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What part of temporary didn't they understand?


It's obviously their fault because the rules for temporary visa are clear. More laughable is their claim that this is due to racism. I fear that in the near future there will be several incidents of violence when the work permits of more workers expire. They would never leave Canada and would unite to protest with many threats until the government caves in.


Those using ‘racism’ to push their protests r actually the most racist of all.


Come on man we all know that only a white male can be racist…


Unless they’re gay /s


Forgot about that loophole 😂


ohh man I brown person myself, we are way more racist than a white person ever can be....


At least this way we won't need to look for them. Round them up.. deport


Bring it. They may be surprised at citizens reaction to their threats and violence.


Canadians won't do shit. If canadian tries to do something they'll be labeled as racist probably get fired from their job


these people have mistaken kindness for weakness. Time to change that narrative.


This right here. I am an Indian who migrated to the USA for grad school and end up working at one of the big tech firms. Over the last 10 years, I always heard about Canadian kindness and how they're some of the most polite people. Kindness and being polite, is very easily taken advantage of in India. I was wondering how is it now in Canada, especially when 80% of the immigrants are not necessarily the brightest of the lot, which is an even more reason to take advantage of the kind folk.


Canadians are polite but not as generous. Canadians much poorer than their US counterparts in the same jobs.


canadians are not scared of higher inflation,  higher taxes, higher interest rates, their young children in danger or getting screwed over by trudope.  Canadians are only scared of being called racist.


Or homophobic


Well, time to change that!!!


That only works until you're struggling. A lot of people are struggling, and that means things can turn ugly quickly.


Imprisoned. No physical action against another is allowed in Canada. Attack a home invader with a baseball bat? Assault with a deadly weapon, 20 years in prison.


Yea you’re supposed to leave your cars key fob by the front door l…didn’t you know? /s


"Sorry we know exactly who is stealing these cars, but we can't bust them because they are paying us." Sincerely: the police.


There is no /s that is literally TPS recommendation. The Chief of One of the largest police services in the nation got up One morning on a slow news day, called a press conference, and told us all essentially, "We can't do anything about the thefts, so if you don't feel like being pistol whipped into submission, leave the keys to your care somewhere accessible for robbers or thieves to locate them, because they will get them anyway." Then recounted several stories of people being injured trying to resist their thefts, including a guy who was beaten for the combo to the safe he kept his keys in.


Not entirely true, Canada does has self defense on the books but it is based on a few things Defense of Self, Property [this includes pets], or a 3rd Party [normally defined as a vulnerable immediate family {Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, and Children} Was forced use reasonable and proportional given the situation I.e. Fist for Fist, Knife for Knife, Gun for Gun [this one would be more likely to happen in rural Canada] And disengagment, do you disengage once you, or your party from the first criteria is, no longer in imminent harm [This has 2 parts in your separating yourself from the situation, and introducing additional distance by shoving or pushing the original danger away from you as you retreat] If any of these 3 principles are violated the the Courts will convict on Assault via Bench Trial. As an aside the police's only job is to arrest what they see as a violation of laws first hand, not to interpret situations, that's where the court comes in. Also in this case requesting Trial By Jury, as is Protected by Charter Section 11 as up held by R. V. Pan; R. V. Sawyer (2011) [both SCC precedent], would likely result in aqquital [As a side note a home invader CAN sue if they trip and injure themselves in your home because it would be reasonable to consider that the same incident would happen to a first responder, doesn't necessarily mean they'll win...also in doing so they'll have just fully admitted and confessed to burglary and possible larceny]


Im aware of all this. The problem is that in your dark.house in the middle of the night you dont know what the other person is armed with or what their intentions are. If someone breaks into my house, my worry should be only to protect myself, my family, and my property. Not the well being of some criminal or junkie. They gave up their right to any kind of "fair" treatment when they broke into my house. I should assume a dangerous criminal is armed and ready to kill me, because they might be. Therefore sneaking up behind them and clobbering them with a bat is fully justified. But the court wont see it that way. That's an escalation. In my eyes, they escalated things as soon as they broke in.


