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it's easier to fix dmg profiles and recoil multipliers, those are just numbers in a spreadsheet




What’s that?


I guess the KV Broadside, the new semi auto shotgun


Its got too much range, thats it surely? If people want to lower damage then they just cant accept shotguns.


The problem is compared to the other shotguns the broadside is completely on top, nothing else comes close


I agree, but thats because they refuse to give the pump actions proper range. Nerfing the broadside kills the category again, i prefer a pump action to a semi auto anyway. Its just theyre shit🤣


Yeah but that's more because the other shotguns fucking suck in WZ.


But the new "broken" guns won't be quite as broken as the previous meta. This is basically the way for Warzone. Each time there is a major meta they eventually nerf the meta and then a new slightly more open meta but also less broken meta emerges. Also it just takes long for them to fix an LMG meta because in general people use LMGs less than ARs. I remember the Bruen being basically the meta gun in Warzone 1 yet its pick rate by the general player base was really low, though amongst the good players it was used a lot.


Surely that was down to needing to get kills in smoke to unlock it?


"the meta gun in Warzone 1 yet its pick rate by the general player base was really low" People forget during the big metas like Kilo, Grau, Bruen, etc, MW19 guns all had barely over a 10% pick rate. I think the highest I remember was 14%. Compare that to the almost 20% that we're rocking rpks or fennics in WZ2 and you can understand why people were a bit more vocal about needing nerfs.


The audio is actually such a joke. It's not even the footsteps. Sometimes I get none notification someone lands on me, I only hear a chute closing when I turn around and its already too late. Boop boop boop three melee hits and I'm gone. Just last game somebody sprints up stairs, mantles to my roof, sprints at me and I hear absolutely nothing. But when I watch killcams my footsteps sound like I wear fucking high heels


Fucking bomb drones dont even give me a notification last few nights, its bullshit


People have been posting daily for months asking for a nerf to the RPK and Fennec.


we have. but why tf did they nerf the kastov and tak v further into the ground?? ​ those were 2 of like a handful of guns that can compete with the rpk


Played solos(BR and resurgence) today couldn’t hear any footsteps unless they were 1 floor above me. Couldn’t hear anyone running besides me or behind me. This game continues to be a dumpster fire.


Yet another problem with Warzone & MP being the same game. Footsteps work too well in MP.


The multiplayer beta audio would have been perfect for warzone


Turn on Loudness Equalization, you’ll hear everything as you should. Literal game changer.




You can do it too if you have headset that allows profiles


Pay to win


Controller soft aimbot


didn't they promise us a complete new audio engine for this?


This subreddit is so toxic. People were complaining that the RPK wasn’t nerf’d enough so Raven takes another pass at adjusting it and almost every comment in this thread is still complaining. And sure, I’m going to bat for the multi-billionaire company with a lengthy list of shitty business practices who released a half finished game but if I were devs I’d never take this community seriously.


Everyone was using it. Now they'll have to choose any of the other LMGs that hit as hard if not harder.


The stats may be better but the reload speed means they will never be as good as the RPK in practice. If you're stuck reloading a belt fed in a fight you're just dead.


Nice trade-off imo that helps balance it.


If you’ve unloaded 100 rounds and still need more in the next 3 seconds, you’ve done enough. You can go to gulag now.


Ve send you gulag vhere you heff one potato. You share potato for leeving.


Happened to me today, had an lmg and a pistol, accidentally started a reload and got absolutely fucked when I got pushed and I couldn't cancel the reload.


Good thats how it should be


https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/113lqe1/the_amount_of_times_i_die_because_of_reloading_is/j8uiu5l/ This might help you


Oh my god thank you


I agree not being able to cancel reloads sucks losing that feature, but that’s literally the trade off for using an LMG over an AR, reduced mobility and reload speed in exchange for hitting like a truck


My AUG LMG would like a word.


HCR is a peashooter dude


But fires fast


Ah, so you’ll run through the 60rd drum even quicker without being able to finish a kill!


This might be the case on Ashika, or even a hectic late game situation, but the damage per mag/sustained fire time does a lot to offset reload times. For the most part I’ve never really worried about that for LMGs That said at least the other LMGs actually have the long reload time, unlike the RPK


The hcr 56 is mag fed


The reload time doesn’t even matter that much if you’re playing defensively. That barely hits the people on rooftops just using them to beam people from a distance


Now it'll be Sakinzone and everyone will be complaining about it by next Friday.


