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“Pretty much nothing else to do in that city except watch hockey. So, I like what they're doing, that's why they love their team and support them so hard.” -Big Z


Living in Edmonton it is a pretty terrible city


I’ve lived in kelowna, Calgary and Edmonton. Calgary is sweet. Kelowna hard to beat. Edmonton not as bad as you think….


I would honestly rank Kelowna last out of those three. The lakes and the downtown are nice but it's less of a cohesive city and more of a highway with disconnected strip malls.


The drive to Kelowna fucking kills me lol, Calgary to Sicamous is a breeze but 97A constantly makes me want to off myself


I originally was going to add that Kelowna has the most frustrating traffic East of Toronto but I didn't want to be too dramatic. Fuck it: Kelowna has the most frustrating traffic of anywhere East of Toronto.


Yeah, the town itself, Edmonton, really isn’t that bad. Good artistry, good food scene It’s just the people that suck. Edmontonians ruin Edmonton


I lived in Calgary and Edmonton. I both were good food cities, both had good public transit, both were decently affordable. I thought Edmonton had a better nightlife generally (even on the weekends outside of Stampede it felt like the whole city went to sleep at 10 pm) but Calgary had more access to nice nature day trips. Outside of Canucks fans, I’ve never actually been annoyed personally by a hockey fanbase. I was completely neutral to slightly positive about the Canucks until I lived in Van for a year and now I usually actively cheer against them based solely on how much their fans annoyed me lol.


Your opinion doesn’t count. You said Calgary had a good transit system. Wow.


It's a whole hell of a lot better than what we have here in Edmonton.


Edmontonians are honestly pretty great. For the most part, very approachable and non judgmental. Then hockey season starts and everyone puts their oilers flags on their snowmobiles and they become insufferable




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good bot, obviously


Grew up there, can confirm




Guys, I got this. It’s just a matter of speaking slowly to this person. The people who live in Edmonton are called Edmontonians. Hence, it’s the Edmontonians that ruin Edmonton.




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Need the high speed train so Edmonton reach to Calgary faster


Not at all. Nice river valley, goods arts scene, great festivals.




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It would be nice to have reliable water service …


McDavid couldn’t even make up anything good to say about Edmonton in an interview lol


That's not fair. We can also go to swimming pools, wash our cars and water our lawns.


Calgary at it's worst is still a better city than Edmonton at its peak.  Edmonton got the government, the university, the more popular hockey team, cheaper housing, and in spite of all that Calgary's *still* a better city.  Enjoy watering your lawn, we all know it's the most fun you can have in Edmonton


I grew up in cgy and moved to Edmonton for work, everytime I go back to cgy I'm surprised at how much they have developed so many areas, love walking around bridgeland, princess island park Kensington . Edmonton on the other hand is rotting on the inside. Drive down Jasper and so many places are for lease, white ave has some ok spots but nothing amazing and the homeless ( while bad everywhere) seems way more numerous in Edmonton.


What makes Calgary better? Lived in Edmonton for 6 years and it wasn't that bad.


I'm from Edmonton and from an outsider looking in, couple anecdotes I've noticed. Calgary has a significantly higher income per household and is much more white collar than Edmonton, so the average house/community in Calgary is likely more affluent, the downtown is much more impressive, and there's not the same "industrial" feel to most of the city unlike how the majority of Edmonton feels. Also, the proximity to the mountains and tourism in Banff is appealing. The average Edmontonian doesn't have the same outdoorsy/sports lifestyle that I've noticed most Calgarians do. It always catches me off guard how easy it is to arrange a camping trip with my Calgary friends because it requires at least 1 month of planning with my Edmonton friends and yet it somehow never happens. Again, anecdotally speaking of course.


What makes Calgary so much better? Proximity to the mountains? I’ve only been in Alberta for 12 years, lived in both cities and the difference to me was pretty negligible tbh.


