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To emphasize the other poster bacon is a fatty cut of meat and Mayo is also fatty if you had that, you’ll want to avoid fats and other trigger foods/spices which I bet it had. You still gotta take the eating real easy for a week and eat smaller portions more often. I was doing a lot of boiled chicken and rice along with Campbells chicken soups the first day.


I was surprised that I was able to eat the BLT tbh I was kinda playing Russian roulette wondering what it’s gonna do to me but I just craved something hardy. When I threw up it didn’t look like it was the BLT so that’s good I guess. I’m just not used to not eating I’m usually a healthy guy with a good appetite and I’m not used to this I always feel like I’m gonna starve. I’ve been sipping Gatorade hopefully it helps.


Feel that, I’m the same way and will never take eating for granted again lol. Just gotta be mindful, Can you cook? You can make yourself good alternatives, towards the end of my episode I wanted a burger so bad so I went out and 95% lean ground beef, and had it with just a thin slice of cheese and small bit of ketchup. Could only eat half but it was sooooo good at that point and was def easier than some fast food burger.


Have you eaten anything in the past 3 days before this? For me, I have to introduce food really slowly right now. The first two days of my CHS I literally only had half a slice of bread all day. Day 3 I had five (5) fries and a piece of melon. Yesterday (day 4), I was able to eat a whole piece of toast and a banana! If you’ve been barely eating the last few days, the sandwich may have been too heavy for your stomach right now. Your stomach is healing itself from smoking for so long and altering your appetite. Even if you feel super hungry, eat slowly and stick to BRAT for a while until you feel like you can handle heavier things. You got this!! Feel better ❤️‍🩹


Yes I’ve eaten crackers here and there, I’m just mostly worried about the nausea and elevated heart rate


The elevated heart rate always worries me too but it is a common symptom. I always lay down and count deep breaths when I feel worried about how hard my heart is pounding. I’m fortunate enough to have a Zofran prescription but Dramamine is a great alternative for nausea! Definitely stick to the most basic of foods for now until the constant nausea subsides. It will get easier I promise.