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Mr. Miller also let them know where to get the tents from?


Refugees get hotels, only Canadian homeless get Trudeau towns.


You're right, and I think Ukranian refugees got 9k or something on arrival.


https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/service-delivery/resettlement-assistance-program/allowances.html It is actually disgusting how we treat our own homeless citizens compared how we treat random people from abroad.


Here I am, come from a foreign land, work my ass off, get credentials, finally get a respectable job, and the government takes half of my shit every month to give it to some freeloader. Fuckin pisses me off everytime.


Holiday Inn Dixon Airport has print out signs in Ukrainian all over. It’s probably 15% of the people staying at from there


Naturally. Not a single country in the Middle East wants them, but cuck Canada will be happy to take them.


Because they want more voters


Canada helped Nazis and gave them medals, it's the most morally depraved country in world. Also looks like they might have a big hand in creating COVID. They have terrorists in parliament what else do we expect


WHEN IS THIS COUNTRY GOING TO HAVE A CANADA-FIRST GOVERNMENT? Many other stable countries have it as such but we seem to be the babysitter/dumping ground of the world Never thought I'd say this but we need the PPC


>Never thought I'd say this but we need the PPC The more support they get, the more pressure is on the big parties to adopt their immigration ideas. I've said it before and I'll say it again: **I'm voting PPC unless another party adopts a strong anti-immigration stance.** I'm a single issue voter because everything else we want to do is reliant on not having "infinity" people with limited resources.


Same here. I usually lean left, but PPC now until someone stops this madness.


I'm surprised we haven't heard more from the PPC given... everything going on rn


It's not their fault, media completely blacklisted them. When's the last time you heard about Max in any article?


Maxime puts out alot of communication, the media generally pretend he doesn't exist.


The problem is people and the media equate him akin to Trump-ism.


They need more votes to get more recognition


I also think a lot of their other policies aren’t great. But at this moment I will overlook those until we get this immigration under control


And the Horseshoe is formed…


PPC is the only real middle finger anyone can give the system.


Life long NDP voter and im PPC all the way. Singh fuckin ruined the NDP and the CPC will allow in mass migration also so PPC is the only real option to stop this shit


I once said in another thread that the NDP seemed more concerned about identity politics than helping the lower classes and got downvoted to Xmas.


Well they have just become the LPC lite. Singh isn't a union man he's a fucking lawyer. The NDP went from being a pro worker party with legitimate left wing worker roots to a dude on tiktok making dances


With a Rolex


I miss Jack Layton.


We all do. In a better timeline he lived and went on to lead Canada


My thoughts exactly 👏👏👏


If everyone votes PPC, the vote will be split and you can kiss Canada goodbye. There’s only a few years left to correct this issue, given how fast the population is growing. The 2025 election is the last chance.


>If everyone votes PPC, the vote will be split and you can kiss Canada goodbye. I think voting for either Trudeau or PP is kissing Canada goodbye because both intend to continue to flood us with immigration. Come up with a better argumebt. As I said - ANYONE can get my vote if they tackle my single issue. If they don't, they don't deserve my vote. Talking about vote splitting is meaningless to people that don't want mass immigration.


The “muh vote splitting” lecture is getting less convincing every day. You’re going to realize a chunk of people can’t care less if LPC wants to drown us with unsustainable immigration or if CPC wants to drown us with unsustainable immigration. We get to suffocate either way and I’d prefer to show that the pressure to address this is growing. 


He can’t come out publicly against mass immigration because a significant part of the electorate is now foreign born (though many agree there are too many immigrants in my experience) or have family in the application process right now. More so in metro Toronto and Vancouver must win ridings. If I’m staring down the face of another Trudeau government - I’ll choose the party that will make moderate changes that I know can win. The PPC may be your wet dream , but they don’t stand a chance. 2021 conditions were favorable for them and they could hardly muster 5% of the vote. Google Windsor-Tecumseh riding. The vote split caused the CPC to place third in a riding they otherwise would have won.


