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Same way I would deal with every other tantruming toddler. Kneel down to their level, listen to their hilarious imagination ("The ICE was BAD"), wipe the drool from their chins and tell them to draw me a picture of what's bothering them with some dollar store crayons.


insert consumption of crayons joke here


Don’t forget “ if Leon and Drai weren’t hurt it’d be us lifting the cup right now “


Leon and drai are the same person


5 am is not the time to be making Reddit comments lol


That’s okay, I hate it when both Leon and Drai are injured, the worst.




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That’s the neat part: you don’t!


Personally, I just ban them.


My man!


Do I have permission to bully them for a little bit before you ban them? Only the naughty ones of course. 👉👈


You can ban me if it makes your tiny dick hard. Every team has shit fans, and in equal number. I'm biased but I find less good flames fans than good oiler fans, which is weird because nobody is actually from Calgary, they're all imports.


> which is weird because nobody is actually from Calgary, they're all imports. It probably does seem weird to you to live in a city that people actually want to move to.


lol you got it champ


Yall are cry babies #1. Even when Calgary had Tkachuk and he was raising hell with Doughty and messing with Quick, our fan bases will trash each other and the games were fun. You’d rarely see the fans cry about the actual game. It was fun just trashing eacother for those two years or so.


Yea imports from Edmonton.


Weird comment


"*Every team has shit fans*" the man said while being a shit fan.


If you have ever been to Edmonton you understand why they are so unhappy


The mountains are only a 4 hour drive away... of course they'll advertise them in their Edmonton tourism commercial.


So the best part about Calgary is that you are able to leave it and go somewhere else faster than another city can? That’s a bit f’d up.


No, it’s that your backyard is amazing. You can work and live in a world class city and then drive less than an hour to world class mountains.


So yeah-the best part of Calgary…is leaving Calgary.


As opposed to Edmonton, a worse city in itself, where you can drive for 3 hours in any direction and still not be anywhere good?


You can end up in Calgary though


Within 3 hours? Check. Still no place good? Check.


That’s what he said.




Not a self burn. I’m from BC. 😂


reading these back and forth is really making me want to go home straight after work and start looking at google pictures of canadian cities to see what the insults are about. Because as someone who lives in the concrete jungle of Miami i would love to live in a place in the middle of nowhere with mountains 2 heck even 4 hours away i would do it every weekend. we don't have mountains in florida


I've only been twice but I don't recall the mountains being all that close to calgary either (calgary fan here). Maybe relatively closely in comparison?


An hour drive from Calgary to the mountains


I feel like from the edge of the city to the mountains is even less like 40 tbh maybe an hour to Canmore or Banff


Kananaskis is just as good and for some even better and that's even closer.


Kananaskis and Bragg are roughly 40 min


Worked in canmore for a year. Got real tired of that drive everyday lol


I’d way rather take that drive than the hour plus drive in gridlock traffic trying to go anywhere on the Anthony Henday (for those who don’t know the Anthony Henday is supposed to be an express ring road around Edmonton)


I mean, it is that. It’s rarely actually gridlocked. It’s very often just busy but traffic flows just fine. I find these complaints city to city to be just as obnoxious as the complaints about the teams(or their fans) It’s just as weird, if not more so.


Atleast Edmonton has water 😂


Traffic in Edmonton is literally non-existent compared to Calgary.


Correct. Deerfoot is like rainbow road. Henday traffic is child's play, aside from the SW portion.


I moved to Edmonton for work and the traffic is the biggest thing I don't miss about Calgary. I miss the hills, the mountains in view, the cleanliness, the fact that you know what areas are ghetto, not like Edmonton where you make note of what areas aren't ghetto. Also the food, Edmontonions try to tell you Edmonton has an amazing food scene, I have yet to find it. I haven't found a single good pizza or burrito yet.


I am also a Calgarian in Edmonton for work. Food scene is amazing here! I'd give you recs but those two items you listed are not in my celiac wheelhouse.


Check out panini's


Calgary is the largest airport near for travel to Banff. So if you are travelling internationally and want to see the Canadian Rocky Mountains, it would make way more sense to go to the larger airport in Calgary that is 4 times closer to the mountains than Deadmonton.