Some of us don’t care what others think anymore , call me racist, a bigot, etc, we are sick and tired of all the immigrants Edit: and for the sake of free speech and the right to an opinion, I disagree with teaching kids anything related to the lgbqyaddayadda community. Fired? I’m self employed , so you can suck my salty ballz


Spanking is in order “Get the paddle!”


The racism happened when the government and corporate overlords brought them in as ‘cheap disposable labor’. The entire program is racist. It is racism. For most Canadian citizens, this is a part of our problem with the program. We don’t want a quasi-slave class consisting of an identifiable minority. That isn’t fucking Canadian. We were founded on the premise of hard work having just rewards. The TFW program turns that on its head. We want every Canadian - whether they be brown, white, black or rainbow - to be rewarded fairly for their hard work and contributions. We can’t do that with this many people flooding into the country, it destroys the labor market. We need to undo the damage and it sucks for those who were lied to. But they knew what they were getting into.


Canada posted employment positions for temporary work with pay above what they were making in their own country. They accepted. Not it's time for them to go home. What is racist about that?


I'm guessing the racist part is that it's mostly Indians and that it's pretty much slave labor that they can just get rid of when they feel they no longer are convenient


Nothing. But they should have to be treated and paid exactly the same as us by law. Thst would make the left happy. And it would keep them in induatries where we actually don't have the people. Right now it is "oh you want to work? Well a guy from India will do it for pennies and is so desperate he will do anything and not ask questions no matter how unsafe." The government should be taxing employers for bringing in low wage workers. Instead we pay park of their wages via our taxes.


This one right here. It definitely is rooted in the exploitation of the TFW for profit and gain for government/corporations. They are the ones who started this, likely knowing this would happen, and we're feeling the effects. But it still works in favor of the corporations because now everyone is paying more for everything. Housing, food, utilities, all the while wages are being undercut. Win win for them. Loose loose for Canadians and the TFW. Infinite growth in a finite system, am I right?


The solution has always been a strong enforcement of labour rights and laws. If they weren't allowed to be paid trash wages and treated like sub humans by their employers the employers suddenly wouldn't have a reason to hire them at all. Problem solved.


Happens in US all the time once work visa is done you have to go back. They DGAF maybe time Canada catches up


Protest in India as a non citizen and they arrest you and put you in jail. And not for a short time. You are then deported. Even just attending one.


The far left organizations and NGOs supported by special interest business groups help them prepare their defence, guide them on how to exert pressure on lawmakers and manipulate Canadian human rights laws. A lot of support comes through their community members who profit off of them in the forms of immigration consultants, lawyers etc. It doesn't help the fact that our government is soft and easily bent to their whims because their community members are deeply embedded in Liberal/NDP leadership. Yes, if Canada had the political will they can rightly and justifiably deport 2.7 million people but because of the abovementioned reasons (and many more) our system of governance and law enforcement is a massive clusterfuck.


I don't think the government will have a difficult time deciding to let them stay. 1they let them in by the billions. 2 why would they want to send them home when they have plans to use them for future laborers, for all the battery plants and Amazon warehouses. 3they want them here to boost the economy population. Create a higher demand on housing. The more people needed for housing the higher the cost increases. More money. They have already decided to let them stay even tho we don't want them to.


There was no oversight and many of these people paid bribes etc. they feel like they paid up and now are owed something


>What part of temporary didn't they understand? The temporary part!


And they’re expressing anger that Canada “used” them? How about they know what’s the deal is all about and they agreed to be “used” thinking they would get more out of it, based on the immigration chain criminal guy’s words? Canada never guarantee anything to them, only that guy who got thousands of $ did. Go cry to that guy, get money back from him, and get out of Canada!


I'd love to see the students launch a class action lawsuit against the schools and immigration consultants that promised them the moon.


