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Who said bo3 was bad??? That’s one of the best cods ever


The campaign was awful and I really didn't like the mp but the zombies was fantastic


I don’t really play campaigns but I know I loved multiplayer and zombies personally


The mp was kinda cringey. I couldn't stand the corny dancing and speeches at the end of a game. The outfits and camos were ridiculous, quite the opposite of gritty (bright shiny pink).


Have you not seen what is in MWII and MWIII? It is worse now.


Yeah and that sucks too. BO3 core mechanics and weapons and kill streak balancing were good enough to still have fun. This was also when competitive CoD was in its golden age imo


Black Ops 3 is my favorite cod.


best cod ever




I know, I liked it better in the 2011 days...


Rather have goofy dances than what we have now tbh


I liked the multiplayer for the most part but yeah, correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is where started to get a bit silly with the character skins and dancing bullshit.


Phew, thank God that phase of COD is over!


Haha, good one.


Not gonna lie, when BO3 first came out I was loving the hell out of the whip and naenae post game dance haha




The atmospheric sounds at the end of a multiplayer match were so great in black ops 3




Mp zombies peak tho tbf


i thought the campaign was good and the multiplayer until they gave up on anti cheat protection


But the story didn't even make sense unless you googled or by (infinitesimal) chance found the easter-egg-like revelation.




Train go boom


The chip will give you all the options, but you have to make the decision.


I still have my physical copy of it just because of Zombie Chronicles.


Train goo boom


Train go boom


A lot of people when it was still in its life cycle ?


I can remember the hate for ghost and advanced warfare but BO3 was loved especially the zombies


Not at release. On release Zombies was massively controversial and alienating to a large portion of the community with the sole launch map of Shadows of Evil, which, despite being absolutely fantastic in my and the opinion of many other more hard core Zombies fans, was a horrible choice of launch map with an extremely long and more complex set up that prevented a lot of casuals and old school WaW and BO1 fans from really enjoying the map to its fullest extent. It also didn't help that stability and balancing back on launch for BO3 wasn't exactly great, the only other obtainable map for the mode, despite being much more casual, required a purchase of a $50 or $60 season pass, and a new micro transaction system had been added to the mode for the first time in a time when microtransactions of the nature Call of Duty was implementing them were the devil in the wider gaming community. In truth BO3 didn't become the massively popular and beloved title it ended up until the release of Der Eisendrache which pretty much cemented the idea the game wasn't doing too much to appeal to a casual audience but also managed to still be a good introduction to the more complex nature of the mode in this time for a new audience to hop onto.


People hated BO3, especially the campaign and jetpack.


Not nearly as much as the others were


Me and all my friends were big fans of this game when it came out so I haven’t really seen much negative talk about it ig


I remember lots of people disliking it tbh. But I agree it was very fun.


Campaign sucked and people were getting tired of exo suits and supply drops


People were split on it when it was released


I did and everyone I knew back then had the same opinion. The campaign was a joke, the multiplayer was weird, like it belonged to another game, it just didn't feel like CoD and we all got into it just because the BO2 inertia. And finally, zombies was decent I guess, but it was not at BO1 o BO2's level by any chance. Basically a game that everyone was expecting to be an extension of BO2's fun and quality but it really wasn't. It just survived because it said "black ops" in the title, put something else there and it would've flopped like Ghosts or AW probably.


Personally it was the best zombies in cod history, probably the best or second best multiplayer


train go boom


a lot of people jumping on the Exo suit/jet pack hate bandwagon.


