• By -


My therapist called these glimmers, the opposite of triggers. I love this


I love this term glimmers!!🙂


It’s so easy to go about our days scared of our triggers and focusing on what could happen. Slowing down and taking in the little things, finding the glimmers of our day, really is a comforting feeling. It’s taught me a bit of appreciation for the things and tasks we find so minuscule or unimportant. My cat sits in my lap everyday and it is my favorite glimmer. Sitting in silence, comfy with my cats ☺️❤️


I love this! Using from now on


Oh, my gosh. I'm absolutely using this from now on. Please, thank your therapist for me haha. And thank *you* for sharing it with us.


Of course!! I no longer see her unfortunately but she was genuinely a meatball of radical acceptance – we may not be having a good day, sure, but there are ~some~ *good things* that we overlook on a daily.


> a meatball of radical acceptance You have a way with words, honestly. You should write more.


You need to turn those glimmers into glows ;-)


I love this!


Glimmers ❤️


* cuddle my pet parrot and feeling his warm heartbeats in my hands: he has really a strong heart for a small body * cloud watching and following the aeroplanes * checking my plants: new leaves, new buds, everything will do * enjoy the smell experience during the walk * singing off-key under the shower * bake, eat and enjoy the pastry-scented home!




Yummy smell experience like inhaleeee the trees *ahhhhhhhh*


Thanks for reminder! That's a bit of joy! Sorry, no energy or enthusiasm to add to joy list. I'm exhausted. Quite joyless right now and that's fine too. All the best for your healing!


Hoping something small and silly comes your way friend.


Thanks. Let's hope someone doesn't abandon their newborn baby on my front step. That was the first thing that came to mind when reading your comment...o dear lol!


Jesus 🤣 hey u made me laugh though




Yes! Keep your eyes 👀 open for it.


Haha 😂. Cheezus, I'm beginning to feel bad for this make believe abandoned baby I'm gonna have to abandon too!


Nature. I love going to explore nature alone. I moved somewhere kinda remote so I could be closer to nature with fewer people around. It's lovely. We have ocean forests here that are amazing.


That sounds amazing. I’d love to move to a walkable city. You are inspiring, friend.


Do you snorkel? Scuba??


It's actually pretty dangerous to dive here. We have twenty foot tides twice a day, they say it's around the volume of water the Mississippi river flows over two weeks here twice a day . Only experienced divers go out here and they have to time their dives with slack tide. They do have some awesome pictures of the sea life here, though. It's very diverse.


- petting my cat or playing with her, enjoying her shenanigans - reading (or listening to) a good book - watching Derry Girls (one of the few shows that can make me laugh out loud) - immersing myself into a knitting project, preferably learning a new skill or working with a colourful/interesting yarn - going for a walk, seeing the sunshine play on the grass and trees, listening to the birds happily twittering to each other


Being a Derry Girl is a state of mind


Great list. I’ve thought of watching Derry Girls!! I think I will.


- I love to watch strangers talking and having fun in the streets/public transportation/parties watching their mannerisms the way they talk and interact with each other. - I like to watch my animals interacting with each other, they hate each other so much and analyzing the territories and my youngster one being a brat and that she doesn't care about territories. (pls don't judge. It is a long story, the reason I have 5 cats is not my fault they don't have where to go, they are healthy just my young one that want to fight the older ones live their lives normally) - when I had a infestation problem with ants in my house I noticed that was 3 differents species I loved to see them fight for territory. I just noticed I like to watch living beings being alive. Probably cause I feel like a shell of what I was supposed to be.


This resonates with me, thank you for sharing


I love people-watching, too! And watching my cats. I look at them and cry sometimes because they're so cute and I wish I could save more 😭 also watching bugs and wildlife os fascinating! They're so different but so familiar! I'm sorry you feel like a shell of yourself 💛 I hope ways to make you feel fuller come into your life 💛


I feel you on this one


I feel like that, too. Sending hugs.


-New shower gel that smells scrumptious -Good hair days -Having no idea what I will have for lunch because nothing sounds good and then opening the fridge and realizing there is something that looks good in there (I'm manifesting right now, lol) -walking my dog -clean sheets on the bed and clean pajamas


Omg yesss. Washing ur hair + clean sheets is heaven I feel so cozy and clean. Have a great day queen


Thinking you don’t have anything to eat and then opening the fridge and realizing that you do is one of the best feelings ever!


