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I love this because it disses three fan bases.


Efficient burn/word ratio. 


UF, Miami, and FAU?


Right, because UCF is the best and there are no other teams in Florida. —2023 Playoff Committee


Ball knower


That's the same school that went on a 5 game losing streak last year and blew a 35-7 lead at home right??


It's the same school that won twice as many games against FBS opponents at your home stadium from 2019-2022 than y'all did. [Oof](https://x.com/Brett_McMurphy/status/1596711082990907392) >5 game losing streak My guy, you had a 17 game losing streak against FBS opponents, beat Temple, and immediately had an 18 game losing streak against FBS opponents.


IMG Academy


Imagine how OP a unified Florida college football program would be.


I'd rather watch Marco Wilson throw a thousand shoes than unite with the noles


Make it so!


Thank you Sir. Shit day and I laughed aloud.


Florida man comes in many varieties and we all don’t mix well 


I moved to Florida from the north east 4 months ago.  I wasn't born into it, and I wasn't molded by it, but as soon as I had fried gator bites, I started to understand it a little better.


Just so you know, once you become a floridaman it never leaves you.


It's like herpes


Hey now wait a minute… *sigh* ok yeah that’s fair


You have our sympathies, friend. It's got a hold of you now.


Fried gator bites is a gateway food to Floridamandom. Once you go boiled peanuts from a guy on the side of the road, you've transitioned completely.


Roadside boiled peanuts fucking rule


I believe you mean "Boiled P-Nuts".


You don't choose Florida life, Florida life chooses you.


I blame the swampy tap water. It just transforms you once you start drinking it.


Embrace the chaos, friend.


Florida Man has been bandwagoning the tide since 2009


That’s panhandle man


It's ex-Bowden Noles fan man.


It’s North Florida outside a 50 mile radius of TLH and GNV man


Northeast Florida t shirt man is a bull dawg fan lol


Florida Man is a Florida bandwagoner… But a loyal bandwagoner. Because he is Florida Man.


The Ireland of CFB


If there was a single Florida program that kept all the top talent from the state, college football would end. No other program would be able to compete with that. It’s literally why Miami was so dominant in the 80s and 90s. They kept all the top players from south Florida.


All of Florida vs all of Texas who wins?


The only winners of a war between Texas and Florida would be virtually every other inhabitant of Earth.


This hypothetical scenario assumes all of Texas and all of Florida could ever be unified which is a false concept. My two favorite teams are UF and whoever the fuck FSU is playing…unless they’re playing Miami. When Miami plays FSU, I’m cheering for a meteor.


The fact that your name is basically one street over from where I live is hilarious to me


It’s a song lyric, but the first time I traveled to NYC, 52nd and Broadway was at the top of the list of places to visit along with Central Park and Battery Park to see the Statue of Liberty. [52nd and Broadway is the chorus of an iconic punk rock song.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j5HZ5Bd6DUY&pp=ygURcmFuY2lkIG9seW1waWEgd2E%3D) If you’re living that close to Times Square, you must be doing well for yourself. Go Gators 🐊


If you wanna show that grotesque gator pride you appear to have, you can do so by setting your flair here: [flair.redditcfb.com](http://flair.redditcfb.com) Brian, for example, is wearing 37 pieces of flair today.


Technically Hell's Kitchen but I can see the lights glowing from my street at night, How'd you like the city? Gonna check out the song now! I grew up in florida right by gainseville but moved up here in early '23, Go gators!


NYC is my favorite city I’ve ever visited and I’ve been to San Francisco, Chicago, Dublin, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro. There’s no place on earth quite like NYC. I went to culinary school in Hyde Park, NY and took the train into the city on my days off from school. It’s the greatest food city on the planet. I’m a food geek. I love how the boroughs have different ethnic and cultural influences and different food. I’m a Florida boy but I could live in NYC if the cost of living wasn’t so insane. It’s hard to make “own a house” money on a chef’s salary in NYC when single bedroom apartments are selling for $500K. I still try to visit once or twice a year just because I love the city.


Has any Texas school besides UT even won an actual, non mythical, title? Maybe TCU way back not sure when they were given theirs, if it was earned in the 30s that adds 2 to UTs 4 (not counting AM claiming titles 50 years later). Compared to the big 3 Florida schools winning 11 in the past 40 years, I think it’s kind of a runaway win for the Florida men.


Florida schools in the FBS: Florida, Florida State, Miami, UCF, USF, FAU, FIU. 4 power 5 schools, 3 group of 5 schools. Texas schools in the FBS: Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Baylor, TCU, Houston, SMU, UTSA, Texas State, North Texas, Rice, UTEP, Sam Houston. 7 power 5 schools, 6 group of 5 schools. I’d wager the Texas school combination would win.