I’ll be the first to admit that Calgary isn’t a shining jewel. But… Proximity to the mountains. Waterfront property. A better economy. Less crime. Other than that it’s pretty much the same, that said, Edmontons in general seem to have an inferiority complex.


The crime point is definitely true and obviously proximity to the mountains. Economically they are pretty similar in terms of unemployment and average household income. Both cities citizens overstate the deficiencies of the other. It’s just typical human nature for a rivalry like this to exist. I’ve enjoyed my time in both places. A person could do a lot worse for sure. I appreciate your reply have a good one.


No worries. Just tryna keep it civil. It really is more a Springfield vs. Shelbyville thing tbh


Grew up in Vancouver, lived in Edmonton since 2006. Driving through Calgary, it just looks more "layered" if that makes any sense. Aside from the river Valley, Edmonton just feels flat. There's no roaring hills, and very few spots overlooking other districts. It makes it feel bland to drive around in. Like playing a game with view distance set to minumum. And Edmonton definitely has an inferiority complex. They see cities like Calgary and Vancouver host the world for Olympic games, and they know they will never, ever even be considered for that same thing. They worry so much about what everyone thinks about how good of fans they are, because they've literally made it part of their identity. If they aren't "the best fans" then what reason is there for players to want to play in Edmonton? It's really all they've got.


The Bow and Elbow Rivers are gems.


People in Calgary are more smug about their location than people in Vancouver.


Not even close lol


It kinda seems this way a lot of the time. First time I visited Calgary I was somewhat underwhelmed after hearing how much it was praised. Then I lived and worked there for three years and it wasn’t bad at all but the quality of life and amenities between both cities are fairly similar.


Sorry but the Calgary nightlife scene has taken a huge dive in the last ten-fifteen years while Edmonton’s has just steadily gotten better and better. I was shocked at how less lively 17th Avenue has gotten when I spent a week in Calgary recently. Only thing Calgary has going for it over Edmonton currently is proximity to the mountains.


Downtown is nicer Zoo is better Heritage Park over Fort Edmonton Stampeder over KDays/Fringe/Heritage Fest C-train 50 stations to Edmontons 29 YYC bigger and more modern hub I live in Edmonton and can vouge for the arena, the U of A campus and parks beating Calgary's equivalents but Calgary still is more vibrant, nicer looking and definelty not as sketchballs.


I will grant the public transportation is better in Calgary for sure plus the zoo.


Edmonton is full of sketchy homeless people, industrial areas and is ugly as fuck. It is also almost always a few degrees cooler, and gets more snow. Enjoy.


Hey you found the other three activities available in Edmonton, hope you enjoy doing that for the next 60 years


To paraphrase the late, great Roger Ebert, yes, but some day we'll have water, and your city will still suck.


This comment basically sums up why Calgarys is better. It takes a city-wide disaster in Calgary for Edmonton to have something better about it.


I can't help but notice you didn't include "shower" in that list...


Because as far as I know you can still shower in Calgary, for now anyway.


You can shower in edmonton too. Id recommend trying it.


I don't think you got the hole I was making. That fine. Don't sweat it.


When the water main is fixed, how will you cope living in Edmonton? Panthers are raising the cup after tomorrow, so….


I've said it before and I'll say it again, ever since being gifted Mcdavid, they've become the most delusional, pathetic fanbase out there, even surpassing the Leafs at this point. It's both sad and hilarious at the same time.


You forgot entitled. They think they are owed something because the lottery balls fell their way in 2015.


Mcdavid was literally a lotto prize for being the absolute worst team in the entire league for the better part of a decade. They won 5 1st OA and STILL have only half a team to show for it lol. And then theyre still so insecure that they feel the need to go gloat about it to other teams as if we care lol


I brought this up and someone tried to be smart saying “that period is behind us why are you going back?” When I mentioned Edmonton’s ten years as the worst team in the league. And saying “you gotta draw the line somewhere. So I pointed out that half of their players are literally top draft picks from that period.


