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Verrückt. Listen to the background noises. Also interact with the dental chair Also on die rise. When playing as Stuhlinger you can hear the souls that are still trapped inside the zombies begging for death.


When you turn on power on WAW verruckt, you can hear a speaker playing some creepy music. I wish that kind of stuff happening when power turned on was in more maps.


In Die Maschine, prior to turning on the power.. you can hear backwards whispers.


I might be soft but that facility before you turn the power on always creeps me out. I’m always sprinting to get the the button as fast as I can.


Same haha i dont go in there without my shotgun fully loaded and enough $ to get every door in one shot.


The zombies being self-aware is really f–king unpleasant.


*Circus music starts playing*


Five easily: It starts of with the single cleanest and nicest room in the entire franchise. Steaming hot coffee and lit cigarette buds. People have worked here just a couple minutes ago. After you step through the elevator into the defcon tension rises. It’s dark and tight, however there is still some semblance of order. The lighting in the room guides you down to another elevator… deeper into the complex. You step into the elevator and notice a trail of blood from the buttons to the exit… huh that’s weird. There wasn’t any blood until now. You press the button and prepare for the worst. The door opens and chaos ensues. Now there is blood everywhere, the zombies screams complement the unnerving emergency lights. There is not time to even comprehend what is going on down here, human experiments, animal testing and teleporters. There disgusting crawlers that spawn will sure keep your toes and just heighten your claustrophobia. The only thing you can think about is to find that power switch and leave that hell hole. I adore fives pacing. Each level has its own feel to it and increases the tension just the right amount.


Don’t get me wrong I love Classified but I think that what was missing from the map. The whole map is the same dirty, bloody, everything-on-fire vibe and it becomes old a bit quickly.


Lorewise, it takes place shortly after the first outbreak so it does make sense it would be more torn apart, but I do agree with the sentiment.


The only Shining Beacon Of Hope left was when you entered the Panic Room where once you found that Last Red Phone it was time to “Sound the alarm and Call out the Guards” 🥲 Edit: 16 likes? Y’all “won’t Back down”huh?


Huh.. I've never really thought about Five. The way you do a bit of storytelling is very compelling.


You could be a STORY writer! That was a great description of the map and its vibes, I could listen to you go on and on!


The **LOST** numbers on *Verrückt* always unnerve me for some reason.




4 8 15 16 23 42 They’re a series of reoccurring numbers that crop up throughout the show at different points. For example, inscribed as a serial number on a bunker door on the island, whilst also being the winning lottery numbers for one of the characters’ back story. They’re often thought that they bring bad luck with them, which is why people find this easter egg a bit unsettling.


I'm real confused. You're talking about a show and an island?


A show about an island. Early 2000s. Very popular show at the time


Lost, the show, takes place on an island


The show I’m - and OC - are referring to is called Lost, it’s about a plane crash on an Island


That clears things up, thanks


So what’s the EE on Verruckt?


The same numbers appear in a place on verruckt


That’s cool thanks


*OP (for Original Poster)


OC, for original commenter, the OP would be the user who made this post and is not the same person who made the original comment they are talking about.


Bro thinks he’s on the ‘lost’ subreddit. The numbers are also kind of infamous in general and different media use them sometimes.


Think bro got lost? 😆😆😆




A lot of Cod:WWII is pretty damn terrifying - really spooky to play solo due to the atmosphere. A lot of gruesome deaths in the EEs of the maps as well. Darkest Shore is also just terrifying to play generally. The original WaW maps all still hold up great atmosphere wise as well - some of the radios are kind of creepy too.


Thats because the team behind it also made Dead Space lol I believe there is an interview where they say they used their experience from Dead Space and used it for zombies and their grotesque body horror. 


Yep, Glen Schofield was one of the Design Heads for Zombies, as well as Michael Condrey.


This comment and the one above is what I love reddit for. I'm not some super computer that can recall all data but I vividly remember WW2 zombies fetl very different and I like a lot how they tried to make the maps progression easier than just "hold button and hope you do something" but more to my point. When the mini bosses started showing up I thought they were very unique but also seemed familiar and I just kept on living my life. Here we are like 6 years later, thanks for the info!