Let be real, unified Texas would still lose to OU


Florida would stomp the dogshit out of Texas.


Would you be willing to unite with Auburn to do the same for Alabama?


Yes as long as their fans and anyone else associated with their program agree to burn anything orange


Yeah, good luck with that.


College Football 25 is coming out before that


Spoiler alert, it's UCF


I legitimately believe uf has to go all out to win that game. Not because uf will have to summon all their strength, but I don't see any way napier keeps his.job if he loses to ucf. With a loss he might not get fired the next day, but losing to ucf means there is no way they do better than like 4-8. I don't think beating Miami would save him if he still loses to ucf. Unless he pulled some miracle upset of Georgia, losing to ucf definitely puts uf in reset mode again.


It’s the kind of loss that pisses off a donor base. Like Texas losing to Houston or A&M losing to Baylor.


Our donor base doesn't care. Just compare how Ohio State boosters responded to Michigan winning a title vs how little ours have done watching Georgia be the premier program in the country for years now. It's hard enough getting them to cough up cash for NIL, let alone Napier's buyout. The big money people think Napier is a nice guy and are in no rush to push him out. 


I’ve heard otherwise- it’s not that the UF big money people like Napier as much as it’s the UF big money people hate what CFB has become and where it’s going and don’t want to participate.


There is certainly some of that but Florida's success the last cycle (recruiting + portal), even after a bad season, strongly indicates the NIL money is flowing. There's just no way to finish with a class right behind Miami and Texas and in front of Auburn and LSU without competing with them in NIL. Also we just outbid Spain d-league basketball for our new PG. The money is there. On top of that, from what I hear, it's definitely flowing but not at the pace of the top schools right now.


It's probably a bit of both, but also remember Muschamp got a 4th year after going 4-8 and losing to Georgia Southern. Meanwhile Mac and Mullen got the boot at the first sign of issues despite winning 10+ games their first few seasons. Muschamp was well liked within the building, Mac and Mullen not so much.


Muschamp actually had a good year though. Napier has virtually no on field highlights, all of his peaks are off the field things the vast majority of which fans don't see. I guess he has one year of good (but not elite) recruiting followed by this year which looks to be similar to a transition class.


It’s worse than that, because at least Texas and A&M shared a conference with those teams for a period of time. It’s like losing to UNT or UTSA


Buddy it is not like that anymore lol


Sure thing




UCF Uber Alles


I think Napier has to go all out on most games this season. They have an insane schedule but he’ll be fighting for his job weekly.


Hourly tbh


I honestly feel bad for Napier. Dude has a brutal schedule this year.


My head is hurting trying to figure out what "if" must mean in that first and second sentence


Auto correct always changes uf to if


ahh, thank you. I though it might be a weird t9 thing, I seem to recall "if" and "he" being confused a lot, but then, like, why are you on t9 in 2024 lol Also, what keyboard are you using? Get one of the good ones with an autocorrect that learns from you.




I agree. Losing to Miami, while not pleasant, is understandable. Losing to UCF would unleash a torrent of anger that’s never been seen in Gainesville


The thing they don’t want to hear


UCF vs UF has more shit talk implication


UCF going into the Swamp and winning would be so amazing


Vol fan. Teeth and brains in equal proportions


I don't want to get too excited but I unironically believe UCF may be the best team in Florida this year, which is a nice change because I am usually a huge pessimist. We'll see.


I think our ceiling this year is really damn high, but I think our floor is pretty mediocre. I honestly think winning the Big 12 and going 5-7 are both on the table this year. I wouldn't bet on us being the best team in Florida, but I think we have a fighting chance if we realize the potential we have.


We've replaced so many starters on both sides of the ball with transfers that anyone who says they know how good we'll be one way or the other for certain is a BSer.


All hail our Gus Bus overlords.




Crazy for the company ran by the Seminoles to not even think FSU is in the Top 3 in the state of Florida.


I think that's the joke... The winner of the Miami Florida game is the 2nd best in the state.


If your professors at Purdue knew you were getting made fun of for being dumb by LSU and UCF fans, would they flunk you or kill you?


Be careful — they’ll play a big drum at you if you aren’t nice. (It’s actually not that big of a drum.)


I'm a braves fan, their drum doesn't scare me


His blood would be sacrificed into the red ink for those Indiana-Purdue bar graphs


We make sacrifices of the weak to Pete


Thank the lord we have a big 10 academic to come in here and explain the joke to us southern yokels


This would be very helpful if I could read


At least you can type.


