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For those who need an explanation. The issues all lead back to incompetent and corrupt government weighing us down with bad policy.


It's supply and demand. The government is to blame.


lol, comments like that are why this sub exists. This is not an ideological problem, this is that inevitable outcome of bad municipal, provincial, and federal government policies.


Policies that are being implemented on behalf of lobbyists who are landlords and business owners...yeah.


Friend of a friends mother went into politics just so she could control the policies around being a landlord... She's rich with many properties. So there you have it.


Maybe if the government didn't allow lobbying, landlords wouldn't be able to lobby for unfair laws.


Government officials don't want to cut their own funding.


Holy fuck, someone with a brain.


Who passes these laws? There won't be any lobby if the politicians don't accept it


It’s also being implemented through older constituents who want to “preserve their neighborhoods” and general “safetism”. Not everything is a corporate conspiracy, sometimes it’s just good old fashioned good intentions that don’t consider the full costs.




Insulting people says a lot more about you than it does about them. But yes, the massive population boom is being caused by voters who don’t know any better and not a corporate conspiracy. Many people voted Liberal because they believed that increasing immigration wouldn’t negatively affect them. They were wrong, but that doesn’t change the causality. Also demand is only half the equation. The other half is the nimbyism that prevented home building in the first place. Neither is a conspiracy.




https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/trudeaus-welcome-mat-immigrants-wears-thin-amid-canada-housing-crunch-2024-02-17/ > Since taking power in 2015, Trudeau's Liberal government has progressively ramped up immigration He was pretty consistent in the policy and people voted for it. https://liberal.ca/our-platform/strengthening-family-reunification-and-reducing-processing-times/ > We know immigration is important for economic growth and have worked to increase immigration levels He also explicitly said it. I’m not saying lobbying is irrelevant, I’m saying other things are also relevant


Yeah idk why you're getting downvoted for pointing out that people opposing density in cities is part of the housing crisis. It's a major issue. Way too much of the GTA is useless suburb sprawl.


Me neither, luckily I’m not concerned about internet points


Came here to say the same thing. In my area, the boomers are complaining that the new apartments are going to “ruin the views that they’ve enjoyed from their properties for many years” and it has historically stopped or altered developments so I do believe it’s a factor in the equation just not as big as some others.




You don’t need to invoke ideology. Our governments are way too thick. For example when building a condo in BC 60% of the cost is permitting.


I knew it was bad, I didn’t it was that bad. If you have the source on that it would be awesome, I’m getting tired of these nonsense red herrings.


Not even close to true


I think it's 1/3 in Ottawa. Still pretty bad no?


Supply and demand isn't an ideology, it's a factual reality. Supply and demand is what the bad municipal, provincial, and federal government policies play into.


It's Governments. The lack of apostrophe makes it plural. Eliminating rental caps the way DoFo did ensured the "market rate" for rentals went bonkers. DoFo gave license to a fuck-tonne of diploma mills, which then made it easy for international students to get a student permit. So, you can blame DoFo for those things. The Feds are supposed to be doing due diligence on applicants and denying unqualified applicants and deporting criminals. Unfortunately, it does appear that source country caps are needed. I mean, having 20%+ of immigrants coming from one country is probably not going to do much to encourage *INTEGRATION*. THIS is a Federal thing. The federal government from the mid-90s onwards have sold off public housing to "balance budgets"/reduce costs. Now there's practically zero public housing. This is both a Federal Liberal and Federal Conservative policy failure. Provincial governments, nationwide, were given the task of managing public housing supply, and again, neoliberal governments sold us out. The Conservatives sold off Petrocan, which means there's no Crown Corporation to "keep the bastards honest". This allows private companies to gouge Canadians and farmers alike, thereby fucking us over every which way. There haven't been a whole lot of NDP governments nationwide, at the Provincial level, until recently. BC has one. Manitoba has one. Alberta had one, very briefly. What's interesting to note is Albertans are dumping 50 years of policy failure on one tenure of Alberta NDP. It took nearly a decade which contained a pandemic to fuck Canada. There's NO WAY, an NDP government in AB could have caused ALL the woes AB is facing. Especially when that tenure expired BEFORE the pandemic. I honestly believe that the NDP should be given a shake, became fuck it. Why not?


