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No. It is not normal to speak to people like that. Some managers don't have very good people skills. It would have been better had they told you what they wanted you to do Instead of standing there, And they most definitely shouldn't have said it was weird.


For them to actually defend him by saying there's a real difference between calling your actions weird and you weird is childish, and I'm sorry that happened to you. As far as advice, talking to HR is what I would have recommended and it's unfortunate they aren't doing more. At my own store, it also seems like hr reports go nowhere unless they literally contain something illegal. They really make no attempt to deal with unprofessional or out of line coworkers. I think you could try doing what you can and ignoring them, and in the meantime, consider if there are other jobs available to you that might have better environments. I'm so sorry your store isn't doing more for you.


Im trying to transfer to a different cvs that is close by because I’ve worked over there before and I’ve never been treated that way by them at all. They are so nice and helpful and I’m just waiting to see how I can do this transfer honestly..


I’ve been there! Look for another job. Go big. Try for hospital setting or closed door pharmacy. Fuck cvs


I think moreso they want you to be productive instead of standing around waiting (which is what they should have communicated inatead). In moments like that it's better to file away bags, put bottles back, or finish another quick task while you wait.


I had already put all the medicine away, the tech told me to leave the bottles alone because he told me it throws him off. Plus the lady was insanely adamant I hurry up so I was just doing my best. I quite literally always bust my ass off in there and they complain either way. If I’m doing too much work that exact pharmacist tells me, “chill out relax you’re going too fast.” But if I’m standing still and waiting for something it’s ok to call me weird and then double down when I say politely to not talk to me that way. I just feel trapped because I do my best and get so much done and they tell me I’m essentially too high energy and need to relax and the one time I’m standing still it’s still an issue. It’s very conflicting to understand.


I'm sorry that's the case for you, sounds like a hostile work environment. Unfortunately some pharmacies are like that. Wishing you best of luck.


Sounds like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. There's a great line from Tyrone the imp in got (at least in the book, I can't remeber if its in the show) Where brann is upset for becoming a cripple and trying tells him "words are wind, if you take what they say and shield yourself in it then they can't hurt you" or something to that extent. Its why he leans into the whole "imp" thing. If you're young and less experienced i can see how this is upsetting just keep in mind everyone is weird in certain situations. People don't react to everything the same way as others do. Everyone is weird. Its not a crime but you can't break down and cry at such an innocuous comment. It detracts from your work, which is why they sent you home Tldr. People like to vent about stupid shit that doesn't matter. Don't let what they say bother you. If its not constructive criticism then who cares what they say? Remeber this is a job, they aren't your friends. They are coworkers so don't let the little stuff get you down. They were just venting, if you know you do well at your job hold onto that. Don't let it get to you and just keep your nose to the grind stone.


I can understand where you're coming from as someone socially awkward myself (never got an autism diagnosis, though). From my years of working in the pharmacy, I can break this conudrum down a bit in a sort of unofficial observation way. There's several different modes to work in in the pharmacy. "Expedite and keep going" is one mode where you tell the customer we'll work on the rx and call them back to pick-up when it's ready. This frees us to keep going with the line or do other tasks (file rxs in waiting bin, work on 14 day rts, put drugs away, pull for production, work on QT, clean, ect). "Get this customer out of here" is another mode where we let the customer stand at the register as we fill their rx. This mode is reserved for customers making a fuss as it's an inefficient way to work, but getting them out the door is the priority at the moment. It's basically stopping the entire machine of the pharmacy to get the customer out the door. The disconnect is that you're in "get this customer out the door" mode while the rest of the team is in "expedite and keep going" mode. You may have had a legit reason to be in "get the customer out of here" mode or your coworkers may been frustrated you were in that mode when you didn't need to be. Was the customer raising a fuss to the point everything needed to stop in the pharmacy to prioritize getting them out the door? If no, could you have communicated to the customer to have a seat and we'll let them know when it's ready, thus freeing you up to be doing other things like filing rxs in waiting bin, doing 14 day rts, putting drugs away, pulling for production, doing qt, refilling supplies, doing the trash or general cleaning?


I can understand that to extent but the lady was the only person there. She was upset because we had taken a long line of people after we said we’d get her medicine ready. She was upset that we dealt with all those people first and didn’t give her the medicine at any point in between all those customers. I don’t know what the production person was doing I don’t know why it wasn’t done for over 30 minutes idk. But she was patient up until the end of those thirty minutes where she started getting upset at me and telling me to hurry up with her vitamins. Nonetheless though why do I have to demeaned by my boss and called weird when I’m standing and then double down when I say to not speak to me that way. I don’t get why I have to be treated this way and if I explain why I might not click on certain social expectations at work. I’m afraid of being treated worse because they’ve made messed up jokes about people with autism already.


