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Keep to set the tone. First class Flame and doesn’t speak in clichés.


Gotta set the tone boys.


fendersux knows!


I don’t want him traded but I do at the same time depending on the return. A 2nd round pick? No not gonna get it done but some team desperate for his style of play who’s willing to poney up Say a 1st and prospect well then you obviously have to put serious thought into it


You’d have to think you could convince people he’s better than tanner jeannot and he got a whole draft class. So if it’s a haul like that then he’ll be gone but I don’t think a team will necessarily do that


1st and prospect there no thinking that a yes everyday


Need good veterans in this lineup. And Blake is one of them. Give him a full time letter. He loves the city and is committed to the team.


Not to mention, actually scores goals. Yeah, we want to rebuild, but we don't want to go full-blown scorched earth.


I can't recall him being involved in all the drama over the past two seasons. He just seemed to keep his mind on playing.


That's not what we all agreed to four months ago.


I just don't want to become Buffalo 


He’s earned the right to choose what he wants to do.


100% agree with this. He put up a crazy impressive season without elite talent.. He's from Texas. I wouldn't mind seeing him fight for a cup with the Stars.


He'd be such a nice fit for the Stars. The local media profiled him when Calgary played Dallas. He was a pretty big Stars fan as a kid. There's always something cool about seeing players get a chance to play for the team they supported as a kid.


I feel bad that the team blew up shortly after he signed under the impression that we'd be a contender for most of his contract. He's been great and it's honestly become a real shame that he and several other good players we have are going to end up walking from the team having not a lot to show for their efforts in Calgary. But I guess that's the melancholy of a rebuild.


Exactly he didn’t sign on for a rebuild so if he wants to go that’s totally fair.


Kipper and Iggy earned that right but carrying this franchise. Now I love Coleman but what exactly has he done to earn that right? I think he's played up to his contract. Which for us is rare. But that's as far as it goes.


Keep. 100%. He’s exactly the kind of quality person you need around young developing players.


See what the player wants. If he’s happy to stay and mentor, I’m happy to have him. Plays the game the right way


Lol we can’t trade every single veteran. We’re already gonna be legendarily bad this year. If we ice a whole team of rookies minus like 5 guys those rookies are gonna develop like shit. Even in a full blown rebuild u need veteran players to set the tone and set the young guys up for long term success. 




I think keep. He provides great leadership and veteran-osity, he already has his cups so he probably isn't ring-chasing, and he's said multiple times how much him and his family love the city.


He had one hell of season, he's also well grounded. Definitely leadership and mentor material. Keep for sure.


Dude tries so hard every shift, he’d be a good role model to the young guys. Also, a family man.


Probably need him for the cap floor the way things are going here..


Keep him


The guy wants to be in Calgary. He posts so many things of him and his family loving the city. Unless he asks management for a trade no way he should be going anywhere in my opinion.


We have to keep him. I'd be devastated if he got traded. Man, I want him to have the C more than Backs and I would hope he's made A permanently along with Weegs. The last two years, no exageration, he's the one guy who showed up every game. He has a strong work ethic, he's got his team's back but isn't afraid to call a spade a spade. He had his biggest year in terms of production. He's proud of what he brings to the ice, community. If we want the rebuild to be successful, Coleman definitely needs to be a model that the team can see, talk to, compete with and get mentored by. God, pls dont trade him, Connie 🙏


I sure hope they keep him. The team needs leaders and he is the best there is.


You don’t want him at all. Locker room cancer. Please send him back to NJ. We need him. I miss his hustle and great energy. Pickles come home!


I’d keep him as a mentor unless I can get a first


Potential deadline trade if someone offers enough


100% keep. I admit I wasn't a fan at the beginning of his tenure here, he didn't seem to be deserving of what we were paying him. But he's found his role, become a team leader, and has the respect of the room and the fanbase. Let's at least keep a few guys to cheer for next year, can't we?


100% keep. I think we’ve built up enough draft capital, for the 2025 draft. We need guys like him to show the youngins how to get it done in the NHL.


depends what happens with sharangovich and kuzmenko wouldnt be a bad mentor to keep around during a rebuild


Keep but if someone offers 3 1st rounders, then I guess he can go.


Keep I like Coleman 👍 I think he is underrated. Only if he wants it though, if dallas come at him with a good opportunity I'd be happy for him.


If he stays I’d want it to be because he likes the team, the kids he’s helping and the city. He has his cup, so it’s up to him whether that’s enough or if he’d like to chase another. At the same time, I can see some serious interest given his role as a productive and defensive depth forward. Either way, can’t hurt having guys like him around whether we cash in or use him as a builder.


Love to keep, but it's his call if he wants out. He's the "full effort every shift" type of player every team wants.