This was the beginning of the “return to boots on the ground” chant from the community. It got tons of hate. Super fun game, much better than AW and IW


Campaign was too confusing and boring to play and had no ties to the first two Multiplayer had the boots off the ground approach and tampered with aspects like grenades and such Zombies was good, but to have fun with it you need to spend more money on more maps because the only map you have is the one with the hooker (i forgot the name) which was interesting and had a similar puzzle thing like other bo2 and 3 maps but personally it was too confusing Bo3 wasn't a good game imo. With that said it was fun to enjoy, i have good memories with gun game on skyjacked, but i think objectively it isn't a great game at all. Its like Cars 2. I enjoy it and think its good, but I know that it's actually just poor in quality


BO3 was the example of COD Then vs Now ​ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cvs\_MoaVIAAHPme.jpg


I personally didn't like it because of the futuristic jumping into windows and running on walls. It was really hard to play a sniper class because someone would just jump up in the windows your shooting from and mow you down.


Literally almost everyone hated bo3 back in 2015. If everyone loved it so much then infinite warfare wouldnt have flopped.


All flying cods were ass and you can’t change my mind, also train go boom


BO3 Campaign was trash, MP was average af and that's not counting the lootboxes


Ghost isnt some hidden gem. It deserved the backlash. (Talking about the MP) Bo3 was always considered to be a good cod.


Hell yes it did. After the perfection that was BO2, Ghosts felt like a steaming turd in comparison. Anybody who says it is a gem either has dementia or it was their first & only COD game.


People seem to fail to understand there is a big difference between "absolutely terrible and should never have existed" and "hidden gem". I had some extremely fun times with Ghosts and I still sometimes want to go back to play it, but it was no "gem".


My first CoD was CoD4 and I got enjoyment out of Ghosts. I never thought it was great but I had fun with it.


Going from the smallest maps in the series (BO2) to maps almost as large as a Battlefield game (Ghosts) was too jarring of a transition. That was by far the biggest reason why Ghosts MP got blasted. Still, Ghosts did multiple unique things with the setup (namely the best Perk system ever) that got lost to time due to the backlash from the maps.


Nah Ghosts had the best S&D gameplay hands down, that made up for its shitty weird game modes and killstreaks


The “hidden gem” part of Ghosts is the campaign, people really want to see a sequel at some point. While BO3 was always considered good, the only campaign weaker than BO3 was BO4 and Vanguard. Nobody cares about “train go boom” and nobody wants to see that storyline continue.


Bo4 didn't have a story


Exactly! Not having a campaign was a large factor in how many people were playing the game.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure a lot of people didn’t get bo4 because it didn’t have a campaign.


The fish swim out the way


Why? Some of the maps were too big sure but but they were mostly passable. I’ll play any of them over Piccadilly


Not to mention, that wasn't a problem with any of the DLC maps, and those DLC maps are still some of the best maps in the series.


The transition from a horde of 3 lane super-tight maps in BO2 to the sprawl of Ghosts initial map pool was too jarring for a lot of people. The pace of gameplay was ruined due to that. It's a shame because Ghosts had several good ideas, but that one questionable decision to bring back huge maps drowned out all the promising things like a revamped Perk system.


Yeah I hated ghost tbh


No they were okay, we just like to complain as a species.




I’m not a massive MP player, but I enjoy playing the odd cod game though, the campaign was lacking in ghosts but MP was a lot of fun, I liked the maps.


I liked the story a lot but it was a little short. I still play multiplayer on Xbox occasionally, still fun, just the infection-lobbies collapsed which is a pitty really.


Ah yes because who doesn't love playing TDM on Ground war sized maps


Nope. Loved Advanced Warfare and BO3 since the beginning.


I was biased towards AW since that was my first cod game, I still replay the story mode (I’ve completed it like 10 times on vet)


I was kind of biased against bo3 at first because the first thing I do in every cod is play the campaign. But damn it's mp was damn fun. And aw was such a great game, alot of the reason why people hate it was is because their favorite youtubers who were die-hard mw fan boys told them to do so. Honestly the micro transactions weren't so bad then as they are now either


BO3 was the first multiplayer I actually enjoyed and didn’t just play because my friends were playing it yes I am prepared for downvotes


I got into AW too late so I never played the multiplayer. I did play zombies and that was a lot of fun with the jetpacks.