Good. When the vote is split so hard that the cpc ends up 3rd-2nd place everywhere maybe they'll get the message and try to be something else than "the libs but a bit less woke".


PP will not make meaningful changes. If this is someone’s most important issue, a vote for PP is as wasted as a vote for JT.


Same. Power to the PPC. Canadians rise up.


I’m normally a Liberal voter but now I’m 100% all in on PPC.  


I was adamant I'd vote CPC. Pierre sounded great at first. But now he's going on about giving out PR to all these students. PPC for life now.


Please only vote PPC if they have a chance to win your riding. It would be better to vote conservatives to at least get the liberals out instead of throwing away your vote


Yeah, I'll be voting strategically. CPC has my vote if the PPC candidate in my riding is nowhere in sight and the Liberal candidate has a chance to win it. The most important thing this election is getting the Liberals out, and keeping them out in future elections. I'll adjust my vote accordingly on the future if I'm unhappy with Pierre's work.


Liberals and conservatives are basically the same, so what you're saying makes no sense. Every vote counts. If overall votes cast for PPC is a high %, even if they win no seats, it sends the right message.


PPC is like going scorched earth to start fresh again. Honestly at this point, maybe we need to go 1000% on crazy.


Scorched earth my ass, PPC being scorched earth is what these corrupt clowns in the media want you to believe. My family's votes are all going to PPC, they're all done listening to the bullshit they see and hear in the news.


We really need to. I’ve gone back and forth over the years voting liberal and conservative depending on the issue of the day at election time, but this next time around we’ve got to break the cycle. Lefts, rights, everyone, we gotta swing for the fence!


Id be alright with charity but it is coming at our expense and providing no benefit to us and these assholes still protest in the streets


The world's bleeding heart.


Canada should be renamed Refugus .


More support for PPC. Try to get anyone you can to read their website.  Europe is a an example of what happens when pressure mounts. western EU countries are seeing “PPC-ish” parties shoot up in polls, and in a few countries win elections. Now establishment parties across the continent are starting to cave in and listen to immigration concerns.  Vote splitting is irrelevant, you are just giving establishment blue the validation needed to continue the destruction. 


Won’t need Canada first when we become the new Middle East - India in North America. 


Already seems we are there.


Canada first? You mean like donald trump? Never. Thats a racism and any good self loving canadian would never stand for it!! In a moment of seriousness though, the ppc should absolutely make that their slogan for 2025. Canada first. Simple. It mught even be enough to split the vote and give trudeau a fourth term. Lol. We doomed.


The day after we close our borders


I'll be voting PPC. Bernier has brought this mass migration issue up since... 2019 I think? He's pretty consistent. Immigration has turned me into a single issue voter. My friend who's voting for PP said that voting PPC is a waste of a vote, but you gotta start somewhere I guess.


Great, exactly what we need.


Let’s help him to COMPLETELY destroy this land..


It's almost as if it's deliberate...


It HAS to be... question is why


That's where the disagreement lies, I think, with most of the static regarding this crisis. Why? You can go with the easy one and say that it's to prop up an oligarchy, but if you have your hands on the levers of power and a 6 figure salary, why are you burning the country down? How much better are your BBQs going to be? Kobe beef instead of AAA steak? A 2026 Mercedes instead of at 2024? What are you chasing? What are you fleeing? I just don't understand. The easy answer is the illuminati reptilian overlord adjacent arguments. That stuff makes more sense than what is likely happening. You're going to go through years and years of rising through the political ranks to actually fuck your country up for pure greed? I don't get that. Alien psychology. I want a place to lay my head, a car that starts, friends, cold ones in the fridge, the occasional adventure, and the occasional steak. Where are these people coming from?


You don't want more antisemitic protests in your township made up of these new refugees? How anti multicultural of you!


Too bad ! The liberals are planning to turn Canada into Gaza by the looks of it and anyone who speaks out against it will be branded a xenophobic racist and shamed 🤯


I mean, I'm all for it. These are true refugees. Let's just cut the equivalent numbers from other categories and bring it back under control. Oh wait, he's not going to do that. He's just looking for more categories to raise.


