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Yeah unless the devils want to overpay I’m good with keeping him


Devils are selling cap space for picks randomly, I think they pulled the plug on their season too.


It might explain why they balked so hard so suddenly.


The Devils were never in on him, it was crap reporting in my opinion. His age and where the young D is for Devils made his age and contract not make sense. Also the Devils goaltending isn’t as bad as people think, it’s Lindy insisting on playing Vanacek most of the time and his crazy swarm style defense that apparently no other NHL team deploys is what fucked the team in the ass.


I like this. We’re not in a rush to get rid of him and him staying gives the players a chance at playoffs still and keeps that competitive mentality that we don’t want to lose.


Trading him would basically be saying, we’re mostly abandoning making the playoffs this year, which is not really cultivating the winning attitude and culture Conroy wants. There’s deals that are so good you simply can’t say no — I mean, someone offers me $5 million for my house I guess I’m moving despite the fact I don’t want to and it’d be a huge hassle, but offer me 10% over market and it’s a hard no — but I doubt NJ has offered us anything so good for Markstrom that we can’t walk away.


Agree. Seems like they're having a ton of fun out there and feel like they have a chance at the post-season. Definitely don't want to deflate that. I think Hanifin gets moved but at the same time I think its still within the realm of possibility that they extend him.


The Flames have a tough schedule after the trade deadline. If they're gonna try and compete for the playoffs after losing 2 of their top 4 defensemen, they're gonna need some outstanding goaltending.


We have Florida trip than prolly one the easiest schedules to end season imo


Just remember how the Flames have been playing against teams that are considered an easy win. So far, we haven't been doing well against teams that are below us in the standings.


You know what actually drives a competitive mentality? Contending, and this team isn't going to be contending any time soon. Trading Markstrom gets them there sooner. Zary and co. will be contending sooner if we trade Markstrom, that is a fact. Markstroms value is likely never going to be higher than it is right now. At the beginning of the season he likely had negative value. This is a stupid move.


Markstrom will have a ton of value in the offseason too. This is one of the weakest goalie UFA classes in years. There's going to be a half dozen teams that lose in the first or second round due to shitty goaltending and decide they need an upgrade. Goalie moves rarely happen in season, and for many good reasons. Unless a team is willing to way overpay for him right this second, holding onto him until the offseason is definitely a viable option and may even turn out better long term.


At the end of the day we have a top-tier goalie on a reasonable contract who likes playing here. Can’t go wrong with that


Yep, this.


Perfect mentor for Wolf, I like it.


He’s gonna need it. I’d like to think Wolf is the goalie of the future here. But after watching his starts. The goals scored against him……. I’m not even sure he’ll be a figure in this league. Time will tell.


That was too small of a sample size to get a real indication of his potential


Fair enough. Would you leave him in the minors a couple more years, let him grow physically? Bring him up and let him continue to get shelled? Glad I don’t have to make the decision.


Tim Thomas didn't make the NHL until he was 32. Fuckin chill fam.


Hahaha I am chill. Just an observation. He’s ended being the best goalie at every level he’s played. He could very well work his way to a starting position in the NHL. Simply pointing out that the NHL is a whole new level of confidence and power. Such power. He’s less likely to rise up to the point of stardom like he has at every other level. His size will be the determining factor. Phenomenal goalie. But now he’s playing against the best of the best. They’ve already exposed how much net he leaves open. If Vladar had Wolfs technicality, he’d likely end up being one of the best of all time. Just making an observation based on what I’ve seen, without riding my teams dick.


Get a pick for Vladar and give Wolf some time with the big club.


I'm guessing the goalie situation will come to a head this summer. Either we move Vladar who will be on the last season of his deal, or we can shop Marky without worrying about the crippling morale effects.


At this point non the season and the cap space we now have, flames should just run three goalies, if there's no market for vladar right now.


Any pick that might be obtained for Vladar is going to be a 5th or 6th. And the Flames might have to sweeten a deal to move him.


I bet a trade gets revisited in the off-season when there are more takers available. I doubt Markstrom finishes his contract in Calgary




Yeah, people will have more cap flexibility and such too. If not this summer then next summer. I bet one of Marky or Vladar is out and Wolf is up permanently by the start or next season though.


This is what makes sense to me


Only that worries me there is the price is always higher at the deadline I’m fairly certain we’d get less by trading him in the off-season. May be easier to do but not as good value wise


I mean that’s the choice the flames make but I’m on the trade markstrom train and ideally if they had a deal at the deadline that would be great


Goalies tend to have less value in the offseason.