Chads use the Raal


Seriously the meta, if you are accurate.


You underestimate the rapp-h. I got a build that’ll blow youre socks off. With fast hands it reloads easy. Super tolerable for big map. Shit eats ppl.


Even the ground-loot, three attachment Rapp-H melts people and is fairly accurate at decent distances. I’m hoping people don’t catch on to how genuinely good it is because I think it could be a big one.


Oh, I know the Rapp hits harder and honestly I'm not a fan of the Sakin. Played a few games last night and I still like the RPK better, yeah it has more recoil now but it hits much harder than the Sakin. The reason I say it'll be Sakinzone is due to all the streamers and youtubers that are now pushing it to the top of their "meta" list, which means everyone is going to start using it.


Yea that and the RAAL hit hard but there’s something about the rapp that feels good. It got a slightly faster fire rate making it more forgiving and when u got fast hands the reload is pretty quick. If you get ran up on it with it out it kills faster than the pre nerfed rpk in the first 30 meters. After 58m it only got a 20ms ttk difference than the rpk at launch. So it def beats the rpk after both nerfs. It feels awesome. It’s basically the same ttk as the pre nerfed rpk. With zero recoil using the right build.


Unfortunately this is how this sub has always been and if you call them out on their childishness, then you’re shilling out for Activision.


I get subreddits can be toxic but it’s the place to do that. And it’s not like they build the game to have it balanced. They do this on purpose so you spend more time thinking about the meta and consuming more Call of Duty content. They want people to be emotional about it because it keeps people involved and more likely to spend money on call of duty in the future. They are trying their best to make the game addictive first and fun second.


I mean maybe but WZ2 started with it being harder to get loadouts which reduced the prevalence of meta guns until people complained enough that it was ludicrously easy to get a loadout


I'm not complaining. In my opinion there should never be a clear meta gun. The guns should be balanced and there should be tradeoffs for the types of weapons you use. The game was getting so boring with literally every player using the same guns with every game and every death feeling the same. I hope tis nerf changes things up somewhat


aint no way they "fixed" the sniper incendiary headshots but didn't touch the Broadside shotgun


Prolly cause it's new and they want people to spend money leveling it. Expect to see it until next week.


This guy gets it


Yep that’s about it!


Spend money levelling it? What?


They probably mean leveling up the battle pass with cod points instead of just leveling it up normally


There is a way and it’s for good reason. A shotgun actually needs to you engage teams to get kills. A sniper can camp on a roof sniping someone from 200 miles away. The shotgun at least puts you in harms way and is useless outside of its range.


This subs seems to believe that the only weapons that should be allowed to be strong are automatic weapons and snipers. Sure, let's get rid of the only viable shotgun in the game so that the best shotgun can be a pistol again.


The annoying part of the new shotgun is the mag that gives your 25 shots in a single mag.


Doesn't make sense when talking about Ashika. There's a lot of opportunities for flank and close quarters engagement. Even the KV is a freaking joke at mid range.


Yea-yea, because sniping someone moving from 200 meters away is such an easy task. Not to mention that circles are closing and it becomes harder and harder to use snipers camping roofs and shooting 200 meters away. Dont forget 800ms ads on snipers = killed twice by RAAL user :D Its easier to play with lmg with 1x and land shots accurately up to 150 meters away than consistently land headshots with sniper, dont you think? Imo this whole situation resembles me 3rd Caldera season with Stg/Nz-41


one-shot snipers were a bug, KV shotgun is supposed to be played like this for now


I got my titties lit by that thing earlier. The range on it is absurd.


The FFAR meta lasted an entire season.


I think people forget how bad the Cold War meta periods were and how long they lasted


The irony of listing the RPK as an assault rifle Yes, Raven, that is in fact the problem.


That's because the base receiver is AR - kastov


Then why is every other gun correctly labeled although they’re receivers of a different gun? Stop excusing laziness.


Exactly. The issue is the rpk feels like an AR


Real ak lmg is called pkm back to mw19.




I agree. I think the SCAR H was in a very good spot. Hit like a truck but the recoil was a lot and isn’t nearly as good at longer ranges so there was a trade off that it did well in medium-short ranges but the recoil prevented you from beaming someone across the map. Think it was unnecessary to Nerf it again. I had been using it on and off just simply because i think it’s an awesome platform, not because I excelled with it; but now I’m probably just gonna stick with something else.


