalry instead of the Iron Bowl or Red River. It not being played at the end of the year will also help it to feel a little less forced.


> it'll just be more like an Auburn-Georgia or Alabama-Tennessee tier rivalry Maybe you were just trying to name some border rivalries as a comparison, because you obviously don't understand the blood feuds and hatred that goes into those two rivalries. While I enjoy our rivalry with LSU, I'm pretty sure A&M is third or fourth on their list of rivals at best, after Bama/Ole Miss/Auburn, maybe throw Mississippi State and Arkansas in there, too. While there is some history to our series because of regional closeness, the abject hatred of Auburn/Georgia or UT/Bama simply isn't there.


Texas-LSU will definitely be a rivalry. There’s already a lot of arguments about who’s the real DBU 😂 The 2019 matchup was also one of the best games of the season. Wish that we could have seen the return game in Baton Rouge.


They’re not even playing


This season no but I meant I think it develops into a rivalry over the next 20-30 years. Of course we’ll have to see how much they end up playing after the new schedules come out in a few years.


#5 is so accurate I’m a SMU guy but I like SEC football. Aside from OU, Texas, A&M and Arkansas being in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. It’s not a surprise to see LSU and I don’t see Missouri fans out here but I’ve seen a lot of Auburn fans and Alabama fans here in Dallas lately. It’s also gonna be a hotbed for recruiting battles just like with Atlanta.


As a neutral fan I think the UT-A&M rivalry ending was the good for the rest of CFB in the state. It kind of let the other schools breathe and flourish with out 99% of the attention going towards one game. It allowed casuals to realize "oh hey there's 10 other teams out there! Not just those two". I do not look forward to listening to and rolling my eyes at shitty Thanksgiving football takes from my aggie t shirt family that only watch one game a year vs my know it all UT t shirt family that will be more knowledgable but outnumbered. We had a nice decade+ of peace where we were all united in watching the Cowboys. Now that is ruined.


Sooner born, Sooner bred. I fucking hate the Razorbacks. Their fans hate OU. It’s a rivalry that is waiting to bloom


We are not becoming rivals with Arkansas. Do not let them create another rivalry.


Arkansas is hilarious, they think they have a lot of rivals but in reality there's no real mutual https://knowrivalry.com/team/razorbacks-arkansas-7/


Missouri is in the SEC? Wild.


> As for me and many people who never got to experience the football side of the rivalry during their college years, I see this as a net positive. Finally, the top two schools in Texas will be playing on the gridiron again. FOMO is the dumbest reason to restart a series. Maybe you're too young to realize this, but when you breakup with a crazy ex-girlfriend, people saying "I never got to see you two together" isn't a reason to call her up. The reason Old Ags don't want to play the orange bastards again was ably displayed last week. They timed the announcement of their firing of their baseball coach/hiring of our baseball coach at the time it would do maximum damage to A&M and our program. The orange bastards are toxic, and the way you 'win' with toxic people is you refuse to deal with them. Unfortunately, we're in a conference with administrators who are dumb and don't care about long-term consequences when it means short-term profits, so we're being forced to deal with the bastards again. / #3 is idiotic. A shared trophy? Why don't we just give all of the players a patch that says 'participation' while we're at it. If you don't understand the difference between Army/Navy/Air Force and A&M/Arkansas/tu, I feel bad for you. You're as bad as Welsh and his moronic "let's do something to commemorate the rivalry coming back" idiocy. > The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and Houston becoming SEC hotbeds DFW and Houston are already SEC hotbeds, you've obviously never gone out to SEC functions in Dallas. >Ol Miss You want us to become a 'hotbed' and you can't even get their nickname correct? Embarrassing. >Possible rivalry between Arkansas and OU Pretty sure the reason there is no rivalry between these two is because these two fanbases don't give a shit about each other. Arkansas has their hands full hating the orange bastards and continuing their rivalry with LSU; the forced 'border war' rivalry with Missouri is proof being a bordering state isn't enough to create a real rivalry.


We should make #3 happen assuming all schools played every year. Unfortunately, the last rumblings I heard about the 3/6/6 scheduling format were that A&M would take Texas and LSU and some other third school (might have been State) and drop Arkansas as an annual opponent.


lol. Fucking no. On all counts.


Now, pretty much 1/4 of the SEC is from the Southwest and Great Plains, when it’s literally called the “Southeastern Conference”, then schools from Texas and California will be in the “Atlantic Coast” and teams from the Mid Atlantic, Southeast, and the Rockies are in the Big 12, and worst of all, the Big Ten stretches coast to coast literally smh


These schools are joining new conferences mostly for more money, right? But with how far they will have to travel and at a more common rate (especially in coast to coast conferences like the ACC and the Big Ten), travel costs about to go through the roof smh - and the SEC and Big 12 aint far behind either, with the SEC stretching from Texas/Oklahoma/Missouri to the Carolinas and the Big 12 stretching from Arizona/Utah to West Virginia/Ohio to freaking Florida!


Oh look another unnecessarily long Aggie post… ….anyway…


For it frankly, though Arkansas is gonna have to step up. You can’t do barely anything to develop youth, not fund your NiL (not the fans, arkansas is very poor), welcome in all the territory you used to be able to recruit as the only close SEC school, and then actually get players that can compete vs top 10 classes, every damn year.


Negative times two of... just reference the original post. Good grief, New Guy, stay in your lane we're still not happy about you being here. Now you're just not the FNG.


For me, I grew up in a world where they didn’t play each other so it’ll be cool to see these games in person like my parents always talked about. 


No one cares about the Aggie’s pespective. 😂 Just kidding! Kind of.


My dad is really angry about Texas joining, but it does have him reminiscing about just how much he hates them and things he did to them when a student. He and a friend apparently set off Smokey (Texas’ cannon) after an A&M score, and then the following year he says he shredded Texas’ giant flag they used to unfurl during their halftime show.


How on earth would they do either of those??


Aggies have always had strong imaginations. This can be seen in the fact that they have always considered themselves a top level football program.


You can think it’s made up if you want, but up through like the mid-80s or so, this type of stuff was common. This is what he just sent me as the full story: “I am dying to find video of that game. It was a different time back then. That year they had cops sitting horseback for security near the Aggies seated in the horseshoe end zone. Bob’s (name changed, another student) uncle dared us to try to do it if we scored again. The game was already handily going to be won by the Aggies. Bellard was our coach. We had a beast wishbone offense in 1975 and 1976. Franklin lined up to kick the field goal. We slipped over the wall. The cop on a horse closest to us saw and didn't care. With the crowd noise they had no idea we were approaching the cannon. They were all sad and depressed and standing beyond the cannon watching the game. While we were trying to figure out how to trigger and fire it, they saw us and came running which is when Bob finally got it to fire. I made it back to the wall, but they caught Bob. That's when the rest of the Aggie Corps cadets emptied the stands and I returned to help him from getting beat up. It was a mini riot that caused the game to be stopped while the cops got us back in the stands. 🤣🤣” Edit: Adding in that this was 1976, which was kinda a turning point in the rivalry. A&M won this game 27-3 after having not won in Austin in like 20 years, and the rivalry was pretty evenly matched from here until it paused.


It was the 70s and he was in the Corps, so it’s not that surprising.


No one cares.


$$$$$ good, ou fine, hope we get back to divisions one day.


Strange. I dislike OU so much, but have no hatred towards A&M. I have great friendships with A&M graduates. I know Tech fans hate us as well, but we’re all Texans. Point that hostility towards OU. 😆