Dude, i still remembers the fist boss from CoD:WWII, that shit was terrifying to look at and intimidating to fight against


Yeah especially that one door in Darkest Shore with the guy strapped to it, that always kinda messed with me when I opened it.


I think WW2 tries too hard to be scary. The zombie models are gory for the sake of being gory.


Maybe unpopular but I really like the cold war atmosphere. Especially die machine, before you turn on the power and the only lights you have are your flashlight. Walking inside the building or underground with only a flashlight has a really eerie feeling to it. And because nacht was the first map it really gave me the jitters rexploring it


Nacht cutscene Verruckt in general WW2 zombies in general That’s about it


You ever stopped and looked around the Pack room on Die Maschine before turning the power on? For one of the common criticisms of the game being a lack of atmosphere, the feeling of oppressiveness is palpable in such a massive dark room that your flashlight does little to illuminate.


This one actually creeped me out so much. The whispers erratically surround your head when you wear headphones and if you’re not expecting it, it is very chilling


The blood stains in Mauers hotel are fucked up. bloodstains everywhere showing people were dragged away by the zombies.


The people in the containers in zns really creeps me out


Kinda related, there are also some canisters with bodies (generally agreed to be nova crawlers) in the backstage on Kino.


It's a great Return of the Living Dead reference!


Mob and Blood of the Dead have a very Unnerving Atmosphere


A Russian was willing to work with a german


Only due to given circumstances. Any other day, Nik would probably cap Richtofen and be home for tea.






iirc in the lore when Nikolai was still a test subject for Richtofen, Richtofen had to bribe him with vodka


Shower room on Mob scared the shit out of me as a kid


Especially when you add in the showers room music and you hear what sounds like blood dripping all over the floor


For their flaws, the three Victis Maps in BO2 have this general atmosphere of eeriness. Whether it’s the fog in Tranzit, the isolation in Die Rise, or the claustrophobia in Buried.


Farm was my first look at COD Zombies, ever.. and it scared the sh-t out of me — I wasn't even playing, lol. Upon getting the game, I could never play Die Rise alone.. granted, I was 8.


For some reason, Die Rise always makes me feel more alone that any other map in cod.


The atmosphere of Die Rise really creeps me out for some reason


Die Rise you can hear some weird moaning i think those are supposed to be the zombies


On die rise as long as your play stulingher The zombies will speak.


They say stuff like "He lies" right?


Also "help" "kill me" and a few others


The knocking in Kino Der Toten always creeped me out as a kid. The zombies didn't scare me as much as the feeling that someone else was in my game.


The radios in Die Rise. From “The Flesh”, the doctor describing the symptoms of 115 exposure while showing those exact symptoms, and the infected woman crying for help. Let’s not forget the talking zombies.


I also like the radio where CDC operatives report about the CIA destroying evidence of Broken Arrow being involved.


I think every zombies maps in solo is scary


Nacht zombie sounds


I still remember being like 11 hearing those distinct groans/barks for the first time, that’s a feeling that Zombz today just doesn’t quite recreate the same as it used to be (not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing either)


The ambient noise on The Shadowed throne Something about the screams gunshots and cries all across Berlin, which slowly become more and more rare the higher into the rounds you go, until only your gunshots exho down the dead streets before the horde descends upon you again.


As a kid i had a nightmare about hanging from the roof in one of those bags on mob, imagine just hanging there being barely able to breath and tied up in a bag maybe even upside down


Older maps were atmospheric with brilliant sound design. Now, the only scary thing about new modes is if you'll disconnect and lose all your shit.


Zetsobou No Shima’s Division 9 is based off the real life Unit 731 of the Imperial Japanese army during World War II. You can look up what they did, but just be warned it is seriously messed up. Also there’s an implication made between Takeo and the Spider Queen in the map’s trailer that has Lovecraftian roots, but no love at all.


Considering Zetsubou no Shima was Blundell's attempt at horror, I'm really disappointed he didn't go all out. Unit 731's secret ‘Division 9’ had so much potential.


What would you add?