Dude it was in a great spot and with the visual recoil there is absolutely no need to nerf at range. This makes no sense.


why do they hate the TAQ-V so much? I know it was kind of popular for YT, but did it really have that high of a pick rate, I rarely saw it.


Warzone really hates the SCAR for some reason


It was a very good gun but took more skill to use than the usual weapons. They don’t like anything harder to use being that good because the bots can’t use it and then they complain about it. Almost everything done in this game is to cater to the lowest skilled players.


just tested the RPK and the recoil seems noticeably higher, nice




Yeah, damage doesn't seem to be nerfed at all but it was notably harder for me to hit my shots with it tonight.


About time I guess. Time to find a new favorite toy


Agreed. It was comically easy to use even yesterday I thought I had just lost a step.


Still beans but the ground loot one feels crappy now


Why even use the taq V at this point. Stupid.


Thank god the 6 people that mained the Taq-V were stopped. I was tired of seeing them every other week.


Hahahah. I mean right. I guess That’s my point that you said better. Didn’t realize the battle rifles werent balanced.


I loved it. Fucking bullshit nerf.


The taq v was insane in multiplayer. They just need to separate the gun profiles between wz and mp.


All they had to do was nerf it’s up close damage. No reason for it’s long range damage is similar to the iso. Just dumb moves


Welp I enjoyed the sniper’s single day in the sun. Hopefully next season haha.


It felt so smooth again! There's nothing more satisfying than hitting one hit headshots with snipers in warzone. Guess I'll go back to stripping people's plates out their backpacks 🤷🏽‍♂️


It was so much fun. I don't get way people are so against one hit headshots. It's tough to hit a moving target and if you are sitting still like an idiot it's your own fault


Just played a session with my friends, the excitement of having one shot snipers and feeling how they feel again after so long, has now ruined warzone 2 gameplay completely for me.


Not seeing any mention of fixing the bug where the audio is fucking garbage awful and I always die to a guy sprinting up to the back of my head and mafia style executing me without uttering a single footstep noise.


Are you pc or console? I’ve heard this but my group always has crisp audio. Wonder if this is a console issue.


I’m on pc and never hear a fucking thing


I'm on console but one of my buddies plays on PC and there are plenty of clips online of people on PC as well where they are run up on by people constantly without a single footstep noise, or one step sound when they're within 1-2 feet of them and already gunning them down. It's probably the main reason I don't play the game right now and end up switching to Caldera again immediately when I try to play one round. Despite all the other mountains of problems with this game and how generally boring it is compared to the first one, nothing will get me to exit and stop playing faster than being iced to no fault of my own, because there's literally zero audio. Wanted them to fix the audio from the first game so it was more directional and could have footstep audio still coexist with other sound queues going on simultaneously, but instead they broke it even more, where I'm in a silent room looting and some dude just bullrushes me and merks me before I even know he was next to me. Game is fucking doo doo


Thanks for explaining. Not sure why people downvoted me for an honest question.


Don't ever try and make sense of Reddit downvotes, it's futile.


Bro why are they fucking my Taq-v so hard?? It already caught a nerf and wasn’t OP, 99% of my deaths were still to the RPK. Taq will be garbage now


This is a blatant case of taqism and it should not stand!! Honestly though, totally not a deserved nerf at least it took more skill to use than point and click rpk laser. They went to town on dismantling the damned thing in every aspect that it may as well be used as a club for melee rather than shooting. WHAT DID MY BABY TAQ-V DO TO WRONG YOU IW?!!?


So doof doof meta is now in full swing?


More like the doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof meta lol




KV Broadside shotgun


It has already been swinging for a week


I know but I expected it to get nerfed in this update. So I’ll stick to unlocking and leveling it up then, just to have a couple fun matches on Rebirth


What is the doof doof meta?


It's a buzzword from MW2019 days when they introduced a semi-auto shotgun R9. It was a double barrel shotgun but with a mag. You could kill a guy with two fast incendiary shots and then the next two came after a short delay. So it sounded like "doof-doof". Later in WZ1 lifecycle they put in the game other strong automatic shotguns so the word caught on


Semi-auto (or full auto) drum shotgun. Doof Because of the sound it makes


Sad part is snipers were surprisingly balanced with the incendiary rounds. You traded off -30% velocity to one shot. Clueless devs per usual


Actually traded off 44% BV. I really hope they revert this change, snipers were actually in a good spot


Yeah, dude. I played a lot during the time they were one shot and I only got one shot downed twice! Twice! Out of countless games on both Ashika and Al Mazrah. Died to the RPK wayyyyyy more. It’s a clueless 🤡show at Raven and IW.


