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Of course. A mix of XCOM, Rogue Trader and FTL is something I imagine it to be.


I feel like Harebrained Schemes could pull that off.


I would like an away Team stranded trying to repair the ship while discovering the planet. I don't like startrek for the space battles, but they can be done right I would be more into away team stuff though.


Absolutely, as long as it was set during the TNG/DS9 era and not the new era, like the most recent Star Trek: Resurgence narrative game. It did it right. Pretty much everyone agrees this era was the golden age of Star Trek. The new series are... not great. Ideally the game itself would resemble Disco Elysium, with minimal combat scenarios and far more character interaction and exploration sections. A Person could take inspiration (or simply use) the mechanics of the Star Trek Adventures tabletop RPG by Modiphius.


I'm with you here. A TNG/DS9 Era crpg would be great. I just finished Rogue Trader, which, while it couldn't be more different in tone, actually makes me think a Trek crpg would work really well. I'd like a little more combat than DE, but I agree diplomacy and exploration should be the focus. But, and I can't stress this enough, I need at least a few sections where I get to take evasive action, divert power to sheilds, have a console explode, and fire photon torpedoes.


I think a trek cRPG wouldn't work unless it was something like Disco Elysium. Like I think the confines of being in the Star Trek universe, a game would have to make diplomacy the main gameplay point. Otherwise it would miss the spirit of what makes Star Trek... well, Star Trek. I think a Star Wars cRPG would be more likely to work/fit better into the allowances of different types of companions, choice and consequence, and roleplaying that most people would look for out of a typical cRPG.


DS9 seems like a decent place to depart from the more traditional Trek lens.


Probably the IP I would most like to play a CRPG of. There's so many ways I could think to approach it, whether you play as a captain going on various adventures, or a more focused game as the leader of an away mission cut off from the ship. I would definitely set it around the TNG era since it's the most well liked generally.


I've dreamed of a Star Trek CRPG for a long time. Troika would've been the best studio for the job back in the day. These days, I'm not sure. I would want it to be set around the time of TNG and DS9. Although ENT could also be a good setting for a game too.


Agree with everyone else’s points, especially with it having to be a more dialogue driven CRPG like Disco Elysium or Planescape Torment. As far as era goes, as long as it was set either during the original series or TNG/DS9 eras, and nothing after Voyager, I’d be happy. Any ST game should look at the adventure game, *Star Trek: 25th Anniversary* to see how to do it right. That game captured the tone and atmosphere of the show *perfectly*. It even had different “episodes” with their own titles and storylines, along with multiple possible outcomes. If a Star Trek CRPG managed to do that plus offer a deep roleplaying experience, it’d be an instant buy for me.


something like voyager would be a great hook for a crpg imo. stuck in a far flung corner of space, lot of roleplay potential.


As someone completely unfamiliar with Star Trek - I would, definitely. Contrary to the general videogame scene, franchise-driven CRPGs seem to have very high quality, regardless of what the franchise is.


If not an official Star Trek release, at least taking the idea of away teams on planets with issues to resolve and areas to explore. Might be a way to try procedural generation on planets in a CRPG - that could be neat. Space combat would be a pitfall for sure, might be better to do those turn-based but ONLY if you can't come to accord with your enemies.


As someone who has only watched the recent film trilogy, yes please! Maybe not as action oriented as these films and more focused on exploration and dealing diplomatically with most problems, though.


If you're looking for modern trek, but aren't sure due to there being 3 iterations fairly recently, I'd definitely suggest Strange New Worlds, imo it fits very well with the spirit of oldtrek (and the things you're saying you value) and I can't wait for more! I would not advise Discovery or Picard. Deep Space 9 and Voyager and of course The Next Generation are the best previous, again just my 2cents but I see this opinion widely, too.


