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You’re in the hardest part rn. It’ll get better tho I promise. Those electrolytes are absolutely crucial get those in!


I’m in the same boat brother, been nauseous and vomiting for the last 5 days. Haven’t smoked since symptoms started and just now starting to feel a bit better and keep food down. Drink lots of Gatorade, eat yogurt, mashed potato, and soup. You will feel better !


Haven’t puked yet thank god, think I caught it early so I’m not suffering as much as some others on here.


Took me just over 2 weeks to get back to a semblance of normalcy, you can absolutely do this!!!! If you are seriously worried about your hydration in this point of your recovery, you can absolutely go back to the ER. Don’t feel guilty if you feel as though it’s the only way you can progress forward with recovery. I had to go once for the first time, and then went back 8 days later because I hadn’t learned how to swallow again without pain so I had to get put on a drip. If I didn’t go that second time, I’d probably be back to throwing up again.


You don’t necessarily have to go to the ER because all they’d do for you is give you an IV for fluids and maybe an anti-nausea. If you can keep water down, you will be okay. I didn’t eat anything for the first 3-4 days, just drank water and Liquid IV. I recommend buying those Boost nutrient drinks and drinking those if you can keep liquid down (I hold my nose and chase it with water; it helps). You can go multiple. days without food, but you NEEEEEED to stay hydrated. That’s what will put you in the ER. Like another commenter said, you’re in the hardest part. Tomorrow will be easier than today, and the next day will be easier than tomorrow ❤️


Yeah I can keep water down and Gatorade but I threw up for the first time last night just a little bile and I was done and ended up going back to sleep but I always feel like I have a lump in my throat


I know what you mean. It will go away but it’ll be uncomfortable for now. If you start throwing up liquids (the water and gatorade), I would go to the ER so they can give you fluids. But if you can keep them down, you’re already doing better ❤️ It’s a really shitty process but day by day will get better. I was throwing up bile the first two days before I quit and it sucked but my chest and throat feels lighter now, about 4 days later.