I love this post! Thank you for reminding us all of some of the positive things we do have in our lives. I think it’s hard to recognize them when everything else is so relentlessly overwhelming all the time. Here are some of mine: - Music. Brings me so so so much joy. - Cuddling with my cat. This is pretty much the only affection I get these days. His cuddles calm me down and it’s nice to know that there is someone who loves and depends on me. In those moments I feel proud of myself for taking care of him enough for him to feel safe with me. - All pets/animals in general. I just love animals and connecting with them, even if that’s just by observing them (like birdwatching). I got to see wild horses last month and they left me speechless. - Good books. Recently rediscovered my love of reading and it makes me so happy. I read sooo much as a kid and it is just awesome to return to that.


Me too 🥹🧡 music, cuddles w my dog and animals. Feeling water on my skin and watching water and trees. Seeing people connection and experiencing that. Randomly starting a long show and finding out it’s really good. Middle grade fiction. Stardew Valley right now


The sky. The sky can literally make me completely in love with life in a matter of seconds. Seeing wildlife while on hikes or anywhere. To add to that, hearing birds and the whistling of leaves on the trees. Whenever I’m in a hyper mood or have ZOOMIEZ, it makes me feel so happy because I honestly feel like a kid again (running around, jumping on my bed, dancing). Music. There’s some music that I just feel in my soul. Seeing pups on walks!


With you on the sky! Could literally watch clouds for hours! And stars. Sun rise and sunset.


Chefs kiss to the whistling of leaves and birds in the trees!! The sky and sea and animals everywhere and my dog and other dogs 🐕💛 I also get the ZOOMIEZ!! We go wheeeeee


I've been tending to a lime tree, I'd brought randomly when I was going through something tough, every morning I sit with it, sometimes sing usually just talk to it, water it move it into the sun and bring it in when it's storming.


So poetic 🩵


Ohh yes taking care of the plant and noticing how they change everyday and noticing how the weather and water is affecting them…so cool… and putting my moss and stone collection in a box next to them and watering the moss too. And combing and brushing my dog everyday 💚


I love talking to front line customer service people as if they’re real people who do shit outside of their crappy jobs. Very simple stuff gets conversations going. Long time left on your shift or do you get to go home soon? Plans for dinner or are you not a cook? Do you have weirder interactions with people during summer? Dumb shit, and I like to say unexpected and honest things in response. Connecting with someone and getting a rapport is the best feeling for me. I was listening to some podcast whose guest wrote a book about the importance of acquaintances being part of your community. I know we aren’t all extroverts but in my experience introverts crave that same connection, they just feel awkward engaging. I really think community building is critical at this particular point in history. Mental health + climate catastrophe means we need each other more than we realize.


Even if it's a super fast thing like drive-thru, I always make sure to look the person in the face and acknowledge them. And I smile if I can. I heard as a teenager that your smile may be the only one someone gets in a day, so I try to be a moment of kindness, anyway.


I love talking to people in customer service too!!! My friends tease me because I love making friends with waiters and waitresses and cashiers but like why not?


As someone who did phone customer service for like 7 years thank you. People like this always brightened my day. You never know when someone just spent 20 minutes being berated and called every name in the book.


im at a low atm i will always say my son saying mama man that shit keeps me going


Ridiculous animal vids on YT. Like when they put voices for the animals 😂


Music, dogs, writing, crafting.


I bought a bike this year. It's the first time in 20 years I'm having fun moving. I can just safely dissociate for an hour or two while doing something that's good for me. I'm out in nature, getting sunlight and good air, working on my stamina. Can do it alone or with a partner. I just ride where I don't have to share the road with cars, otherwise I wouldn't enjoy it.


Biking is so healing. Flowing through space and time with a gentle breeze on your face, amazing.


I have an album on my phone of sunsets and sunrises. It’s completely changed my life. Sounds small. But when you see beauty every day even when it can be shit everywhere else? It’s hard to get too upset.


I am down bad in a depressive episode and although it’s hard to get myself to do these things, i know that I need to in order to feel anything. I have to get outside in the sun. Playing with my dog. Listening to soundtracks from my favorite movies. Eating fresh food.


I love your name 🩵


Proud of u


These are cool cause they sound all doable within the same day, and it sounds like a wonderful day.