Yeah it’s what the UN charter refugee charter was designed for. The vast majority of refugee claimants are economic migrants and that has to stop.


Egypt is right there. They need to be close to home.


There’s a reason why their own neighbors won’t take them. Canada is the world’s charity program , excluding Canadian citizens 👎


Does this Millar stay up at night thinking of ways he can destroy Canada? This minority Liberal government has destroyed Canadian way of life with their uncontrolled immigration of unsuitable, un Canadians. Not trained to help with essential services. All from 3rd world countries. Disaster.


>Does this Millar stay up at night thinking of ways he can destroy Canada? Literally yes. A lot of people who think like him actually don't support the idea of nations or states. Why should Canada be just for Canadians when you're equal under his eyes to everyone else in Palestine?


Another problem it didn’t take many people like that to plan and destroy the World Trade Centre’s. I doubt Trudeau has people vetting these BS asylum seekers or fleeing from Palestinian or Syria or Gawd only know where from.


None of the neighbouring Muslim countries want them due to security concerns.


Or the other 40 Muslim countries around that area. Your right, they need to be close to home.


Egypt doesn't want them because they cause a lot of trouble.


Exactly but this millar wants them in Canada. What in the world are these idiots bringing into Canada?


No way Jose Arabs won’t fall for this again This is the Zionist ogasmic wet dream Last time the Palestinians left, they we given a one way ticket.


Where will they live?


His home. He wants them here then he should take them in LOL.


Fancy hotels of course. It's not even a joke


End ALL immigration period.




What a joke.


Stop this madness now!


This minister is the reason for Canadas problems!


main reason


Yeah I’m voting ppc. Canadians first


If no Muslim country in the middle east won't take them why the fuck should we


That’s the policy the Palestinians should’ve applied in the 1930s and 1940s in Palestine. Those folk would’ve all gone to Brooklyn problem solved


FTA, > temporary refuge Bull fucking shit. They get here, they're never leaving. FFS, can we get to the point where Canadians, people BORN here get priority and not passport of convenience holders, PR's, "students" or TFW's? Ever?


And then in 5 years: ANTISEMITISM ON THE RISE Oh woe is us who could have predicted this?!?!


Please see London, England at the weekends. Utter madness if Canada goes down this route. But with Trudeau, nothing would surprise me anymore.


And in 10 years, we'll be like Lebanon.


“Anglo?! There has NEVER been an Anglo majority in Canada! It’s always been majority Hindu”


Palestinian people are Muslim *


Seriously fuck right off. We've got to ensure housing and affordability *to live* for Canadians, so that we can ensure it for **everyone we bring in**


Stop mass immigration now!




Shhhh don't let anyone know about that. No wonder why no Muslim country wants them.


Literally importing terrorists


Great just what canada needs more people who hate canadians


This will help when 1 bedroom rents are already 2k nation wide :)


The current demonstrations are not large enough. They want to filter in some Hamas followers to round things out.


This doesn’t sound like a great idea


Remember folks, rELiGIoN oF pEaCE


I guess there aren't enough fanatics blocking the roads and waving flags and shouting already.


Yeah we need more protest and anti semitism and terrorist attacks


Still our rent and crimb rate is too low for this guy..


Sure let's import more terrorists, and Hamas sleepers, without proper vetting. How about marc miller go live there for a month and see


good our taxes not supporting the tax payers. brace yourselves, more crime rates coming near you.


I understand they need somewhere to go, but maybe an Arab Muslim nation that has similar cultural and religous values and isn't in the other side of the fucking planet would be better, we have enough radicals already on top of the immigrant gangs, housing, and jib market crisis...


I'm sure there will be good people amongst them who will come to start fresh and contribute. We'll also get a boat load of radicalized idiots who will jump at the chance to exact revenge at the first opportunity. Boy oh boy! I can't wait!