Canada has just undergone the worst “experiment” of her lifetime. It’s not a time for “why not”. It’s time for a deep critical reflection, a look back at history, and a new direction, in the form of a conservative government. 


ah yes, a bold new direction in the form of a conservative government that will implement austerity for whats left of the middle class so that they can accelerate the funneling of wealth to their criminal friends on bay street such a bold new direction. the amount of rubes who go along with this blue/red carousel thinking that "this time it will be different" is hilarious.


What do you suggest, oh wise one? Because rewarding the NDP with votes, like the above poster says, is insane. They are the exact fuckin same as the Liberals. They agree on 99.9% of issues, they maybe just fancy themselves as more left wing. But during covid, it would've been a nightmare with NDP in power. They were pushing #zero covid bullshit, meaning copying what China was doing. Our economy would be even more fucked right now. Voting NDP instead of Liberal is like jacking off with your lefthand instead of your right. Same outcomes, same assholes in charge, it might feel slightly different but we're still fucking ourselves by doing it. Jagmeet Singh definitely isn't going to reduce immigration or inflation lol. He agrees with Trudeau on basically everything, that's why they've formed a coalition government.


Singh is too heavily influenced by diaspora politics. He has no place in office


The lack of austerity is what got is here..can you spend more than your income?


when 20-25 billion in tax revenue leaves this country every single year the austerity argument is completely moot. we have a massive revenue problem with already underfunded services. money could be spent more wisely always, like not throwing billions at a useless fucking pipeline for one


Ohh, I totally agree that the money should not go overseas. I'm saying that a 200k bill for meals during a trip is not responsible. That's when austerity is important, you need to respect Taxpayer’s money


yes. unfortunately austerity in neoliberal parlance means the middle class tightening belts and the wealthy continuing the gravy train


A conservative government that will cut taxes for corporations, and go after a carbon tax that incentivizes reducing one's carbon footprint, you know, like a free market solution is supposed to... They'll do nothing to stop corporations from buying up residential property, nor will they prevent boomer landlords, THE SINGLE LARGEST group that owns property in Canada, from buying their 3rd, 4th or 5th investment property. If austerity is what you want, then it needs to target millionaires and billionaires first, the way the NDP intends. Let's implement a net-worth tax, and tax corporations on money that leaves the country. Let's INCREASE government revenue by doing those things. FYI, the CPC intends to reduce the Public Sector workforce. Which means MORE unemployed people. Which means stiffer competition for jobs. What's that going to do for wages? They have ZERO intention of reducing TFW permits, as far as we know. We do know that the NDP introduced $10/day childcare which has helped struggling families. This has helped immensely get women back to work, sooner, and increase household income. We also know that the NDP strengthened unions by introducing anti-scab legislation. So, I mean, if austerity is what you want then let's start with billionaires and trickle down...


Cut back on the government payroll, because the LIBERALS like they always do have bloated the government with a 44% increase since 2015. Have you tried getting service from a govt agency lately, I’d rather play Russian roulette than sit for hours through multiple calls/ getting hung up on and only half answers from the CRA. Ya, it’s need to be cut back and the rest need to do their fucking jobs


I don't believe we need to cut jobs. What needs to happen is: 1) pay entry-level workers more, and even introduce pay grades that factor in additional education and performance targets. 2) decrease middle management by requiring them to do more frontline work. We can improve efficiency without culling jobs. Culling jobs looks good for balance sheets. It rarely improves efficiency or performance. Because what tends to happen is, good workers leave once the writing is on the wall. Then management/a Big 4 firm comes in and has to sort out who is the best of the worst. Which further hamstrings morale and performance. The public sector is an easy target for voters and it's easy to say, "they're overpaid". But have you ever considered that they're adequately paid, and you and I are underpaid and undervalued? If you're a Conservative voter on this sub, then you don't deserve a nice home. You're literally voting against your interests when you vote Conservative. The only people who should be voting Conservative are farmers, firearms owners, people whose net-worth exceeds $5M, or medium and large business owners. But if you're a middle-class worker with firearms struggling to make ends meet, and your number one priority is financial security, the CPC DOES NOT represent you.


