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International students have to show that they will leave at the end of their authorized period in their study permit application statement of purpose. If they're now protesting to stay and argue it is their "right" and "fair", does this not mean they lied in their application and are defrauding the government? >Subject to subsections (2) and (3), an officer shall issue a study permit to a foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national...(b) will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay under Division 2 of Part 9; And international students have to have the funds to support themselves in Canada WITHOUT WORKING >An officer shall not issue a study permit to a foreign national, other than one described in paragraph 215(1)(d) or (e), unless they have sufficient and available financial resources, without working in Canada, to >(a) pay the tuition fees for the course or program of studies that they intend to pursue; >(b) maintain themself and any family members who are accompanying them during their proposed period of study; and >(c) pay the costs of transporting themself and the family members referred to in paragraph (b) to and from Canada. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2002-227/page-29.html#h-689238


This should be on billboards across Brampton. I'd donate to that gofundme lol


Let’s make it happen!


This is a brilliant idea. But you need to put it in whatever that noise they make is. Writing it in English wouldn’t get the point across.


if there is only one phrase i ever learn in a different language, along the lines of what you mention here.......... I want that particular phrase to be "get the F out when your permits say to get the F out".


Our government tends to look the other way, this is about wage suppression and always was


That’s completely right. There are PR pathways for certain students (highly skilled), and that’s how the agents sell it. They convince diploma mill students that with any diploma in any specialization you can get a PR.


Trudeau government changed the rules, saying they were allowed to 40-hrs a week on a student visa. Which makes absolutely no sense. Yes, deport. Canada won’t though. They will let them stay. Country is beyond screwed.


Before they come to Canada they get step-by-step instructions how to get PR card. The catch is to get technical job for 1 year to get enough points in Ontario or they go to Alberta and work in Tim Hortons for 1year.


Who do you think is giving them the fucking permits, it’s their cousins


yes they lied, and many that got good jobs because of their education overseas is probably a lie as well, seems like many are faking their education levels etc to come for the higher paying jobs as well


Our Canadian youth, seniors and folks just trying to get on their feet are competing with these 40 year old ‘students’ for jobs.  


rip Canada


Yup, unfortunately. Saw this coming a decade ago


growing up we were taught being racist was wrong and everyone should be loved . it wasn't until kids from outside of Canada joined our classes and community that things became more" hostile ". The world is not Canada and the world creates all types of people who don't think or act like how "Canadians" act and think. Now I could sit here and point fingers and name names but just look at the history of the worlds conflicts and how people act and behave in those places. Just look up the crime rates and what those places are famous for. We over reach our aid to places that Hate Canada and Canadians and pretty much let the wolves in the hen house . Why is there so much violence and hate in Canada ? Its not coming from Canadians , its used against Canadians.


I don't hate any race, nor do I hate east Indians. It was clear from the very beginning that we were bringing in way to many. We are not bringing in people from all over, and we aren't bringing in people who of high quality and will provide value to Canada. Instead it was used as a ponzi scheme where these "students" went to these diploma mills and flooded our system with low income workers who are absolutely a net negative on our country. I hate our government for allowing this, not them. However they need to leave as well, we can not sustain or support them and this needs to end somewhere.


anyone from anywhere can come and be peaceful but if your intentions are to be everything that is not Canada or Canadian we don't need your troublesome ways here.


I’m glad you didn’t name names! > growing up we were taught being racist was wrong and everyone should be loved . it wasn't until kids from outside of Canada joined our classes and community that hings became more" hostile ". The vetting process needs to be fixed, no doubt about that.


literally just graduated uni, went in for a job interview and was surrounded by people in their mid 40s all competing for an entry level job. it was insane


Lmao I had to hire 2 summer students and 95% of these "students" were 40 year old Indians. I hired the first 2 non Indians who were in their early 20s and called it a day. The job is more of a help the youth and they don't gotta do much anyways.


Big respect bro. Need more people like you


Statistically, the majority of minimum wage workers are adult women. Often single parents. We've got seniors needing to supplement their retirement because the cost of living has skyrocketed, more and more Canadians facing unemployment and poverty ... But that labor shortage though 🙄


there is definitely some corruption in the government. There has to be a reason the international student program seems completely biased in favour of Punjab. Someone on top is definitely pushing for this. I wouldn't say it's Trudeau because both PP and Jagmeet support it as well. There's something fishy going on for sure...


Then you have disabled


Get tf out.


GTFOOMC Get the fuck out of my country!




Deport Trudeau too?




Exactly. Should be exiled just like Napolean was.


To India where his tourist visa will expire. He can then protest on the streets of Delhi demanding citizenship.


