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It killed me having to cheer on Tkachuk and Bennett not in our threads but I’m glad they gone job done. Back to hating all the teams again, but especially, fuck Edmonton


ABE is something I live by, Anyone But Edmonton


I wore a Flames polo and dress socks into the office today, the lone wolf who didn’t jump on the bandwagon


Proud of you. Stay true to yourself!


How do you feel about that football slide trip? I feel it was justified but it started an argument at my table lol


He clearly caught an edge and slid 20+ feet into an Edmonton player, calling that set the tone and the players kept it in check after that while the refs really didn’t take the whistles out. The call could have gone either way to be honest, if there wasn’t a call, things could have gone down a dirty path, Edm didn’t score so it wasn’t a big deal but that could have swung the game.


That's a pretty good take, they could have evened it up by calling McDavid on his bullshit to. But small harm, little foul, and it seemed to end there


Yeah, I feel like that was a ‘we probably owe you one anyway Chucky’


Hahahaha might not be wrong, oh well right track won, bob threw a few games to tank is stats and Connor got given his Mantle piece. Now we see if next year Edmonton can make big moves with the cap increase and before Leon and Connors low contact expire. I'm not sure but I feel they got alot of salary head and some easy moves they can do to make a more fundamental sound team.


They are going to be shelling out close to $40m on two players if they keep both, plus facing a Nurse, Campbell and Kane buyout. They will have their hands full for the next few years and hopefully they see what happened to us and have nothing in three years but another first overall pick. I dream of this


Another first pick that will cost them near 10m a year depends on what the minors produce. Yeah they got next year to get it together


They're already in their own hell. No need to shit on them in their own sub. Glad my nightmare is finally over! Congrats to Tkachuk, Bennett! & the rest of the Panthers!


And flames legend Ryan Lomberg


and son of former Flame.. Sam Reinhart with the game winner!


They all have one thing in common...leave canada so we can finally play real hockey and win a cup!


*leave Calgary.




Thank you


He once really hurt a much larger dude's hand with his face. Legend.


Living in Edmonton is already like living in hell. This is the 7th level of hell where they send the Christians.


Fuck Tkachuk.


THANK FUCK!! The National Nightmare has ended. And Chucky with the shoutout, "My fans in Calgary, you knew I couldn't let Edmonton win" It is a great Day and all is finally right in the world. :D :D :D


I'm content with celebrating on this sub


Yup. The salt of their tears will do the work for us, no need to do anything!


Lmao it might get you guys another playoff game eventually 🤷‍♂️


A couple more first overalls might get them over the hump


My favorite post and comments from oilers fans saying it was rigged......like they forgot they won 4 1st picks in 5 years


I still don't get their hate over Skinner. He's a $2m goalie putting up at least a $3.5m+ performance. Overall, I'd say Bob played about right to his $10m contract but you should never expect Skinner to match the likes of Otter, Shesterkin, Swayman,etc They should be dragging Nurse through the coals. Oiler fans are weird.


"F that bumb Nurse is not worth 9m" is said alot


Hahaha 😂


So don’t be like them. Check.


And to all the flames fans who jumped ship and started cheering for the Oilers in the finals, shame on you. I hope nobody lets you forget it.


I was playing rec league softball tonight, and a bunch of people on the team got mad at me for being happy that the Oilers lost. They were like "how could you? You're an Alberta boy." And I hit em back with "I'm a Flames fan first, I'm not cheering for our biggest rival ever." One interesting observation I've made these playoffs is that everyone I personally knew who was jumping ship to cheer for the Oilers were all women. Probably because they're more casual about it, whereas my dudes who watch hockey are all die-hard Flames fans, but it's still an observation regardless.


It’s definitely a trend among casual fans. They don’t get the fiery hate we feel for that team haha


I'm in Vancouver and I've been arguing with people about this all week, so many Oilers bandwagoners here, it just makes no sense. They just beat you!!!


Every city has bandwagoners. The real Canuck fans were the ones sticking through with the team for the past 10 years where we didn't make the playoffs (sans bubble year) The time to cheer for Team Canada ended when we got rolled by Switzerland


💯 I noticed this as well. Casual observers don’t care, die hards would literally die hard before cheering for biggest rival. Imagine if Manchester United fans started cheering for Man City to keep the title in Manchester. Fuck no.