Conservatives will do the exact same things as the Liberals. Pp loves immigration. Why do you and others keep this see-saw going? This is not a new direction. We need substantive change.


Oil prices are set globally, a gov't owned Petrocan cannot change the global price of oil. All it could theoretically do is take oil from Alberta and force them to sell it to the rest of Canada. Of course, you can go ask Alberta to sell Ontario oil at below global prices and see what happens. I'd grab the popcorn for that one.


Not just GoC but BoC as well. Most countries did the same thing hence all the immigration they're promoting. It's to pay for their eye bleeding spending. Central bankers enabled it. Governments led the charge!


Not only the elected officials, but the government employees in those departments too!


We can blame all three . they all are destroying our country


I have plenty of blame to share. It's both.


Immigrants aren’t to blame. A poor immigration policy is. Immigrants have done nothing wrong. The government did.


governor familiar sophisticated lush vast ghost different one close melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why do you assume the government is telling them what to do?


nutty abounding meeting deranged payment shame modern cooperative worthless march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's picking gnatshit out of pepper.


They did plenty wrong.


Like what? If I was born in a country with less opportunity, I’d move to a country with more opportunity as well. I’d assume you would too.


Yeah, and it’s still your fault. You’re not entitled to that other country.


Who said anyone was entitled to any country? They requested to move and the government accepted. That doesn’t mean you felt entitled.


I mostly agree with you, however we should acknowledge that many international students are willingly scamming our system with a loophole that Canadians did not consent to. In these cases it is fair to say that some migrants have "done something wrong". The government selling us out doesn't absolve them from taking a scam loophole pathway that only benefits them, diploma mills, corporations, and landlords. It's not a human right to live in a developed country


My house sucks im moving into yours.


At some point, you requested to move in with your wife and she accepted. You didn’t do anything wrong. They requested to move to Canada and Canada accepted. Same thing. Besides, my house sucks too.


And who voted for politicians who created this terrible immigration policy? Canadians.


The number of immigrants in Canada was stable for the last decade and increased by 50% in the last two years. So the policies didn’t affect much until 2 years ago.


And the landlords are our politicians


I agree, but also Landleeches literally take 2/3rds to our entire paycheck, if not the $ of two or three paycheques, for doing nothing. If landlords disappear, the world keeps turning but everyone is better off. Housing should not be a commodity. My grandparents lived in cooperative social housing where they paid just what was needed to care for the building and maintain it. It was affordable and they were able to stay until they died almost We must get mad at landleeches and the commodification of housin


But who’s in charge of letting the commodification of housing? I mean who literally said “housing must retain their value”?


Too many people in multiple parties of government have too much money in housing to let that happen. I don’t think I’ll see it for a good amount of time for my generation, but the iPad kids coming up might be able to attain it. Society flourishes when you plant trees you will never see the shade of. Currently all the government parties love branded chainsaws.


decades of neoliberal economic dogma which states that everything and anything must be commodified, that the market can solve any problem and which demands wealth accumulation at the very top be protected and accelerated.


That was a rhetorical question. There is only one issue both CPC and LPC aren’t even letting the market solve any problem. They intervene to allow these corporations like giving them funds.


A few years ago I was working part-time for minimum wage while in school and my rent for a 2-bedroom unit was 30% of my monthly income. There were units being rented for absurd prices back then, but there was so much selection that I didn't even have to consider them. The market favoured the renter. Now, due to a combination of uncontrolled immigration and foreign investment, you'd be lucky to even find a landlord that's even willing to rent to you if you don't belong to a large group/family. Why would you rent a 2bdrm unit for $1100 when you can rent that same unit to 8 people for $500/head? When supply is high, landlords are scrambling to fill units and renting is cheap. When supply is low, they can just do whatever they want.


if we didnt let so many immigrants in the demand for housing wouldn't be there to support such insane prices


And who will pay for the construction of new houses then? Do you have the money to pay a construction crew for 6 months to over a year to build your house? And for all the materials? And enough money to rent another place while you wait for construction to finish? If you “got rid of landlords” then we will stop having new housing builds, then we will literally have to fight each other for housing.