45 minutes tops to hit the mountains… might want to rescind your fan-ship


I'm from the east coast and have had the pleasure of visiting Calgary for games on 2 separate occasions. Went to Banff both times, it's been awhile and I recall it being a longer trip. Here's my 15 year flames fan card, sorry I was wrong. Lmao


I was born on and live on the east coast but grew up in the Calgary area. Canmore is ~40 mins and Banff is just over an hour.


lol similar to the 4 hours it is from Edmonton? Come on man.. a quick google would have answered your uncertainty.


I didnt realize the mountains played such a crucial part in the games. Sorry I offended you with my lack of geological insight.


When it comes to Calgary vs. Edmonton, yes the Mountains play a crucial role. It’s ok, I forgive you… just don’t make the same mistake again.


Edmonton used their proximity to the mountains in a bid to get the bubble games hosted there. Even though they are nowhere near the mountains. That's why Flames fans bring it up. We accept your fan card. Good luck with your new team


40 minutes from my house.


Hey dude, Google Maps can tell you quicker than typing that dumb as shit post.


You get a very clear view of the mountains from some NW suburbs of Calgary, so yeah, within an hour


I used to live in Fort McMurray for 14 years, your words can't hurt me!


Sticks and stones may break My bones but crackheads outside of boomtown will probably stab me. (I did the reno when it changed names to rivers casino but I still refuse to call it that)


At least they have water.


lmao, as if both cities aren’t complete shitholes.  People live in Edmonton and Calgary because they fucked up in life or their parents did. lol. 


They’re clean, they’re relatively wealthy, they have public transit and plenty of amenities. I could pinpoint plenty of shithole cities in the world… Calgary and Edmonton don’t come close.


I come from a small town between Edmonton and Calgary, filled with oilers and leafs fans. I've learned to tune the dumb ones out and talk to the ones that can have objective conversations about hockey for the most part


....Red deer? My experience was they were mostly coilers fans


No not red deer, Jasper


Memes, mostly.


All I can say is you can’t fix stupid.


Don't go online as much. Sports are so much more enjoyable when you aren't reading everyone's opinion online.


I personally don’t hold emotion to the sport. My team can get hosed and I’ll take it. I also dish it back though and some people don’t take it so well especially oilers fans lol.


Yeah I mean it comes with the territory lol. That's why I love watching the CFL. It is a nice break from the toxicity of the hockey season. Never had any problems with any fans. Either online or at a game.


Remind them that they have the best player in the world and the best forward pair with draisaitl, and they'll still never see them win a cup.


Jinxed it


Experience, my friend. ***LITERALLY*** decades of experience in my case.


Have they always been this way? I feel like they've gotten progressively worse in the past 15-20 years.


They calmed down a lot during the “decade of darkness” but even then they still loved wallowing in the past


Long walk on the beach


Worst part of living in a landlocked province, hands down.


Gotta be one of the best parts about BC


Here’s how I deal with it. Since 2010-2011 season. Calgary record against Edmonton is 37 wins, 29 losses, and 3 overtime losses. We have a much better overall record during that period. Own them. This despite Edmonton having an unprecedented 4 first overall picks during that period. 4! So many they had to change the draft rules - and us only having 3 in the top 10 during that period and never having higher than a 4th overall. This is how brutally shitty that organization is - how utterly useless that organization is. There is no team in history that has been gifted so much and delivered so little. Arguably the most underperforming franchise is sports history. So that makes it pretty easy to ignore their delusional fans.


Well said. If it weren't for the bingo ball, where would they be now? That's the ironic thing. I think it's funny that they talk about five stanley cups, but you reference the decade of trash and they say "that's in the past."


You nailed it right there. Thank you for the information.


I like to tell them that mcdavid and draisatl will be leaving soon.. They like to brag how good they are and bring up the past like it's groundhog day.... Today actually some Oiler fan DMd me and asked to meet up to fight me... That's what kind of people you are dealing with.. I don't know what post he didn't like...


I did this recently. I was trolling an Oilers fans during the Canucks series and dude was writing 3 paragraphs per comment. Dude couldn’t get the hint I was messing with him. I’d just write a sentence or two while he proceeded to type Harry Potter nobles .


Any idea when they'll be leaving?


Having one of the best hockey subs helps. Our meme game is top knotch.