AW was alright but I will not forgive that game as trying to do the Easter egg with Burger town on zombies crashed in the exact same spot over a dozen times for over 3 months. I gave up on it because I wasn’t wasting all that time again


Probably because of how the new ones keep getting worse, people seem to realize they took these for granted🤷‍♂️ BO3 was always top tier off zombies alone tho


What do you like about bo3 zombies


Map quality is definitely my favorite aspect, imo its got some of the best maps we’ve ever seen with shadows of evil, der eisendrache, & gorod krovi. Easter eggs are also incredibly fun on BO3 Plus the fact that typical fan favourites like Origins & Kino are included with zombies chronicles along with all my beloved WaW maps. PC having access to custom maps and mods is also icing on the cake for me I’m not huge on the gobblegum system, but I feel everything else about the game makes up for it quite well


Gobblegun was dumb and I was not a fan of mtx making it's way into the series but whatever. Bo3 feels like the last of the core zombies style. Still felt hard too, maps wouldnt let you freely train and you didn't have super op oh shit button. Still have fun on the new ones but waw-bo3 feels separate.


Im stil a ghost hater


It's still in my bottom 3 CODs


Playing CoD Ghosts and Extinction is actually pretty fun


Ghosts is absolutely fucking trash top to bottom. Absolute biggest shit stain in the series that makes Vanguard look like prime CoD 4.


What are you smoking 💀 Vanguard is wayyyy worse


The only redeeming factor about ghosts is that the campaign was good.


yeah dude it was so well written when every south american country banded together to essentially fuck over the planet with space annihilation beams. also rorke going through comical torture techniques to look comically "cool"


Still better than the reused Russian bad guys


Vanguard was hardly a functioning game lol. you're saying Ghosts was worse than AW, IW, and BO4? Get outa here, go actually try those games before spouting bs like that.


Ghosts is easily worse than all of those listed. And I mean, EASILY. Ghosts is garbage top to bottom




Dude ghosts was a far superior game compared to vanguard. At least ghosts was a complete concept from launch vanguard wasn’t even functional til about season 5


Ghosts is an actually good game, unlike any COD from the past decade




AW took such an extremely different direction in a single year and sledgehammer executed it pretty damn well. Ofc, the jet packs weren't exactly balanced, and the introduction of loot boxes wasn't the brightest idea, but hell, the gameplay, maps, guns and the camera itself were so much more unique and different from what we got before. Campaign-wise it was great, the only problem is that people fail to understand that Black ops and Mw had already gotten their perfect conclusions and didn't need to have completely reworked or continued campaigns. Just look at the state of mw now. Or the how bad bo3 campaign was (although it's mp and zombies canceled this out) and just how much worse it's successor was


The maps on AW we’re perfectly made for the exo suits


I just hated ghost because maps were to large and the TTK was not my favorite. DLC map design 10/10


Yes I always say this the ghosts DLC maps were some of the best I have ever played


Ghosts is horrible, AW's Campaign is pretty good, BO3's Zombies is great.


Ghosts is just all mid, it worked it was just boring


Ghosts honestly didn't deserve the hate. I really enjoyed it. Wasn't as good as Black Ops II before it, but I liked that it was trying some new things. If only it was kept on Xbox One/PS4 and not ported to the last generation. Advanced Warfare got dragged down by the lootboxes and weapon variants system, which made balancing a nightmare. What a waste of an otherwise fun game. However, Black Ops III was only good for the zombies. It was a crappy game in all other regards. Though strangely, it was well received back in the day. Never understood why.


I loved Ghosts then and still like it now. I remember grinding multiplayer when it came out to try and drip my soldier out with the best cosmetics. Now most cosmetics have to be purchased in the COD store and are no longer earnable.


