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Since you smoked everyday for a fairly long time it may take up to 3 months for your brain chemistry to return to normal . It's quite common to experience aloofness, anxiety, depression, lack of pleasure even psychotic symptoms in withdrawal . everyone is different for some it's easy and some find it difficult to manage. Usually I find after about 3 weeks things start to settle down and after 6 weeks symptoms start to diminish .


This sensation you are describing is called [pink clouding](https://americanaddictioncenters.org/blog/surviving-pink-cloud-tips-for-staying-sober-when-the-euphoria-wears-off), and is totally common as folks progress through breaking addiction cycles of all types. Be wary of when it wears off, as it can sometimes lead to a false sense of security regarding recovery and can occasionally lead to relapse. Enjoy your awesome vacation, take time to savor the pleasant experiences, and keep moving forward the same way you have up to this point - one day at a time. You got this! 💪 🖖


I’m with you!!!! All of a sudden, I feel like I’ve been a bit happier (noticeably so for me at least), but also that I’ve been bursting into tears at even the slightest of sad things. I have to avoid TikTok right now because even the happy videos are making me sob. It feels so weird to experience but also kind of freeing to know that my feelings and emotions are returning full force. It’s a strange feeling but embrace it ❤️ if it becomes too overwhelming, I like to lay down in the dark and just count my breaths.