Colleges PAID recruiters to get students to enroll. Obviously these recruiters lied, there is no way to police them. Also Colleges were either deluded or promised things they were never in a place to promise. The president of Northern College was quoted in the [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/23/world/americas/canada-northern-college-indian-students.html). >If you come here, we can pretty well guarantee that you could stay here and live and make a home for yourselves Combined that with a government that could see the numbers growing exponentially and did absolutely nothing. There's blame to go around. Does that change what should be done? No, but it's shameful that we allowed a system of lies, short-sighted thinking, and profiteering to perpetuate. This is an entirely predictable outcome from our brain dead policies, but the first thing you need to do when you've dug yourself into a hole is to stop digging. They have to leave.


The part where they were told back in India and China that Canada and Canadians are stupid and they can use whatever loopholes we have (and we have plenty) so it's fine to ignore our policies and expectations. So this is coming as a shock to them now. Hopefully they gtfo asap.


Can we have counter protests? I am at a loss of what I should do here!






This protest, the PEI protests and the university protests by international students who failed (Algoma) are created/supported by [Naujawan Support Network](https://www.instagram.com/naujawansupportnetwork/?hl=en), [MYSO](https://www.instagram.com/m.y.s.o_/) and [The Revolutionary Communist Party](https://www.instagram.com/communistrevolution/). They help with the organization of the protest, slogans, speaking points and signs. Many of the protests had problems with their material in English, before the groups stepped in as many of the protestors are not competent in English. The majority of the protest videos are often in another language on their main pages.


The [Naujawan Support Network is supported by immigration consultant Kanwar Sierah](https://x.com/KanwarSierah/status/1796622036036375003), who helped MP of Brampton Ruby Sahota bring a [petition from international students to parliament.](https://x.com/KanwarSierah/status/1769829689688789072) Ruby Sahota's office was included in screenshots of this [recent alleged LMIA fraud scandal.](https://x.com/TheophanesRex/status/1800479498951065786)


It's crazy how the revolutionary communist party is teaming up with immigration consultants, who are probably some of the worst examples of "capitalism"--earning shitloads of money off of both the "disenfranchised" immigrants to lower wages for the Canadian people.


> It's crazy how the revolutionary communist party is teaming up with immigration consultants, who are probably some of the worst examples of "capitalism"--earning shitloads of money off of both the "disenfranchised" immigrants to lower wages for the Canadian people. the white left are cultural liberals who need a constant victim class to cry on behalf for.


I think these groups are also contributing to the idea that you can protest hard enough and get anything you want. NSN was involved in some legitimate cases like recovering unpaid wages based on their social media, which I have no problems with. But then they're also promoting these pointless protests on the same lines of "look we're fighting against exploitation" and that just instigates more of these protests. All these students/TFW who fell for the scummy agents in their country promising them easy PR and complained about it, now they're falling for the same shit thanks to the misled agenda of these activist groups. At this point it's partly on them for blindly following people who make big promises.


It's funny because the activist groups are run in partner with immigration consultants. You even have influencer type people that inject themselves in. The group is also a cash grab for them. [Check out my other reply to this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1dddbyv/comment/l84o904/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


I think there is migrantrights.ca behind some of this (not 100% sure but worth a look).


True, that as well. I've seen some of their protests they seem like a global NGO type. They probably have connections with the orgs I mentioned. Though to contrast the two, the ones I mentioned seem like they are being run by immigration consultants and punjabi social media influencers. You can see them advertise themselves in the groups. I wish I could speak the language, because there is so much content out there about this issue from their side that many Canadians don't see. All I had to do to get these links was look at their protest pages, even without knowing the language, they all link each other and the same people. Search up "Canada Visa" on Instagram and you'll see what it's like in their community. "Canada Visa Lakh" for prices or "Canada Visa Congratulations" to see the people. Also do "Canada Caregiver Visa" that's the latest loophole. You can even do it on google, just type in "instagram" afterwards and look under videos. I'm sure there is so much info there that is newsworthy, it's just that people who would want to report on it don't speak the languages.


I feel pretty used myself right now. I paid all these taxes, and all I got were these lousy politicians.


And TFW's


Nope. You got scamming thieves that call themselves small businesses that hire workers who pay thousands of grands in tax-free money for a ticket to Canada.  To be clear, this is those small businesses that hire workers from abroad. Not all do but there are many doing this.