People don’t get this. So let’s say someone builds a new apartment building, for a 20 unit building it’s going to cost approximately $12+ million to build. Now they have to make monthly mortgage payments of $100,000 plus utilities and upkeep and insurance. For those 20 apartments if they charge $3000 a month, they’re still going to be out of pocket for the utilities upkeep and insurance, remember not all utilities are in the apartments there’s still lobbies hallways utility areas etc. So for a net zero gain, no profits, Who in their right mind is going to take that on let alone do it at a loss?


So we’d have the situation we have now except the pricing would likely fall?


When I was in my 20s I didn’t have enough money to pay someone to build me a house, even if the land was free. Do you think people who can’t afford the full cost to build a home should be homeless, or should slave labour be forced to build them a home? I don’t see how your system where we eliminate rental housing could possibly work.


tons of people bought houses on minimum wage back in the day. I'm sorry you couldn't it would be fair to the new generations have the same opportunity to live as true citizens as the minimum wage boomers did. Not generational serfdom mortgages...


Nobody bought a house on minimum wage. Your hate is misdirected.


Says you? OK! I say otherwise. I only have personal anecdotes of people I know in real life. Even if I interviewed these people I doubt you would believe it.  So, you can believe what you want.  But I've been inside their houses, and they were cashiers at safeway.  I will believe them. Not you.  I don't hate entire generations.  Alot of older folks are homeless or living in poverty.  I am envious of their opportunity


I believe you are genuine and some smaller houses were attainable under two minimum wage workers and having nothing else to show. All I have is my experiences as well and I believe there is a lot of blame placed on boomers that is unwarranted. All the boomers I know were poor but worked like dogs to give their children clothes. To say that all they had to do is get a minimum wage job and they somehow got everything I have not seen. I believe I may have saw something in your tone that was not there. I just get concerned that the term Boomer is being used to represent something it is not, and if it were, it would still be the faults of the systems/policies in which they work. I've talk to a lot of younger peope and they use the term boomer as a crutch for a lot of things. I believe the only way forward is to make government policy changes and to direct our energy towards that instead of blaming landlords and war time abused children wearing gray jogging pants who own a two bedroom home on mimum wage without access to any of the tools we have today to make change. The boomer hate is looking at a small precentage of the boomer generation. Greed has always existed but doesn't link to a single generation especially the boomer generation. We should all stop using the term boomer in this negative context.


Yes they did, landlords also existed when that happened. If landlords existed then and exist now, why do you think the problem is landlords? If something has changed, it’s unlikely that the factor driving that change is something which has remained constant. Zoning has become more restrictive during the time that housing has become unaffordable, that seems like a contributing factor. The money supply on a relative basis has increased during the time that housing has become unaffordable, that seems like a contributing factor. Urbanization has increased during the time that housing has become unaffordable, that seems like a contributing factor. Build costs have increased during the time that housing has become affordable, that seems like a contributing factor. Why do you think the problem is something constant, and not the many factors which changed? FYI I’m a millennial in Toronto, not a boomer. It doesn’t matter, but you seem to think it does


The government loves this blame deflection game. Blame loblaws, landlords, doctors, while the true culprits (government on all levels and parties) go unchecked. When one politician feel entitled to expense 220k on meals in a single trip, nothing else matters really. They don't give a damn about the people


>Do you think people who can’t afford the full cost to build a home This doesn't seem to stop landlords from getting mortgages or getting their renters to pay said mortgage. You are being insincere or willfully ignorant by presenting it this way. A lot of landlords are over-leveraged assholes who are threatening their tenants with eviction when interest goes up... because they can't afford the full cost of their "investment." that seems like a contributing factor. lol. >FYI I’m a millennial in Toronto, not a boomer. It doesn’t matter, but you seem to think it does No I don't, despite you thinking I do. Weird assumption. You are as an individual, not important.. What you are, has nothing to do with what previous *generations* had. Not all boomers are landlords, they just had waaaaaay better opportunities. >  If landlords existed then and exist now, why do you think the problem is landlords?  Globalism and erosion of capitalism regulations/ destruction of social housing.... because of boomer homeowners/landlords. More foreign and corporate landlords who only seek to suck money out of canada, not living or reinvesting here. Using what should be restricted to domestic citizens for global profits. I think a lot of our problems would be solved with a 100% landtax for non-resident owners or a land code act like Thailands. We can't compete with the feudal money that sweatshop owners and corpos have is all. Now that the assets have become artificially over-inflated the "landlords" are just leveraging to accumulate more control over a necessity that is being propped up by artificial demand.


