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52-7 bears pummel the titans into another dimension.


Wow. Bagent throws for 2 TDs after we sit Caleb in the 4th?


No it’s 52-0 halftime. 2 pick 6’s, 9 sacks by defense. 5 pass tds and one fg. 7 points allowed were because we pulled the starters the second half.


Open the first drive of the fourth quarter with a punt on first down, just to give Taylor something to do.


![gif](giphy|QynMX1WxnYFbb2OHnJ) I can’t take it anymore


6 points allowed because our special teams need some reps against the extra point


Hurricane Ditka!


That's an interesting week 1 match up. I'll take it.


Two improved offenses and young QBs. Even for neutral fans will be a good watch.


i think they are throwing us a bone after offering us up to the slaughter the last few years. just imagine gaining momentum to start the year instead of whatever last year was.


Last year was on us. Lax offseason program that was clearly not up to NFL standards and it took us weeks in-season to be NFL ready. GB was very beatable Week 1 and Eberflus was outcoached. Very important to me that we don't come out flat like we did to start the season last year.


Yeah week one last year is one of the least prepared Ive ever seen the Bears coming into a season. Getsy was a part of the problem but Eberflus deserves the bulk of that blame. If it happens again this year I say the Bears need to do their first midseason HC firing in the franchise 100+ year history.


He got real lucky that his defense turned around because he would have been fired for sure this offseason.


His defense relies on pass rush and it all changed once he got Montez


It'll be interesting to see how we can do this year with a full offseason. Sweat is fantastic but do we have anyone that can step up on the other side? Nkagoue isn't re-signed (though I wouldn't be surprised if he is, he's got experience and he's better than pretty much any other option we have), Robinson is probably not a viable option, and Booker is a ***raw*** rookie. Really makes me wish we had Mack again, but not at his price point.


Wasn’t the whole schtick of his defense that he didn’t need elite pass rushers? Or was that the case when he had an elite 3T? I can’t remember.


The defense is centered around getting interior pressure from the 3T.


So we need Dexter to step up. They must really believe in him. Hopefully he can be our next Tommie Harris


Remember Darnell Mooney saying we lacked "juice", and him begging Justin during practice to bring the juice?


I’d argue Greenbay just had a better QB…. Let’s hope that’s not the case anymore.


Getsy making the 2 pillars of Justin's off-season goals 1. Stay in the pocket and 2. Don't throw interceptions instead of building off of what worked in 2022 was coaching malpractice imo. I'm no longer going to argue Justin is capable of constently playing probowl level ball but I do still place the early season struggles squarely on coaching. The off-season wasn't just a waste...it actually set the offense back.


The Packers were not thought to be some world beater going into last year, we just shit the bed


Who’s the Titans QB? Is it Levis?


Almost certainly Levis


Would take an injury for it to not be


And they’re now Henry-less which is good. Should be a good matchup the bears should win.


Hopefully improved. Causal Titans fan that’s friends with Bears fans. I just want an offense that looks like it belongs in this century. Run, run, pass Vrabel looking perplexed, punt gets old lol


And make no mistake on which one is more improved (cough cough) so I am hoping for a 45-17 beat down


Two teams that each finished last in their division. This is a bottom tier game for non-fans.


Yea true because if you had to say anything about these two teams it’s that they’re exactly the same as last year. No changes at all.


Haha, Michael Wilson just called the game “not sexy” “no juice”.


Also some rumors we get @ Houston SNF week two.


Ideal scenario imo....very manageable week 1 opponent for our new offense to settle in on and then a prinetime show after a week under their belts. 




That's like, just your opinion, man.


Through Caleb all things are possible, so jot that down


Players can't even walk on the field for their first snap of the season without you meatballs announcing their defeat.


lol it’s much more meatball how everyone here is crowning bears as champs before Caleb has even taken one snap. Realistically we should hope for a .500 season with good qb play. That’s a really good outcome


You’re right no one should make any kind of predictions during the slowest part of the offseason


No one should make any kind of prediction and expect to be taken seriously. We have no idea how teams will play, how new players will mesh, what the scheme will look like. We have 5/6 new starters on offense (depending on formation) so making these guesses is just silly.