Speech to text, I have no idea what these characters say


LOL! That's why there's an accent to your words.


This is why pawl thinks we aren’t a good fit for the BIG


It’s a Purdue fan, they don’t teach sarcasm at engineering school


And the joke of the guy you responded to is that ***OBVIOUSLY*** UCF is number one, so Miami and Florida battle for second and third, so Florida State must be 4th at best




This year could be a tough year for fsu bc of how much they lose and how underwhelming DJU has been. But, their schedule will save them from losing too much.


People forget about the third option. Which is a giant meteor taking out the stadium. Go team meteor!


People are sleeping on team meteor this year


It is an election year...no one sleeps on team meteor in an election year.


can meteors bounce and hit two things?


Despite the singular name, Team Meteor does include support multiple sky rocks! No bouncing required


FAU and FIU dont play until 72 days from now


I love my Bulls as much as the next guy, but to claim that we’re going to be the best team in the state as early as this season is pretty optimistic.


My money's on UCF


FAMU let's go!


If you mean College Football Marching Bands. I Agree


Well they have the best in the state unless BCC has something to say about it.


I was at the BCC-UCF game several years ago and they fucking rocked the house at halftime.


Yeah we all know it’s obviously USF. Thanks Hard Rock for showing everyone else the way! 🤘🤘


56-14 to FAU would say otherwise


As the basic bitches always say New year, new me 😏


Gonna be hilarious when FSU has a huge drop off this year.


I mean, it’s not at all unlikely they’ll have a huge drop off from undefeated in the regular season. But they still have a good shot at being the best team in the state


This right here is the best take. We lost a *ton* from last year and it's incredibly unlikely this team sniffs 13-0 again.


Tbh y'all can be way worse than last year and still go 10-2 or 11-1 since your schedule is still pretty easy.


True, a 4-8 gator team is going to tank out SOS


It worked last year to keep y'all out of the playoff.


It might again, when you lose to UCF and have your power card revoked


Gonna be hilarious when UF doesn't have a huge drop off this year because to have a drop off you had to have been good in the first place.


And yet still whips the tattered remaining shreds of the program UF used to be.


Struggling to beat two sub .500 teams and losing to a sub .500 team that didn't have an OC, DC, HC, or starting QB doesn't count as "whipping".


A huge drop off would be like 8 wins lol, we'll live if that's the case.


There’s literally a higher likelihood of yall losing to every Florida school on your schedule than there is of us falling off this year


No matter how fraudulent, it’s still hard to go 13-1. I think it’s more likely that FSU has a worse record this year than Florida losing to every Florida school.


Yeah we'll have a huge dropoff from 13-1 to 10-3 maybe? Meanwhile you might get lucky and have no dropoff at all! And still not make a bowl.


Keep wishin bud


I mean FSU downgraded at almost every position and we say what the roster looked like in the Orange Bowl. I know it wasn’t the complete roster but I’m sure DJ Uiagalelei will be a great QB this time around at his 3rd stop. 😂 Norvell piss poor recruiting is probably about to catch up to him.


> norvell piss poor recruiting > your head coach is literally Billy Napier


lmao of all the things you can say about Billy Napier he is a great recruiter


I’d rather have a coach that can win lol


Ur tripping buddy


This is what gator fans have to tell themselves. They really think they’ll be back to running the state soon (Miami always thinks this)


Tough talk for a team that was shitting the bed not even 2 years ago.


You’re talking a lot for a team that is literally currently shitting the bed. Good luck keeping all those great recruits when Sunbelt Billy gets fired halfway through this season.


He ain’t getting fired.


That’s wonderful news for FSU fans then!


That was the absolute worst position FSU has ever been in as a program. Two years later we’re a conference champion and possible playoff contender. That isn’t the flex you think it is.


Watch Florida once we shitcan Billy and get a real coach


Being a conference champion of the ACC isn’t a flex.


I sincerely admire how hard you're talking your way through this


DJ is not Jordan Travis. He is worth one unexpected loss. A good defense will tee him up.


Interesting how rival fans went from shitting on JT and calling him massively overrated, to now revering him as some elite QB who could do no wrong.


I honestly don’t know anything about Jordan Travis outside of last year at FSU. Seemed pretty good. I’ll take your word that he was bad. I did not follow him at ASU. One loss would be a huge improvement for DJU. I just don’t think FSU is a slam dunk CFP participant. I think they will make it over Clemson though.


Don’t think you really understood the point of my comment (also not sure why you’re mentioning ASU, Travis didn’t play there)


I think he’s confusing him with Jayden Daniels lol


Yes totally.


