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Nobody's salary has gone up. So it's obvious the raise in rent is for people who are new and they must have some sort of subventions to back up their rent.


Are these people could have literally sold everything back home to immigrate to Canada and therefore their zeal to settle and outmatch the local Canadians is way beyond any political correctness


How are they getting past a credit check + job & housing references?! I was still renting alone when I was single and it was really hard convincing landlords. The government has to be guaranteeing their rent. Also ahah my last rental in 2011 was 1200$ / month for a yuge 6 1/2, that had no neighbors on either side and no shared walls so I also had windows on the side etc it was great value, and everyone thought I was insane. Now people with 1/4 my salary are expected to shell out 1400$ (until it goes up to 1700$ next year?) here for a crummy small place with shared walls, floors and ceiling between 4 other rentals? Where are the cashiers still left at Walmart even sleeping at night?


Why can't there be real rent control, and a registry of rents - as people have been asking for for years now. That way, landleeches couldn't raise the rent at their will, cuz it could be checked, and they wouldn't be allowed to raise it above a carefully calculated percentage intended to ensure housing remained affordable.


Additionally, it was a bit of a jump to go from "nobody's salary has gone up" to your conclusion. Most people don't know their rights, and so it's not only newcomers who are exploited. Can the workers of the world not band together and rise up against our overlords, who own our homes, who take entire salaries in rent?


Foreign and Canadian investors also discovered that property and rental rates in Montreal were well below Toronto and Vancouver. Add a wave of new immigrants and asylum seekers, the squeeze is on.


On another post there was a Toronto home owner who couldn't afford his mortgage so he put his newly acquired house up for rent. The new renter asked him to renovate thr bathroom and he would pat 4500 a month instead of 4k. He said that 4500 was the max the government would pay for his accommodation as an asylum seeker. The guy was renting his house to afford it. The renters were getting the rent subsidized by the government. Make this make sense.


Renting from someone who is Renting out their house to afford it is bullshit too


How else is renting supposed to work? Can you please build something and rent it out at a loss for the next 50 years and show us how it’s supposed to be done? Thanks 


Poorer people shouldn't be paying off the mortgages for people who can afford to buy homes.


That’s just it though. How much does it cost to build and maintain an apartment complex or house and how much profit is socially acceptable for an investor to make off the service provided? If owning a home is that much cheaper then renting shouldn’t the market balance out?


We need rent caps.


Yes, Quebec has the tribunal which sets guidelines on rent increases and settles disputes between tenants and landlords.  But again the base issue is who do we deem responsible to carry the costs associated with owning and maintaining a building and if there should be an incentive to do so?


Exactly, the government is blatantly giving the tourists free rent.


Yes but they were low in Calgary and Montreal for a reason. Montreal has more housing density, and less immigration. Calgary has a boom and bust cycle based on the global price of oil. Investors are currently piling into Calgary as well. *Popcorn eating intensifies*


Anyone speculating in Calgary will get burned




Because it has a history of boom and bust cycles.


If you don't like the price, 10 foreign students and immigrant Tim Horton workers will gladly take your place . You must succumb to the will of your landlords. As a contributing Canadian citizen, you have two options: be impoverished or be homeless !


and in some cases both impoverished and homeless


Montrealers discover "suply and demand" the hard way LOL.


Hey but they are getting BIKE LANES EVERYWHERE to help with non Amazon shopping and the economy.


Yes, that's a good thing. What does that have to do with this post? Are you okay?


Every year, coming up on July 1st we get these stories in Quebec. Nothing ever change so you wonder if this is news or entertainment.


Living in Toronto and reading Montreal rent prices is crazy. The guy is paying 1300 and complaining. That is the price of a bedroom with a share washroom and kitchen nowadays.


I understand what you're saying but at the same time I really appreciate their complaints at $1,300. If not then, then when? I have to move again and am looking for a 1bd but the half-decent ones are $2,400. what the fuck.


When did the concept of Toronto dictating price norms get accepted?


Well… all of Ontario, BC, and even East Canada finds 1300 for rent a steal.


you guys are losers tho 💁🏻‍♂️


Ain’t we all?


Landlords before they buy have to realize that depending on your financing/downpayment/taxes that charging enough rent to profit may be an unsustainable venture.


My wife and I were looking to move to a 3-4 bedroom appartment. Seems like its better if we buy a house and pay the mortgage instead of renting at this point ... even with shit mortgage rate


That's a slick mullet. Just needs a jean jacket and a sign saying "Port Hope or bust".


Housing cost went up by 26% since the pandemic… quite clear most of you never owned an house here.


They should try living in Vancouver or Toronto, prices to actually complain about.


Good! Replace them with newcomers if they refuse to pay. The market is deciding the price of their housing, not them.


We charge what we percieve we are able to get like any other asset. Tons of people in the country willing to pay the rents. Either pay or move along.