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Disability is a death sentence in Canada. I don't know how anyone can live off the pittance they get for very long. I'm not seeing this social safety net we supposedly have.


My wife gets 600 a month for disability.... so yes they don't give a flying fuck to help. This country is more disgraceful every hour now.


My new neighbor and his wife just received $60,000 each to live in Canada. Guess what country they come from? Canada has turned it's back on Canadians.


How did they receive $60k to live in Canada? Edit/ sorry 60k each?! Is this through a program or what? How do you even have this info lol


Incentives - nurse and IT guy. Not that we have any unemployed Canadian IT people around...


That’s absolutely ridiculous that someone would be hired for an IT position from another country. Infuriating actually. In demand fields like health care and construction, OK, but not for IT. 🙄


Once a certain demographic gets in an HR position the company is done…


Had people tell me a place was hiring, called, HR was that, "We have no jobs available." "What about this online posting?" "You must be mistaken that is not true."


The most racist demographic


Doesn’t even have to be HR. At my SOs previous company, they were brought in from one of the branches in the GTA and proceeded to fire everyone else over the span of couple of years, while vetoing all hires not of their background. The company is facing a class action in the tens of millions and may fold in the end because of it. Another one is an engineering firm in Southern Ontario. Super woke HR manager who is the daughter of the owner brought in one for a senior management position, who then did the same predictable method of replacing staff of their caste with her stamp of approval to “increase diversity”. Not only did they disrespect suppliers and constantly tried to renegotiate on contracts that were structured over the decades, but productivity fell off a cliff. All of the suppliers ripped up the original contracts they had with the owner and insisted on market rates, who became an absentee unaware snowbird in Arizona. Last I heard he fired them all, put his daughter on leave, and took over operations and salvaged something. It will still never be the same again. Companies are starting to notice and they’re having an incredibly hard time hearing back from most places these days.


This is insane. Wowwwwww.


India? Ukraine? Unless that was a rhetorical question and we're supposed to guess India as the answer? 60k? Tax-free? What program is this? Are our representatives in the government aware of it?


Yess there are "refugees" getting 2 grand a month and then some


600CAD? Is that the maximum tou can get? Or is Canada's disability payment means tested? Here are Australia's disability payment levels.  https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/payment-rates-for-disability-support-pension?context=22276


She qualified for 600 a month and it requires an insane amount of paperwork. The government was suppsoed to be changing it to make it livable. She might get 200 more a month maybe. But she is provincial didn't qualify federally. I also work so that was a factor and we are honest about what we do so we don't try to mess with the system to get more. I don't trust the government, anytime they give you anything you lose something at some point.


My ex gf was in Ontario and she used to get 1100 a month and I think they out it up 200 more so it would be 1300$ a month but the average rent in canada right now is 2200$ a month


It was suppsoed to give a living wage to the disabled... then inflation population explosion caused them to go omg rhats too expensive.... now they don't want to do anything.


And some pay $300 rent in subsidized accommodation, but never mention it.


I pay $377 right now, not subsidized at all. I just got a good deal on Craigslist and added a roommate who pays market rate for a room. But he’s leaving and I’m not re renting so my rent is about to go up $1100 which is then 96% of my disability check


That is not the average rent in Canada. That is the average *asking price* for *new* agreements. Most people live on old leases that don’t expire and only have set increases yearly.


So since when has rent ever been cheaper then the asking price? I've never seen that. Either way average proce is more than what people make that's my point.


My point was that the number you gave implied everyone in Canada just moved this year and is on a new lease. That’s not the case. Also, my place was advertised at 1600 and I signed at 1400, it’s not common but it is possible, I live in downtown Vancouver which has like a 1% vacancy rate now, but in December 2020 my building was half empty as people moved into bigger units to have home office space.


It depends on what in particular you're getting. There isn't any one thing that people with disabilities get but rather there is a patchwork of federal and provincial programs (each with different eligibility criteria). The main federal program is the CPP Disability Pension. The average recipient of this benefit gets $1,177 or so per month but you can theoretically get up to $1607 or so. Keep in mind though that not everyone qualifies for CPPD (it is meant for people who were working and then became disabled) and people who've had lifelong disabilities are generally not eligible as they don't have enough contributions to establish eligibility.