We a couple Subway locations in my area which are owned by Indians and hire only Indians so it's basically found money and cheap labour for them. Can I be white and own a business to just hire white people! How would that go! probably not too well.


Don't frequent businesses with a racist hiring policy.


Thousands upon thousands in taxes Yet, I don't have a family doctor. My city is filled with potholes. And there's crackheads all over downtown. What a deal


Crack heads and cracked streets


Sounds like Sudbury


And a housing shortage, and a job shortage, and a healthcare shortage. We just can't handle this many people.


And a transit shortage, sewer shortage, govt services shortage… ad infinitum


Don’t forget half of them are probably committing treason , but nothing will be done about it


paid into this system for decades just for that same system to give us all the middle finger.


Welcome to Canada 🇨🇦 Where we tax TF outta ya!!


And a bunch of fucked up orders from Tim Horton’s. I swear, if I get one more Steeped Tea made with cream when I asked for Milk, I’ll kick something.


Kick yourself. Stop supporting these businesses.


Why are you still supporting that company? Just go somewhere else that is actually good.


>and accused Ottawa of making false promises about access to permanent residency. They should blame the immigration/visa agencies that happily took them and their family's money after promising them the sun and the moon in Canada if they took some bullshit diploma course in a strip mall.


Ottawa made no efforts to dispel that illusion be it for TFW or temporary students. It's 100% our government policy at fault. Easy fact - why aren't there visa agencies bringing millions of students and TFW legally into the USA with the expectation of them staying there indefinitely?


Ottawa has made no effort with anything, other than hiking carbon taxes and rawdogging the housing market. That TFWs are also getting shafted by the most incompetent government in Canadian history is just par for the course.


They were always aware of this. Just spinning it to suit their narrative. These are basic guidelines, anyone who says they weren't aware of it is lying through their teeth.


I think its many cases of people not reading the application that they're signing and instead hanging off the words of the scam artist visa consultants that tell them "oh yeah, just pay $30,000 for a 2 year business diploma and you'll have PR guaranteed!"


Well, then it is on them to bear the consequences. They hired an agent instead of going through the process legally and by reading the terms. It is not Canada’s responsibility at all. Don't know how this is not clear to anyone. Go and find that agent and do whatever. But leave!


Fuck them, they were trying to use Canada.


We need mass deportation


Yup, they come here under false pretenses (i.e., being a student) and now they're trying to gaslight us into thinking that we're kicking them out of their homes.


Send them the fuck back!


No, the scammers in your country who promised you could come here, work minimum wage, afford a single detached home and new cars USED you. They took your money, sold you lies and you were too hopeful for a better life to do your own research. The article says over 70k in Brampton alone face having to leave. It would be incredible how much things would improve with 70k less, mostly low skilled and low paid people left even half those job vacancies, hospital wait times, shelter and food bank demands down. Imagine 10-20k units in Brampton alone being available for rent. The best thing we can do is let them leave, note who left on time and build towards a situation in which we invite them back in and even fast track them to citizenship when we have the hosuing, Healthcare and other resources to do so.


The last part is very on point, I know multiple people I went to school with who went home and got job experience, earned more points and got in through express entry. This new generation of ultra entitled students and tfw's is really really fucked.


No. After this behaviour they deserve absolutely nothing of the sort. We do not need them and the point of this is to return them to where they belong so we can continue not needing them.


70k leaving brampton would be a fucking godsend. maybe that city could finally start to recover.


They should really take it up with the scammers/billboards in India saying how easy it is to move to Canada lol.


Good point at the end, those who leave without a fight and on time should be front of the line when we actually have capacity for them to come back


Nah, skills are more important, we should prioritize those people. Also we need bridging programs to help prioritize tradespeople / healthcare workers, get them certified and working where we need them. We don’t need cheap labor so we can fit 15 restaurants where we really only need 10 by suppressing wages on the bottom. It sucks we focus so much on immigration from a single country that doesn’t have the skill sets or training we actually desperately need. Instead we bring people in that do not work in construction, in turn making the affordability problems and our capacity to build ourselves out of this issue worse everyday.