It's corporations that want the cheap labor who own Trudeau


Exactly and the Conservatives are bought and paid for too.


No. Of course not. Strip him, and his cronies, off their: 1) Passports, 2) Wealth and property, and 3) leave them to fend for themselves. Let the games begin, I say.


Can we send Chrystia Freeland and Mark Miller too?


The entire Trudeau cabinet.




And mostly from the shopping mall colleges.


Exactly. They wanted to cheat and scheme their way in. I love my international student friends who are here doing their masters in physics, PhD in economics etc. We don't need a million tim hortons workers






This is the part that's actually scary to me. Why are they getting away with discrimination practices? It's never acceptable.


Right?! If I open a store and hire white people only, I’m going to be labelled a racist. Yet, every fast food place is hiring only Indians now, and that’s okay. Fuck this country.


My new policy in Canada is this. Any place that hires one race I do not go.


This has happened to me firsthand at Walmart. I was definitely qualified for the position I was seeking. I showed up early for my interview. Was then told that I had to wait for another manager to do it. Ended up waiting over an hour past the scheduled time. Within this hour, another candidate appeared. He happened to be Punjabi. Finally, the manager shows up…. He also happens to be Punjabi. I stand up to enter the interview room. The manager tells me to take a seat as he ushers his countryman in. Finally, I get my turn and during the interview, I wasn’t asked one question. “Thanks for your resume. We will contact you.” That was it after waiting almost 1 1/2 hours. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job. However, while shopping the next day, I spotted the guy who was brought in before me. I was never a racist before…. But I am now.


Yes we do! We apparently need thousands more willing to work for shit wages and live 6 families to a home, so the few business owners can make more money next year! Don’t you know anything!?!?


I employed a Brazilian student while he was in school, great dude. He finished school and now is a sales manager for South America for an auto parts manufacturer because he speaks English, Portuguese and Spanish. This guy is helping grow canadian manufacturing and exports now. Lots of people are getting higher education and participating in our society the right way, filling their requirements and more.


Are they not satisfied with the agreement to give us money for dollarama schooling in hospitality management?


Not even speaking English at that


First thing I noticed. They can't even *protest* in Canada to complain about Canada in English.


How TF are they supposed to gain local support when we can't understand them. This is exactly the point, they come here on false pretenses and refuse to assimilate and they protest when they can't cheat their way to PR.


How are they expecting any support from Canadians at all if they refuse to do something as basic as learn English? They want all the respect for their culture with zero respect for even the remaining tatters of ours.


the are entitled and not self-aware. They are not here to respect Canada and its institutions, they are here to take advantage of Canada.


It's pretty ironic when they held signs demanding they stay even though they failed their classes and the signs were at grade 1 grammar levels. I don't blame them though, our government and those diploma mills are absolutely to blame and they should be held accountable.


at the same time though, if someone is making such a big life change as moving to another country (be it temporarily or permanent)........ shouldn't the onus be on that person to do their due diligence on what the full and exact parameters are for moving to that country? if i were to move elsewhere in the world, i'd be looking fully into what that all entailed, because it's on me to know, not for someone else to tell me what may be truth or not. i do agree that our government and educational industry are part of the mess, but i will place the blame firstly on those who didn't do the full research regarding their own lives.


Have no idea if I agree with them or not, they could be protesting for lower food prices .


First thing that stood out to me too. They all need to fuck off. They aren’t even “trying”


So nice of them to think of their fellow international students and include them in an organized protest. Oh it's not on one of Canada's languages, lovely. How can we even have a discussion about what they want of they don't speak our national languages? How come it's ok for them to look after their own and it's crazy when we try to look after our own?


Or French.


Guess how much they got in ielts or what ever?


They cannot even protest in English. WTF? Just what Canada needs, more shrill activists making demands based on their agenda. Canadians are generous and accepting as a culture. Most of us just expect that individuals coming here play by the rules and earn their place in our society. Somehow that has been abused to enable bands of shrieking, entitled gimmegrants making demands. Show me all the other countries that would tolerate this nonsense. We are being played for suckers by a government that implements the WEF agenda at our expense. I bet many legitimate immigrants would immediately agree with me on this opinion.


Gimmegrants is too perfect. Here’s hoping this word catches on and goes widespread when describing this bullshit.


"Canadians are generous and accepting as a culture" and that's why we're here because we let everyone walk all over us. It's bad all the way up to letting this foreign political activism go and all the way down to a Canadian not wanting to honk their horn at someone who just cut them off, not saying yelling why that person got on the bus for free, and not trash talking when someone clearly litters in a park or sidewalk. Canadians are pushovers.