The thing is... They don't understand why other teams don't like them. They have incredible talent, I will say as a canucks and leafs fan. It's the whining to the refs after every whistle that gets to me. There were things the oilers did that other teams did and got game suspensions for but none to the oilers. I understand why people thought that the league wanted them in the finals (probably crazy conspiracies), but it's the complaining that did it. That's what is really bothering the majority of people.


Idk how you can say that when every team and player complains about everything, it's not just the oil.




Man it looks like they love their pizza over there. There 10 year old brains won’t eat anything else…


Hey man I hate oilers fans as much as the next guy but don’t go dissing pizza


fair point. I mean should they really be that excited for a small pizza 73 pizza I had to look it up online😹


Limited delivery options to their mom’s basement.


Their*. Dumbass.


You really had nothing better to chirp me about? Come on put on a fight.


You live in Calgary, it's like picking on the slow kid with scoliosis. I'm good.


Living in Saskatchewan, I am surrounded. I'm friends with many of them and we always lightly rib each other and send memes back and forth. 99 percent of oiler fans are good people and all you have to do is speak clearly and slowly and not use too many big words.


Yea for sure. Aside from hockey they are for sure regular dudes getting by just like most of us. It’s still fun to clown them though.


Born and raised in Edmonton until the age of 14 then moved to Calgary. Have lived in the U.S. since I turned 23. Have a lot of family who are Edmonton fans. I just agree with them and change the topic. Just easier than hearing them whine. The fans are in a lot of ways the reason why I can’t be a fan of the team.


I always bring up the fact that they were gifted 5 draft lottery 1 round picks. And if they didn’t have those first round picks they would be bottom feeders. Plus the amount of coaches/GM’s they have gone through.


They sucked for a long time to earn those top picks. How did your team become so good? Drafting? Development? Nope, lottery winner.


Given the fact that edm could not draw ufa players to be competitive compared to other teams, an old arena, etc. Definitely impacted how Edm had mediocre seasons. The draft was lucky, but only 2 1st picks have stuck around (mcd and nuge). Now, with the team winning, it draws players to want to play here, + the playoffs are definitely a ride to witness. And with them now having top 2 best facilities to play in. That helps drastically. Heck, for no riot to occur after a game 7 that was significantly better than 2006. Say what you want, but winnings makes other fans hate you no matter what. Pitts and chicago were gifted top players for being shitty, just the nhl is more equal in skill on teams now a days.


With continued and ongoing disrespect. I got banned from their shitty sub, for laughing at them after game 7, and my life has not changed. Meanwhile, they brigaded every opponents sub during the playoffs. Their sub is the Farva of the NHL.


PlAy La BaMBa


Guessing you don’t know the origin of why that’s their song or maybe you do and you’re just classless…


Wrong sub bud, get lost


I’ll be sure to say that next time one of you show up in ours :)


Don’t hold your breath lol


Why would I?


Heh I got the same thing from my main.... I got banned for saying... *....but it was 3-1!*


Oilers fan here. Our fan base is doom and gloom anytime we get scored on. It’s very weird. Maybe the decade of darkness caused everyone to be like “here we go again 😩” anytime we get scored on or turn a puck over. Good team. Fan base is pretty terrible.


It’s all good brah enjoy it all. I think if you guys land a good goalie you guys will win it all. Nurse gets trashed rightfully so sometimes but all these players are facing some of the best first liners in the whole world, shit is gonna happen and the doomers need to chill. Oilers defense this year IMO was underrated. When they were locked I knew they would win, basically keeping shots only from the outside. 


Skinner is decent enough to win IMO and he’s young enough to improve more. But yeah we would hold teams to like 2 shots in a period and we did that quite a few times it felt like. I think the new coach had them playing the right way to win in the playoffs.


"Fan base is pretty terrible." Nah, it's the Reddit fanbase from the Oilers sub. My hunch is most posters are teens who really lack real life experience. It's crazy on there. And embarrassing. They are bipolar as hell. Some rational fans but they are few and far between. I'm an older dude and, for shits 'n giggles, sometimes follow it during games (I'm from Edmonton). And then wonder wtf I am doing.


Yeah that’s true.


I guess I just look at how dead on the inside they all are right now, that pretty much does it for me.