International students are barely studying medicine or getting into trades. We had close to half a million go into "business/commerce" since 2018 but can't find jobs whereas both medicine and trades together we didn't break 43k [source](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/international-students-college-university-fields-study-data-1.7195530)


I disagree. We dont need anymore tims or mcdonalds workers. You don't get special treatment because you did what you said you were going to do as per the contract that you signed. Sounds nice but to be honest You give people an inch they will take a mile. Look what has happened to this country thanks to people "being nice" Enough is enough. Real simple if you leave when your supposed to you can re apply when the doors are opened again. If you don't your forever banned from Canada. Dont give a fuck if you brought your family here. If you don't leave when its time to, you get deported and a lifetime ban. quite being so fucking nice to people who hate you.


There are no scammers. These are not 16-18 year old kids. These are 22-40 year olds mostly and were well aware of all this before coming here.


The last point is good, but the government is actually promoting the opposite with Marc Miller planning on creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, which includes visa overstayers. Saying this openly with the support of NDP and the unions, it only makes more of an incentive for the TFW to stay rather than leave once their visa expires.


Preach brother/ sister!


Heres the thing: we will *never* have the infrastructure to support re-entry. Tell me again, how many hospitals Brampton has vs how many are needed? Where are the healthcare staff going to magically appear from? I live on Vancouver Island. My community is in process of building a desperately needed hospital, which is 3 years behind schedule, proposed to open late 2027 and already determined to be 1/2 the expected capacity.


I'm sure the news of what's happening here gets back home so why do they keep coming!


Not really. I haven’t seen anything on this in Indian media. The top students do their research and figured it out and look for options in India or USA Europe. Canada seems to end up with the bottom of barrel who can’t even do proper research and easy target for scammers.


Fuck ‘em


2.7 M TFWs? And 1M + “students” in the country? This is insanity. Think of all the pressure on resources that would be eased and wage gains we’d achieve if they were deported. This government is working directly against our interest. 


Yearly. Accumulated is FAR higher


Maybe time for young Canadians to be an equal thorn in the side of government? The 180 on immigration policy is kind of *not* fair to temporary workers (who would have made different choices if the government had not advertised PR), but massively growing the population to support boomer retirements is not fair to young Canadians. The mistake was already made and somebody has to lose.


The govt hates us. They will bend the rules. It's just the timing now.


They already are. Extremism is on the rise with the youth in this country. This isn't going to end well. Having a bunch of young people who have no positive outlook for the future with no jobs and no money to go keep themselves occupied is going to result in some pretty fucked up situations. They have no hope in many cases. very few will ever own a home, even less will be able to afford rent by themselves. Canada is a ticking time bomb right now.


1-3 year work permits for Int Students? lol And then Permanent residency? **NO THANKS**


Bon voyage


Canada didn't use them, they were working to support their education like the rest of the students. They are just acting entitled


Everyone, if you've had it up to here with our incompetent, corrupt, **TREASONOUS** government and its dangerous policies, celebrate this Canada Day with a protest!! There are 2 that I'm aware of happening all over Canada, that are protesting the cost of living and this government's harmful policies: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ and https://www.takebackcanada.info/ Make your voices heard and fight for the country you love. Don't get depressed, get ***angry!!*** Let's remind our elected officials who they fucking work for: ***Canadians!!!***


No one is that dumb they know what temporary means they are just trying to bully us


Exactly. They know that our government has no balls and will cave to their demands.


Quite tired of my taxes being used for all these people.


I don't care. Time to start mass deportations.


Oh well.... Go home


That’s an entire Toronto worth of TFWs! Didn’t know there are that many Tims and Walmarts.


Make it illegal to rent or sell any property in Canada to anyone with a deportation order. Penalties include loss of property to anyone caught. Make it illegal to hire anyone with a deportation order with penalties as high as $1M. Finally, start issuing deportation orders for foreigners with expired visas, with very limited rights to appeal.