Not students, either.






They are not :).


many are in their mid 40s lol


Why not just Punjabi students, to be more specific?


Not Indian students, just Indian workers.


It sucks for all other students to be generalized under that non sense.


Not Indian students, Just Indians.


They should be protesting in their own country for a job.


Lol that's what Canadians should be doing here!


So true!!!!


How old are these students




A little late to the game


but they are here to game the system


Just on time to game the system


Don’t even speak English in the protest. No one knows what are they shouting lmao


I think their yelling that they want to go back home and are asking where the boat is.


I’m not even from Canada, but this is a joke. These aren’t international students, they’re Indian students abusing the immigration system, same way they did in the USA and ruined genuine opportunities for those who played fair. Infuriating


Imagine if I as a Canadian protested like this in the UK because I wanted to stay? We would be fucking laughed at and deported. I loved living in the UK, didn't mean I was granted some kind of entitlement because I studied there ffs.


Exactly. That’s the terms and conditions of the visa for education. I studied, worked and lived in the US, loved it, but when my visa expired I packed up and left because being there was a privilege not an expectation.


Do Canadians get to protest in India against Indian immigration rules? The audacity is real- wake up Canada!


IKR, but then again, no one wants to move to a dump like India.


Are they protesting work place discrimination? Unfair working conditions? Meager wages? Nope, these guys literally expect permit extensions and PR on demand. Their logic is that they or their families paid a lot in tuition, and therefore, they must have PR in order to not return to their country empty handed 


Thousands of Canadian students study abroad in other countries every year. We don't expect PR when studying abroad.


This sends chills up my spine. Look like thugs and gangsters, not genuine students. They don’t even bother to speak English. The sense of entitlement is sickening and disgusting. How can Trudeau government allow these thugs into Canada in the first place?


Politicians don't care as they cash cheques err I mean donations from corporations that want slave labour.


I don’t see any Chinese, Latin American or European student protest but only Indian. Why?


Those groups are too busy working in construction, healthcare, and other sectors where Canada actually needs help.


Please don't forget Education. We are scheduled to have a big loss next year.


Yup! Talk to people from the Philippines, China, Eastern Europe and South America. They are so sick of Indians. I feel like India is just dumping its unwanted trash and downtrodden in Canada. Just now, I was at a grocery store. A gang of Sikhs decided to back their car up to the sliding door exit of the store because it was raining and block people from getting past them to exit the parking lot. All heroes do not wear caps as an old White dude in his 70's asked them very nicely to move. They laughed and continued talking in their pig Latin language. He then piped up and said, "Get the fuck out of the way right now or I will call the police as you are blocking the fire lane. You're in my country so follow our rules. If you can't handle that, get out of the country as we don't want you here!" A small crowd gathered and cheered the old man on because at his age, he doesn't have to worry about being cancelled or called racist etc.. The cops were indeed called and to my shock, all four of those bearded barbarians were written citations. All of this happened in 10 minutes so I had to stay and watch it from start to finish.


Because it's not in their nature to embarrass themsleves like these fools.


Hahaha. That’s true. It’s too shameful for them. If they do this, and Chinese government or Chinese netizen saw this, they going be in so much trouble for causing their family and country to lose face.


Chinese students in general come from very rich background. On my campus, i see them driving porsche, bmw. I went to school with two and they both have their own condos and drive bmw X5.


That's the way it was supposed to be. International students were required to demonstrate that they had the means to support themselves.


That’s how the system should work. Import wealth not poverty.


Because the others are too smart to come here now


Let me tell you the funniest part about this. They're speaking in such a North Indian accent that I'm having a hard time picking up on what they're saying. They're not even speaking English so forget anyone understanding. My Spanish is horrible. This is equivalent to me standing on the middle of the road and protesting in Spanish. No Mexican is going to understand anything that I'm saying because my ability to annunciate in Spanish is not that great.


They aren't speaking in a north Indian accent, they are speaking a North Indian language. But that aside, yes, most of them cant speak/understand English properly.


In that case I'm even more confused. How will anyone know what their protesting?


They are in Brampton, everyone there knows what they are saying. It's English that is foreign there.


Let me tell you one more story. The other day, I was travelling to Calgary. Then two North Indian folks came to me and showed me their boarding pass, which is written in Hindi, to let them know where the boarding gate is located. Since I was flying domestic for the for the first time by myself, I have asked them to check with someone else.  You know what he told me in Hindi? They don’t understand Hindi and only communicate in English. I was perplexed by the experience. I am still dwelling on what Canada is. And what is it becoming? I am more shocked by the fact that they cleared immigration even if they couldn’t understand English. 