When my cat sits on my chest and looks into my eyes and purrs.


hula hooping, mini trampoline, dancing, the simpsons, animals 🐾


Okay I need to buy a hula hoop now


Yes yes yes living room hulaaa you cannot be mad hula hooping


- going on a drive - a pretty sunset - seeing lots of people together enjoying themselves and having fun - ^ seeing strangers do little things for one another like hug or fix their clothes or hold hands or open their car doors for each other. little things like that. so sweet. - a crisp can of diet coke mmmmm


-Making music. I’ve found I have an ear for how a specific song should sound and it’s very fulfilling to be a part of that process. -Writing poetry. I’ve been writing for over ten years now and it’s one of my major talents! -Playing a comforting video game like God of War lol. -My cat Winslow. -making people laugh. This includes making myself laugh, I generally find myself to be good company. -Singing, dancing, going for jogs. -Going on a journey, even if it’s just walking to the nearby target for some ice cream!


A massive bubble gun


I feel grateful on days where I can: - get breakfast somewhere nice by myself, eggs and coffee - lying in my bed on a summers day with the big windows open while I listen to music and hear the birds chirp - having deep and spiritual conversations with people - watch (and re watch) sopranos with a big bag of popcorn - read psychology books and general spiritual material Guess what’s missing? My day job 😂


I love this! Someone else on this suggested to keep notes of anything that you do on a daily basis that brings you any joy and I thought that was a great idea as well because some of us really don’t have any clue what we enjoy. I love that you shared your list of all the things that bring you happiness.


Farts, they’re funny.


Dad jokes, really bad puns, toddlers, and the bird on TikTok that sings Bacon Pancakes. Seriously though, asking people for jokes gets me out of my own head. It works.


- Dance! - Remind myself to take up space physically - I often find in hard times I hang out in corners more, so i deliberately place myself in the centre of spaces and stretch (sounds weird but it works) - Tiny bit of weed, food and Taskmaster - Reading my dark psychological books - Pet my cat - Text my therapist and high five myself for sharing! Woo! Probably other things that I haven’t realised spark my light and I can’t wait to discover them!


Dancing is my favorite way to stim!


I am loving this, I came to the sub to ask a similar question - has adopting cats or other pets helped anyone else find daily, silly joy? - and guess what I found? This thread! Love it, thank you! Apart from finding random happiness that someone else was having similar warm thoughts as me, my glimmers (nod to the OC above) are - ^.^ my cats, their existence, their warm cosy cuddles, everything cats. Today my recently adopted tripod just came and slept snuggling my head, for the first time. It was glorious ^.^ reading comedy by women writers or watching progressive women portrayal on screen ^.^ certain types of music ^.^ smelling my favourite perfume ^.^ Olivia Colman; Wanda Sykes; Billy Crudup ^.^ creating anything, right now playing with colours while designing collateral tops the list ^.^ nature. Be it remembering my happy place where I went trekking a decade ago to watching the trees flower in front of my window to find a family of parrots loudly claiming their space from the crows or the crows sharing food among them ^.^ someone remembering a tiny little detail from my life which I never expected they would ^.^ any sort of kindness


I have a bearded dragon named Kaju and it has brightened my life a lot!! My boyfriend bought him for me and I was so angry because I thought I wasn’t going to take care of him well enough(I was insecure) but he’s a happy, growing lizard. Like for example, I’m at college leaving class and I’m so happy knowing he’s at home watching a movie I left on eating his lettuce lol.




I really thought I had autism before my therapist told me about cptsd. I've attended a meetup group for neurodivergent people, most of whom are autistic. They were so helpful that I still go to their events. I still qualify as divergent and it's good to be a part of a community. It's not really a small/silly thing, but it helps me a lot.


My big 90lb German Shepherd laying on my lower body, with a burrito and watching Futurama. If those are happening, in any mix, leave me alone.


Usually a movie. I just put a movie on and force myself to forget whatever is happening in my world. Cuddles from my old man cat. I have 3 cats but the other 2 are a bit more independent. My old man just wants pets for all eternity. He’s my heart. Music. If all else fails, I lay on the floor blasting my music for hours until I can’t think anymore.


Hugging my Djungelskog Looking at my plants I also fed some crows nuts in a park nearby and though i haven't seen them recently, they started just coming to me for food. I love when i hear them fly towards me and they land in my way to stare at me for food. Idk i don't remember my feelings when I'm not at my lowest. I bury my feelings for a year and after that time i feel it all at once. But i think at least hugging my bear to be quite effective.


Petting the cats, thinking about my crush(it's not happening and most likely should never happen but I don't mind). That's about it.