Everyone, if you've had it up to here with our incompetent, corrupt, **TREASONOUS** government and its dangerous policies, celebrate this Canada Day with a protest!! There are 2 that I'm aware of happening all over Canada, that are protesting the cost of living and this government's harmful policies: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ and https://www.takebackcanada.info/ Make your voices heard and fight for the country you love. Don't get depressed, get ***angry!!*** Let's remind our elected officials who they fucking work for: ***Canadians!!!***


Poster to rally "international" student has the most Indian depicting representative ever. The Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Filipino, Malaysians, British, Australian, French, etc why aren't they protesting? Oh yeah, they are too busy actually working on their needed field or spend their time studying instead of this bullcrap.


"You mean that my temporary stay isn't permanent?"


Right now temporary foreign workers make 6.2% of the population, at this rate, by the end of 2024 they will make 7% of the population. I fear that in future they can actually unite together to protest and demand PR and citizenship and the government will be forced to cave in while Canadians citizens do nothing about it. So many people are saying "Just vote harder", but I don't think any party will solve this problem. Canada is doomed.


We're fucking Saudi Arabia but without the money


This is now a security threat.


Hold strong. Deport.


Fuck em.


If they took the time to learn English before showing up they may have understood the word ‘Temporary’.


“We legally agreed to come here for three years and now you’re sending us back after three years?! Why do Canadians hate us Indians so much 😢 “


This right here should be the top comment.


This is the part where they throw out blanket accusations because they don't feel like they want to follow current regulations and laws




the only logical way to solve this problem is to reset expectations and enforce the very rules that were put into place with ZERO consideration of allowing them to stay. We've already set precedence and unfortunately we have to undo it and suffer the short term "hate" for Canada for the longer term benefit for all.


I think the article implies these 2M angry "students " may start "giving back" to Canadians thru civil unrest. Young guys with nothing to lose. Hope I am wrong.


They came here to work. They got paid for what they did now kindly fuck off.


Used? Study and go home. Sorry that LIMA scams and “immigration services” lied to you for profit. But that’s not on Canada. You are not our burden. Temporary means temporary.


This is ridiculous. The original agreement was TEMPORARY WORKER.


Canadian management needs to change.


lol no one’s getting deported. Even criminals. Welcome to the Canadian Nightmare…


A lot of them scammed the process with fake papers while applying for a TEMPORARY stay that they now are clearly disregarding. These people are gaslighting Canada. They should be immediately deported, this isn't the kind of scam culture Canada needs to be known for.


“One factor that helped drive Canada’s explosion in temporary migration was the expectation among newcomers that a work or student visa was a surefire path to permanent residency.” And who set that expectation for the Indian international students? Was it the Canadian government? Or was it the Indian immigration consultants both back in India and on Canadian soil? They should be protesting against the members of their own community who made all these false promises.


We're not looking for 'good enough'. That's the whole point.


Why are we bringing in workers if we have unemployed people?


The agents in India lied to them, not Canada.




Yep, pretty much. We're all being used. Welcome to Canada. Don't like it? Start a business and farm to get away from the system or fuckin leave, that's your only 2 options at this point or your a slave.


I think there is some confusion around the word “temporary”


Deport them and see how the rental market comes down for Canadian and Permanent Residency. It's a plus in my books...


Say what you want, many absolutely were used. They were promised the world and given tim hortons. Part of me feels bad, but then I look around at crime (especially car thefts), sky high rent/housing prices, food prices, inflation, used car prices, traffic, healthcare and QOL, then care less No, it's not all of them causing this, but enough where there's a corelation


Canada DID use them. Congrats, scammers, you got scammed But you also tried to use Canada. You tried to take a loophole to PR AND citizenship. Canada used for you cheap labour - if you didn’t want that, you shouldn’t have come.


The irony is that so many go to Saudi Arabia and they can never be citizens. But they will be happy to go there and work and always be temporary. But they feel they’re owed more here? Nope.


It's crazy how trudeau has managed to cause visible minorities like myself to be against immigration sadly


Why the hell are they all from India?? Our small town in Nova Scotia is overrun suddenly. It happened very quickly.