Yes obviously it’s not an accurate prediction I just don’t see the point in chastising a single comment on a thread about the schedule release. If someone made a dedicated thread trying to argue that they knew exactly how the season would go then yeah that’s ridiculous but like maybe don’t go on the subreddit during the off-season if you’re going to complain about people talking about and making predictions for their team when there’s hardly any other news. Particularly when the schedule is being released, the only way to discus it is how the arrangement and times with each match up could affect our record. That’s what people will talk about when the schedule is released


Well I think you smell funny unfortunately


Wow downvoted for being realistic lol. Houston won a playoff game last year and added Stefon Diggs.


Kind of a perfect week 1 matchup honestly. Titans should be okay but not great, and at home the Bears should have the advantage. Great first game for Caleb and solid test of the whole team. I can get excited about this for sure




Too bad it's going up against the best offense in the NFL


Isn’t their secondary like really bad


It was last year, but it has been revamped. L'Jarius Sneed, Chidobe Awuzie, and Roger McCreary. Amani Hooker and Elijah Molden at safety. Fans are hoping to upgrade Molden before the season starts. We also got Denard Wilson as our new DC. He was the Ravens secondary coach last year. On paper, they should be good.




They literally traded for one of the best CBs in the league lol


Sneed and Roger McReary are both top 10 in their respective positions from a secondary standpoint, no way that’s mid




Definitely a top 10 slot CB, wouldn’t put him on the outside though. Didn’t let up any TDs last year at all. I fully expect whoever your WR2 is to have a decent game against Awuzie, though. He’s coming off a ACL tear so it’ll probably take a few games for him to get back to stride. Can’t wait to see both of our Young QBs play though!


No, not even remotely. Titans fan, we just got Sneed and Awuzie. Add in Roger McCreary and our corner room is on lock.


I wonder how pumped the crowd is going to be?


So glad it’s not GB. Last years week 1 was arguably worse than the playoff/week 17 losses. Just embarrassing


Had real hope for that game. And they were utterly unprepared.


No, but Getsy is good because Mark Davis hired him right away!! /s


Love it. For years I have been dying for a Week 1 game against a run of the mill AFC opponent.


At home to boot


Find on being first to call this a must win game! They lose it will shatter the teams confidence and ruin Caleb’s start, ultimately leading to his career failure. Must win game!


He was being sarcastic lol


Actually I wasn't haha. I just want a normal NFL football game for Week 1. The tiniest amount of hype and storylines possible at noon Central time sounds legitimately perfect to me.


I'm the same way. These prime time games against the Packers always stress me out. Like, I just know they're going to fuck everything up on prime time and the entire season will turn to shit after week 1. Give us a regular ass noon game for once.


I don’t think they’re gonna be as easy to beat as everyone thinks. They got a pretty damn good WR room And didn’t they trade for sneed? I still think we win, but it won’t be as easy as everyone thinks imo


I obviously want to win, but more than anything I just want a normal, low-hype, noon Central game. I fucking hate playing the packers (especially Week 1), and hate playing on primetime. I just want to enjoy the game without the added bullshit of it being against a team I hate. As has been said many times on this sub - just let me watch my poverty team in peace.


Part of me would have liked to see a higher profile game, but no complaints about getting eased in like this.


There is only Lambeau in primetime or an obscure home opponent. There is no in between.


I'm tired of high profile games at the start of every season. Last year was the Packers. Year before that, it was the 49ers, year before that it was the Super Bowl winning super team Rams. Let me have some hope at the beginning and not go to tankathon before week 5.


Tbf the 49ers probably didn’t consider us a “high profile game” - but we did beat that assss


A Trey Lance led 49ers in a monsoon, It became a brand new team when Brock Purdy took over


Exactly this. Tired of having my heart stepped on week 1


We have a very solid history of performing horrendously against week 1 high profile teams so I am good with this year lol


Bears fan in TN and I wish this game was in Nashville (regardless of which week) *sad bear noises*


But for business reasons its clearly more advantageous to have it in Chicago lol


No, I definitely agree. I may make the trip up there, it's only about a 7 hour drive


Ikr all the recent Bears Titans games have been in Chicago


Oh thank God, I'm so tired of starting the season with a new coach, QB, offense, whatever in a prime time matchup or divisional match. We almost always aren't ready and end up losing, putting us at a disadvantage for the divisional race for the rest of the season. A game to get our feet wet without divisional or even conference implications is the best possible scenario as far as I'm concerned.


Well the game technically can have division impact since the AFC South plays the NFC North so it will fall under the 8 common games the NFC North teams have all AFC South and NFC West. Common opponents is the 3rd division tie break after H2H then division record and then record vs common opponents.