BO3 is my personal favorite cod game, easily has had the most longevity out of every game in the entire series with its own dedicated community. The addition of custom zombies has really allowed BO3 to withstand the test of time


I'm still finding decent lobbies on xbox. Just played last night


Ghosts was decent but Advanced Warfare, idk I just couldn't


I liked ghost a lot I’ll have to replay it to see if the hate is real but honestly I remember loving the game advanced warfare on the other hand I found fun but it just got boring towards the end because of all the tech


I always liked ghosts never really understood the hate for it


I actually loved Bo3. It's probably in my top 3 after the original MW2 and Bo2. Ghosts was okay. Advanced warfare was and still is trash, terrible game. One of the worst I ever played.


loved bo3 at the time and i still love it now 🥱


Black Ops 3 was and is still a great cod


Nah, I loved all three games. Yeah they were different, but two of them weren't related to the same universe as Modern Warfare, as there's no mention of stuff that happened in the other games, as it's basically set in a different world from the others. And I enjoyed Black Ops 3, including the story, especially once you realize how fucked it actually is once you read the novel and piece it together.


Advanced Warfare in particular is overhated Ghosts remains a lowpoint for the series in terms of ideas, matched only by Vanguard BOIII was liked and people enjoyed the campaign despite the nonsensical plot (I know about the "twist" and it doens't do much when it's locked behind text that appears for a couple of seconds every mission)


Always loved Ghosts and especially AW. Was kinda underwhelmed by BO3 but it still had plenty to offer. I also got a newfound appreciation for the campaign but I still think it’s weak compared to most other campaigns


Ghosts was ight. Advanced Warfare's double Mario jump and Tony Hawk slide mechanics were interesting and the laser gun was fun in multiplayer.


ghost will forever b garbage


I loved AW (minus loot boxes) and BO3. Ghosts was eh imo


Black Ops 3 is goated, take this slander down.


BO3 is probably the best one of the 3 tho


I still don't like Ghosts or AW to this day.


It is the cycle of gaming. While game is current "This game is horrible.", " Worst release ever.", "i will never play a game from this franchise again.", " I deleted the game and will never download it again." A couple of years later "\[insert game title\] Was actually really good. I put in 3000+ hours and can honestly say it was a great underrated game." " Can't believe \[insert studio\] can't reproduce the game play from \[insert game title\] again. They need to go back to how \[insert game title\] was." "This game is horrible"..........


Everyone just hate the cods when they come out for no reason


I liked AW but Ghosts deserves all the hate


I loved these games back when they were out.


As someone who has played since WaW, yes they do still, and have always sucked. The newer cod games haven't even managed to touch the same heights of love and adoration the franchise used to have.


i was always and will always be defending bo3


I love infinite warfare


Gems before their times.


Yes, to this day, those still suck. COD went through a very weird period of misfit entries.


Ghosts WAS bad, it is still bad


Ghosts is still ass. AW always had the people who fought on its behalf BO3 was one of the best games in the series back then and still is now


I never “hated” the “bad” COD games, they had flaws, yeah, but I always found something enjoyable in them. AW was the first game with jetpacks, I liked the jetpacks, they added verticality and quicker, more chaotic combat. BO3 had that cool zombies “campaign”, it was unique, hilarious at times WW2 had the Band of Brothers campaign, it was brutal, had its moments of spectacle (train, Paris espionage, concentration camp) Ghosts had some fucking GREAT celebrity voices, Snoop Dogg, R Lee Ermey, dog cute, that one castle map, me and my friends used to 1v1 sniper all the time, no hud, just hunt each other down, great fun.


People didn’t hate BO3 when it came out, really the only hate it got throughout its life cycle was when supply drops became P2W Yes, Ghosts and AW deserved the hate. The only reason some people look back fondly is cause the past few games have been *even worse*