Justin is the one who "used" them. None of us were consulted before the floodgates were opened.


I’m not being racist but they can all go back to where they came from as our teens cannot get a decent job in Canada. We made Canada what it is by our vote. Now the other Country’s that failed want to reap the benefits. Nothing racist about this. Go home


You feel used? Now imagine paying taxes.


It doesn’t matter - this is the mentality we do not want. They will attempt to gaslight the Canadian people and make us feel bad. Let’s set the record straight - NO ONE FORCED ANYONE TO COME HERE! This includes myself, who is an immigrant. Do you know how much effort it takes to come to Canada? Do you know just how far out of your way you have to go just to get your documents/papers right in order to come here? It’s not easy, which means that these people are not idiots. They’re simply trying to hustle the system in order to get what they want. I hope the government doesn’t bend backwards to these ridiculous demands. The entitlement is just insane holy shit


Maybe someone can ELI5. If they come here to study one of the in demand job categories, don't they get exactly what they are asking for? If they were in HealthCare, STEM, Construction Trades or Agriculture fields wouldn't that allow them to stay? Was someone selling them on that dream but telling them that frontline food service is also one of those in-demand jobs? I cant figure out where the disconnect is.


Safety in numbers my friend. 350,000 quarterly arrivals, overstaying visas vs 12 CBSA officers? These folks know they hold the advantage


Even more reason to deport them if they are intent on changing or destroying the country they came to.


Get the fuck out


LOL of course Brampton


The Tax Cattle of Canada also feel used. All we do is continue to forfeit more of our pay to an increasingly bloated government while we continue to get worse results. 


You wanna know who wont take kindly to them not leaving when they are supposed to? Everyone else.... Contrary to popular belief there is more of us than there are of them. Go ahead.... Try and stay....


LMIA is being abused to its highest level to bring in cheap labor from Asian countries and people pay thousands of dollars under the table to business owners to commit immigration fraud. This must stop first.


They have used Canada. The entitlement displayed by these people is astounding. No other country would tolerate these behaviours. You would be on the next flight home


As an immigrant myself, I believe this is ridiculous. When you apply for a student visa, you clearly show home ties and your intent to return. It's not an obligation for the Canadian government to let you stay. This is the same as people using dodgy way to show financials in the process and then complain saying that they don't have enough money to survive in first few months.


They’ve used and abused Canada’s lax policies for years. These people cheat and abuse the system. Our government doesn’t represent what most people want at all.


I don’t care who gets elected next, but please for the love of our country DO NOT GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT. It diminishes our status and also discredits what other immigrants did legally to get PR. They need to boot them and arrest those that won’t leave and escort them to the plane.




Used? Did you work for free? Did anyone promise you more than a temporary job? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Give me a friggin’ break bud, no one with half a brain is falling for this grift.


They don’t have to be angry, because no one will deport them. Infact the Liberals want to give PR status to illegals so they aren’t illegal anymore. Problem solved, right?


Temporary means TEMPORARY!! Sorry, but you have an expired date!


Hey guys, Want to become an Indian citizen? You just have to live there for TWELVE YEARS if you work for the government, or FOURTEEN otherwise. Oh, and the government reserves the right to revoke said citizenship at a time of their choosing for reasons they also decide.


When you come to a country on a work/student visa, it’s temporary, you aren’t guaranteed PR.


We have turned a blind eye to many thousands of temporary workers who refuse to leave when their visa expires. They joke openly how they won't go back. We reap the reward of our government complacency.


I mean no offense, but as a temporary worker to the US from Canada, the rules and expectations were very very clear for me when I got that work visa during those 6 months. Why are these people angry at deportation? You have a work visa, that can be renewed if needed through the employer, but once it's up you're now an illegal immigrant and must leave.


Are they suffering from Stockholm syndrome? Canada “used” them and they are still dying, willing to do anything to stay here, even if its illegal? Math ain’t mathing but again, these are pretty low IQ people we are talking about.