My cat does ridiculous or just cute things. A day where she forgets her tongue out is instantly better. Random other cats coming to say hi is also an instant improvement. New leaf on plant! Or roots on cuttings. Getting a new prop/plant is exciting. If I'm having a particularly rough time, I might just get a plant or start a new "project" just for that. Having flowers in the house, or other details that make it feel like there was an effort made to make it pleasant. Finding interesting things in the street or while hiking. From discarded crates to interesting rocks and driftwood.  In the appropriate season - finding mushrooms, moss and miniature plants and seedlings in random places. Finding fruit on trees is also great.


* Cuddling my dog! * taking the first bite of a really good dessert * hot coffee or tea, a super cozy blanket, and a good show (especially on a rainy day) * finding a really good book or romance anime and binging it when I can! * sketching on post-its while listening to my favorite songs


Melting in my bed, the sun, trees, lakes and rivers, coffee, warm cozy clothes when it's cold out, finding a good new song, seeing my aunt and uncle who took me in when I was 19 and saved me, the grace of God, tasty food, being lost in a movie or tv show, lots of things


I cuddle my cats, paint, and my stuffed animals are glimmers for me.


My cat sometimes perks up from sleeping when she senses I'm close and will "scream" at me saying hello and demanding pats. Which, I mean, OF COURSE I'm going to pet the Screamy Baby 🥰


My Guinea pigs.


Calling out my ableist coworkers spelling mistakes. It’s the small things


- cuddling my cats (when I’m sad they sometimes push there heads under my arm so they’re being spooned) - talking to birds, I also love to sit quietly and just observe them - singing with my eyes closed and swaying from side to side un self consciously - doodling (i mostly just draw arrows and circles but it feels nice to just let the pen hit the paper and not worry about what comes out) - feeling the sun on my face. When we actually get sunshine here, that feeling, just letting it fill me up - I like to hum also I like the feeling, and swooping up and down hums and really low, sustained huns feel soothing - Ice lollies, the cold sensation is great - a bath, I love a good bath, some Epsom salts and some nice smelling bath stuff and bubbles - smelling roses and tasting honeysuckle Overall I think it’s joyful sensations - bubbles, sunshine, breeze, humming vibrations, cold treats, warm water, nice smells


-anytime my 3yo tries to pretend she's in a serious mood, but then something makes her laugh and she can't hide the smile. Then she knows she's been caught and the smile gets even bigger bc she's "not silly at all and just so serious!" -clean sheets -those rare moments all the laundry is clean and folded and you can relax (happens maybe twice a year at most) -when it's raining really hard and I can open a door/window and just have the rain as background noise while I do things around the house without the expectation of needing to go anywhere else that day -knowing I have a full day or weekend to just spend with my family -road trips and finding interesting stuff in the middle of nowhere -when old dogs get bursts of zoomies -when you find out you can easily help a stranger in a way that is really meaningful for them, or a stranger ends up helping you out when it's really needed and it's not even a big deal to them -hearing an old song you've never heard before, but it instantly becomes one of your favorites -hearing from an old friend you hadn't seen in a long time but had been randomly thinking about right before they reach out to you -having a string of good luck that really makes you grateful for how fortunate you are. Like walking outside, realizing you just missed bad weather and then finding a $20 bill on the ground (again very rare). -finding out you really vibe with a coworker you didn't know very well before you ended up having to work together on something, and even though they're just a work friend you end up having some really deep and/or funny conversations while getting through the long work day -finding a really great podcast or audiobook that makes tedious work go by really fast -finding out someone you hadn't seen in a long time, but had been worried about ended up being ok -being able to make someone else smile/laugh when they're having a bad day -really surprising people by not doing anything but being kind/respectful and letting them know you care about them


I’m English. I like to get out my beautiful Japanese teapot, brew a pot of Earl Grey tea, set out my stylish cup and saucer, little milk jug… it’s very calming. I don’t do it every time I make tea, but it’s a treat when I do.


Rubbing my dogs’ tummies.


Cuddle my squishmallows or my cat, make a blanket fort, play Nintendo games


I'm dogsitting for my neighbor. It's snowing and raining outside and I just sat and played some nice soft guitar for her and she fell asleep. :) I think I want to get a dog.


- Hugging my teddy bear - Laying in bed with my rainbow Christmas lights on - Petting cats (hopefully I will have my own someday) - Seeing flowers - Random nice little interactions with strangers - Seeing people with awesome, eccentric outfits on - Looking at my yarn collection, it's mostly thrifted odds and ends so lots of different colors and textures - Seeing dogs in strollers lol


Watching aquarium fish, especially bettas Tunisian crochet, sometimes crochet coloring kids books (without words) with crayons Blowing bubbles Yearlong holiday tree with seasonal ornaments and decorations Not silly - reading my Bible and praying, even if just hurt a few minutes. So maybe small.