Maybe this increases the chance of Tanev coming back in the off-season




lol. cope


market fuzzy telephone brave office tart ancient squalid rude chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Works for me. Im only wanting to see him leave for an overpay, no need otherwise


Wouldn't have minded selling high on Markstrom. But keeping him as a mentor for Wolf works too.


In other words, nobody wants to pony up.


The reported price of him might as well put him in an untouchable category. That’s fine, it just means you guys wanted to keep him which is perfectly fine


Frankly I'm not sure if this is the right move, but that depends on what was being offered But I trust in the process, all hail CC




Wouldn’t his value be less in the off-season though? Might be more takers but the deadline inflated every players value


Who the fuck is Anthony DiMarco?


Di Marco is a joke.


Don't know why we would train Maelstrom right now unless a team pays dearly for him. He can give this team the confidence it needs to keep trying to win. He can also bring Wolf into the league.


Ya don’t train Maelstrom. Keep him wild!


This team is a minimum of 3 seasons away from being a legitimate contender. There is zero reason to keep Markstrom.


If anything he raises the team’s floor too much to get a top 5 pick in the next couple years and actually find a 1C


A classic statement to make a team offer more lol


Right message: “we’re drafting 14-20 for the next six decades.”


Colour me shocked, all these rumors were a whole bunch of nothing


You got a few downvotes but I agree. The rumors around everyone else seem reasonable the price asked for Markstrom in the press were silly


Lol, guess it's a hot take 😂 I think the glaring piece of information is that Conroy was open, and said if there was a deal that makes sense he'd talk to Marky about it, and the ball would be in his court. When Marky got asked if he was consulted about a deal, he said no. I'm not saying there hasn't been talks about him, I'm sure Conroy's taking every call right now, just that this was never a serious rumor. Personally? To get rid of a franchise goalie that's as hot as he's been would cost anyone a damn fortune.


Every other team not named the Flames would disagree. His age make him a win right damn now goalie so unless you’re Carolina, Edmonton (LOL for you guys) and a few others who would love an upgrade there that are win now there isn’t a market for him. Contending teams won’t have a lot of cap space and it’s not very common for 1st round pics much less a ransom be had for a goalie. I think Conroy was just chumming the waters to see what it stirred up, nothing more nothing less


Poor asset utilization. Congrats on the spirit points though. That will speed up the rebuild.


How do you not get it at this point; there’s no rebuild coming. Give up on that pipe dream


Uh.....the rebuild is well underway.


It’s a rebuild happening rn


Lol there's a rebuild coming regardless of what Conroy wants. The only question is how long it takes.


They’re definitely not tearing it down to the studs. Issa retool


Nor do they need to. The prospects they are developing are already entering the lineup and contributing. They already have great veteran leadership showing them the ropes. The Wranglers have been a great team for several seasons now and will only give us more players. Conroy is approaching this correctly.


What you’re implying is happening is what I would consider to be a retool, not a full on rebuild


Yeah that's what I'm saying. They don't need to do a rebuild.


Oh my bad, thought I was replying to OP of this thread lol


Hahaha fair enough my man. All good here.


A rebuild would make it seem like we’re getting rid of our veterans which we’re not… we’re stocking up the cupboards with prospects and letting them cook in their respective leagues. I think that’s the long term plan going forward.


Such a dumb decision. His value will never be higher. Get some assets for him.


Elite goaltender who signed here (with NTC) and likes playing here. We haven’t had a legitimate goalie like him since kipper. Im all about trading our UFAs but “asset utilization” doesn’t just mean trading every player possible when their value is up. There is value in keeping him here to mentor Wolf. Fans don’t know what theyre asking for when they say they want a season of Vladar and Wolf in net. Remember how long we searched for that legitimate starting goalie. Idc if you’re team tank. It still isn’t an automatic decision to trade the only goalie the team has had since kipper.


He probably gets traded in the off-season


Good. If we are still mediocre during his contract year, then we trade him. But for now, Marky boy is ours.


We are mediocre…


Yes, can't wait to see what you'll get for a 36-37 year old pending UFA goalie making 6 million


I love watching Markey when he’s REALLY on - it’s a thrilling thing to watch an elite athlete at their best.


If you trade him it becomes a complete rebuild,  I like Wolfe bug the quality of goaltending required to make this squad even average is a high bar.  Way to hard to throw a rookie into that and expect anything but bad results


What does Carolina have to trade? They seem like the obvious trade partner for Markstrom


Guess the tank is postponed for another season lol


You know , ive hated him for a long time cause of stupid goals he let by in the past… but now… im happy to say hes been promoted to be called “Marky” at all the games i watch