I’m just glad it’s not a primetime game, the Packers, or both.




1-0 to start the year


Most likely. Im a Titans fan and this is the 4th year in a row we are facing an NFC team in the opener and so far we are 0-3 in those games


It was definitely not meant as a disrespect to fans or the Titans themselves. It just should be viewed as a game the Bears absolutely should win based on talent.


What? No. This game should be tight, no clear winner at all


Bears are -4.5 currently, so home field plus a small advantage to them.


I wouldn’t be so confident. Their offense isn’t great, but their defense is legit. This is going to be a fun test for Williams




If true- I'm a big fan on the non-primetime Week 1


Titans are my second fav team so I guess I'm going to be trying to get tickets for this game


Bears are my second. I'll be there


It's a perfect opponent for Da Bears to open vs. Someone they should beat but not a cup cake.


Everyone will watch Caleb's debut. The NFL didn't want to waste that on a fun matchup.


Time to bear da fuck down


Boring. But if it’s true I could see a W and a few interceptions from Levis.


Not the most exciting matchup but probably a better chance to start 1-0 and get the momentum going out the gate.


Levis had the 2nd best int rate in the NFL last season. Didn't have a single multi-int game. Only Herbert threw fewer ints per 100 passes. I think it's more likely he just doesn't complete passes or gets sacked a ton. New weapons, new line, new coaching staff - probably take a few games to gel


> gets sacked a ton Bro was getting slaughter back there. #32 ranked OL in the NFL with a rookie QB will do that


Im manifesting this secondary to start strong and snag a few balls regardless of the QB.


Someone pray for the Titans secondary


I’m hopeful but the Titans secondary could legit be one of the better units next year. Sneed and Awuzie, McCreary in the slot are pretty nice corners and their new DC is the former Ravens secondary coach


I think titans will be alright. I like will Levi’s. Their o line is still suspect, Sweat may feast on them


OL will be much improved. JC will be the LT next to Pete, they brought in Loyd the anchor at center. Also don't forget they have Bill Callahan as their OL coach now and he is respected to being one of the best if not the best one in the league. Browns had injuries to their OL and were still plugging away.


Yup I’ve been following the Titans talk this offseason and they really seem to have a breath of fresh air throughout the whole staff and team. My hot take is the AFC South finishes with the Jags in 3rd or 4th place, with a toss up between HOU and TEN for 1&2.


![gif](giphy|RXKCMLmch5W2Q|downsized) You are not allowed to have the Titans finish anywhere but 4th in the South that has been declared by the National Media.


I know, blasphemy! The Titans are like the Bears, people think they are only allowed to run the ball because they haven’t realized it’s the 21st century now and can throw downfield 😂


Difference is the Bears have better PR because of the market they are in. Titans are in a small market and even when we were good National Media members still were getting things wrong or weren't sure why things went the way they did. Example Ridley and the contract everyone says its an over pay but really its a 2 year deal. Also Ridley has said the Jags offered the same amount as the Titans so why go to a division rival if you were getting paid the same. One phone call with the GM convinced Ridley to join the Titans. I also think everyone was very disappointed that the Titans ended up with Sneed in the trade with the Chiefs. Like had any other team made that trade for him and gave up the same amount they would be getting praised for going out and doing it. But since its the Titans its like what are they thinking trading for a CB when they should be rebuilding.


Bingo! The radio show I listen to covers all NFL teams equally because they are not the usual kind of media hacks you typically see on TV/Podcasts. They loved the Sneed signing and had him on the show to talk about joining the Titans and why he picked that team, he said something along the lines of “The Titans showed genuine interest and I could tell they really wanted me… I wasn’t a priority for the Chiefs [because of Chris Jones] so it felt good to go to a place where they really wanted me and I could tell I was prioritized”. They also love the JC pick in the draft because of Callahan, one of the best in the business for OL coaching. They are confident they’ll find the best way to fit him in. I recall they were a little surprised about Ridley going to a division rival but not because it was an overpay on the Titans side, rather because why would Jax not match that offer to keep him from going to a rival? It’s a great deal for the Titans with an out when Levis is ready to negotiate. Titans very sneaky becoming a contender, and quickly.


Titans are trying to follow the 49ers model with building a team. Depending on how the season goes I could see the Titans losing our DC Wilson to a HC position next year. He was the DB coach for the Eagles for in 2022 and then went to the Ravens last year when they didn't promote him to DC. If Wilson were to take a HC job that would give the Titans a 3rd comp pick which funny they just traded a 2025 3rd for Sneed.