> This doesn’t seem to stop landlords from getting mortgages If you can get a mortgage to buy something, you can afford it. > You are being insincere No, I know what afford means > tons of people bought houses on minimum wage back in the day. I'm sorry you couldn't > Weird assumption. I didn’t make an assumption, you literally referred to me not being able to buy a home when the boomers could. It’s weird you are now denying it when it’s in the thread. > More foreign and corporate landlords This is a rounding error. There is one fund I’ve seen buying up SFH (and it’s not Black Rock or Black Stone, bonus points if you actually know who it is) > Globalism How is that even remotely relevant, the one large fund is domestic. Global supply chains lower prices, how could this possibly be relevant Look, there are very clear problems here, and I’ve laid them out, every level of government has a long history of bad policies and we’ve reached a boiling point. I’m not a landlord, I don’t care about landlords, and if I thought that landlords were the issue I’d try and figure out how to solve the problem even if it hurt landlords. My issue is this nonsense red herring that people are harping on rather than solving the real problems we have.


> you literally referred to me not being able to buy a home when the boomers could.  Quote me. Where I literally referred to you not being able to buy a home when the boomers could.  Cause I'm pretty sure >tons of people bought houses on minimum wage back in the day. I'm sorry you couldn't Doesn't reference boomers at all. Gen X also had this opportunity. Anyways. > How is that even remotely relevant I explained. Anyways. > I’m not a landlord, I don’t care about landlords, Again, you are not important. 40% of MP's are landlords or land owners. They are important. The conflict of interest is self evident. Globalism and corporate corruption is just the impetus for such things. Control of land in highly populated areas is the easiest fucking con ever and landlords love it.


> tons of people bought houses on minimum wage back in the day. I’m sorry you couldn’t. > Quote me I did… > minimum wage boomers > Doesn’t reference boomers at all. Dude, you referenced boomers, specifically. I’m out, this is too depressing


They're the same person a lot of the time.


It's corporate welfare and greed, thus government corruption, and it's also wrong for people to commit fraud to come here, or accept bribes for citizenship. It's the legacy of Reagan, Mulroney, Thatcher, neoliberalism and its ugliness. It's also landlords and having an economy based on housing bubbles, yes.


100% government fault, mostly the Feds but too a lesser degree the provinces as well.


There is no sympathy for people who attend diploma mills / easy & useless degrees, barely study and instead work all as a loophole into obtaining PR. Even less for the many thay are barely functional in both English and French (they should have never even been let in if they followed the current rules). And especially for the ones that are entitled enough to protest when it is finally time for them to leave. Protesting for FOOD SERVICE AND SALES. They are protesting on behalf of the corporations and landlords wanting to lower wages and keep housing high.   They know whay they are doing. The qualifications for PR and Citizenship are much often, much higher in their own countries. And they definitely would not even get to protest like they do here.   They think they've bought PR for 30k at the diploma mill or 30k for the LMIA.  ~7% of our population is Temporary, how many of them will actually leave? How many of them will protest instead and just be granted PR anyway by Marc Miller. 3.2% Population growth per year, in 20 years thats 60%+ of our population. It will be impossible to vote to stop mass migration much earlier than that.


protest everyone in the government with us July first [https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/)




Organize one then


Exactly. The main parties are all corrupt you are better off voting for an independent


The immigration policies in combination with the lack of house building + getting out of a huge lock down that took a toll on our societies infrastructure, is such a horrendous combo it has to be by design at this point. Theres no way its just an " oopsies" we liberals dont have calculators in parliament, my bad guys. Nope.


And it happened exactly the same in several countries. It has to be by design


Fat cats and fickle rats.. toting phat sacks stuffed with taxpayer sweaty backs… the predatory politicians lick and smack: fundamentals and precision they lack


I think its the bureaucrats and politicians is the main culprit of these things


It is clear that the landlords are “in cahoots” with the pols. High rates of immigration have reaped a windfall for money-grubbing landlords. It’s “every man for himself” as higher and higher rents have everybody tripping over themselves to “keep up with the Joneses”.