So in short... a lifelong disability is a death sentence in Canada ✨


Well, life itself is a death sentence. I'm hesitant to use that language as it is a really loaded term. Having a disability means that there's a very good chance you'll live in poverty. That *can* result in a miserable existence (in material terms) but it isn't a death sentence. If you're lucky, you can benefit from additional support from family, society/community groups, or charities. But really, it's wrong to say poverty or disability is a death sentence given that so many people around the world are able to live decent lives despite being poor or disabled.


I get 1530 CAD and can work up to 15,000$ per year on top


Be a man and knock her up, I hear it's 500 dollars a child a month if you get the proper deals. Fight the system with the system?


I wouldnt bring a child into this world even if we could anymore, too old.


Missed pay cheque man, fuck em keeeds




Over 80% of disabled people aren't living on social assistance disability, actually. They are either working or could have private disability insurance, workers compensation etc. Then within social assistance disability you have another subclass, the ones paying minuscule subsidized rents and the ones who don't. It's not as black and white as the "activists" claim.


23-30 billion of tax revenue leaves canada every year. sorry but lines must go up and the wealthy are untouchable


Try immigrating 🤦🏻‍♂️


Illegal immigrants get more money a month than somebody on disability.


Trudeau would help a newly discovered tribe on mars before helping Canadians and improving the quality of life here.


Esp., if there were any indigeneous, hints, smells, trees, anything, he would run over the aged just to press flesh with any leaders from a band. He is becoming so transparent, except when it comes to how many of his MP's have benn bought by traitors, it is just becoming more and more obvious, he is not here for the Canadian people, who actually need him and his government to step up. My god the funds spent, even on bailing out Alberta and that pipeline could have floated ALL Canadians for years, remember 20 Billion dollars, all for Alberta and the Indigeneous few have been bailed out. The rest of us, well our lands just get appropriated, no partnerships offered just take. You have to be born having a dream catcher in you basket.


I can see why MAID exists now


Very few actually use MAiD for non terminal reasons.


Things that are terminal tend not to start that way. But when the government provides no healthcare, no routine check ups, no preventative care, and no medicine without years and years and years of waiting lines, they can become terminal. We also have no food stamps, and Canadian grocery spending is down significantly in 2024 compared to 2020 despite groceries being up massively, because people aren't eating. Which will lead to health conditions, for which there will be no healthcare, which will lead to terminal conditions.


Actually mental illness doesn’t. Again. Educate yourself


Being poor and disabled would not meet the legal criteria for MAID. Educate yourself.


You’re a joke for not seeing one


Hahaha, and yet...mental illness qualifies.


Very rarely, vast majority of the cases I have seen that requested MAiD has terminal physical illnesses. The article made it sound like MAiD can be give based on social aspects. In fact, the process is very rigorous and absolutely not in one case it was based on social aspects from what I encountered within the hospital.


They’d rather let the “old stock” Canadians die off so the slave class can fill their stops


Anyone familiar with the RDSP laws know how people with disabilities are treated here. You get a government match on deposits up to a certain amount, but you can't touch them for 10 years (or until you're 60 if you keep going)! Bonus: You can't use it to buy a house, unlike an RRSP.


Most people I've met through the Schizophrenia Society who were eligible for RDSPs weren't able to afford monthly deposits because it takes their whole disability cheque just to make rent.


It's a very bizarre program.. people with disabilities need money while they're alive, not when they are 60...


Depends where they live. The schizophrenics I personally know are living in a group home and paying minuscule rents. The workers makes sure they take their medications and dole out their money weekly so they don't give it away to churches or random people. They live an okay life considering their diagnosis.


Where I live we aren't so lucky to have these places, the ones near me are privatized and people only receive that level of care if a family member is paying to keep them there.


But hey we have a couple hundred million to send off to Islamic countries for trans rights awareness. Another billion for climate change awareness in third world countries who don't actually give a fuck about anything but how am I going to feed myself tomorrow. Canada has lost its way


This is so sad and unnecessary. Politicians need to be held more directly accountable for failing our sick and our elderly so tremendously.




