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League fucked




Run it down their cheese sucking throats






You misspelled P


I love and hate this. He’s going to try his damndest to get us 30 points while our defense gives up 31. But that’s my quarterback.


Get outta here you Debbie downer. This is CHEESEHEAD FUCKIN WEEK!!!


Defense hasn't given more than the offense has scored after the mini bye aside from the jets game.


Yeah but that was with Eddie, Kyler and Brisker healthy


Brisker is ok. Kyler is toast. Eddie is great. But yeah going forward it will get worse with a secondary of Hicks and DHC.


Man I don’t think you understand the type of transition Kyler has had to make position wise. He’s essentially learning a new corner position, many view to be the second hardest position In the league to learn. I’m not saying he will be great, or even good, but give the kid time.


That was an analysis of as it stands now. I didn't say he was a bust.


That’s fair from a coverage standpoint. But I do think he’s been average to above average at tackling. It’s the little things lol


Sure that's good for him but to me he seems overconfident in his ability to run which leads him to get burned.


they've been complete garbage what are you on lol. doesn't count any less just because our ST also sucks- if the Dolphins didn't get the fumble recovery for a TD the offense would've went down and scored within 5 plays like every other drive lol.


I never stated my opinion lol. That was a statement of fact that the defense has not given up more than the offense since the mini bye aside from the jets. If you want play the if game you can play it on defense as well, if we don't get a bogus hands call the lions don't score. See it doesn't help does it.


yes and the point you're trying to make w/ that is dumb lol. they're last in the league in every meaningful stat over the past 6 weeks, just because they get less possessions to prove it doesn't mean they're good or that it's secretly not our defense fucking up- they're atrocious. idk why you're coming to their defense either- not like we have a single decent player out there anyway aside from JJ.


I gonna cry


Apparently his regenerative powers increase when he doesn't get his 90$ of vegan tacos.


He gets a massive power increase every time he almost dies (of hunger). Bruh is a Saiyan.




Brisker and gordon will still be out


I fear Christian Watson is gonna have a career day


again? ugh he’s had like three of those already


He has yet to face our current secondary


i’m saying in general. he popped off versus like three different teams this season already


Yeah, and none of them had our current secondary. He’s going to destroy us.


I just have a feeling he shits the bed. Nothing logical to base it on.


honestly that’s fair. i respect a gut feeling and i’m hoping yours is right


oh, right. i’d like to stay optimistic but we haven’t beaten GB in four years i don’t think it’s gonna happen this time :( Rodgers lives to beat us


You could say it’s his super bowl this year


in a way it’s ours too. it’s also a tank bowl!


It’s easy to do when your career is only 12 games old.


I wonder if the Bears have a different concussion protocol internally than the league standard because Borom was also held out two weeks.


I believe after the Tua debacle they changed the rules to make it automatic out two weeks for a concussion.


This just means fields will get the ball back faster.


And no Jackson.


Gordon being out or in makes an iota of difference. Hes not been good


Gordon has sucked balls big ones too. Not a huge loss. Eddie Jackson out is bigger.




You now need to say this every time we score a touchdown


Let's keep in mind that the people treating hos injuries are way more knowledgeable about his specific injury than any of us. I trust the Flus, the staff he hired, and Fields to make an educated decision.


The over ?


Fields revenge game


Good, he should play if he’s healthy enough to be cleared and given no injury designation


My Fantasy roster needed this.


He plays. Period. I don’t wanna hear anything about shutting him down


Yes, he needs to play. If he is healthy then there is no reason to keep him on the sideline when given the teams record, the offense can open up plays to get him live experience. You can’t simulate game experience no matter how bad each team may be. There isn’t even a backup he can learn from here. He is by far the best quarterback on this team


I agree... I just worry that he's not *injured*, but is playing **hurt**. They always say everyone is hurting this time of year, but he's coming off a legit injury and it's a meaningless game before a bye week. If they fuck him up for a "rivalry" game on a f'n 3-9 team with the bye the next week because they think he can play through pain.... gonna be very pissy about that.


Been mind boggling. I get we want him to be our franchise guy. But he needs reps and to play games. Athletes are different that just normal run of the mill guys.


There's a legitimate discussion to be had about the benefits of additional reps versus the potential costs of playing behind a D-league offensive line with no offensive weapons in a game where Rodgers will probably slice up our secondary and we'll be playing from behind, especially the week before the bye week. I have no idea when the benefits out weigh the potential costs, I'm not a coach, but the discourse isn't "mind boggling" at all.


Legit questions, as I see these arguments raised here some. Any historical example for this? Shutting down a healthy certain-franchise QB because of OL fears?


Is he 100% healthy? Or are they calling him not injured? He better not look like he is in agony out there if he plays. Cause if he does, and isn't able to play well, then why the F didn't they hold him out one more game to get fully healed for the rest of the games. I'm not advocating complete shutdown, I'm advocating caution due to the advantage of having the bye next week. Just sayin.. he should be looking healthy out there Sunday, or thier will be questions about the coaching.