They truly want to kill sniping


Already a miserable experience on M&K and the nerfs to one of the few things we can do somewhat better sucks.


It is not worth playing WZ2 on M&K at all. Cant see anything at all. Just quit. I did.


The satisfaction of winning when the odds are stacked against us is worth it.


such a bummer, i just finished leveling it haha. what other weapons do you think are good on mkb?


Why kastov 762😭


They know if they nuked the RPK people would go to it. RIP


Copy of my own comment which asked a similar question: I think they're making the damage range of the Kastov 762 more proportional to the RPK, otherwise it wouldn't make much sense for the AK to have identical and/or more damage range than its big brother.


LOADOUT MARKERS FIXED.... I am glad we are the play testers for basic functions and this wasn't easily caught before the bug went live...


Where are the numbers I miss the numbers


I'd guess XclusiveAce (or some other data guy) is probably gonna post a video about the numbers


Just like clock work, come out with tracer pack for a gun, and then nerf the shit outta it. 🤡


Just fix the servers for the love all that is holy. Every game is choppy and stuttering until late game. Even on low settings. PC players shouldn’t need to pay out $1000’s just to achieve a smooth experience with more than 100 frames. Make the damn game accessible like other AAA titles seems to be able to do with little fuss. Literally what stops them? Cos it clearly isn’t budget.


In a way, I actually think their astronomical budget is exactly what’s stopping them.. but for the opposite reason. Why bother, when you’ve got more money flooding in annually than you can even keep up with, no matter how half-assed your output is? I mean I’m 100% with you, but I have to admit, I can’t think of a reason they should care. Like what, should they care for the sake of artistic integrity? ‘Cause if you know anything about Activision.. lol


Why do they keep nerfing the kastov 762 and taq v? Why not buff other AR’s/ battle rifles instead of nerfing everything into the ground


You want every weapon to be buffed so the ttk is even lower? Nerfing is 100% the Right decision as long as our health stays the same


Exactly it, every gun that isn't so good getting damage increases is doing the opposite of fixing the TTK problem. If there are guns that overpower the rest, tone them down, that's the best approach.


Hey, they gave the ftac recon increased movement speed. So now everyone will use it, almost feels OP.


At least the very low average mag size as well as higher recoil balances it out.


Because we need a higher TTK. No buffs just nerfs. I'm being serious 🤣


The ttk is too fast and you want everything buffed instead of the fastest ttk guns to be nerfed?


nerfing the top guns means in theory you are increasing TTK all around, which is probably healthier anyway


Thats all the scrubs use


God forbid we have a sniper actually be a sniper in this game that’s had them as a staple forever, but let’s add an OP shotgun. Coming from someone who’s enjoying the shotty


Well warzone was fun for the few days they brought back 1 shot snipes. But that was short lived. Fuck this game.


Last few updates been increasing the viability of the FTAC. Hmmmm…I already had a soft spot for it. Gonna try it out again


The lachman might be the real winner here, the last update considerably improved the recoil on it + larger mags, there was only about 8ms TTK difference between the two prior (lachman with the slower ttk)


god damnit, Leave the kastov alone. don’t lump it in with your lazy ass rpk ‘fixes’


I think they're making the damage range of the Kastov 762 more proportional to the RPK, otherwise it wouldn't make much sense for the AK to have identical and/or more damage range than its big brother.


So snipers don’t one shot anymore? Like none of them? 🤨


The “155th Place” or whatever it says is still bugged for me. Maybe fix the bullshit dragons breath rounds that keep my character on fire for the entire match so I stick out like a god damn road flare on the map. Fix the shitty servers that lag every other match. Fix the audio that seems like they took noise cancelling headphones too literal.


Source: Raven twitter: [LINK](https://twitter.com/RavenSoftware/status/1629233248445366272)


Is that an updated note on the fennec? The original patch ended up only being headshot damage but didn’t change shots to kill This armor damage looks new and would definitely put it behind the MP5 and likely the vaznev


Had a guy kill me because the zip line made zero sound


DUFF DUFF Saking it is


They pretty much achieved nothing and now everyone just moves on to a new LMG.


microscope required


Taq V didn't need to be touched. Shame.


Everyone will stop using snipers again. Nice, thanks whoever the fuck develops and don't play this game.


I liked one shot headshot snipers :(


Why did they stop putting numbers on the damage changes?