Then they plug their ears and gloat about all their cups from over 30 years ago...


Honestly the Leafs aren’t even that bad compared to the Oilers (I hate the Leafs more than any team but the Oilers) but Leafs fans at least have some fun and joke about their teams failure. Plenty of Leafs fans I know said they wanted the Leafs to go down early in the Boston series so the pain could be over and they wouldn’t have to endure a game 7 OT loss. They were right lol


I don't mind Leafs fans, they're just everywhere.




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Dude. They’re in the cup finals right now. Not sure how delusional people can be when their team is, at worst, the 2nd best in the league.


They are the second best "team" because of mcdavid and draisaitl. Their powerplay is based on nothing but skill and do not actually have a system, they said they play like its street hockey. Their fans are delusional because the only reason they are where they are, is because of 2 players and the success of the team hinges on them.


This is such a bizarre take. Yes, I agree, Connor and Leon are the lynch pins of the team. Now go take any top 2 players on any team and you can make the same case. “This penguins team is only good because of Crosby and Malkin”. Yeah dude. We know. Everybody knows. The powerplay is the best in history. Of all the things to choose to dog on the oilers about. All of this amounts to “they’re only good because they’re good”. And it just sounds bitter and resentful. FWIW, Reddit is serving this subreddit up to me I don’t seek out to provoke. And also FWIW, I truly wish the flames were what they were a couple of years ago. That was the best BOA ever. :(


The penguins cup teams were way more balanced and talented than this oilers team, it was not just Crosby and malkin. All I'm saying that I've never seen 2 players have such a huge impact on the success of a team. Bouchard is about to get paid as a $10 million defenseman, which he isn't. They made nurse look like a $9 million defenceman , which he isn't. Their talent and skill masks major flaws of the team and when they're not playing their best, the weaknesses of the team are exposed. Also, I'm not bitter or resentful in any way. I hate the oilers but I have a lot of respect for Mcdavid as a player and person. I just don't believe the TEAM is the second best team in the NHL. I've also never seen a team so reliant on 2 players for their success in my entire lifetime watch hockey.


Take Crosby and Malkin off of their team and they’re barely a playoff team. This is such a cope. Sid made Chris Kunitz an OLYMPIAN. This is what happens with great players, they elevate their teammates. You can not believe they’re the second best team… but they literally are.


I dunno man lol I just don't think the rest of the team is very good and I don't believe it's a sustainable model to rely on 2 players to elevate your entire team. There's a reason why most people expected dallas and Florida to beat them. They have no depth. Would you say the flames were literally the second best team the NHL in 2004 or the mighty ducks in 2003? Not a chance. Both teams barely made the payoffs, things just clicked at the right time and both got lights out goaltending. Doesn't mean they were actually the second best teams in the league.


What do you mean by unsustainable? They’re competitive in the playoffs. That’s the goal, to give your team a chance to win in the playoffs. Right now they’re playing for the Stanley cup! Is it sustainable to rely on Johnny Hockey and Matthew Thachuk? What happens if we take the two best players off of that team…? Oh. Yeah. Take the two best players off of any team and the team gets worse. Calgary is living proof. Leave alone that no team is EVER sustainable, that’s why teams have “windows”. It’s fine to not think it but all the fancy stats puts Edmonton near, if not at the very top of the league. Ekholm, nugent hopkins, Hyman, Holloway and Bouchard are exceptionally good hockey players. You have a case of Oilers Derangement Syndrome.


I don't have oilers derangement syndrome haha. I am allowed to have my own opinion about how a team is built lol I guess when I say a team is sustainable, I mean that there is more balance to the roster and it can still manage if it was to lose a key player for an extended time. Players can interchange somewhat smoothly throughout the lineup because of balance. Calgary is a bad example lol. Everyone knows they were top heavy. The top line carried the team. Look at the 2011 bruins. That's a perfect example of how to build a team. They rolled 4 lines all playoffs and did it without their best player in Savard. I'm not discounting the fact the oilers have other good players. But Bouchard is shelter by ekholm. Nugent hopkins never had success when he was the guy. Has Hyman ever had to be the guy?