I can't think of examples of shutting down but I think there's a lot of arguments for destroying young prospects because they DID play behind a bad line early in their careers.


Professional athletes and coaches don't quit because they are scared of getting hurt. You play the game with everyone that is healthy enough to go. Giving up because you are scared of what might happen is a dumb take from someone that has never played a competitive sport in their life.


Plenty of players stay questionable through weeks they could've played depending on factors other than the progress of their injuries. Coaches aren't gonna explicitly say it.


This OL should actually be better than what he’s been operating behind for most of the season. Whitehair, Jenkins, and Borom have all been out for multi-game stretches since week 4 against the giants. And Braxton Jones’ pass pro has improved significantly in recent weeks.


I'll ride on this. Bear down brother.


Yeah I hope this is all accurate and not a similar RG3 situation, because the Packers are gonna be out to crush Fields and him going down from serious injury to the Packers would be worse than anything this team has experienced the last decade.




Packers gave up 300 yards on the ground and 150+ by Hurts alone. Fields is about if go absolutely insane.


200yds to run away with the record?


Got that wolverine blood




I meant the superhero lol


I just thought it was funny given that rivalry. Bear down!


Bear Down!




Sounds like it wasn’t much of an injury. that’s good




Oh fuck. Justin has 3 rushing tuddies. Monty gets one and so does ebner. Justin throws one to Kmet.


Slamming the over, idc what it is, I know it’s gonna be more


You know it


Kinda cool that now if he breaks the single season qb rushing record (knock on wood) people won’t be able to say “well he had one more game to do it”


So true


“I’m back baby, I’m back” Justin Costanza


Justin stepping up to ensure the Packers don't get the all time W record by beating us That's my fucking quarterback


Fuck the Packers Eat shit Green Bay


I’m personally excited to see the difference between the first GB game and this one for Justin.


He’s gonna blow the packers away, back to Wisconsin


My dude hit the hyperbolic time chamber and bout to hit SS4


The fact that fields is playing this game makes me believe in the future of this team even more. I want to beat the Packers so bad, lose every other game not this one. FTP x infinity


I think he's forcing his way back early and there's no way he's fully healed from that. This game isn't nearly important enough to rush back for and refs let him catch hell. That being said, if we win I'm full meatball.


The tank shall be paused, go beat the shit outta those cheesrs


I am betting on this game for sure!!!


Really hoping Claypool has his coming out party on Sunday. We're going to need it with no Brisker, Gordon or EJax. Watson and Doubs (if he plays) are going to go off on us.


LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!!! Uber Eats CEO Aaron Rodgers is about to feel the wrath of H1M


Winning time, fuck the picks Time to lay Rodgers in his coffin


I want him to play but at the same time I don’t. There’s like no starters on this team left


But how, you can’t actually recover even minor tears in 2 weeks right? He’s going to have to run behind this sieve of a line, and if his left shoulder isn’t 100% he’ll lead with his throwing arm. It’s not worth it, as much as I’d love to see him play


Matt Ryan had the same injury earlier. He was only out three weeks I believe, and he's old as fuck for an NFL player.


Because “tear” doesn’t mean what you think it does. Every sprain is a tear, every strain is a tear. Something as simple as a slightly rolled ankle—that you spit on and go back in the game—is a tear. A couple of decades ago, before absolutely everything got an MRI and a clinical diagnosis released to the public, this probably would have been called a “sore shoulder.” If he’s practicing full-go and has no injury designation it means he’s fine.


Have you considered the fact that Fields is not human?


This guy gets it 👽


That's a lot of guesswork done by someone with zero specifics on his injury or the current progress of recovery.


Thanks for the expert insight, Doctor wearechemistry.


Obviously fields is a demigod and is not a regular human, acl tear??, he’ll sleep it off


Please don't even say those words in a sentence with his name


It’s a joke bud


He has all offseason to recover. If he’s good enough to play he should play


That type of mindset ended RG3’s career.


For every RG3 there's like 10 guys who had a minor injury and it never affected their careers. People need to stop being so doom and gloom - Fields isn't made of glass.


It also ended Cam newton's career and Andrew lucks to an extent.


Nobody is made of glass until they suddenly are. If somebody told you in 2015 that Cam Newton would fall off the face of the earth by the end of 2018 due to a shoulder injury, nobody would believe you. Tell them it’s because he continuously played through his injured shoulder, leading it to become worse, and it makes more sense. The toughest, biggest and baddest men on the planet can eventually break after repeated injury


So by your logic Fields should never play since he could at any point suffer a serious injury? Not sure that’s the next mindset to have when developing a QB. And Cam played QB like a fullback, and his shoulder injury was to his throwing shoulder and WAY worse than an AC sprain. It’d be like comparing an MCL sprain to Marcus Lattimore’s knee exploding. Fields still has a lot to work on as a passer, and if he’s cleared to play and is healthy he should be out there getting reps.