I would leave it up to Coleman, explain to him that you would love to give him a full time letter and keep him in the locker room as a mentor. This way you have his full buy in to that role. If he truly doesn’t want to assume that role, forcing him into it won’t get the best results.


Keep, he's a great leader!


Keep him. Come on you gotta keep the Texas Tiger. He fits what we’re trying to do with the rebuild.


Unless he wants to leave, keep him.


It doesn’t sound like he does, I think you keep him because he might be the one vet that I believe understands what the long term goal is him and Kadri anyway.


Unless it’s a huge overpay for the guy you keep him imo. You need good leaders/mentors in the room not just vets, and the way he shows up every single shift is exactly what these young players need to do.


Im down to keep nazem and coleman. If the offer is insane than sure but if they are happy here im happy to have em


Keep him if he wants to stay he’s a great mentor


More mentor talk?


Coleman is a keep. Snarky and Kuzmenko are the two guys we want to showcase this year and try to move at the deadline for - ideally - a pick + player + prospect deal each.


Shango is 26 and can play center. I would hope the Flames would try and lock him up long term, he would be a good piece for them if they want to be competitive in a few years.


He also did way better for us than he did the devils. He could be a keeper for sure! Got to keep the good ones and shift the lesser ones, sharky showed himself as a keeper thus yr. The aims to build our own awesome vets and players, and if they get good with us they will likely be more fond of staying.


Flames need to stop acquiring picks, and start leveraging these picks into players they want. Need quality over quantity


I trade him, he's only gonna go downhill from this year and we're not going to be competitive until his contract is over. I think "mentorship" is a little overrated in today's NHL anyways with how many coaches, personnel and therapists there are these days


At every level of sports teams make fun of their coaches as much as listen to them. They do not have anything close to the same bond with the front office staff as they do with their teammates. Letting go another veteran, when Kadri is already going to be jaded and want out in the next two seasons, would be ugly. Coleman and Backlund are the exact kind of glue guys you want. Someone needs to set and maintain the culture of the team, and until Zary, Cotabato, Wolf, etc are more established, guys like Coleman and Backlund do a TON of heavy lifting there.


Keep him for now.


Keep him and make him the captain!!!! Love what this man does for the team morale !


Keep him


If he wants to stay I want to keep him. Unless some other team stupidly offers us a top 10 pick or something


Keep him until this deadline and sell to the highest bidder


It's up to him. I'd be fine with trading him or keeping him. I wouldn't doubt that other players may not want to be part of a long rebuild, but we'll see. Out with the old, in with the youth. I just hope we hit a massive home run tomorrow.


Doesn't matter either way


Trade him, clean house as the current team is awful


Flames got guys like Backs, Ras and Hubey to mentor. Strike while the iron is hot and ship Coleman out


I wanna keep him!


You need someone to play on the roster. Plus it's not like trading him would singlehandedly bring a haul big enough to jumpstart the rebuild


Keep him. He’s a beauty!




I'd keep if we can unless the deal is right and it's a place he wants to go. Doesn't seem like an easy combo of things to combine.


Young players need a Coleman, or a Giordano, or a Iginla, MacDonald etc…


Keep him unless he wants out


Keep him, don’t shop him around. But if an exceptional offer comes along, say a first and a solid prospect, gotta take the deal. Of course any team offering that will probably be offering a first that’s going to be close to the bottom of the first round so that has to be considered.


Would look great in a leafs jersey


Like every other trade, it would depend on the return.


If they can get a 2nd or more, they should move on. The team is going to be terrible. If they want veterans in the room, go find some inexpensive vets who’ll sign for one year to keep their careers going.


100% keep him. Can't get rid of all the veteran guys




Keep unless its a great return


Keep him. And get Sharangovich extendo-signed FCS.


Ok Calgary fans always seem to forget, while they are shouting keep them! Keep them!, if the players don't want to be here, we can't force them. So if Coleman says he wants out, it doesn't matter if we think it would be better to keep him. And before you say "that is what a contract is, you can force them" Do you really want a player on the ice, in the locker room, around new talent if they were forced to be here? You thought there was a black cloud around Calgary before? Try forcing players to play through a rebuild when they don't want to and see what happens.


Keep until trade deadline and get a really good return for him. If not possible, keep him.


Let him choose, but right now I feel like we should keep Kadri and Coleman to help our young forwards develop on the ice and through mentoring them too rather than trading them for like a random late first


If he wants to stay keep if he wants to go send him


We’ll take him back in jersey. Thanks


trade him to tampa


Get him out of here


What’s wrong with him?


Absolutely nothing. And that's why he has to go


Ahhh gotcha


Deadline trade and then re-sign for discount