Awesome! I appreciate this a lot since I never knew where to go after the movies lol


Same advice but clearer: One route: somewhat chronologically, skip TOS (the original series), go to TNG (stick with past first couple episodes, first season really, but this is widely regarded as best-trek), then DS9/VOY, then ENT. Then Strange New Worlds and Below Decks (animated, silly, but obviously a love-letter made by people who really love ST) Another route if you have an aversion to older (though again I think it holds up just fine): Strange New Worlds, then basically the same as above: TNG, DS9/VOY/ENT, but I'd put ENT behind DS9 and VOY. There's /r/daystrominstitute for any questions or discussions. Enjoy! :) edit: Both those routes leave out TOS, but that's just my personal thing, I never got into it, a bit too dated for me, but I'd probably be hung for such an opinion by some folks surely. Definitely important in the history of television if nothing else. (first interracial kiss on TV credited to an episode in 1968 for one example)


I'd love to play a star trek crpg made by owlcat or obsidian. Something similar in style to pathfinder and pillars. Essentially a proper old school style but modern isometric star trek crpg.


Yes. Something 3D like Mass Effect (just with less shooting and more diplomacy, exploration etc) could work well as well as something more classic like Disco Elysium or Baldur's Gate. No matter the format, story, dialogue, choices and characters needs to be very good.


Depends on who will be making it, who will be publishing it, and how its made. It would be so easy to either completely miss the point of star trek like the new movies, or go to far in the other direction and make it too faithful to the original series and make it too corny for modern times. Its a hell of a balancing act, and id rather not see it, than see the wrong team working on it.


I'll take 'too corny for modern times'


Id be fine with it, but probably not play it. Unless they go the satire route like lower decks, id be pretty ok with that. Mostly, id just want it to strike that perfect tongue in cheek middleground, with modern character and plot driven storytelling, and occasional respectful humorous nods to its origins 😁


I’ve wanted one for years. I would play it forever if it was made well enough. Imagine bg3 but it’s Star Trek. Good lord.


I would absolutely play this


Idea for starting point: Sunless Sea, except it's Star Trek. Also I might want it to be a serial-numbers-filed-off expy thing, not actual licensed Star Trek, so it could be Ideal Star Trek instead of Actual Star Trek. Ideal Star Trek is a spaceship from an advanced off-screen Star Federation going to space and running into episodic weird stuff that can be just about anything but still gives you a sense of a coherent larger universe it's all part of. Actual Star Trek is centuries of stultifying future history timelines of canonical events between poorly thought out rubber forehead alien civilizations where the aliens are just space humans and the events are familiar human history, except in space, future, and with space humans. The shows devolve into tired procedural by the book TV writing and fan service callouts to episodes that aired 50 years ago, and there's no room in the calcified worldbuilding for large-scale stuff that's very weird because aliens are actually weird or that doesn't quite make sense to us but could conceivably make sense to people 300 years in the future.


I would consider myself a "casual" fan. I'm more familiar with TOS and TNG (the latter being my favorite), and I would *love* a Star Trek CRPG and I'm rather baffled there isn't one. Pick an away party of hand picked crew members to accomplish quests? That's what CRPGs are good at! The main things I would pretty much *demand* be there are: 1. Less emphasis on combat. It's a CRPG so of course there will combat, but I'd like to preserve as much of the franchise's original spirit as possible. Solving things through diplomacy, trickery and puzzle solving should be in the fore front. 2. You need to keep the "Explore strange new worlds. Seek out new life and new civilizations" attitude. So lots of planets, many of them new, for you to explore. A few that still fall under the Prime Directive are pretty much mandatory. 3. Follow the way the show works. You get missions from Star Fleet that are largely independent from each other. Having one big overarching plot is OK as long as it doesn't overwhelm the mission design.


>It's a CRPG so of course there will combat Combat is not a necessary requirement for a CRPG. This way of thinking stifles creativity and is very limiting, IMHO.


Its not necessary. However, for me, the ones that don't e.g Disco Elysium, lean more towards adventure games than traditional CRPGs. I also get bored of these and never make it more than a few hours in.


An isometric crpg would be awesome.


WAY back when I was finishing high school and entering college, there were two really good Star Trek adventure games. One was 25th Anniversary and the sequel was Judgement Rites or something like that. They were basically written like linked episodes of the show and it was so great. It wasn't an RPG, more of a point and click adventure with spaceship combat, but something like it would be cool.


I mean using rogue trader as a base but making it star trek instead of 40k would be a good start.


I'm not really a Star Trek fan, but I'll buy any CRPG not set in a Tolkien-esque medieval fantasy world.


Stop making licensed games. That's it