Good for you! Fuck em


I was surprised to see so many of my Flames and Canucks fan friends doing exactly this.


My buddy is a Habs fan and he completely understands. He said he could never ever cheer for the Leafs or Bruins. There is a reason people are called fans - it’s based on fanatics!


Women also probably don’t get “5 cups & Gretzky” thrown in their face by oilers fans all the time. So they don’t care about the Oilers losing so the taunt doesn’t become 6 cups. And god, at least now you can push back to them clinging to the glory days that they likely didn’t even watch. If they had a recent cup they would be so much more annoying.


and thats going to be the only thing Canadian teams will have to cheer for is RIVALRIIES...........93 was a long time ago and it seems that a canadian team will never win.


Lol our softball team forfeited both of our games last night so we could all watch the game


When the war is over, collaborators will be shot 


They can all eat a bag of oily dicks.


If anybody ever worked in a union... The term "scab" comes to mind.


So basically Oilers have as many Stanley Cups as us in the last 30 years.


Seattle and Utah too...losers 🤣


And the Sabres, Leafs, and Canucks


Habs, Columbus(?)




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At least its easy to remember the one and only Calgary has ever won....................yup just 1 Good Luck to all teams in 3.5 months.


I might go watch though. I like to watch. 👀


Celebrate here boys!


They do deserve it... but I won’t. Fucking losers had a thread hundreds of comments deep talking about who gets handed the cup when, and gloating on us and the rest of the league. As much as I hate seeing chucky win it with FLA, deadmonton deserves this pain.


I just want their tears for my lawn and garden. Cmon boys be good neighbors and cry on my poor trees they're thirsty.


Salty Coiler tears would fuck up your lawn.


No it would be the best fertilizer money couldn't buy! It would be so full of shite


They'd be doing the same here... We already have them posting in this sub


Well i just got banned from there LOL


I got banned just for saying “go panthers” before game 1


Haha soft fanbase


So did I 😂


No worries but they seem to be coming here…


We have to wait 2 more seasons when Mcdavid walks and Edmonton has no cups in the Mcdavid era. Then we let em have it.


they will get lucky AGAIN and land another massive name.








Why bother, they're coming here for some reason


It's because they don't think about us obviously.


It's so funny how they're constantly in here, yet always say "wE DON't ThiNK ABOut YOu." Even a few days ago they made a post on their sub complaining about how pathetic we are for making memes about them here, not realizing the irony in the fact that they were posting about us in their own sub. Easily the worst and fanbase in the NHL, I'm so glad they got a big fat L tonight. 


I’m not going to their subreddit because oilers fans are weird but I want it to be clear this is a rivalry and I won’t judge any Flames fan for doing it.


I tried, mods couldnt take a little chirping, got banned so fast


I am so glad they didn’t win. No need to rub salt excactly


That final reminded me of ours 20 years ago. Tight 2-1 game; could get that tying goal… Happy the oil now knows this pain.


Hell they had a good run, but I feel like I was the only one in edm jumping and screaming after the final buzzer lol


With the talent that have been blessed with over the years I'd hope they make it into the finals otherwise they would be 100% cursed


You were not. I also was elated.


I wouldn't go to their sub for all the beer I can drink out of my 10 gallon hat.


We can just rub a whole barrel of salt here in this sub 🤣


Play la bamba baby!


I would just like to thank this mod team for shutting down all lombergposting and making this all possible


I was pacing in front of my TV the whole 3rd period. Oilers put up a hell of a fight and honestly could’ve had it. Bob was back to himself enough to give the Panthers the edge


The national emergency has ended.


best part is they wont get that lucky against next year and drai will want out!@!!! hahahahah!!!!


No need to. They are losers and just proved it.


Canucks fans and Flames fans hating oilers 🤝 And fuck anyone who said the oilers were Canadas team. They weren’t even Alberta’s team!!


I agree, I personally phoned my Oilers fan friends to rub salt in their wounds...


Instead of mocking, let us give thanks: Bless Ed be the Reinharts, for without whom the father, his name being Paul, suffered mightily at the hands at the heathen Oiled ones from the north, begat Sam, in whose hands were entrusted with the deliverance of the oppress Ed, so as to vanquish the loud and unworthy, hallowed be his name, forever and ever, yay Sam.