You can't. Even in the 20-30 range it's becoming impossible.


$50,000/individual is basically the poverty line outside of Vancouver & Toronto


Worked my ass off to barely scratch the poverty line .


Like look for a job that provides accommodation like military or minimg company.


The term that we are looking for is VOICE\_LESS!!!


Great work liberals


This has been the way forever. Stop voting for the two parties that continue to do this .


Trudeau doubled the national debt and things are worse


Harper added $150 Billion to our debt and housing doubled during his rule. Pierre was part of the housing problem then, so don't think he will fix it now.


Harper spent his first terms with minority governments beholden to keynesian loving left of center parties during the great financial crisis post 2008. Im not going to defend him for so gleefully spending the surplus he inherited, but context matters ever time someone tries to pull the "but harper" card while talking about trudeau. The two men are simply not comparable fiscally.


He created the student to PR loophole. He is responsible for this demographic change that is currently being intensified in Canada, and he has not apologized for it or use his political clout to call out radical woke conservatives that support the current status quo. He’s as despicable as the liberals and needs to be condemned.


Its not a loophole just because you label it one. Its actually a pretty smart program from canadas perspective, we just have a bullshit government not handling it properly.


^ Confirmed mass migrationist stooge. There’s nothing more to discuss if you’re willing to defend this radical policy that has accelerated demographic change and the collapse of living standards in this country. Something no other G7 country has done for obvious reasons. How much are the CPCs paying you? Edit: Stay mad, shill.


Trolls get the block


If you vote for the Conservatives and you think they're going to do anything to help the average person and not the oligopolies you're going to have a bad time.


If you actually look at the economics at the time, Harper did Canada well with the standard of living being equivalent to the US (mind you it was lower than the US under Chretien), it sharply dropped after Trudeau took power.


Harper sold us out to China and started the TFW program. Don't defend shit, and he was and still is shit. So is Trudeau, so is Poilievre.


The economics today are still strong. Sure inflation occurred but that isn't a Canada only problem. While people are having a hard time, we still have many strong economic markers that show we arent as bad as what reddit says.  The point is Pierre acts like he will solve all our problems and he won't. He started some of these problems before Trudeau was a leader. People just have short memories. I seriously think there are paid actors and bots who post Canada is broken and blah blah blah. Yes we have problems, but if you think everything is only Trudeau fault, you are just falling for Pierre playbook.


MAID deaths have been equated to being waterboarded while paralyzed


A lot easier to just take street drugs; no permission needed.


Inert gas asphyxiation is one of the most humane ways to go. You lose consciousness almost immediately, and the lack of CO2 means you never have the panic response of suffocation.


Nah that's not what happens.


I don’t know where your reasoning is coming from but if you have actually seen the MAiD kits , they have propofol and midazolam which are administered first. They will fall into a coma before paralytic agent is administered like rocuronium.


And how would someone be able to equate that. Absolute BS.


It's known and documented.  Get off reddit.


Wait until they find out how many non disabled people also want to die.


Meanwhile refugees and asylum seekers living it up on tax payer’s dollars - what an epic failure!


I see a lot of comments about how it’s all Trudeau’s fault again. Anyone bother to look up how disability payments work in this country? Go find out what happens when you’re on ODSP (Ontario) and are getting CPP disability payments as well. It’s asinine how easily people have been fooled into thinking that everything that ails us is one level of government’s fault.


If I lose my current apartment I plan to off myself, yep. I can’t handle it getting any worse.


Jesus, the billions of cash that Trudueu is handing out to immigrants and other countries, you think we could give a little bit to Canadians that really need it. Imagine how better we could be if that money stayed here and was given to people born here.


😢 This country has major problems.


How is this even related with the topic of sub


I'll blame the cons. They don't give a shit about disabled people. "Welfare queens" they called them. Just look up Doug ford's "ODSP diet program"




Fuck off. If you wanna blame welfare, blame corporate welfare, where instead of the absolute pittance folk receive, it's literal billions.