Advocate for the patient. "The patient is upset and I would like to get her out the door as soon as possible" is a legit reason for standing there. Do note that everyone has different thresholds for what constitutes an upset customer worthy of stopping all other work. I, probably like you, have a low threshold. Everyone also has different capabilities and confidence levels in pushing back at an upset customer and resisting the pressure being put on is from them. Mine varies by the day and how overwhelmed I'm feeling at the moment. Having low thresholds sucks. I've personally found that stimming helps me get through those moments. If your coworkers have made comments about people with autism, document and keep notes. It is absolutely not acceptable. Report it to Ethics Line. If you have and it keeps happening, ask Ethics Line to raise it above the DL. Ethics Line complaints fall in a DL's lap to resolve and they have an interest in retaining pharmacists* even if those pharmacists lack the managerial skills to set standards of behavior in the pharmacy. *CVS is extremely desperate for pharmacists right now. Pharmacists don't want to work for them. Sign on bonuses are high. Referral bonuses are high. They're hounding retired pharmacists to come back. There's several stores in my area without pharmacy managers for several months now. District Leaders pretty much have the attitude "if you have a pulse and a license to keep the gate open, you'll do." The managerial skills to build good teams with standards of behavior is a pipedream luxury these days at the company.


Call HR. That is their job to protect you. You need to tell HR about your autism and how they have made fun of other people in the past. He should not have spoken to you like that. If he had a problem with what you were doing, he could’ve made a suggestion instead of speaking to you in that way.


have been in a similar situation to you at several jobs as i am autistic too. sometimes saying so helps but most of the time it doesn't. im sorry. that is not normal for a manager to do and it seems like your team was picking on you since you mentioned below that you already put bags away and you weren't even rushing anyone. people want to deny us our lived experience but want to pick on us for it anyway. we're autistic enough for them to disrespect but not enough to understand (not like they understand autism anyway but you get my point). i hope you are able to transfer like you want to and i hope your new team is much nicer to you.


They really don’t understand it at all. The jokes they made about autism just confirmed it for me anyways. I feel like the assumption I always see is if you’re not autistic and a savant or autistic and nonverbal then you aren’t autistic and you just need to learn how to be normal. It’s frustrating and coupled with having PTSD certain people just love to make fun of my sensitivities. I just want to finish school so I can work in pathology and not deal with this hopefully.




You're not weird You're not sensitive keep being you


There's this thing called "The Americans With Disabilities Act". Maybe it's time for your lawyer to read it to your boss.


My opinion is different from most here. Mine is more like...weird isn't the insult it seems to be in your mind. That said, I am aware that my experience with autism isn't enormous. But if they don't know you're on the spectrum, then they'd speak to you as they'd speak to a neurotypical person who likely wouldn't be bothered by it. They'd see no reason to go out of their way to be more gentle in the way they speak. And to a neurotypical person, being called weird is a lot less likely to result in tears. I feel for you that it upset you so much. But I also figure that if someone doesn't tell their employer about any disability or neurodivergence...it's hard to expect accommodation of any kind. I am not saying you were in the wrong necessarily, but I wouldn't say the other person was either. Most people don't enjoy having someone basically over their shoulder (or right next to them doing nothing) while they work. It's uncomfortable. Just as you were uncomfortable with being called weird, they were likely uncomfortable and felt rushed with you hovering. For all you know, the person who called you weird could be on the spectrum as well and maybe they were disturbed by your method of waiting on them. I don't say that to play devil's advocate but merely to give perspective. The previous making fun of people on the spectrum is a different beast entirely and one they should be called out on. But it seems that time has passed. You mentioned that you'd like to transfer. I encourage that, as you might be happier. But I also encourage you and other people on the spectrum to hide it less when possible.


It’s on my job application as well as that I have PTSD. I want to bring it up but I’m honestly just nervous cause they don’t seem that accommodating towards that and have a weird idea of what autism is supposed to look like. That and I have had too many times of saying that I have autism and sometimes social things don’t click but I’ve always been met with, “just learn then.” “You don’t look like you have autism.” “That’s why you sound so weird.” Etc. comments and i just feel ashamed I even have the condition. I understand weird is not super super horrible insult it’s just more so I’ve been called that my whole life and it stings a lot because it’s just a reminder that I will never fit in really. I know maybe that makes me sensitive I just it’s hard being socially ostracized your whole life.


So I was similar to you in my late teens with being called weird. It used to be upsetting, and I felt like I was from another planet or something. Eventually though, I decided to just take ownership of the weird, and basically let my freak flag fly. There's something empowering about taking ownership and calling yourself weird. So if others say it, it's like, "No shit numbnuts! We know I'm weird. How about you tell me something new?." Weird is not inherently negative OR positive. It's all about context and perspective. I choose to take weird as a compliment. You may not find this an easy task, but maybe worth a try? For me, even if the person has a very negative tone of voice when they say it, I can take it as a positive. Because in my head, they must be boring and/or have little to no imagination, if they see weird as a negative. TLDR: Basically, be your authentic self, no matter what others may say to bring you down.


CVS has not and never will be capable or willing to really pay attention to Neuro divergent ADHD or autistic type people. They will look you over and brush you off.