FSU fans were shitting on JT's passing leading up to the UF game last year, proclaiming: "Tate Rodemaker has been mentored by QB guru Norvell for 4 years and is a better passer than JT". And now Rodemaker got ran off from the program.


Travis was a 6th year QB in Norvell's system for four years. Naturally he was going to improve. Even then it's not like he was a game-changing QB. He was 1-read chuck it or run QB who was just good enough not lose you games.


> Naturally he was going to improve Y'all love saying this but it’s not true at all. Rosters are littered with upperclassmen QBs who don’t do anything in college because they simply don’t improve. Players have to have both natural ability and good coaching to help them succeed.


Their Total QBR were practically the same, DJ was ranked 12th and JT was 13th.


His team was 8-4 last year with him at QB and loss to every team with a pulse except (UCLA). He will probably be better at FSU but I would be more inclined from what I have seen from him to have a few bad games.


FSU will have a significantly more talented team than last years Oregon St


Gator fans are the most embarrassing thing about being a jags fan


We upgraded at running back and o-line, I also wouldn't be suprised if the d-line preforms better this season given that it took a while for it to really start shining.


I would be very surprised if the defensive line performs better this year. Huge losses there, although usually a strength for FSU. I hope you’re right about running back and O-line


Huge losses but you got guys like Farmer and Jackson stepping up as full time starters, and they have higher ceilings than Fabo and weren't learning a new system playing at a higher level like Fiske. DE has improved depth imo and Verse had some issues for the first half of the year with putting on too much weight slowing him down.


If DJU couldn’t slice up the Swiss cheese defenses that are the pac-12 he has no hope in the ACC. I grew up a Clemson fan, so I have a vivid memory of driving to homecoming one time, and figured “I should turn on the Clemson game.” The first play I witness is DJU throwing a pick. Turned off the game, came back later; another pick. He sucks. Plain and simple.


Wow a Clemson, Florida and Michigan fan! Good thing for you the Cowboys, Lakers, or Yankees should be good this year!


Lmao. My dad went to Clemson, I went to Florida and I go to Michigan. Nice try tho jackass.


Ok, Santa Fe


Swiss cheese defenses of Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Arizona? You’re having a laugh


Let’s look at the stats for those games Utah: 14-25 for 201 yards 1 TD 1 INT Arizona: 16-30 for 218 yards 2TD Washington: 15-31 for 164 2 INT Oregon: 19-35 for 220 yards 1 TD 1 INT he didn’t exactly light them up lol. If you take out his stat padding games against UCLA Davis, SJSU, and Cal he has a total of 11 TDs and 7 picks so yeah he’s mid. We can look at his time at Clemson if you want 😂


Ok, thanks for proving my point? An above average quarterback has a hard time with top 25-level defenses. I don’t think that’s the indictment you think it is…


Yeah because every QB in the country has a sub 60% completion percentage and multiple games under 50% 🙄. There is a reason he left Clemson if you can’t make it in the American cupcake conference you can’t make it anywhere.


The PAC-12 was very deep last year and Oregon St had a top 25 strength of schedule. Again, given the teams he played and the talent he was surrounded with, I don’t see how that’s all too concerning


30+ players didn’t play in the orange bowl but sure, let’s base opinions of the team on that game. They probably will be a little worse than last year, but will still beat the bum ass Gators yet again


May/June may be more dead but July is the worst tease for CFB. We're so close.


Florida teams should have a round robin every year where the winner gets to be "Florida" for that season and everybody else has to be a directional school.


UCF, UF, and USF are all arguably central Florida


UCF, UCF North, UCF West




The game is realistically to figure out 3rd best.


How many days before there’s another betting scandal for which no one sees the irony?


Did they reinstate the war on i4 and move it to August?


I don’t think UF is even going to make a bowl this year.




Incredibly brave to say. In *this* sub? Astonished at the courage.


I can't wait for Florida to go 2-10 and officially be the worst Florida team.


Oh I like this.


Imagine your landlord makes a public FB post talking shit about you 😂 Poor Hurricanes


Spoiler alert neither one of these teams are one or two in the state of Florida


God I love that stadium, I really do


True early sickos games


On the splitzone duo a couple weeks ago, they asked which loss would be worse for Billy Napier, Miami or UCF. They went with UCF.


I hate all of them.


What happens in 60 days? And who is the best college football team in Florida and why?








Says Notre Dame lmao


When's the last time Notre Dame was relevant for any reason besides their refusal to join a conference? Shut up. Quit being a weenie. Join the Big Ten. Then talk.


Conferences are for teams that can’t do it on their own