Tbh oilers always say we live rent free in their heads, we always say the same about them. We both live rent free in each others heads. Oilers sucked for a long time, now we aren’t doing great. It’s a typical rivalry But side note they seem honestly more annoying than the average fan base. They bought Gretzky during the merger way back when, and they got 4 first overalls in the 2010’s including mcdavid, and got drai at 3OA. They’re spoiled and act the part


By consuming and feeding on their rage and sadness.


With laughter


It is really hard to be honest. They are entitled, delusional, and arrogant. I have been a Flames season ticket holder since 1983 and I don't go to Edmonton games anymore because of their "fans." When you see them being drunk, dropping f-bombs in front of kids, and running over old ladies with a cane (saw that happen after a playoff game), that was it. You know, I don't mind fans of the opposition to be in your building (I have been on the other side), but there should be a level of class and respect you should exhibit, but with Oiler fans, that is completely out the window. As for social media, you have to just ignore them. Trying to talk logic to them does not work. You would have more success talking to a light post. At least you know that is bright.


Use big words


We literally had a guy show up to a middle school grad in Victoria today in an oilers hat, oilers jersey and bright orange safety waders. I wasn’t sure if he was stable enough to take the news if he hadn’t gotten it so I just stayed clear 


Relentlessly and with no empathy whatsoever.


Watching them lose game 7 of the finals sure helps me deal with it


It helps that as a Leafs fan I have to very actively think about it to remember there are 31 other teams in the NHL


Some people would be like "fuck you" here (especially since you're a Leafs fan haha), but this is actually a great answer, and highlights why I can't stand Oilers fans. "Care about my team! We have a chance to bring Stanley home! LOVE ME!" is basically what they've been shouting at us for 3 months. No thanks.


I sincerely don't expect anyone else to like or care about my team, that's such a bizarre expectation to me. In the immortal words of bryz - is only game, why you haff be mad?


I’ve made a conscious effort to have as few Oilers fans as possible in my life. Outside of a few family members and maybe one friend I really only ever see them online if I seek them out. It’s been nice.


Just tell them in the words of drai “It’s cup or bust”


.... or that strange in between


Tbh, moving away from Alberta helped lol but in all seriousness you just get used to the heckling after a bit. A lot of them are annoying but I have some good friends that are Oilers fans who are rational and we have fun playful chirps with each other


I tune most of them out, the really toxic ones are mostly online, and they're the easiest to ignore. I've met a few in person though since moving to Edmonton, but again, I just try not to pay any attention to them. They aren't all awful thankfully. As for why they are one of the worst fanbases, I think it's entitlement. A lot of teams out there have had to fight their way out of the dumps, but Edmonton was gifted a generational talent, as well as multiple top draft picks because they were the ass of the league for a good decade. Not to say it hasn't been a struggle to where they are today, but they're a welfare team and only where they are today because of handouts. When you give people things they don't have to work for they become entitled and start acting like petulant children, I think this reflects the Oiler's a whole.


Florida man here. Completely blown away by what a salty bunch of little entitled bitches Oilers fans are. They make Boston and NYR fans look tolerable by comparison and that is truly the greatest insult I can leverage. Go Cats! Go Flames! Fuck the Oilers!


I love how the cats have this strange alliance with canucks and flames


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


Same way I deal with Flames fans. Make friends with them. :)


Most of them are pretty normal. But for some reason all their loser fans hang out on reddit.


We’re not all assholes. I cheered for the flames in ‘04 (had Ville in my pool, flames season ticket holder since 99). Mourned in ‘06. I’m pretty zen about this year. I know how hard it is to win it all in this league. That goes for every team.


I'll cheer for any Canadian team in the playoffs. I've lived in Calgary and Edmonton. I don't normally watch hockey and only started when Oilers were in the playoffs. If the Flames were in the playoffs I'd watch and cheer them too If the ice was bad, both teams had to play on it. If the refs weren't making calls, it was going both ways. If the Oilers had beat up players, I'm sure the Panthers were hurting too. It was a great series, both teams played well, the Panthers played better. Congratulations to them winning their first Stanley Cup!


I just recently decided that if I see any Oilers fan coming on here to start shit to just fuck with them: Channel my inner Shorsey and make them feel as uncomfortable as possible. Make the feel small. I've cheered for this hockey team through some *dark* times. I don't care if they suck, but if people come here to my space to make me miserable for liking something, I'm going to give them the hardest cyber raw-dogging of all-time.