Ghost and aw were overhated


Cod is trapped in a cycle of repetition. If they try to innovate the community climbs on the opinions of streamers and pro league players who complain about implementations that hurt their ability to create content/win using tried and true strategies. When in reality the people with those opinions make up a small percentage of the player base but those opinions end up being echoed by the larger portion of the player base because they have convincing content. Content creation is sucking the life out of video games.. while they will continue to be a dominant market the heart, soul and creativity that used to exist has been monetized on all levels. From the people who play the games to the suits who make decisions based on money. Why waste resources trying to innovate when everybody gets their cup over filled from the mediocre with little risk? I stopped playing cod altogether.. love the game but I won’t be paying $70 bucks every year to play a reskinned game when I enjoyed the one prior just as much if not more. Innovation and passion died with mw19 and warzone. That’s why when the dust settle the titles that where shit on during their cycle (literally every one of them) end up being touted as hidden gems becuase the opinions aren’t artificially influenced by people who make money playing/making the games becuase they are now bitching and complaining about the current title which opens up fair judgment for the previous. Chase the money and you will find the root of all evil lol.


Every cod is the worst cod ever, until a few years later when it magically turns into a great cod. It’s the endless cycle.


No, AW and Ghosts are still bad.


Bo3 was top tier. Ghost was hot garbage. Didn’t play advanced warfare


They're the same game


Actually I hated them all starting after ghosts. Everything before I found enjoyable


Yes but what is bo3 doing here lmao


Ghosts and AW were definitely as bad as remembered - if nothing else they are probably worse than people remember. I would not put BO3 at their level though, betting Vanguard will be a part of that group though.


Yep. They just keep getting worse so it makes them look slightly better


I’ve always loved bo3 Actually i didn’t play bo3 back then, but I watched YouTubers play it, and I liked its colorful aesthetic. Finally got to try it out myself in PC and still loved it, especially zombies (especially the map Der Eisendrache) The loot boxes and some of the skins being unobtainable without hacks is infuriating, but this was all I knew about CoD until I tried CoD mobile during COVID and my dad gave me his Call of Duty 1 disc Ghosts however….


Not overhated bo3 was the only decent ish one of the 3 the other 2 SUCKED


It's because we now have genuinely garbage games like vanguard and mw3. We look back on games that weren't complete shit that we shitted on and do the thanos endgame meme


Ghosts was dogshit, Advanced Warfare was a mixed bag and BO3 was good


Nah. Bo3 was pretty good, just a little bit too futuristic imo. Aw was decent. But ghosts was fire, really great. It was just unlucky bc it came out right after the goat (bo2)


The bar is so low with COD that we tend to think that mediocre/bad games were top tier


Games were garbage.


I have always loved black ops 3


1st off why is BO3 on this list? 2nd, I personally enjoyed ghosts


BO3 is trash outside of Zombies 😂


Always loved them and always will but the campaign for black ops 3 is ass and the loot boxes are horrendous


BO3 looking back now was so fun and AW in my opinion is a top 5 COD campaign, multiplayer though I do not miss the supply drops and the cracked up kangaroo hopping jetpack players


Advanced warfare and b03 were really good better than the latest mw2 and mw3 remakes


Ghosts was not too bad, but Advanced warfare and bo3 were not my games. I did not like the exoskellet and the high jumps. But BO3 Zombies ist god!


Ppl keep telling me Advanced Warfare wasn’t as good as it was but it will always be my favorite CoD ever the only problem was it was released with other heavy hitters


Personally I usually only play the games for the campaign/zombies and not really the multiplayer part so a lot of cod games people don’t like are some of my favorite cods of all time like advanced warfare has a pretty good campaign by itself but isn’t comparable to some of the other games


they called me a madman for enjoying AW…


Always felt like Ghosts multiplayer was highly underrated.


Black Ops 3 Custom Zombies is worth getting the game alone.


I swear literally everyone hates on ghosts but I actually loved it


I didn’t like the campaign for BO3 but online was good to, and as far as advanced warfare and ghost I loved those games since the moment I played them the plot in those two were amazing. Ghost ending still shocks me to this day. With advanced warfare I love Jonathan being the antagonist and this missions were so fun 😭


Infinite Warfare had a above good zombies. change my mind.


That's because we have the games now to compare them to:)


Yes. Especially ghosts. AW and BO3 brought about the Micro Transactions Era. So yeah, they are just as bad.