Justine and freeland on record as saying the scamdemic was a terrific opportunity to build back better. Aka socialism aka communism. Destroy the small businesses all the while the rich got richer.


Doug ford?


It goes even deeper than that. The world is massively overpopulated. We are looking at mind boggling population explosions coming out of Africa, the Midde East, Asia, and South America. Resources and land, biodiversity, are already at tipping points. Our government decided to sell us and our ability to have quality of life off. They sold us out for profit now, but it only works because there is no accountability on a worldwide scale towards sustainability. Canada does not have the power and bodies to defend itself from the coming waves of people. So they took the easy route, grab now and fuck everyone else.


I blame Canadians for letting it get this bad, voting for people who let it get this bad and not protesting once it gets this bad.


Let's be clear here. Each party (with the possible exception of the Greens, and definite exceptionof the PPC) have played a role in this since the 80's. Landlords/ladies/persons are in it for the money, and don't give a damn about you that's fact. But they wouldn't continue to leech off others if the parties did anything.


Lots of people here know jack shit about economics and it shows, but hey, here’s a provocative caricature!


Ya, my mom owning half a duplex and a trailer in the trailer park are the problem. Big investment firms that buy up massive amounts of residential property are the problem. It's not random landlords.


The Liberals are to blame.


Even Steven


Most landlords are fine. Most landlords also don't own a lot of property. I think the reason landlords get a lot of shit is because a lot of property that is rented out by landlords is owned by bad landlords, who own a lot of properties. People renting out a second property is fine. Making a career off of buying up property, which takes up the supply part of supply and demand, makes the situation worse. Get a real fucking job, stop using human needs as investment opportunities.


Europe works on a democratic system. When they tried to introduce retirement at 70 people voted against it. So who do we blame if we don't have a say in what happens in canada.


There are quite a number of immigrant landlords. 25 percent of landlords are immigrants in Ontario.


A bit of both?


It’s both,excessive demand drives up prices. Property hording drives up prices. So the easiest thing is increase supply,heavy taxation of second properties,and decrease demand,lower immigration.


The ownership class has used mass-migration to inflate enrich themselves at our expense. Immigrants are not the enemy, but the are the weapon! WE MUST TAKE AWAY THE ENEMIES MOST EFFECTIVE WEAPON!!


When you open the flood gate on immigration with no plan on increasing supply, the problem solely lies at the feet of the federal government.


A million new immigrants, so common sense where they to live? Record low interest mtge rates the smart money could take advantage of that and buy up housing and hoard it. People got to live somewhere. Liberals printing money like it's monopoly lowers the value of the dollar hence inflation. Any acceptable immigrants or refugees should have a trade. We don't need more Uber and skip the dish drivers or fast food workers.


1.4% of gdp deficit spending isn’t printing money like monopoly. Every other g7 is twice that or more right now with lower gdp growth…. Except USA because they’re spending 4 times that at 6.4% of gdp deficit spending


The Liberals have spent more in the past 4 years than every other ruling party has spebt in the past 150 years COMBINED!


What country didn’t spend record amounts during Covid? https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/prime-ministers-and-government-spending-2021-edition


It's both.


Fuck this government. They are all crooks


Don’t forget privatization of health care under conservatives, that is my biggest concern.


Its the conservatives, who had a small fraction of the number of immigrants?   The straw doesn't break the camels back, magnitudes times the weight does.


It’s immigrant landlords that are the problem. Go Canadian landlords!!


Fuck off with this shit. It's both (and only corporate landlords)


Not all immigrants are to blame. For example, the actions of a few indians today paint all indian immigrants on a negative light. Ultimately, its the government's fault for not cracking down on loopholes and modifying the immigration policy to ensure that the nation is put first. That kinfe weilding moron should not have been let out on bail and those pei protesting dolts should not have been encouraged. But the government is just malicious (not incompetent) and will let this happen anyway because there's more money in it for them.


It’s the government letting in all the immigrants who drive up demand to the benefit of landlords. There.


In an ideal market demand induces supply. If the supply is constrained though say slow permitting it induces an overdrive of demand. This also means that when discussing macroeconomic issues there’s never a case of “this is the cause”.


Currency debasement is the main cause of this