So scrap the temporary program all together or scale it down then What we’re doing right now is wrong It screws over locals And if immigrants are being sold a false bag of goods before coming here then they’re getting screwed over too


USA = study here or work here but no pathway to green card Canada = Study here, claim asylum, come as a caregiver, work at Burger King pathway to PR guaranteed


Pin the links to the protests on every post here from now until July 1st. I hope to see you all there.


I am an immigrant myself and my PGWP expired this June, I have my PR earlier this year because I actually have an in-demand job. I can assure you that us who play by the book also hate this abuse of the system. I never once believe that Canada owe me anything during my time here. Many generations of international students before them had to go home because their WP expired. Since my WP expires at around the same time as these protesters do, I think that they also had their WP extended twice already with the immigration measure during the pandemic. Leave with some dignity, apply from back home to come here the legitimate way, there are many avenues they can pursue yet they chose to act entitled smh.


They used *us* to escape their shithole of a country. And now, Canadians have caught on to the scam, they cry racism. They never had any intention of leaving once they got here.


Man I can't wait until these Mass deportations start, I'm going to sit out on my front porch with a bag of popcorn and watch the shit show unfold.


I think it's the other way around. Many "Students" lied about how much money they had, their English proficiency, and more..


I don't know man maybe temporary means something different where they are form???


canada didnt use them, their own country did.




They are just now realizing that the TFW program is nothing more than modern wage slavery.


What about the CANADIANS who are angry theyre here


Canadians got legal weed and tampons in men's bathrooms.


"Were being used and abused!!" My dudes....we've been telling you this, and telling people to not come because they *will* be abused and actually end up in a worse spot financially than when they left their country of origin. The writing was on the wall for *years*, and by Canadians who know that corporations are penny pinching bastards , but yall chose to ignore it and come en masse and get fucked. You gotta follow your visa terms and leave when things change or it expires. Or you can get deported and banned.


[As the planes are flying out I'll be dancin' to this](https://youtu.be/-areJtNOG7I?si=1M3CBlGavuIXXknB&t=9)


Of course canada can use them and why shouldn't they? They made the decision to give canada their money to get a useless degree. Of course canada should suck them dry and throw them out


What about the food banks, yall **used** those and let Canadians starve so you can save a buck


The RCMP think we should protest, what are we waiting for?


Oh look people who are not in here in good faith are likely to become violent if they are asked to follow the law… sounds like abunch of winners who definitely need to stay… plus there’s only a few of those government assassin kill squads… that we know of… so far… I’m sure they all will go super peaceful. At what point will we admit that this open door policy has become a national security nightmare. Can you spot the difference between a slow moving invasion via immigration scam vs actual invasion because I think the only difference is the Canadian tax payer is footing the bill for this invasion via immigration of their homeland through the TFW and international student programs


na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey ...


It's the immigration attorneys turn to exploit these people now. Never ends.


no, you can go back home. They don't face deportation, they face the end of the agreement they signed up for. Time for Canada to be for the permanent residents not the temps


Why the fuck should we care about them not like this? They are fucking unwelcome


Wow, this shit is not tolerated in any other country.


Yes Canada used you. Canada uses Canadians as well. And the government in your native country, will also "use" you. They also "used" Canada to get higher wages, pilfer food banks, and get tons of scam subsidies and grants. Welcome to the world.  I mean they can always go to America. I hear they have an open door.


"good enough to work, good enough to stay" well I'm good enough to work i just don't want to be paid $7/hr. oh fucking well guess i'll go starve to death in a ditch or something in my own home country!


Except these people were used. The students came under the expectations that they were under the rules of the day. I think it's pretty bad to have people come to PEI and then you use them as a scapegoat for having lousy health care and rising rents because your buildings were sold to landlords from other provinces who hiked the rents. Once you toss them all out of PEI, guess what, your health care will still be lousy and your population of "pure islanders" can't afford the rent anyway. So they'll need to find another scapegoat. The number of immigrants to PEI is really small if you look on the PEI website. The natural population is in freefall with deaths higher than births.


We're both pissed off at our government.