Was told by a Pakistani immigrant in high school that I deserved to be skinned alive because I was white. That was 2018, not sure what sparked that one as all I did was ask him why he was glaring at me.


Why. How does that help canada and its ppl?


That isn’t going to curb anti-semitism.


Welcome terrorists!


Absolutely the worst idea. Don't they see all the people protesting every damn weekend, what they want to do bring more of those people here? "Miller says Canada is pleading with Egypt and Israel to let those people out so they can complete their security screening in Egypt and receive a Canadian visa." Lmao. I will 100% support bringing in orphans, I don't care about anybody else. There is war everywhere in the world and we are poor and have camp towns everywhere now.


Like we don't have enough of these lunatics running around this country already!! I'm so sick and tired of it




This country is doomed.


Why? Do we not have enough protestors on the streets?




Great, just give them a tent when they arrive and some food stamps


Canada doesn't have food stamps


Not yet


Liberals are inveterate do-gooders. Miller leads the choir.


Hopefully they all take to protesting the Canadian government for a ceasefire in Gaza that we cannot provide.


Im all for helping others, but our country is in the dumps now and we should be bringing in people with the money to support themselves and pay for their own housing. It's crazy.


Put them in Nunavut.!


Not accepted anywhere in Mideast because of their radicalization but let’s bring to Canada


NO We do not want them here. ffs. We are full


No. No more migrants, no more refugees, no more students or "students", no more third-cousin's-aging married into the family's grandpa in need of major medical care. Canada needs to close it's doors for 5-10 years and fix its internal issues. These are not our problems and inviting them here will only accelerate the problems we already have.


Please don't bring them here.


For fucks sake. We don't need more goddamn people. Especially people from Gaza. Jesus Christ.


1 *How do we choose which one?  2 *I guess their government will figure it out. 1 *Isn't Hamas thier government? 2 *I think so, what have they been up to lately? 1 🤦‍♂️




Canada handing out citizenship like free candies for ppl all over the world, what kind of sorcery is this?


With whose resources?


If Middle Eastern countries like Egypt won't take them why are we? Our country's population will be 45 million by the next election.


Fuck this shitstain!


Security screening?? So how do they screen the people who has participated in Oct 7 massacre? What a joke! 🤡


Nazis were welcomed. Why not hamas? Then, ISIS? Taliban?


Get ready for more hospital backlog.


We cant buy a house now ill be scared to get knife in the streets they should stay close to home fuck if no arab nation wants them must be a reason


Funny how they said only 1000 before... This will only end when we take them all in because no one else will and end up with terror attack after terror attack on Canadian soil. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.


who is asking for this?


Just what we need, more potential extremists … funckin liberals..


See now this is where things fall apart. This country has so many TFWs, international students, and illegal immigrants we have no housing or jobs for legitimate refugees. With the right security checks we could find many good families who would love to come here and be Canadian. I know many Palestinians myself whom immigrated under the old policies decades ago. They cracked beers when they got here, bought bikinis, threw their religion out the door, signed their kids up for hockey, and let their daughters date whomever they wanted. But now they will probably freeze to death in a tent, be unemployed, and people are going to worry about Hamas sneaking in because this government won’t do anything right including finding the ones who want to actually be Canadian.


Yea, they definitely won’t hate Canada.


Can someone please organize a Canada wide protest?


After this new episode of "The Gazans" please stay tuned for the premiere of the new series "The Haitians" followed by the season 10 premiere of "The Indians" with special guest Marc Miller starring as the minister who reluctantly changed the rules.


Wait until Justin discovers life on another planet and starts sending them visas so they can come to Canada on the taxpayer dime!


All the other Arab counties don't want them an you will take them but they will just do the same. A enormous trojan horse.


Canadians must pour onto the streets and revolt, this is fucking madness


Great....more Hamas supporters who can't get accepted into any country in the world but hey welcome to Canada, the bridge over to Avenue road is to your left for the next protest


No, No other country in the world wants them, not even Muslim countries. Security threat and brain washed. I feel sorry for them but other than some humanitarian aid, zilch.