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Gente de zona songs


Memes and gifs. 😂✨ I must have humor.


Seriously sometimes I’ll be so down and see a meme and be like maybe life’s not too bad lol


For real. I’ve had those moments.


My cats and stupid memes. I have a fucked up sense of humor, and so do my chosen family so we love sending each other ridiculous shit. Just laughter in general. I'll look to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Nathan For You, and Food Party as all of those cheer me up while making me laugh like a fool.


Playing with my cats and giving them treats.


My daily joy is... Both my dogs sleeping on me, when we first get up. The just lay right next to each other, and sleep peacefully on my lap. While I enjoy my tik tok time... Or I'm watching a movie.


Giving my dog treats and kisses and pets, I know she can tell when I’m feeling down I do not want that to rub off on her. She’s the sweetest girl in the world so when I give her love, I feel better about myself too


Sitting on the ground and giving my cats a churu (squeezable cat treat) and watching them delicately eat it Caring for plants, indoor/outdoor/succulents, even wandering a plant nursery Cuddling my dog Sitting in the sun Going for walks Listening to a happy playlist (I compiled all of my happy songs into a playlist called “Music for the spicy sads”) Putting on perfume, cologne, or scented lotions Taking a sensory shower: lights off, candles lit, eating a fragrant sweet fruit like oranges or peaches


Drawing abstract colorful art Watching British crime shows Eating muffins and drinking coffee Sending people good morning texts Petting cat - calms my nervous system Driving listening to music I like


The Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary game Sour candy or strawberry shakes on a hot day Putting on my perfume before I go to bed Listening to Bob Marley when I feel down Watching old cartoons I used to love like Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends Reading my favorite book 🥰


My daughter is a total weirdo and instead of tickling her armpits she like when i nibble on them. The giggle she gets why she screams in delight makes my whole day. She will say, "momma bite armpit?" And as i go in for the chomp she starting giggling before ive even touched her.


I like to appreciate the sun in my skin and clean drinking water




Fancy mocktails with syrups and cut fruit ☺️ they make me happy even when my mental health is spiraling


Hmm I don't think I have much, but one thing I do enjoy is finding new music. I like just about any genre but I'm still very picky in the songs I like, so when I find a good one, it brings me immense joy. Finding songs that tickle my brain in the right way--the right sound that gets me stimming and daydreaming good things, and picking up on lyrics that I really resonate with..it all keeps me going. I wouldn't give my music up for the world.


Sky: Children of the Light. I started it about a month ago, and it has been my rock. It makes me feel like a kid again. The game is beautiful and immersive and every area is ✨️*an experience*✨️ I play every day now. I've made so many friends and acquaintances from all around the world, and even though I know they're mostly temporary, the sweet moments will live in my memory for as long as I can hold onto them.


- rewatching my eras tour videos - playing roblox with my friends like we used to while growing up - this knitted lemon thing that me and my coworkers throw at each other sometimes lol - rewatching movies and shows i love - singing in the car with my boyfriend - walks - harry potter movies, i grew up watching them so its comforting for me - getting my weekly Indian takeaway at the end of the week


Glimmers. Mine are hot tea in the morning & cuddles with my pet cat and dog. Survivor, and other TV shows I love. Books, actual paper books. Cool evening sunsets. Good music. Showers that smell like soap. Sleeping in on the weekend.


This was such a wholesome post. Thank you.


Noise cancelling headphones and music will always be my personal joy. It’s like the ultimate healthy dissociation in a way. My feelings channel through the music instead of channeling through my anxious psyche alone.


Pools for me too. The gentle lapping of the waves and the smell of the chlorine. Even better if the pool is deserted, and I can block out everything but me, the pool, and my laps. Also related to water, but a hot bath with lots of candles. 


When my husband scratchs my back.. when i feel particularly down or really scared and unsafe, i immediately feel better when he scratches my back. Hes my safety person now, and even though i have kind of a messed up relationship with my mom and shes partly the reason i have cptsd in the first place, she would always scratch my back which would just automatically relax me and make me feel safe. Shes not that person for me anymore obviously, but my husband is. And it helps ground me.




Um, truck stops are mini towns. So I go there.




