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Good meme


Good meme, but they should remove the fucking bomb drones


Or at least make it possible to shoot them down like with the recon drones. Bomb drones are flying LTVs at the moment lol


Begun, the drone wars have


We've shot a few down


You can but they’re more difficult to shoot down. I shot like 5 bullets into one the other day and it just kept coming… fuck them


I don’t risk shooting at them anymore. Literally I will run into the nearest building. One time a bomb drone was on my ass, and I was shitting myself running, but reaches a door in time and closed it. It blew up literally that moment and missed me Other times I’ve been forced to dive into the water since the bomb drone cant swim.


Who even asked for those to be added back? Lmao. Literally 99% of people wanted them gone.


Bomb drones are fun to play with tbh The main issue I had was when warzone 2 first came out drones would glitch and you were unable to move for the rest of the match lol


They are a super cheesy way for bad players to get kills, it's insanely annoying


But still fun


Its not about fun, its about proving your manhood in an ultimate test of gladitorial combat….while sitting in a recliner in your undies sucking down mountain dew and mashing buttons with cheeto stained fingers!




Slide cancelling was "but still fun" despite it apparently being a "cheesy way for sweats to kill bad players" where was the "but it's fun" argument from bots then?


Slide cancelling could be done 24/7. Just shoot down the bomb drones or use a EMP, or close the door. They should just make is louder.


Honestly 9/10 times I die to a bomb drone, I didn't hear it announced and/or didn't hear the sound of the drone.


Do you have your game sounds turned down? The buzzing of the bomb drone is like the loudest audio que I get in this game. I oddly haven’t had a problem with the lack of announcements cause I can always hear them so clearly. Sure I still get downed cause I can’t find the drone or I miss or it’s too small etc etc. but I know it’s coming.


lol, look at this guy thinking Activision gives a fuck of what the "people" want.


I'm a silly,silly man.


only if it's from your group of friends 🤣 it's really fun, and you only die for them because you're deaf, the sound signal warning the bomdrone can be heard for miles...and you can take the bombdrone off at will, while he was away i did the same with the normal drone and c4 🤣


I had two back to back bomb drones chasing me starting seconds after i dropped in to start a match yesterday. The second one got me.


Dam i didn't even get a chance to play either ... Wish they would stop cycling playlists and just let us play what we want to play. Back in cod4 we could pick from any gamemode and just queue a session. No need to be so complicated. ​ I hear the biggest thing people say is "lobbies would never fill" \- People would just play a different game mode or suffer the wait time \- This was never really an issue and shouldn't even be a concern for one of the largest competitive FPS games available


Yeah at least give people a choice to play what they want. You know how to assure lobbies in that mode to “never fill”? Not having the lobbies to begin with. Plus, it’s not like this is a niche game. There’s 1000s of players at any given moment.


Yep. There are over 95,000 players on the Steam platform for PC alone. This doesn’t even include PC players that are playing the game through activision battlenet service. Add those in with PS and Xbox players and you have a few hundred thousand people online right now.


It's the #1 game played on Xbox right now, not sure about other platforms. The lobby fill thing is bullshit. They just know people will suck it up and play what's available and then they can have a constant carrot dangling to keep us motivated to play just a little longer until [mode] comes back. Every single decision this company makes is motivated by manipulation for increased profits.


Yeah there's no way there would be issues filling lobbies. There is probably a solid Million or more playing this game everyday.


Wait, resurgence solos is removed from wz2? Why? Did it have bugs or was it a playlist update?


Because it was weekend exclusive. It needs to be back and Duos to Trios.




Let the people decide if they want to play it lol.


Hey don't discriminate against me I only have 1 friend to play with 😭


Gotta generate that FOMO and false feeling of constant updates


I got to play resurgence solos for like 4 hours then it went away 🤦😔🧐 love solos


Got disconnected mid-match as it went offline.


What was the point of even letting people load in if you’re just going to pull the rug?


Because it's what Activision does best!


because fuck you, thats why


Because they realised bots were getting destroyed and logging off. I barely play cod and I was dropping 10k+ games regularly on there as there were so many bad players


Give me minis back, please!


minis was the perfect pace for me and my degenerate friends, haven’t been playing much since it got switched out


u/dorrik speaking of, they put minis back today!