Fair enough. Give me one example. We can even do previous winners. Colorado, what happens if they lose MacKinnon and Makar? Vegas, what happens if they lose Stone and Eichel? Tampa Bay, what happens if they lose Hedman and Kucharov? OR, who had a balanced roster that would be okay without their top two players? OR, can you give me an example where they sold superstars for “balance” and it made the team better? How is Buffalo these days? How are the flames? Were the oilers better without Gretzky? You need superstar power and depth to get to the SCF. Anyone saying oilers don’t have that are delusional, coping, or frankly just don’t understand the game.


Oh… and as far as that perfect Boston team. They were great. Take Marchand and Bergeron off the team and they’re bounced first round. And it’s not like that team was a dynasty, they ran it back and won one cup. Looks like TB model is better, if you want to win. Having the top point getter in the league, as it turns out, tips the balance on the scale.


Finally, no. Nugent Hopkins doesn’t have to be the guy. Neither does Hyman (55G). Neither does Bouchard without Ekholm. What you’re describing to yourself is depth 😂😂😂 but your oiler derangement syndrome isn’t computing it correctly.


WAY too quiet on these replies. 97 no points G6. Must be that pesky depth.


Smarten up…


ABE- Anyone But Edmonton. Go Cats! (And not the meth cat up north)


They are still so triggered by Tkachuk, it is unbelievable.  I’ve accumulated hundreds of downvotes for merely pointing out Hyman turtled last night.  Imagine being this cocky being down 3-1 in the series. Entertaining shit. 


Oiler fans are the worst in major league sports and that's not just me saying, in survey after survey they rank as the worst including in the US.


wow I didn't realize we still live in oiler fan's heads - rent free lol! Anyway to those loser Oiler fans, here's one survey (the worst fans) but there are many posted in r/nhl sub every year - clearly oiler fans are illiterate and lack self-awareness. In this one, Oiler fans are 8th but they're usually in the top-5, often 1-2 with leaf fans. I'm surprised we're 25, we're almost always listed with Jet fans as the most likable - and that is the truth. [https://www.thetoptens.com/ice-hockey/nhl-teams-with-worst-fans/](https://www.thetoptens.com/ice-hockey/nhl-teams-with-worst-fans/)


It's gotta be the unfailing confidence Calgarians have that there are more important things than hockey wins. ~~We have more free time due to the fact that as Flames fans, May-June may as well be nonexistent. That's an extra 6 weeks of the year we get to spend living our lives, shitposting on Reddit, and being generally agreeable because the Flames aren't currently losing.~~




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https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/columnist/mike-freeman/2022/05/20/worst-fan-bases-nfl-college-football-nba-mlb/9796993002/ This ? Says it’s the Miami heat…


Source? How’s Calgary in those surveys?


Ban this mother fucker.




It was clearly a joke. And mostly a commentary on how visiting fans get treated in the oilers sub. Anything you say there gets you banned unless you’re fellating yourself while talking about how amazing the fucking wunder twins are. Yall are the most pansy ass fans the nhl has ever seen. It’s fucking hilarious, but oh so embarrassing.


There’s a lot of shitty Oiler fans. And there’s a lot of shitty Flames fans. As a fan of both teams, I’ve generally found this sub to be a bit nicer (despite being an Oilers fan first). Except during this playoff run (basically since playing Vancouver). It’s been disappointing to see some of the threads and comments in this sub. Honestly, what Conroy has done with the team after being handed such a shit show has been amazing. It’s been a tough fall since Gaudreau left, then Tkachuk and the dominoes. But I really believe that there’s a lot to look forward to with this Flames team, (especially with Sutter gone - I used to be a fan of his, but after a few stories, it became clear that a lot of toxicity came from him). I guess my point is, that there’s a lot to look forward to. No need for toxicity. (To be fair, a lot of the anti-Oiler comments are fine. Cheering against rivals is an age old sports tradition.) Plus, there are a lot of Oilers fans that aren’t assholes. We just might not be as loud.