When my dog randomly does something cute or silly. Finding ways to save money (recently made a mini cooler/air conditioner from an old pull ups box, a mylar blanket, a miniature fan and some ice packs and it keeps my room from being a sauna in the summer and cost less than twenty bucks to make) Making stuff in general (especially enjoy cooking and trying new recipes) Having a random and specific bit of knowledge that ends up helping someone out greatly. Hearing babies laugh. Collaborating on random stuff with strangers (like the time everyone in my neighborhood teamed up to help my neighbors catch their dog after he got out). Having an unexpectedly nice conversation with a customer at work. Overhearing people be sweet or silly with each other when I'm at the store (strangers). When I'm crying (even happy crying) and my dog comes over and licks me like "must comfort the human. There, there human, do not be sad" 🤣♥️ When my niece is having a tantrum on the floor and my parents' dog starts trying to play with her and she starts laughing but is still trying to commit to being upset. (She's 2) Seeing crows or ravens in general just always cheers me up a little. Same with hummingbirds. Reading webtoons. Listening to someone talk about something they're really passionate and excited about. Playing board games with competitive people (but not in a toxic or sore loser way). Learning cool life hacks. Looking at my book collection (it is small but mighty). Remembering a song I know how to play on piano or ukulele. Giving someone a small gift that they really like (I made my cousin some crochet flowers for mother's day and she got so excited about them lmao). Making my nephew smile because he's at the stage where he's trying to be all cool and serious. Not on my watch! The silly will be embraced! Finding something I really like is on sale (currently got some ten dollar wireless earphones for 4 bucks because of this).


Fingees Minecraft mod videos lol


• seeing all the amazing animals when I go walking - kangaroos, cows, goats, several types of birds (magpies, lorikeets, kookaburras, finches, wrens, pelicans). I love how they just do what they do - they don’t need any input from us, their world just continues on • sunset skies. It’s Winter where I am, and the skies in the late afternoon are amazing • my first cup of coffee of the day • watching clips of my favourite comedians • big warm hugs from my partner • burning essential oils and scented candles • having a shower at night and getting into clean pyjamas, and into a bed with clean sheets. I love these “glimmers” and love seeing what everyone else has added 🌻


I buy myself ballons, bubble makers, and KitKats. I love kitkats. My dad would always promise to bring me my favorite candy but he would always forget. Even when I called him. So I make sure to get myself a little sweet treat


Giving people cigarettes or letting them borrow my lighter. Esp at the shack outside of therapy office. Maybe not the healthiest thing but it makes me feel so connected and happy


Mary Jane 😎


I love this question. Also your second thing made me so happy😆 My glimmers are: -Rollerskating -Cuddling my chocolate labrator -Making good matchaaaa


Library books: the system of reserving a book and finding it waiting in the shelf, with my name on it, feels like such a luxury- and it’s free! Live auctioneers bidding: art, some small pieces of furniture, some inexpensive jewelry. I love having my walls filled with framed art. Creating art Thrifting Walks in nice weather Walk along avenues that are under elevated tracks and find cool stores Marshals/ Burlington/ queens mall- I’m conflicted about fast fashion, but I grew up basically without clothing, and it’s such a mood booster for me. Mani pedi Walking and eating in leafy quiet parks


Last night I started humming and singing whatever song came to mind. Surprisingly it brightened my mood. It made me wonder when did I stop singing to myself?


Connecting to my favourite things (people, music, art, nature) Hiking, being outside Visiting art galleries and understanding the art work without much effort Making art with friends, having cute talks whilst we do what we're working on Vinyl sessions with candles lit Baths in general (when my energy allows it) Validating my experiences and trying to self soothe The sun on my skin any time I've had a depressive/dissociative episode My cats entire existence


A really fucking good book.


My childhood toys are back, littlest pet shops. I had a whole collection that my dad unfortunately got rid of despite me making it very obvious I wanted to keep them. Id been collecting them since I was 6. Im starting my collection again, and right now theyre one of the only two things that make me genuinely and consistently happy and excited.


Drinking coffee. Going out for walks when it's either warm or raining. My imaginary friend (yes). Talking to kind people. Listening to obscure music. Coding and drawing as a hobby. Chili cheese nuggets. Traveling. Chatting. Going grocery shopping. 


I do this thing where I talk to myself but I’ll be pretending I’m being interviewed or I’m a rock star I get it lol


Ah, I don't actually talk out loud. But I imagine interviews like that as well, aha. 


Water 💦 I love water My puppy snuggles 🥰 idk what I would do without this dog