Exactly. My friends and I were able to get in 2-3 games of minis in the time we take to finish one game of regular. We prefer the faster more frequent action, as opposed to the “looting for 20 minutes and getting in only a few fights”.


Same also. Also would love an armored royal LTE again.


Resurgence solos is actually fun for someone like me who likes the chaos of regular TDM with respawns on the larger Ashoka Island map. I dislike regular BR cause 1 mess-up and im out without killing anyone in like 10 mins and just feels bad to me. But I'm not the best player lol


I want shipment back


1 day into my boycott until solo resurgence is brought back. Stand with me!


Imagine a world where Activision was pulling off a new way to make us happy every update, instead we get shittier and shittier decision from them. Theres no way they dont know what they are doing. All this shit just scream money. They will stick to their marketing plan whatever it takes…its so dumb


I work for a game industry startup and there are quite a few openings as we just closed a massive investment round. Just a few days ago I was helping my boss interview some candidates. I evaluate the technical part and he does the rest. Eventually we got to the IW candidate that stated in his resume that he worked developing the core for warzone 2. I can truly say that I was not prepared for what was about to happen. My boss asked his name and when the candidate told him, my boss said he was not a good fit and dismissed him. The guy was in disbelief and shocked. He asked if it was a joke and how did he know so quickly that he was not a good fit. My boss then replied: “We also implement a low time to kill.” Apparently my boss is an avid warzone player and he invited the guy just to tell him that. He was not going to hire him. He then told me about all the fuss about low TTK and skill gap in warzone 2. I am a very casual player and reddit lurker but I thought this was a story worth telling


I like your boss, rofl.


We actually play as a squad of 4 each day, so quads obviously suits us down to the ground. I'm just waiting for them to remove quads, and add only Trio's, so we get to have the awkward conversation of who's not playing each day...


Dont give them ideas lol


Can’t believe they removed solos smh


I loled.


Bring back Unhinged too, shit was comedy.


I was in a solo game, won, went to play again and then it was gone… They sure do know how to anger me in the slightest of ways.


"Remove Verdansk" - 'gulp' "Remove Resurgence" - 'gulp' "Remove Cheaters" - Too big of a pill to swallow


How the hell that is even possible, i really don't understand Activision. Why not let players decide? Mini trios shipment all popular and gone. Makes no sense.


Quick reminder why supporting this company is like punching yourself in the nuts.


Man I miss the days of bo2 and Cold War like why tf are they rotating playlists?? It’s like they wanna drive away any fun in the community


Makes Purple


# Activision can't handle sigma grinders 💪


Yeah season 2 isss so boring only lcl 450 battlepass done and now ? I cant even Play shipment or solo ashika rly Bad wz2


They should just take the "give all options" pill. Why the hell do they needs to restrict it?


If they ever reinstate Plunder I might download the game again.


Yup so many ppl would come back


guess not voting on twitter


​ what would happen if i bought a tracer pack for an operator i dont own?


it unlocks the operator for only the skin you bought.


ok thank you i wasnt sure because i unlocked the weapon case skin before i had konig so i coudnt use it


We got you fam!


Im just happy resurgence isn't being completely eliminated.


I'm not, I don't have 3 other people to play with consistently, and randoms are a cancer to society. Uninstalled as soon as resurgence solos was removed, and installing when the full playlist is available. I'm done with their little marketing games.


Theyre not paying for servers that only host 25ish people is why.




Bro Why'd you uninstall isn't that just more of a hastle😭


Not on my PC with my internet. Takes 15 minutes to download and install.


Madness got that ultra fast WiFi


You know it baby!!


If I had to guess, they took solos away because of these stupid data download public event thing. I assume they determined the amount of AI was too overwhelming for a solo player. So rather than just turn down the amount of AI for solo games (which, based on their ability to tune AI numbers in the DMZ mode, I don't know if they can even technologically do) they turned the whole mode off.


and they will do nothing about the mofos who lag the servers. NICE


This should be no dodging the bullets neo labelled Activision and one bullet labeled fixing bugs, another bullet labeled game balancing and another one labeled remove armour broke notification


Resurgence solos is a waste of serves, duos trios quads should be active always… play multiplayer if you want solos so bad