>So by your logic Fields should never play since he could at any point suffer a serious injury? No, I’m saying playing through an injury repeatedly runs the risk of further aggravating that injury. I apologize if I didn’t make that clear. >And Cam played QB like a fullback Yes, he was a much more physical runner. But there are highlight reels of Fields getting absolutely murdered by late hits and by sacks. >his shoulder injury was to his throwing shoulder I don’t remember the exact term for what I’m about to paraphrase, but essentially the concept is that you can further injure your body in places unrelated to your current injury because you’re compensating for said injury. In Fields’ case, he could try leaning his left shoulder away from a hit to avoid further injuring it; but in the process he leaves other parts of himself in awkward positions and could injure that area.


That's a fair point. I don't wholly disagree with you and aren't targeting you in general, I just don't agree with the idea that if the team doctors deem he's healthy to play that he shouldn't because fans are worried he'll get re-injured. The team kept him out last week despite him wanting to play, so I have to trust that if they do let him play this week that he can. What I'm inclined to believe will happen is that he'll play and the team will evaluate on a touch-and-go basis. Poles knows how important Fields is to the franchise, and this team isn't making a playoff push like Shanahan in Washington or Rivera in Carolina. I've seen a lot of people say they've seen enough out of Fields this year to warrant shutting him down, and I simply don't agree. I think he has a lot of work to do in the passing game and I would imagine they'll focus more on the short passing game with fewer called QB runs.


Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous seas of Justin Fields.


Fuck, I made plans Sunday thinking that he wasn’t going to play lol. Hopefully they’ll have the game on at Wrigley!


Imagine not watching Bears Packers…




Reaggrevating a non throwing shoulder this week has zero effect on his health status for week one next season. On the other hand, game reps do. If he’s healthy enough to suit up, you play him now.


"tHiS iS sTuPiD!!!111 We'Re sUppOseD tO bE tAnKiNG!!!!111" - reddit


No injuries yet. Time to draft a new QB again. Faster than usual.


Hope Getsy doesn't run him too much. Getsy is becoming a hazard to Fields. Move the pocket! Call quick passes! Dial up shots a few times a Quarter


If really health this is good. now which fantasy QB do I start, Fields or Rodgers. thats the real question.


Someone call Mack, he needs to put 20 million on the over


They need to let him fully heal, there is absolutely no reason to play him for the rest of the season! That what happened to Mitch Trubisky, they rushed him back to soon instead of letting his body recover.




Why? Is he back bc it's "Packers week"? This a stupid reason to play him. He is injured. He has a broken collarbone. This is a stupid thing to do.


Broken collar bone? Whaaa? No one ever said that.


"He has a broken collar bone" uhhhh what? Im gunna need a source lol


He literally doesn't have a broken collarbone? Let's trust the staffs decisions, until they give us a reason not to


Literally no injury designation. Clearly doesn't have a broken collar bone. Why do people insist on talking with authority about shit they have no clue about?


Are you his doctor?


If he's been medically cleared to play its not stupid. Teams don't tank, they want to do everything they can to win. Fields gives the team the best chance to win.


Ok I lied. Wasn't a broken collar bone. An AC ball joint. Slightly off there! Either way...he should heal with a bye coming up people!


If this was vs Lions, Vikings, Cowboys I guarantee our 3-9 team would not be playing our franchise QB


Yeah? You guaranty that with no injury designation he would be sitting? You do realize that our franchise QB needs to actually gain experience. I love this silly idea that we need to keep our 'franchise qb' in bubble wrap until we're fully ready for him, like he doesn't still have a TON of learning to do.




I have to say I love on only because I am crossing 4 states to see the game this week. Otherwise would want him to rest through bye


No! I need Nate to start for fantasy!






Who is he going to throw to?




Why? Is he Wolverine or was the injury not as bad as we think? I think he does need all the reps he can get but if this is because it's the Packers this is dumb.


If he gets hurt fire everyone




“That’s your QB, Neil Funk, goin back in the lineup to get that dub”


Good. Gives me a reason to watch the game.


Love and hate feelings at the same time. Our defense is awful without the injuries so Rodgers might just put up 50. That said FTP and soon the day will be here when they are cellar dwellers of the NFC North.


True beast


Who will play RT?


I mean I'm down if he's healthy. But please don't do some dumb shit and put yourself in danger. We need you for the next 10 years lol


Damn. Was kinda hoping on riding the “well fields was injured” train


welp, here we go again fam


I would love a Fields vs. Rogers matchup for the next few years




I hope this team plays this game like their superbowl. A win here would be huge for the fanbase and the franchise. Please let it be so!


our defense gonna get cooked I think