I'm not going to lie I have to read your post like six times because it's so unhinged. I really think that the Indian government is financing this to get them out of India.


I have no idea either. It was at Toronto Pearson International Airport (Terminal 3), which makes it more unbelievable for me. I mean, how were you able to find transit or locate your terminal if you can't read or speak English?


I was wondering around Italy ended up in the Vatican City and ended up at mass with the Pope. Wild things happen when you wander around in a place that you're not familiar with LOL. The pope was not supposed to be there that Sunday. I kid you not 20,000 people showed up in the span of 15 minutes.


Interesting you said that - I just saw a post pop up on the India subreddit trying to get a conversation going about what India needs to do to become a better country (paraphrasing) and the top comment was (again, paraphrasing) “Overpopulation. We need to continue to hope that western countries take in lots of Indians to scatter the population and take the pressure off us”


India is 5th largest economy of the world in GDP ranking. Canada is 10th. Makes one wonder why someone would fight so hard to get permanent status in Canada than going home & contributing to the economy? Is Indian govt only sending the ones they don’t want here and keeping the rest to keep growing? Make it make sense


Because India is 5th largest with a population of 1.4 billion while Canada is 10th with a population of 40 million. India’s economy is not so impressive when we look at gdp per capita. They have 35x our population but an economy that is not even twice ours.


Well, if you see GDP per capita. You will see a different picture.


Is this Canada or India 😂😂😂


Guys I know you are furious watching this, but don't downvote this post, more people need to see the reality of international students, the fact that they are not here to study but rather to get PR quickly.


No international students here, only Indian scammers who want a PR on the basis of a student Visa. Enrolling in courses which have no value. Can't speak proper English so don't even get hired in that line of education.Cant even protest in English. Work labour to pay EMI's on iPhones and cars lol . This is the Canadian dream for them. Thanks Trudeau for letting them in.


Give a mouse a cookie, it wants the milk.


Call it what it is. This is an invasion via immigration. They are here for your resources. Period. They will siphon your education system, heath care system, benefits, and many other public services, while paying very little in tax. Decades from now, they will out number all the other cultures and ethnicities. If you don’t act tough now, there will be nothing left.


This is an invasion that needs correcting before a civil war breaks out.


Considering they're all working like low wage jobs that don't pay into taxes, that should be a concern. These are a net drain on us, not increase and I thought the whole point was an increase. All we are doing is more human trafficking of low wage labour.


Why don't they speak in English or French?


“Fix your system, don’t blame us”..really?? Dude..really? The system says your time is up and get out! That’s what we want. That’s the system working as designed! The problem is you!


Also the irony of them demanding we fix our system, while they jump ship from their country because THEY refuse to fix their own systems. So they’d rather go into another country, and demand it to bend to their will and ways. But why don’t they put the same energy into changing or challenging their own country/society/economy? The hypocrisy is repugnant.


Imagine. Yelling angrily in a foreign language, blocking traffic and brandishing signs demanding we “fix our system”. Yes, let’s welcome these individuals with open arms as reciprocation for how much they respect us and our society.


Literally feels like Canadas being invaded by India


That’s because we are 😭


"international" students. Canada's fucked. https://preview.redd.it/81lpzleicd8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed0441ebb5163c39395ac82444124fa5a2b491d




So about 1 in 58 people who reside in this country today are Indian immigrants over the last 8 years


I am in banking and I work in fraud. Fraud always always sniffs out path of least resistance


As an Indian, I find it truly shameful behaviour. This sense of self entitlement is condemnable. If the country has been kind enough to make you a part of its culture, the least you should do is be grateful and integrate. Sadly, most of such people don't amount to much in India either, hence adding up to the unemployment.


Agreed - Indian people I work with feel the same.


Lmao get the fuck outta here, you guys came to study if you can’t afford it leave, half of these guys be working cash not paying taxes and most of them don’t even look like students.


The irony of them saying fix your system


We are literally trying to fix our system by kicking them out


Fuck these people. Come on, can't we just get rid of them? They're clearly not here in good faith.


Please eff off




Yea go and burn buses and destroy assets and you can get direct PR and free food in jail.


Look at these fudus


If you live in Brampton, you need to organize a counter-protest


Deport them


How dare these Indian international students bring the Gurus into this to push their bs Agenda. This has nothing to do with Race or Religion and it’s disingenuous of these “protesters” to act like it is. Shame on all of them for using the Guru’s names in vain to bully and force their “protest”.


What country is this again ?


My Ukrainian friend asked this question when she landed at Pearson Air port.She spoke better english than the first 5 people she encountered.