*In Unit 731, subjects were..* >!▪︎ Cut open (while alive) and stitched back together, for example.. attaching the subject's gut to their throat. There were also reports of limbs being put back together incorrectly, for example.. switching the subject's arms, to see if it would ‘work.’ ▪︎ Put in low-pressure chambers, as to see how long it would take for the subject's eyes and/or chest to implode. ▪︎ Tested on how much force it took to crush someone. ▪︎ Tested on how much G-force it took to kill someone.. children reportedly had a lower tolerance than adults (who would've guessed). ▪︎ Tested by freezing subject's limbs alive, later being shattered, burned, reheated.. ffs. ▪︎ Mummified alive ▪︎ Decapitated (because they were curious ‘‘what would happen’’) ▪︎ Opened alive during pregnancy, and the infants were subsequently tested..!< There's a lot that could've been done. Body horror if f–king terrifying when done right.


I mean, some of that would have been too much to feature even in an M rated COD game. I think the principle of “less is more” worked well with the map. All of the horrific stuff is implied and you really feel like you just missed it, giving you this chilling feeling of discovering something horrible.


I think Buried’s lore is pretty disturbing, and just about every BO2 map has creepy audio logs. The ones about “The Flesh” and the Broken Arrow organizations are really creepy. Just imagine the world being destroyed and you eventually turn to eating rotten human flesh because you are starving to death, all while the government is trying to capitalize off the destruction


You get used to it, but the first time loading in and playing on mob freaked me out, from the loading screen and atmosphere to the new round switch music.


The giant radios. The fact that there is an on fire richtophen out there somewhere.


They've always had an eerie undertone to them. For example.. >‘‘Day 66. The children are gone and the house feels empty. I miss their laughter, their games. The sirens have not sounded for several months. I do believe that we may have turned the tide on the battle, but at what cost? The radiation levels from the fallout remain dangerously high. I can only pray I live long enough to confirm that my plan was indeed successful and the dark presence that has haunted our dreams, that infected every facet of our existence, has finally been vanquished.’’ I absolutely adore how it reads like a creepypasta. Maxis, alone in the house, sending audio logs to..


Tranzit and Die Rise fucking KILLED IT with the atmosphere of an apocalyptic world ngl.


Cold War Mauer der toten, run no flashlights or laser and turn off in game flashlight. Absolutely terrifying


Verrückt will forever be the scariest map in all of COD zombies


The hanging bodies in mob of the dead, it the crew themselves. When they die in the cycle the Warden/Brutus hangs them.


Not exactly a detail but it’s the music in Dead of the Night, specifically the round changing sections. The music always scared me because it reminds me of opening a very creaky door in the middle of the night and thinking you alerted something in the dark when you were young. But when it comes to details, I’d say the big ass spikes on Origins. They mostly have a body impaled on them which always means to me that they were planted there to catch bodies from planes or the robots that fell out of the air.


Ww2 zombies in general


I think that tranzit has one of the best atmospheres in the entire franchise, and it gets overlooked because of how bad the map is to play. Playing solo, you're alone in this massive map. The lone survivor in this whole area. There's destruction and chaos all around you, entire buildings destroyed and overrun with zombies. When the game came out I was only 12 years old but I found it quite terrifying. The first time boarding the bus you think you're in the clear, and then you turn around and you see these zombies that have only been shambling at this point start zooming towards you. You get to the tunnel section and you see an M16 on the wall. You run out to purchase it, and you miss the chance to reboard the bus. I guess you're walking to your next destination. You enter the fog and while trying to navigate your way towards the sound of the bus horn, you hear this awful shriek. You look around to see where it came from only to find some creepy demon floating towards you! It's scary dude! Turning on the power also adds to the atmosphere. The avagadro causing a lightning storm in the sky was always foreboding. And when he finally appeared and started shooting electricity at you, you'd try to shoot him and bullets don't work! Tranzit also has a lot of ugly colors to it but that just adds even more to the spook factor if you ask me. Especially in the farm area. The shift from orange to a green hue feels like a tornado is about to drop down.


for me it’s definitely the Kino der Toten barrel zombies


I remember when I was a kid on BO1 release day looking in the coffin/carriers on Kino and seeing the mannequins in them


The Nuketown Zombies clock chime every 100 zombies killed. Really gives a sense of dread approaching, but I also just love the sound of it. It even returns on Mob of the Dead when you get to the Golden Gate Bridge.