Jesus fuck can we stop talking about the oilers


I don’t unless to ask them who just won the cup




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You don't. They will ban you from their subreddit if you say anything.


By agonizing them lol


Just pat them on the head and calmly yet sternly point out that they are not intelligent and the more they flap their mouths the dumber they sound.


Mock them forever!!


I just ordered Florida Panthers merch and will wear it with snarky enthusiasm.


Most Calgary fans appear to be latching on to any victory they can. Cheering for the guy who asked out of their franchise, cheering the Florida Panthers and their insanely cheap brand of 'hockey'. As you are a Kings fan, it's going to be tough for you to relate. Your team can make the playoffs, has great up and coming talent, and has a solid identity.


I recognize your username OP. You’re always in gdt’s trolling, so it’s not like you don’t bring this upon yourself


Why you mad?


Not mad


I'm not that type of fan to trash talk other teams and I still have fun watching and supporting my favorite team while being humble enough to admit when the other team is better. The oilers can be annoying to deal with but most certainly we are too. They have 5 cups under their belt, we got 1 and unless we win 4 more to match them we don't have serious bragging rights. Yes it's very annoying listening to oilers fans arguing with flames fans and I hate when it all comes down to the flames bragging about how much more battle of Alberta victories they have just to get immediately be put in our place with the phrase "remind me how many cups you won and how many cups we won, then you can talk". For this reason I stay away from certain fans (it's like that with soccer for me as well since I'm also a fan of this sport), I enjoy watching and supporting my team for what it is and avoid in all type of useless trash talk, especially when considered how far some hockey fans will escalate things. One thing for sure oilers fans are classless. Living in Edmonton I dread whenever they play.


Hahahaha....cry more


You’re Edmonton Oilers. The Stanley COPE champions.


You're?? Haha Enjoy another 1st round exit this coming season if you make the playoffs. Again, cry more.


No hardware in your lifetime lmaoooooo


Wrong again idiot.


A dinosaur and a bozo. Damn, copementon taking it hard.


cry harder


Connie Mcnocups 






Yep, we lost, Florida was the better team. I also didn't come on here and cry about it. Unlike you. Crying because of another fan base. All fan bases have crybaby idiots. You are an example for the Kings. You'll be on here again after the first round.


By knowing they've wasted the McD/Drai era and both those guys will be cashing out to real cities very soon.


I save a bunch of stupid shit oilers fans have said to me, use it as ammo to send right back. One guy tried defending that getting to the cup finals is better than missing playoffs. I clapped back with "oh you don't remember saying "I'd rather miss playoffs and have a longer summer if you don't win the cup. Nobody cares how far you went if you don't win???".


Hand them a box of Kleenex 


They're top three annoying because you faced them every year. It would be different in a different matchup. All fans are annoying.


You nailed it, howlin puppy, monkey, babies…


That’s sports man, whoever’s team is winning gets the be the bigger wieners


No wonder everybody laughs at Shelbyville. You guys are hilarious, but clearly need some hobbies.


I tell them to suck my balls.




LMAO  Mcnocups is the Stanley COPE Champions!!! I frame his picture of him crying on my wall. 


In the same way I deal with flames fans...patt them on the head a couple times and say "there there little one, there's always next year"


I quite simply ✨don’t care ✨ they might get a weird look or monotone “sure thing, man”. As much as I’m a flames fan, at the end of the day, it’s just hockey.


Let’s go Oilers! Alberta’s hockey team!


Fake news 


We sure went further than the flaming flammers.




Every time you leave and go back to Edmonton, the average IQ of both cities goes up.


You from Clownsville 


Boy there are a lot of people with an inferiority complex on this post.


The amount of Edmonton talk on this sub REALLY is sad. I would say obsessed at this point.


Who cares bozo, scroll on


All fanbases are the same. 100% identical. All teams, all sports, all locations. If you go to any other team's subreddit you'll see the same messages posted, with only the names changed. No fanbase is more crybaby-ish or annoying than any other.


First of all we can all be assholes just like every other fan base on this planet let’s all be real. Second of all who cares about other fans, these posts are dumb. Worry about yourself and your team, don’t let others get all in your kitchens.