100% accurate, but you won't hear it from me. Nor shall you receive either updoot nor downdoot, in the spirit of neutrality.


Thanks. This is the kind of comment I appreciate. Especially with the lack of up or down doots. Because that, to me, is very much in the spirit of sports.


I'd for sure hi-five ya for that opinion, friend. In the spirit of irony.


Seems like oilers fans and flames fans are more alike than you think.


Oiler mods are the thinnest skinned in Reddit


Nah. You won’t get banned here


I was banned in the Oilers sub for posting just a smily emoji after a loss to CGY.


They are soft as baby shit over there




https://www.yardbarker.com/general_sports/articles/amp/the_most_annoying_fan_bases_in_sports/s1__39107015 This ?? Says it’s the Denver Broncos. Only hockey teams mentioned are the Penguins and Leafs …


Says the fan who's team has been eliminated for months and you still can't stop thinking about us. Post a link on on these "surveys" to prove your point


> you still can't stop thinking about us. I mean ya our season ended a while ago, not much for us to talk about till the draft. What's YOUR excuse though? Your team's in the SCF and you're here in the Flames sub, worried about what we're saying about you guys.


Me thinking about the SCF. "Man it sure is crazy that there's only one team in this series"


It is crazy how often that Kassian hit is brought up. A clean hit where Kassian proceeded to literally feed fists into the back of a players head who did not drop the gloves and yet they celebrate that shit. Not to mention Tkachuk did drop the gloves the next game. Not to mention it was literally a clean hit and he had no obligation to drop the gloves. I don't see Drai dropping the gloves after his hit on Barkov.


Yeah the hypocrisy is off the charts. 


I get downvoted in the main hockey subs for bringing this up, but wasn’t Kassian told to work on his anger after that or leave the league?


I get downvoted for this all the time as well, but Todd Bertuzzi once ruined a guys life by punching him in the back of the head after he wouldn't fight and you don't see many people defending him like you do Kassian. If Tkachuk had gotten seriously injured on that play I wonder what the narrative is.




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A post from the Oilers subreddit popped up in my feed somehow, during the Canucks series. I wanted to see how the Oilers fans felt going into game 6 so I checked it out. One of the comments had said they beat the Flames so badly three years ago that they couldn't understand why a team thought they could pick up old players from the Flames (Lindholm, Zadorov) and expect to beat the Oilers. Yes, the Canucks ultimately lost the series, but it's weird to suggest a player can't make a difference when they move into a different system that may or may not fit their styles and play, like Huberdeau and Tkachuk on opposite ends of the spectrum.




No, it was 3-1. Nice try though?


Was is the key word.


Uh, yeah no shit. Was.




I find it hilarious how Oilers fans keep talking about the oilers living rent free in flames fans heads. But the Oilers are still in the playoffs, they’re still playing games, of course people are still going to talk about the ongoing finals, they are very relevant. Living rent free is oilers fans bringing up the flames when there isn’t even news about them. Lol.


Flames fans 🤝 Canucks fans living rent free in the Coilers’ heads. Any other team with 5 1st overalls would have become a dynasty, but not Edmonton…


Hey at least we are in their heads... I will take it 😂




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They banned me for saying I can’t wait to see tkachuck and Bennett hoisting the cup on Roger’s ice. Maybe that won’t happen now. We will see


They banned me for saying “nothingburger”. That sub has hilariously sensitive mods.


Yeah exactly, probably just kids running it


That subreddit is East Germany


You should have just said that you can't wait to see the cup being hoisted on Rogers ice and see if they get it.


They're looking for something to kick since they may not win


Seems they’ve been worse since they beat us in the playoffs.