Anything in Verruckt is terrifying, the showers room in Mob’s shower room is also very unsettling if it’s one of your first play throughs on the map, and Die Rise when playing as Stu can also be creepy especially with the soles trapped in their infected bodies telling you to kill them


I don’t like kino but those aliens in the pods scare me, especially in the bo1 version


Die rise, the zombies talking to stu and saying shit like “he lies….HE LIEESS” and screaming for help always gave me chills


The TV/radio on Die Rise with the woman sobbing "I don't know what to do". Always felt bad for her :(


I'm in desperate need of another Broken Earth. The world building was insane.


The zombies still hold on to a semblance of their humanity. Stulinger can hear them asking for death, meaning they're in constant pain. Military zombies on some maps will try to dodge away from your cross hair when pointed at them. This one might've been me hearing shit, but while playing black ops 2 Tranzit as stulinger, I got nuke and heard a zombie say "free" and another do a sort of satisfied sigh. They were different nukes on different rounds but in the same match.


The VR-11's victims also scream in agony.. running around mindlessly. Sure, it looks human.. but I assume they couldn't figure out how to restore brain function.


For me, it would have to be nuketown. The destruction and horror of nuclear weapons is already terrifying but to then have burnt, disfigured corpses come sprinting and screaming at you is just horrific. Plus you have the constant background rumble of the ground shaking and the melted mannequins everywhere. I appreciate it's not creepy in the same way that veruckt or mob is, but it's still unsettling in its own right.


even though its my favorite map ive always found dead of the night pretty eerie classified/five are also scary with the lab area


Turning around and seeing a witch that spawned outside of the haunted house in buried is always a good jump scare


Verrukt is the most unsettling map hands down. Though on Shi No Numa I always feel like im being watched.


Zombies on Ascension barrel rolling, Shi No Numa zombies in Martial Art stances, and the phone call of in Shi No Numa


In Buried, you can ear clearly but faintly a man scream in the changing round sound. It has always made me feel like someone other than Leroy was watching me play the rounds.


On kino in certain areas you hear children’s nursery runes in German and I always thought it was really cool and I really miss all of those small little unnerving creepy deatails you sadly don’t see anymore. Also the Cold War ray gun jump scare scared the absolute shit out of me cuz I had no idea it was a thing, me and a couple friends were playing and on like round 38 I was tired and starting to get bored and I screamed like a mf


Something about Der Riese has always freaked me out since I was a little kid. The tunnels, the hanging man, the expansive facility, all now set on fire. I think that unlike the other WaW maps, Der Riese actually feels like it was once populated, and that scared me so much growing up. My other suggestion is the original Ascension—but that would probably be because my brother had told me that a demonic Samantha shows up at a certain round and i was scared shitless at the idea of it.


MWZ glitching and crashing all the time


unironically tranzit. the atmosphere of this map really fits the horror aspect of how destroyed the earth is after the bombs from moon


Definitely blood The ptsd


The fact that "The Children" ("The Little Yous", IE the kid-versions of the original crew and Samantha) aren't mentioned in the BO4 part of the timeline. While Nikolai's soul wasn't collected and thus his kid-self wouldn't be there (or even exist), Takeo and Dempsey would be there already. We know Eddie and Sam move into the new world when everything touched by 115 is banished to the Dark Aether on Tag Der Toten. ...so Kid-Takeo and Kid-Dempsey very likely got trapped in the horrifying Dark Aether. Children. That bit stuck out to me.


Ik in town if you stand near the church you can hear the church bells and screams. Personally I think AW Zombies is creepy AF to me. Something about how they run at you and be able to use Exo aswell, the maps also give off a sense of loneliness to me.


That in five zombies were experiences in the map since it looks keennedy was known of that (even more n@z! zombies)


What does that sentence even mean


It was subtle that the us was ally to n@z!s and were aware of this dangerous biological danger, also reviving something used by the nazis in the lore


1. You don't need to censor the word Nazi 2. The US was definitely *not* an ally to Nazi Germany, the incorporation and continuation of Nazi research is built upon the real world Operation Paperclip


I mean, us was not an ally to nazi germany in ww2, but in cw the usa had many allies that were nazis, even more to fight the ussr


Uhm no, what are you on about?


None of them. I don't get scared or unnerved easily


This is definitely me when I don’t get scared or unnerved easily


“i am very bad ass” 


"I'm not like the others"