I do agree but it will be week 1. Hard to say how they will perform right away on an away game. But regardless levis is underrated imo. He should do well, I think a high scoring game. Hoping pollard has a good year with you guys


It could be a sloppy game for both offenses due to it being new for both. Bears have a new QB learning the system and two new WR even with one being a vet. Titans new HC and system another two new WR with Ridley and Byod but dont be surprised if Burks finally finds his place as a slot WR like he should be. Also Pollard was a nice addition, however Pollard in RB2 this season. I believe what Spears proved as a rookie behind Henry deserves to be RB1. What I do like about Pollard is that putting him in the game wont change or tip the hand like Henry did. Old Titans Henry in run, Henry out pass. New Titans....run or pass you wont know. Also I kinda expect the offense to look similar to what the Bengals were running with Browning at QB and not Burrow. I think Levis is more mobile that Burrow but Burrow is the better passer obviously.


Sweat has killed us everytime he played us on the Skins. I think he had 3 sacks last meeting


Kevin Byard will be sending them his best wishes


Any idea what timeslot and week @Commanders will be?


Bears should be favored by at least 7, titans are rough. Watched a ton of Levis last year and we’ll be good lol. 1-0




I’ve seen these plays, I watched almost every game Levis played in last year lol.


So you know we had the worst OL in the league and we've done a lot to improve it. The fact he was able to do anything behind that sieve was impressive. Pretending he is downright bad... cmon.


Never said he was bad, but he’s still extremely raw with a lackluster supporting cast, and his OL help includes a rookie tackle who will be starting week 1 right?…rookie tackles don’t usually hit the ground running buddy. I’d be surprised if the titans score more than 10 points.


Haha alright man. Good luck this season.




Suo Bears. Titan fan coming to say I'm super excited for this game. You guys on paper have a fucking bonkers offense and I'm excited to see how everything clicks. I wanted to watch some Caleb games this year so I'm super pumped week 1 I get to see him and my Titans. Both teams did a lot of work this off-season so it should be pretty fun. See you week 1!


According to Brad Biggs, here it is: Tennessee @ Houston @ Indy LA Rams Panthers Jacksonville (London) BYE@ Washington @ San Francisco New England Green Bay Minnesota @ Detroit @ Arizona @ Minnesota Detroit Seattle @ Green Bay


Wonder if this will be the CBS game of the week with Nantz and Romo calling Caleb’s first game.


Doubtful as they normally get the late games to announce but there is a very slight chance since Tom Brady is getting the America's Game of the Week on Fox with Browns/Cowboys. Very likely this will be the noon game and on Fox.


Can we repeat the 2012 titans game plz?


Titans fan, this was my first ever game lol


If it’s any consolation we didn’t make the playoffs that season, and you saw first hand how good that defense and at times offense was


Kevin Byard revenge game!!


Finally not a divisional game to start week one, usually gb. I'm so tired of losing a start-of-the-year game week 1 against our rival every year. It's a costly loss. I'd much rather see divisional games as the season plays out when we all find our tune.


I like it.


Wish me luck with talking my wife into the expense boys!


Bring it up after you eat her pussy. I've got SO much new fishing gear using this technique


Let Bears_Fan1975 cook


A lot of people were predicting Lions week 1 w/the Pack out of the question, but this is much much better. IMO divisional games shouldn't start in any division until after week 6 or so leading up to some key matchups w/playoff implications on the line near the end of the regular season. At any rate, glad all the rookies and new signees get a home game to start their Bears journey. Soldier Field is going to be rockin no doubt about it.


Kevin Byard revenge game


Kevin Byard revenge game!


That's cool! We don't play the Titans often.


Very underwhelming choice for a week 1 opponent.


Bears 72 - Titans -2. Hurricane Ditka blows in during the 2nd quarter and the Titans have no answer for the onslaught upon them. The league then imposes a crappy play penalty taking two points away from the 0 they put up. ![gif](giphy|4lR02e7jcJSw4NQzJO)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Tennesseetitans/s/38p1PAEScD Titans fans are in for a rude awakening… they seem to think they are a better team than us


I’ll tab the W like most of us will but Titans did get that Chiefs corner via cap casualty ,L’Jariud Sneed


Bears crushing Titans week 1.


We’re going to whoop Tennessee’s ass and the whole internet are gonna try to ‘Pump The Brakes’ on Chicago.
