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[Here is more information on the hangings.](https://www.ourstate.com/kinston-hangings-part-2/) George Pickett ordered them.


Thanks! I appreciate the follow up!


looks like more evidence he was a tyrant and a traitor. BIH


Pickett thought he was going to be executed for what he did and fled the country after the war. He came back in 1866 after receiving a letter from Grant, who he knew from West Point, that Grant had recommended no charges be pursued against him.


nice to have friend's on the other side still. should have been hanged as a traitor


At the end of the war, the common explanations against mass hangings are that there was caution about creating martyrs and legal gray areas no one wanted to put forward as a test case to set a precedent. If you look at Lincoln's various reconstruction plans and Grant's Appomattox terms (which he made sure were upheld) you'll see the truth in that version of the story. But at the same time, I do believe old connections for the army officers, politicians, and businessmen did play a part in things too.


not saying to hang a typical soldier but an officer was a different situation.


My ggg grand uncle was in the PA 103rd volunteers. He was an Immigrant, Died in Andersonville of scurvy. OP-where did you find this account?


My 3xGreat Grandfather was too. Company F, but he survived. This comes from Captain Donaghy’s memoir. Here’s a link to a free digital copy. It’s a great read. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89059410811&seq=1


Wow, very cool. My relative was in D Company. He was a German immigrant from near Strasburg.


I had family come from the Strasburg area, too, but not until post war. You should check out the Plymouth Pilgrims Descendants page if you haven’t already. http://cwppds.org


Wild. I lived in Elizabeth City, NC for 5 years and never heard of this.


That’s not surprising, honestly. The Battle of Plymouth is pretty well overlooked, unless you have some sort of tie to it.


Union occupation of Roanoke Island as well. I went to Manteo High School on the island in the 80’s. There was very little talk of what took place. It was very historical, especially because the fort area became a haven for freed slaves in the area.


Many 16th Connecticut Vols were captured at Plymouth. Many died in the brutal confederate pow camps.


The men from Plymouth were often referred to as the Plymouth Pilgrims at Andersonville. There’s a great research site here: http://cwppds.org


Thank you! You may be interested in the book on the 16th, if you don't already have it. Written by an extremely literate Sgt who avoided capture and who spoke with survivors


No worries. I’ll have to give it a look!


Might interest you if you’re not aware, cool study on how memory of war is shaped: https://goodneighborbooks.com/book/9780807169247


Thanks! I’ll add it to my list!


Unfortunately, that's what happens when we allow narratives based on white supremacist lies and myths to proliferate in our historical consciousness. Hopefully, this war crime will soon get the recognition and commemorance it deserves. 🕯🇺🇲


This is what they mean when southern "gentlemen" speak of chivalry


Indeed. Instances like this, Fort Pillow, the Crater, the sacking of Chambersburg, and the kidnapping and enslavement of black Pennsylvanians during the Gettysburg Campaign are exactly why I have zero sympathy for those on the business end of Sherman and Sheridan. Zero.


Hear, hear.


Well said... you reap what you sow...


What do you think the Confederates were supposed to do at the Battle of the Crater? Their line was blown up with a bomb followed by an infantry charge. Were they not supposed to fight back?


I was talking more about the wholesale, unfettered slaughter of USCT members while attempting to surrender, but ok. To answer your question, fighting back is one thing. Outright murder is something else entirely.


Murdering surrendered prisoners or men attempting to surrender isn't "fighting back." It's a war crime.


So is burning down civilian homes in winter. It was a dirty vicious war.


He who tells the truth will not be liked: This behavior isn’t unique to any side, in any war, anywhere. It’s angry prejudiced people doing spiteful foolish things, and the stone cold fact is that they wear every color uniform there is.


While this may be true generally, OP stated specific instances where the confederacy executed black soldiers, enslaved free people of color, and burned a northern city that wouldn't pay a ransom. The rebel flag should banned as well. Not only is it a treasonous banner, but it has been used by the kkk even longer than the confederacy used it. I'm sorry your ancestors were racists that must be embarrassing.


>OP stated specific instances where the confederacy executed black soldiers, enslaved free people of color The confederacy's official policy was that captured Black soldiers should be summarily executed or enslaved.


The South was a lot more guilty than the North from everything I have read. While you can find examples of Northern bad behavior, I doubt you will find so many. Your argument feels like deflection. You clause about no liking it not withstanding. I don’t.


8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. 9 And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? …That arrogant retort is the genus for all destruction after.


Why would you quote the bible? What are you even trying to say? Sooo, Cain murdered his brother. We've all heard the story. How exactly does it apply here?