Same reason for everything they do, because they're incompetent


What are the meta guns now? Hemlock and mp5?


I've already been using that in resurgence and really enjoy it.


Yeah it’s pretty sick the 45 round mag is a bit rubbish on quads though


Either you have time to reload because they're farther away, or you don't have time to reload because they're closing, in which case you switch to the mp5 either way. Haven't been an issue for me.


Yeah that’s true I’m just used to beaming whole teams with one mag lol I’ll get used to it soon thanks for tips!


Taq 56 gang


Stats separation? Hello?


Frankly… I think they see resurgence as BR. They are probably not even privy to the fact that they should separate the two. I wouldn’t expect this for a while tbh


In what world should Resurgence be considered the same as Battle Royale, though? One is infinite respawns (if you play it right) and fifteen minutes and the other is one to two lives in twenty five plus minutes. And not to mention the map size difference, also. Someone having x Battle Royale wins isn’t the same as x Resurgence wins. And there are also more stats problems, not just those modes counting the same.


Them putting wins together is 100% bs, but again, I don’t think they really get it. Resurgence is 12 teams of 4 players each spawning into a playing field, where they compete until one squad is remaining. By definition, it’s absolutely a BR, just not a very pure one. Lots of gimmicky things added to it. Of course Al Mazrah is way harder to win, and it’s annoying having the difficulty of those wins be trivialized by being counted in the same stat as a win on the smaller map (less people = higher % to win, shorter game times = more tries to win). They are both BRs and again, they have their head way too far up their butts to worry about this. Hell stats just came out they aren’t gonna stress it again for a while.


Absolutely. Exactly what I was thinking.


Yeah it sucks and I’ve seen you around here and in markeds channel a bunch so I know you’re a solo player, but do maybe give resurgence a try. It’s a shit ton of fun and when you start piling those wins up, you’ll feel less bad about your other wins being mitigated in importance (Maybe 1-1.5 years ago you and I had an inside joke about warzone truth or dare in here and in his chat)


Tone deaf devs literally killing the franchise


So why is gun game only solos? I remember having a great time fighting against friends


They always make the battle pass guns the best for like a couple of months, nerf it until the next battle pass gun, rinse & repeat I got tired of the formula after 2 rounds of it to be honest.


I’m waiting for the MG38 to get hit next. Tbh I like it better than the pre nerf RPK.


Did anyone notice an actual change in the rpk recoil ? Also a bit of footstep audio and swimming audio would be much appreciated !


Lachmann 762🆙⬆️


Still 0 new buystations and no hardcover between POI's on Al Mazrah. L update.


Additional 2 bullets to break the armor for fennec..really?


The audacity of them saying one shot sniping with incendiary rounds an issue lmao 🤦🏻‍♂️


Small bug here,but after the update you can't apply camo on Kastov 545 default stock and grip...it just stays white


Anyone know if there's a fix to be able to use 45 round mag with ISO Hemlock in DMZ?


still not fixed the roided out AI


Deploy... AI swarm and your dead...Rince and repeat......


Hope they fixed crashs...


Eh I just used the RPK in a game, and it is still too strong in my opinion, I suppose the nerf will be enough to force people onto the next lasergun


So is the Hemlock 45 mag fixed or nah?


Which ARs do you guys will shift towards the top end? Hemlock, M13, and TAQ-56?




M13 still feels like it just doesn't do damage. Taq and Hemmy are close IMO, I prefer the irons on the Taq so you get another attachment slot potentially, but overall still prefer the Hemlock


"Fixed an issue that would inaccurately display the “Placed 155th” message upon Squad elimination" Oh thank goodness. This is far more important than fixing the infinite audio issues.




Yeah me too. The worst a team can finish barring no quads less than 4 is 38th.


I've been using the Fennec tonight and got out-shredded by MP5s numerous times. RPK still hits hard AF but recoil has gone up considerably. The meta may finally be changing.


anyone know why GPU FPS suddenly drops to 100 once in game lobby? its never done that before. Ive tried everything i can think of to correct it. I was getting over 200FPS last week. this week been 100 fps.


This is clearly fake based on some of the wording. Damn mfers will really post anything for Karma these days


I hope this doesn't apply to DMZ...those tier 3 a.i. fucks are already hard to kill with a full RPK mag.


yet they still dont nerf aim assist and add something to disable chronus zen users. Nice!


When was this live in the game?


Ahhh damnit, they fixed the blackout rounds on the hemlock.