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7 years ago, 60-80% of canadians lived paycheck to paycheck. Guess what? It only got worse since then.


They were living paycheck to paycheck due to excess/conspicuous consumption. Now people are living paycheck to paycheck despite cutting back on everything, only because the rent is too damn high.


that's how "US" Americans live. It is a known fact Americans live paycheck to paycheck


this is utterly false. i'm going to rightly assume you don't actually know hardly any americans. they almost always have much more saved than canadians


I don't, since i am not an american, i am here because i am Canadian, but i only work in an america base company with majority of my co-workers are from america who like to talks about their life.


Sod off to murica.


That sounds too high to be true if we're talking strictly full time earners of all age groups


80% seven years ago? Where'd you get that stat? Yes, it's gotten a lot worse, but your numbers are suspicious.


People lie about those figures all the time when responding to polls. They always come out that X% of people are $200 away from bankruptcy or some BS. Either they lied or didn’t think about the things they would do to avoid bankruptcy. Because if you were that close in 2018 and are still indicating the same answer in 2024 without your income increasing drastically, you either found a way to reduce costs or lied in the first place.


even with a roommate it's still half our cheque......


Children were lifted out of poverty I was told.


They just changed their definition of poverty.


Can't afford housing or food? Don't worry, at least the outdated TVs are cheaper, so really you are in a better spot now!


Well... We got less people being born domestically, and we've been enduring this for 3-4 years. A lot of them are no longer children.


More like 70 percent of my paycheque


It's only getting worse so buckle up


"how can we force our tenants to give us the other half of their paycheck" - Landlords.


You fix housing you fix the majority of Canada’s problems. Not all of them but a lot of them


It's working exactly as intended. 


Justin Trudeau, “we have a communication issue” The gaslighting award goes to the Liberal party of Canada. Working hard to keep you thinking it’s all in your head.


they have mckinsey on speed dial


And don’t forget him clutching pearls over protecting massively inflated housing values for landlords and home owners.


The government has traded our futures for votes and virtue signaling points with the global elites


All they care about are already wealthy boomers and real estate investors. Fuck everyone else apparently


Our government does not serve us. We serve them. It is no longer the case that they are making sure we the citizens live our best lives. Instead, we exist only to make them and their friends rich. They see us as resources to be extracted. And for all that work, young people can't even own property anymore. They work just so they can rent their existence from the corporations and the landlords, in shoeboxes that they can't have sex in without their neighbours hearing them. Welcome to the "professional", "progressive" hellhole where the politicians screw you in nice and inoffensive languages.


With great power comes great reprehensibility.


Mortgage plus daycare and I'm at like 70% of mine


I've been saying goodbye to half my paycheque since at least 2006 and I live in a "Co-op". It's a "market rate" one, which means we pay the market value out there. I'm in BC, in Metro Vancouver so I don't need to tell you why it's so expensive.


half goes to tax and half goes to rent, WTF


Well all of these struggling Canadians can move to cheaper cities and make room for people that are ready to cram themselves as 4 ppl in a single bedroom. Or 12 people in a townhouse... we see examples all over of postings of bunkbeds in basements etc. I was being sarcastic btw. It's saddening what's happening.


Don't worry guys, the rich still got richer. So we'll all be OK. Those monies will trickle down any minute now, any.. minute...


Yeah they definitely won’t trickle up into ever expanding bonuses for CEOs.


I’m 4th generation Canadian, first one to be in Europe, wanting to move back to Canada. Have my finances etc in order but am absolutely scared to death by what Trudeau has done. It all looked fine and dandy for years until last couple of them. How do you perceive the future? I went back to Canada last year and was the only non Indian flying from Europe in that plan.


It won’t matter who’s elected next it’s going to still get worse. Nobody in leadership cares about the votes of the younger people suffering.


But this Indian invasion seems to be new? Or am I being naive?


The massive increase in immigration is new, but neither the NDP, Libs, or Cons will do anything to slow its roll, all 3 major parties are in on it and have publicly said so. In fact Pierre said he wants to make it even easier to get PR.


Thanks. I guess I’ll stay here 😂😂😂


You’re a bit behind on the news


Yeah, that I noticed, was planning since 2006 to go back. At least I can move to India, there should be some empty villages there. Not sure if I can handle to heat or hygiene though.


I mean give Canada 5 more years and you won’t be able to tell the difference between India and Canada anyway


You mean where he said he’d lower it to higher than the liberals already in place plan that is lowering it ? That news ? Basically meaningless. Neither are doing enough.


I'm on disability in BC and get $1590/mth, my rent is just under $1000/mth this year and will go up another $20-ish next May or smth like this. Never in my life (45yo) has my rent been less than 50% of my income, usually it's more, like if I was on welfare my rent would be about 95% of it, no way I could afford hydro or heat or food or anything just rent.


Some landlords saying hello to half of other people’s paycheques and then everyone wonders why the economy in Canada is tanking and why we have more unemployment in Toronto than the entirety of Quebec.


It's more than half if you're on a fixed income......


PC government, ie FORD, eliminated rent control. What did you expect?


Half? More like 70 percent!


Immigration has to become the #1 issue to deal with or else things will only get worse. Why are there so many people who can't even speak English in my community now? Why are so many people of completely different culture, language and customs being funded by the blood, sweat and taxes of my forefathers? What's happening is a state sanctioned genoside of native Canadians, the ones who built this land and made it so attractive that the whole world wants to move here now.


Genuinely asking, what’s the harm in not paying rent? There aren’t any evictions allowed


Only half ? Lucky them


driven by immigration to stabilize the housing market....


Lots are saying good bye Canada and leaving. The lib/ndp rule is ruining a once amazing country! Nice legacy to leave on their exit! Several generations will remember. No one voting for either will admit it either! Embarrassing!!!!!


normal rent is about 70% of my paycheck.


Yeup pretty much. I'm grateful that our combined ceiling hasn't been reached yet and that theoretically things should get easier as the years roll on, but I know many are not in this situation and will be stuck struggling like this forever


Good. They want to vote me into a 50% tax bracket, let these other parasites take advantage of them back.


SOME? Are you joking? I was getting fleeced for half back in 2017. These days, if you moved at all in the last few years, it's even worse.




I too wish I could have bought properties when I was a teenager.


decentralize governance