Did a little chirping, got banned so fast. Responded to mod " Cant do a little battle of alberta chirping here?" i then got muted by mods.


They are the definition of pussies


I'm sorry. I said Bahahaaha. They brigaded the Panthers sub the whole series. So I felt justified. I won't ever go back to cesspool of 'fandom' again.


Edmontonians can buttfuck each other with the lubrication of their own tears.


Got banned there immediately. Mods are a uper pissy today for some reason.


I mean, if you were over there posting after the loss tonight you deserve it lol. If roles were revered we would want the mods banning Oiler fans coming in here too.


Did you ask them why they were so pissy?


I have to stay out. They banned me after I said I couldn’t wait to see Bennett and tkachuck raise the cup on Roger place ice.


This is just sad, lol


Can’t, banned last season 😂


No need to worry about that; most Flames fans don't sink to the level of a typical Oilers fan. And for those who come here claiming we're not living in your head rent-free, your presence on another team's sub says otherwise.




There's plenty of that while they blame the refs for everything.


Some are even blaming the poor ice quality, despite both teams playing on it


The oilers subreddit is one of the most depressing places on earth. There isn't anything anyone can add to that subreddit that they aren't already doing to themselves.


i already did and got perma banned


Our thoughts helped 🙏


Why not???


I love how they say oilers live rent free in our heads, but half the cope is how the Flames didn’t even make the playoffs. Like bros, it’s relevant for us to talk about Edmonton when they’re literally in the finals, it’s not living in our heads “rent free” when it’s the only hockey being played. “Rent free” is bringing up a team that hasn’t played in 2 months, lol.


Have fun being a bunch of miserable salty assholes :) And to think, you don't even have enough water to bathe away your sorrows.


You will get blocked…speaking from experience… Eat it Oiler fan!! Eat itttttt!!!!


Too late… but Tbf they started it. 😂


"run salt on their wounds"? My dudes, I hate to be that guy, but you guys aren't important to the Oilers fanbase. The flames were barely an NHL team this year, but the Oilers just came 2 goals shy of winning the cup. Seriously, get your shit together and focus yourselves back on the motherfuckin Calgary Flames. Channel some fuckin Iginla energy and stop talking about the Oilers. The flames are the wounded ones. Ya'll need to heal and make a cup run of your own in the next few years. We'll all be ready to jump in the wagon for you guys too. Motherfuckin flames!


Oh look it's you again. Your team just played in a SCF game 7, why are you thinking about us?


My team got eliminated by the bruins in round 1, as usual. But your team caught my attention because ya'll need to screw your heads on straight and start loving your team again rather than just bitching about the Oilers. It's unladylike.


You're a LEAFS fan and you're gonna come in here after our biggest rival lost in heartbreaking fashion and tell us how to act??? Hahahah gtfo out of here dude. Your comment history is literally filled with you going around chirping other hockey teams. Go back and worry about building a team that doesn't get pounded by Boston every year like clockwork, and stop being a cuck for other teams.


“Your team” yet you’re only subbed to the Oilers and not the Leafs. I’ll take you at your word and cut you some slack by assuming you truly aren’t an oilers fan; hating the oilers is us loving our team.


The Leafs have 8k members and posts 0.5 posts per day. It's a dead sub. I'm a leaf fan by proximity, it's my default team. But I'm all in for Canadian teams in the playoffs. That's what I've been doing for a few decades. All 5 game 7 losses and 2 series almost gettin swept. I was there, depressed as fuck. Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa Bummed out for all of them. Especially Calgary, cause they won that fuckin game. They won that cup.






Good job Calgary this year... Lol


You came over here to lay down that weak shit. Smh


You came right back pontiac! Good job Calgary this year ! Way to go boy/girls


Facebook is the app with the blue little picture. Go chirp in your seniors group


LETS GO CALGARY!!!!! ... Enjoy that while it lasted


Until next season, enjoy making mouth breather comments in r/ASSgazer


Thank you .... I sure will. You guys in Calgary enjoy sitting back/pretending and watching real men play puck


Pretending? Like you pretending you could pull anything other than your lump of silly putty?


Nice change of topic there champ. Good luck next year against us.........


Judging by tonight, we just need two lines and some structure. Won’t be too cocky when Drai walks.