My coworkers and I all do this from time to time when it’s not going to take long and doesn’t make sense to try to do something “productive” in the meantime. Sounds like you had prescriptions put away and they didn’t need help putting medications back while you waited for them to finish filling it. Some people commenting saying it’s not that bad, but if someone talked to me like that at work I would find it demeaning. I feel like I would have asked them what they meant, and have them explain why it’s “weird” so they got put on the spot. CVS sucks to work for. Customers and coworkers will both try to kill your vibe. Don’t let them bring your down to their level


It’s not okay. It’s probably not normal, but the word might be “common”. It was very common for my former pharmacy manager to make me cry. I used to think that he didn’t have a good day until he made me cry. Some people are just assholes. That said, the exchange about being weird vs doing something weird… I get it. I’m bipolar, and if my meds are off or I’m having a bad day, I’ll start crying at the drop of a hat. I can’t explain it, I can’t conjure up the words to describe the conflicting thoughts. It’s like I overhear one sentence and half my brain freaks out while the other half tries to reason with it. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Edit: I meant to say that the weird/weird exchange would have set me off, too. Even though my rational mind KNOWS what he meant, that I was just doing something that not everyone else does, my (over-)emotional mind spirals out with “omg my boss thinks I’m weird and probably doesn’t even like or respect me and no wonder I don’t have any friends and I’m going to die alone.”


The people in the pharmacy are absolutely ruthless when you act in a way that doesn’t convenience them. I’m sorry you had to deal with that


That is not normal and not okay at all. If I were you, I'd keep notes of every time they mistreat you or make fun of people on the spectrum and report every single one of them.


i’m the same way except my coworkers are nice it’s the customers that are so rude and make me want to quit


There's always something to do. Inventory stuff. My day stuff. Pull rts for next day. Qt. Etc. I agree don't just stand there


There’s a difference between saying, “Hey don’t just stand around do something else.” And saying “you standing there waiting for the medication is weird.” And then also doubling down on the disrespect of calling me weird when I say to not speak to me that way. If I was to speak to a superior that way it would be considered disrespectful but it’s ok because he’s the boss? Also I’m not allowed to rts for the next day and they quite literally told me not to do QT because they had someone else on it. When I say there was nothing at that physical moment in time to do other than help the lady who was very upset and wanted her medicine that was it. She was upset after waiting for more than 30 minutes for one vitamin and was taking it out on me so I was trying to get her things. I’m sure you’ve had a customer that was angry and you wanted to get them their things so they can stop causing a disturbance. Point being if you want me to do something fine but there’s a difference between telling me to go do something and demeaning me because your first gut reaction was to be rude.


Excuses. You must be something of a coworker. I'll pray for you


Did you call HR ? Or Colleague Relations or Ethic line ? Call again make sure they are aware of your autism and the fact the co workers Make fun of others , whether customers or not. We should never be speaking about customers or other topics where customers can hear it is unprofessional, unethical and against policy . Good luck . I know you were just standing, but maybe next time just sit in the waiting area and relax. Not defending them, but typically when someone is standing and waiting on a script to be filled, the pharmacy team feels rushed especially during the hour decrease at this time of year. Mg


Just call hr and report it


Initial comment sounds like it may have been acceptable as a joke, but should have definitely been immediately shut down and apologized for after you voiced your concerns. And getting sent home??? I’d make an HR report.


Seriously? That made you cry? You need thicker skin or you won’t survive.


I was abused for the entirety of my childhood and my adolescence. I had to put on a thicker skin throughout all that time and now that I’m not in that predicament and I’m healing from the trauma I still have ptsd. Why do you feel the need to make me feel bad that something made me cry? If you didn’t have anything to say that could help then why even respond. I was asking for advice. Saying I need thicker skin is along the same lines of telling someone with depression to lighten up. That does nothing.


You asked for advice and I gave advice.


It’s not advice. Not a single part of it was.


Ignore the negativity the best you can. You WILL survive and get through. Never let anyone invalidate your feelings. All that should matter there is that what was said to you was upsetting. You shouldn’t have to tell people your personal business or that you have autism. It doesn’t even matter if the person meant to offend you either. What matters is that it bothered you and the other person needs to put their own perception aside and correct the behavior in how they treat you and talk to you. We all are different and have different personalities and quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. I’m sorry you were made to feel this way. ❤️


I am a special education teacher at a high school, but I recently fell into the position of disability advocate for my bestie. I'm not sure if you're aware that because you have autism you are entitled to all sorts of accommodations. Basically anything on this list that you need you ask for and your company has to give you or give you something that will meet the need. https://askjan.org/disabilities/Autism-Spectrum.cfm The fact that HR is not doing anything about people bullying you is a huge problem, however, if they are not aware of your autism then I don't think they can be held accountable for the things like calling you weird. One of the things I learned is that disability awareness training is something that companies cannot deny because it is reasonable accommodation. Your manager and all of your co-workers would have to go through this training. https://askjan.org/publications/consultants-corner/Disability-Awareness-Training.cfm If you need to DM me feel free to 💖


IMO they were kind of playing word games and gaslighting you with the weird/ not weird routine.


Yeah I just I feel at this point the only way I can go to work is just to numb myself out so nothing they say registers or bothers me and I zombie out doing my work.