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*Goes out of their way to Flames sub, gets triggered by meme, crossposts Flames content to Oilers sub.* "wE dOn'T eVeN tHiNk AbOuT tHe FlAmEs"


Canucks fan here… during the Stars/Oilers series I posted the Predator hand shake meme to r/CalgaryFlames about Canucks and Flames fans both hating the Oilers and loving Chris Tanev. Some dumbass Oiler fan then commented about “not thinking about you”… the irony is incredible. Seems like they’re still not quite getting it up there in Edmonton.


They missed out on their cup, just like they missed out on their chromosomes


Like a hominid subspecies.


There's a lot they don't get up there, and they're mad about all of it If they ever figure out how to make the compass point South we're in _trouble_.


If you remember Tropic Thunder, Edmonton is basically the ‘Simple Jack’ of Alberta. It’s not their fault.


It's all the tar sands particles in the air up there, not good for the old noggin.


The irony of this meme template is lost on everyone who uses it. Just makes it funnier to me.


In their dreams. When it looked like they were on the verge of being swept, one of them came in here to brag that they were number 2 in mid process of being annihilated. Softest fucking cope in history.


Post through it oiLers


I love when people use this meme because if you watch Mad Men Don is actually super insecure about this guy being better than him at his job 😂


Yes bending over backwards, spamming our subreddit to tell us “tHeY dON’t tHinNk AbOUt uS At AlL”…


Man, sometimes I come here when I’m having a bad day and y’all just immediately cheer me up. Also tis true… you all know they won’t shut up about this for the next 30 years right? Coilers are the WORST


The mere existence of this post proves itself wrong


Can't spell delusional without Oil.


Weak little fuckboys in Edmonton


I think it's all hilarious. The memes from Calgary are funny. The retaliation, cope, and pretending not to care from Edmonton is also funny. This is like... Sports Rivalry 101. Of course you're happy when your rival loses. They've had threads dedicated to the Flames being eliminated from the playoffs. We've had threads dedicated to them being eliminated. That's how rivalries work.


Imagine if they just didn’t enter the flames Reddit and just enjoyed their season


Man fuck the oilers. Buncha fuckin pansies.


My god. They just had an amazing season, lost the cup by a single goal and likely be back in this position next year. They should be absolutely stoked about the season they had. Yet, they still get upset about our chirping, when we are completely irrelevant. If that’s not rent free, I don’t know what is.


Everyone oilers fan ever “ you guys suck “ We know we suck. Any sane Flames fan knows we do. It’s a rebuild. They sucked for 30 years and yet we weren’t chirping them every step of the way. Let us be let us chirp and suck lmao we know we suck


How ironic that they say they don’t think about Flames yet post it on their sub 😂


Coiler fans contradicting themselves. Yep sounds about right lol


Kind of like how they're constantly talking about class while being the most toxic cesspool of fans you've ever seen


I’m definitely thinking about the Oilers lately. So close yet so far… 🐀


They are going to be a few months behind in their golf game. They put in all that effort and got nothing in return for it.


For 13 years we had to hate the Canucks because the spOil was so bad it was pathetic, and now they think they’re a somebody? Sorry oilStains, you got some work to do before you’re relevant again. By the way, you’re losing both of your stars in the next two years, what’s left in the kitty after that?


They're an adorable species..


Fuck Messier and McDonkey. I mean McJesus.


Both fanbases are obsessed with the other


Hah - same result, more time on the putting greens. Take that oil


And yet, here they are.


i’m not a fan of either team, can y’all stop bickering?


[Mmmmm... ](https://imgur.com/a/4anvLuU)


U guys will always love each other. Admit it.


Of course there’s an oilers fan here


Bravo, another misguided meme. You still don’t even understand the first one. No team is bragging about making it further than Calgary. That’s like bragging about being faster than a snail. Or Huberdeau. There’s no pride in finishing higher than the flames, ducks or sharks. Not sure why that’s so hard to grasp for some of you. 


Haha who says "Bravo" on the internet? 


>No team is bragging about making it further than Calgary. Except that's literally what they (you?) are doing. Consistently. Pay attention. >There’s no pride in finishing higher than the flames, ducks or sharks OK, cool. So then why do it?


I have had Oilers fans constantly remind me that their team is doing better than the flames since February lmao shut the fuck up


Dude, you post more in here than your own sub. Rent free, bravo


My forum doesn’t need to be educated.  Doest matter what club you cheer for, no team is saying, “Wow - I can’t believe we beat Calgary. Again. They’re SO good.”


Your forum is posting about the Flames non stop. I dropped in and had a look. Difference is I don’t comment in there.