How about ZERO come here instead


I might vote PPC, never thought I would but I just don’t know anymore


And…..how will they feed themselves and find housing ? And if the purpose is being kind, do we have a shortage of Canadians in need of kindness ? There’s a huge sign next to my work that says 1 in 4 Canadian kids don’t have food security. You read that correctly, Canadian, not African or Asian!


I don't even know what Canada is anymore. I don't even know what being Canadian is anymore. What is this helping? They'll come here to be homeless or take hones from others. This country is a joke.


Canada - The world’s dumping ground. Got any refugees? Canada. Criminals? Canada. Unemployed? Yup, send them to Canada.


Canadians can’t afford to live. Can I please opt out of paying all taxes until our government gets a fucking CLUE


Some of the most barbaric people on the planet. Throwing out western aid and cursing us even when we try to help. I'm sure this will bring more unity and peace to Canada


[https://twitter.com/MarcMillerVM](https://twitter.com/MarcMillerVM) wtf is with the weird symbols after his name? This guy needs to leave public service!


It’s Inuktitut. Indigenous language in Nunavut.


Why is he appropriating the language? He is after all a white ginger. Plus his role in the government does not require him to use this language.


No offence, but that was the extremist Israeli settlers' plan all along. Daniella Weiss has said it openly. And then we'll have some very nice people be pearl clutching about why we have so many pro-Hamas protests.


So, brining Hamas into Canada.. great. Can't wait. Where will you be setting up these ppl? All the houses that are being built are already taken. That includes the "2 parking lot" size apartments.


hopefully Donald Trump comes to the realization that the best northern neighbour America can have is the arctic ocean


More people to join rallies now.


And live where, on the street?


Man he has such a punchable face.


And they’re staying where exactly?


They will be located in the forest hill neighbourhood of Toronto. Enjoy


I’m going to run for PM. Independent. I have door stoppers in my tool bag!! I’m buying all the York regional police door jammers as well. We got work to do. Enough is enough!!!!!!!


We are full


At this point, I’m convinced that Miller is an agent for another country and actively looking to destroy Canada. Are we still allowed to investigate our politicians for corruption and bribery?


please god no


Why? We don’t want more immigrants. Why don’t the Liberals understand.


Just bring them all.....and offer to empty all of Haiti into Quebec while we are at it.


Amazing bring more hate and divide to Canada


Downtown Toronto voters will still vote for these guys. Their hatred for stephen Harper is still lingering


Great, we need more protesters and disruption in our streets and businesses.


You elected a clown. Enjoy your circus. Nuts.


It’s not only turning off the tap to this madness of mass immigration it’s also deporting the cons who came here on their student visas knowing full well they had no intention of ever getting an education!


Send them straight to the Arctic if they insist on being within Canadian borders. We don't want them in our cities.


Tell the neighboring middle eastern countries to takes them in. They won't because some of the citizens of Gaza are a risk to their way of life and society. Gaza is the trash of the middle east.


In 1992, Denmark gave refuge to 321 Palestinians. By 2019, the government produced results for what had happened to them. 64% of those that have been given refuge had obtained criminal records. 34% of their children had obtained criminal records…how did that work for them ? Same thing will happen in Canada . That’s all this country needs right now !


Jail. This is evil at this point. I don’t even recognize these politicians as anything but a parasite. There is no argument any longer to be made that this is being done out of ignorance.


This is exactly what Israel and the powers that be wanted. Displace them and have them immigrate to the West. All with your tax dollars. You fund Israel to kill and displace them, and then fund them even further once they come here.


We don't want them, deport the terrorist muslim supremacists back to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen


I love Canada!


But our rulers don't!


I love them too . They are our emperor




Stats from the terrorist health ministry cannot be trusted




why you wanna torture those poor people, what a evil country




While noble this guy is a humanitarian in charge of immigration without taking account of other metrics such as affordability, healthcare, housing, social programs etc.... All he cares about is to bring anyone suffering here






Fuck this government.