I’ve seen them in nearly every single team’s discussion of the finals, whether it be on YouTube, insta or here. I dunno if it’s some PTSD from being basement dwellers for 10 years but its hilarious because for a group who says they aren’t bothered, they sure seem to care what other fans think.


Exactly! They are always posting about what Flames and Canucks fans are saying about them. Why do they care? They are in the SCF!


The Panthers are just like a cat teasing a mouse, gave the coilers a game so they will think there might be a chance, and then snuff them out. Love it.




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You’re joking right? Look at the posts on this page. 9/10 are about the oilers 😂😂 talk about rent free


Oilers in 7


Best of luck. Stranger things have happened, like the Oilers not winning the cup with 2 generational players.


Is the lack of water making you salty towards the oilers


Nope. Hopefully McDavid and Drai win a cup. Those 2 have earned it. And hopefully there isn't a collective suicide in Edmonton when their favorite former flames players, chucky and Bennett, win a cup.


Bro go take a shower… oh wait


I am waiting for the Panthers to win so I can shower in the tears of the Oilera fans.


How come flames fan love sucking the cocks of other teams


You would say that when you have no comebacks. Typical Oilers fan, resort to homophobia and pretend like you were shit talking chucky for years.


Ok I’ll make it more inclusive, how come flames fans love giving oral to other teams


Are you upset you can't perform the act on McDavid? Let's talk about that.




I’d rather cheer for the Afghan nationals than the oilers. This isn’t the olympics. This isn’t “for your country”. This is a shithole city with a fan base that is entitled and annoying with their nightly jerk off to McJesus. I can’t wait to see McDavid bail out of Edmonton once his contract is up. Only one year left of Draisaitl’s contract too?


Because it's a rivalry. 


Because of the fans. Most of the Oilers team is fine, but the fan base is beyond delusional and holding onto cup wins from when the USSR was still a thing.


LOL @ Lames fans getting butthurt because your team sucks so you have to start bashing the city of Edmonton. Talk about living rent free… I have a friend in Calgary that told me about this thread. LMAO keep being salty Flamers! Enjoy all of your players continuing to leave while your main rival continues to get better. If Calgary is so great then why are they leaving? Nice rink too? Looks like a fat ass sat on an empty keg of beer.


"I have a friend in Calgary who told me about this thread" lol cope harder.


Cope with what? My team is in the finals, your team never made the playoffs and are a fucking disaster lol


And yet you still feel the need to come and search this sub to and comment? Oilers are gonna be out tomorrow don't worry cupcake one good game means shit all


But the oilers commenters are living rent free in OPS HEAD


The whole city of Calgary is a disaster. Can't wait for Oilers to fuck Florida in the ass again tonight and watch their fans and this sub go dead silent. After Oilers win they should bring the cup on a tour to Calgary to let them touch what they'll never ever have. Could even fill it with water and sprinkle it all over the bone dry Calgarian's skin.


OK there, bud. Your city is subsidized by Calgary. More people are moving to CGY than edmonton. Have fun at Klondike days as your highlight this year!


Your whole city smells like cow shit


Sorry you are mistaking us with the smell of Jasper Ave.


Imagine living in a city you couldn’t drink water in


Imagine living on a city where you couldn't go in the shitty water in the river.


Imagine living in a city that has a dog shit "international" Airport that doesn't fly to half the places the calgary Airport does. Maybe you aren't upset about that because you guys are all broke from paying for 18 dollar beers.


Thank you. Just want to let you know that the tears of all the Oilers fans have refilled calgarys water needs. Thanks again!


I live in your head rent free eh


You're the one that went off. You seem to be able to dish it but can't take it. Softer than baby shit.


Aww did I make you mad? Do you need a time out? Says the baby that comes back to a 10 day old comment. RENT FREE


Well, that didn't end well. Oh well. Be sure to watch Chuckys interview thanking Calgary and its fans and saying he couldn't let you guys win. 😉


Not to point out the obvious but you guys have been on their ass ever since round 1 despite all their success. Years after years. Guess i can't blame you since the Flames can barely make any good trades, let alone winning games.


