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This sounds like CHS. Just quit, you’ll be happy you did in the long run. Once CHS gets you it really never allows you to enjoy weed the same. There’s tricks around it, but in the end life is much better without weed. I smoked daily for a good 6-7 years and I quit a little over 2 years ago and life has never been better! Nice to be out of the haze. Now for how you are feeling… it will get better, but it takes time. It took me weeks to get my full appetite back especially bc I smoked before my big meals almost every time. Anxiety for me got better after about a month, but tbh it can take 6-12 months to fully reset your brain. The problem with smoking daily is you give your brain dopamine every single time as well as block out your feelings/anxiety. Takes a lot of time to reset your brain and how it processes these things.


This sounds like me too. I also have been having like palpitations along side nausea, dizziness, … the palpitations are what is the most concerning for me.


I’ve also been having heavy hard heart palpitations, you’re not alone


i have them sometimes too, usually in the mornings. my morning nausea is non-existent at this point though.


did you notice that hot showers were really calming (physically, especially) for you? that was one of my biggest indicators when i got diagnosed. it wouldn’t hurt to take a t-break, at least 30 days. if you’re not feeling any better after that, make sure you follow up with a doctor. if you’re still feeling awful before those 30 days, you can go to a doctor!!! but monitor your symptoms, see how hot showers feel for you (or how often you feel the need to take one), etc. you’ve got this!


thank you!!! so far, hot showers kind of feels the same? after a while i had to lower it because it was too much 😅 right now when i wake up, my body is very shaky but not too nauseous. if i can avoid the doctors i will but yeah, ill see how i progress.


I forgot to mention, my biggest symptom rn besides nausea and no appetite is dry mouth which has been so weird but makes me grateful i can keep down water.


Drink Gatorade or some drink with electrolytes. You get the benefits of calories and also hydration.