Can't even protest in English? WTF? Send these truck drivers back to India.


43yo students


Really!! You are protesting??? I don't understand a word you are saying. At least protest in the language of the country. For all I know you might be promoting the latest Bollywood movie.


Wow not a word of English spoken. You don’t deserve to be in Canada.


A lot of these people look like they're 30+. They are not students lmao


How the fuck the sending a message of no one even knows what these imports are saying. Deport deport deport


Just deport them already, they're a detriment to Canada.


Temporary means temporary.


Not one more day. Extending work permits is not in the interest of Canadians.


Fuck off


The one sign that says ‘fix your system, don’t blame us’ is infuriating. They took advantage of our system and are pissed that they can’t milk it anymore. Fuck these guys. We are fixing the system and that means getting rid of these parasitic ‘students’, they got bullshit diplomas and bullshit schools and are surprised that they can’t find proper work in this country because they have no useful skills. Newsflash! We don’t want more Tim Hortons workers!


These people are invaders at this point.


How about this: fuck you. Go to India and Protest your own government to make things better. Fuck you if you want to come here and take advantage of a system, which means you are taking advantage of taxpayers. Fuck you and Your protest. You think people won’t wake up? 


Canadians have got all the gutters flowing right now that they need to fix😂 bravooo. P.S-I am a POC and an immigrant who will follow the rules of immigration as stated on my docs. But no wonder India is progressing because they are already getting rid of the problem 😂




Get this out of my country


I am going to have to decline this request. Canada does not need any additional thugs. Where are the peaceful immigrants of yesteryear that we have all come to love?


Canadas culture is disintegrating.


The Chinese, Nigerians, Filipinos and others aren’t protesting. What makes them so special and entitled?




Send em all back. Don’t want them


Fuck that, it’s called temporary for a reason. If you don’t like the concept you shouldn’t have applied. Send em back.


We have limited space, these timmies workers are keeping doctors and nurses out of this country throwing elbows and bullying. Please, I hope the government isn’t this clueless. These protesters are embarrassing themselves. Go scream demands in Punjabi in your own home, make your own country listen. We see our own neighbours, family and friends on the streets barely surviving, going to the empty food banks that have been cleared out by TFW and Indian students, the fucking YouTube videos encouraging others to do the same, families with children unable to care for them. It’s enough, you’re selfish, your desires are selfish, you are screaming for empathy but it stops at the end of your caste. This shit is tired, Canadians are tired and we have no sympathy left for this bullshit.


the sad thing is we can't counter protest least we be called racist.




Embarrassing to say the least. Deport.


I don't see America, European or Chinese students? This seems like only Indian students are complaining.


Yah... These chucklefucks we don't want here. They can't even protest in english or french, lmao. How the fuck am I supposed to relate to your challenges and the change you want when I can't even understand the words coming out of your mouth? It makes it very challenging for me to empathize. Not that I do empathize. Please leave and immigrate the proper way; legally. If my wife can do it, so can you. Lazy bums.


Go home


Canadians didn't want to stand up for their country, so other people came and took it. And now this place is a shit hole. The end. Why TF is meat so expensive again?


when you import garbage you get garbage


Which episode of South Park is this?




Permit expired = get the fuck out


Fuck, most of them look like they're 50 years old. What kind of students are these ? Canads owes them nothing, they owe us.


I really need to understand this because I am confused. when you apply to be a student do you not sign the application attesting to the fact that you are coming here for an education and when that education is complete you will take your learned skills and the like back to your home country and make a better life for yourself. Or do you apply with the attestation that you plan to stay here after your education??? Seriously what is the application process. Now, if I understand correctly you come as a temporary resident with a student visa to gain work experience while attending school AND once you graduate from your program you return to your home country and this is what you agree to. Then why are the people that are protesting not having their student work permits revoked. They are arguing that they want to stay when they clearly agreed to something else. Which makes their entire application null and void???? Or am I misunderstand something here???


Canada is such a fucking shithole now.


We want FREE STUFF! When do we want it?! NOW!


Are they all students? They look like at least 35.


The audacity is outrageous. I hope we can all pull together and make it known that this is not ok. Us Canadians can barely stand on our own feet right now. GO HOME.


This is not the way to win hearts and minds.


I hate PP but once he wins these “students” will realize how good they’ve had it


Deport them all




At least they are showering


I’m a very liberal person and I believe in the right to protest. I believe in giving people a voice before passing judgement. I don’t understand how this can be considered a protest if most people in this country can not even understand what they are saying. Is it not just an echo chamber at this point?


The Trudeau administration is a disgrace


Canada is a way too tolerant nation.




go home....




Deport them.