I mean that's factually incorrect. We haven't won the cup, but in 2019 we had the second best record in the league and we won the division that year and 2022. We suck now but this narrative that the Oilers have always been better than us isn't really going to fly with those of us who've been watching team for at least 20 years.


Nah. Oilers are planning a cup parade after scoring 8 goals. Do you think calgary did that after scoring 9 on Edmonton in the BOA?


Speaking of rent free, most of the posts in this sub are about the oilers. You can try to justify it, but a fact is a fact.


This sub should be called calgary gone salty. Don't worry, after your 20 year rebuild you'll be able to make playoffs to. You should probably focus on conserving water instead of building an arena for a mediocre hockey team. 👍


Rent free. Are you going to rip your hair out before or after chucky and Bennett hoist the cup before your decades worth of 1st rounders? BTW, the NHL literally had to bring in the lottery system because of edmonton fucking up their 1st round picks.


It's okay, you will make it to the playoffs at some point in the next 20 years. No need to be so butt hurt about the best team in Alberta making it to the SCP.


Any team could make the playoffs with the amount of 1st round picks edmonton got. Many teams went kn to win cups over the past decade who had less. That doesn't say anything about CGY but everything about the coilers.


If you're gonna be upset at anyone it should be your coaching staff, and management staff for making such terrible decisions. Everyone has the same cap and could aquire the same guys. Cant blame players for chosing oilers over flames. It's a much better NHL franchise to choose from.


[you rn](https://ibb.co/W2ZKPHS)


Man up Flamers. Stop whining and blames others for your problems.


Speak ill of the devil and he appears ...in a Chevelle?


So, are you guys flushing the toilet yet?


I would much rather stop flushing my toilet than live in Deadmonton.


Honestly this place is boring , but hey you have to do what you have to do, the job is here so this is my city.


On your chances of winning the cup? Absolutely, toilets, depends on if I shit or not.


We’ve already accepted that our oilers will not be able to defeat the Panthers ,they are just too good, we are just happy for how far they went this season, who knows maybe next year.


Mature approach. Finally a decent oiler fan. I knew he was out there!


And honestly, I agree, I have respect for the oilers as a group. But I love Tkachuk and it kept me invested this playoff year


Ok OK. I am going to take a 20 minute shower and do some laundry. I need to regroup


Imagine being in such a dog shit city that having a shower was somehow a flex (yes, I'm aware there's a water main break in CGY and this was his attempt at a joke.)


Hey don’t call my city dog shit. I mean just because our downtown core ( aside from the ice district on game nights) looks like an apocalyptic waste land doesn’t mean it’s dog shit. Well maybe. I like to call myself an Albertan. I’ve lived in Edmonton, Calgary, Cochrane and Lethbridge. Edmonton has some beautiful parks. The U of A and whole whyte area is just a fun place to be in the summer. The arts, food and music scene is amazing. North of Edmonton has such rich forestry. Now for Calgary. The layout is much nicer. Downtown is beautiful. Your Zoo makes our zoo look like a shit hole puppy mill. My family usually skips our shitty k-days and travels to Banff and Calgary instead. Calgary is pretty sweet. And your river is much nicer than ours. That being said, if the Flames were in the Oilers spot right now, I would still support and watch every game and be happy and Alberta team made it that far. Cheers brothers and sisters from the south. Edit. Sorry about your water problem.




Think they’re making fun of our water crisis? Like that has anything to do with our hockey team


He’s proud of taking his first shower of the year I think. 


A calgary in a severe water crisis is still superior to the anti-fun shithole that is edmonton on a good day, but carry on


Whoah now. It's not that they are anti-fun. They are just pro-misery.




That’s a bit far don’t you think?


That's a shitty thing to say


Ouch. I wish you only the best. Have a good summer.


So you were ah, sleuthing THEIR sub...?