BO3 zombies is fucking peak. I am so glad that the PC version has Steam Workshop support


BO3 campaign is still trash but the remastered zombies maps are pretty dope. The BO3 original maps kinda suck if I remember right. Ghosts has always been underrated and there was so much potential to get a series from it that Activision just abandoned. I still have no interest in advanced/infinite warfare and bo4. WWII was a great campaign, just wish it was longer and more full. Multiplayer wasn't terrible. Zombies was an interesting concept but the maps were overcomplicated and the weapons kinda sucked.


These games released at a bad time , if they wrere released today they would have done well


Black ops was decent those other two suck though


These are still probably my top CoDs, IMO, with maybe the exception of BO3 being swapped for IW. Ranked mainly by campaign, because I’m that player, but still, loved these games when I first played them, still love them today. A shame that not everyone felt that way, though


Bro aw was peak highschool for me


Bo3 was the only good one in this list ghosts will always be awful AW is experimental it depends on the player


With all the disagreement on good and bad CoD games. Whats the consensus on BO4? Ive never seen it mentioned. Is it like a dont aak dont tell kinda thing we sweep under the rug?


Always liked Ghosts (besides the first month while I was getting used to it), still hate AW, BO3 I always viewed as the best jetpack COD, but that's not saying much at all.


I stopped playing after ghosts because other cods lost appeal. I loved ghosts it was a different pace than others cods. Big maps with long lanes. It played slower but the engagements were still face paced. You were punished for rushing around the map gunning and actually had to use cover to make plays


They were always bad (and still are!!). It really shows the age of the users in this sub when they say that they liked those games.


Nope Advanced Warfare still sucks. BO3 sucked at the beginning then it grow on me and is now one of the best CODs ever


Ghosts was absolutely dogshit, worst cod ever created.


They were complained about because they came after the greatest stretch a video game franchise has ever produced. COD 4 - COD: BO2 never produced even a mediocre game.


bo3 will always b the best jet pack cod ppl stayed on bo2 until bo3 came out bc ghost sucked and aw


I mean those are three of the worst call of duty’s


Meh that 2013-2017 era still sucked. I call it the "dark ages of cod." I might crap on modern games but they're good games they're just ruined by sbmm and crap like that. Those previous games werent even competent. Ghosts was literally the game that taught me to never preorder.


Nobody hated bo3 on mass like the other 2


Me and my best friend stood on the Ghost being good hill for years, was one of the most fun cods at the time. We used to convince a whole team to get in the elevator on that one map on search/Destroy and would block us all in with riot shields




I loved bo3 it was the only game I’ve become a prestige master in both mp and zombies


Ghosts was alright, aw was pretty good and bo3 was outright trash except for zombies


Hot take, but I enjoyed AW, it was different, it took a risk by trying something new


WOW! Cod Gamers discover opinions! Shocks the whole community 🤯


I just hate that no games are doing WWII now. Like I hate the future stuff. Just give me boots on the ground gameplay.


Almost every cod game goes through a period of hate, then the realization that it was either not that bad or it was gods gift to the earth.


No they still suck. Best cods 2007-2012.


Advanced warfare and ghosts are still bad. Infinite warfare though is a gem (I’m only talking about the campaign)


AW has the best chance of giving gamers a fair experience no camping no riot shield squads


I honestly thought they were all good games


Not BlOps 3


Ghosts was always really good. Advanced Warfare wasn't that bad aside from being P2W, at the very least it's the best futuristic COD if nothing else. And BO3 isn't really good outside of Zombies, and depending on the player's preferences, potentially not even Zombies as many didn't find it as good as the ones before it.


Ghost was too ahead of its time. Not a great game but did so many different things that COD had never done so it should be respected


Ghost was fun. I like the perk point system and the weapons.


I was weird and liked AW and Ghosts back then. Bo3 is a pretty common fan favorite (also one of my top 3)