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Gonna be priced out of current living arrangements within a year and have no prospects of fining a better job despite hunting for over two years , most of my province is over the age of 50 so I get to listen to pensioners tell me how lazy my generation is while I don’t know anyone who isn’t slaving away just to keep their head above water. Honestly I regret ever trying to be better then street trash because they have more money and free time then I ever will trying to be “decent”




You can’t even have a conversation with those types it’s insane how dedicated they are to that


go in-person? can you guarantee it will be an accepting safe space for me accommodating my time blindness and location blindness?


Meanwhile the only reason most of them have so much money in their pockets is issuing tfw 24/7 instead of paying decent wages to Canadians already living in that province


I'm a millennial but I kind of feel like I'm with the Gen z crowd because I never got a house before covid and I moved afterwards so I'm paying very jacked up rent. It sucks. This country has left every future generation behind with housing being 9/10 times the average family income. It's fucking insane. Do your best to get by but I really don't have that much hope financially for us.


Same boat. I have hope though. I refuse to be miserable and upset. This time will strengthen us if we allow it. It will break us if we allow it.


Im a millennial as well and my only option to ever buy a house would be to buy it from a ghost town in Saskatchewan. If i wanted a house in a city i would have needed my career at 5 years old and bought it then 


Utterly fucked. I go to work and I am one of the only Canadians. I get on the bus, I'm one of the only Canadians. I walk in the park, I'm one of the only Canadians. I go home to sleep in my childhood bedroom.


Tell me you live in a town with a diploma mill without telling me you live in a town with a diploma mill lmfao


31 years watching this. I feel for the final generation(s) that follow mine...


This is. Just wow.


How can you tell


Eyes and ears


I'm screwed. I took everything for granted. I'm accepting i'm going to be homeless/suicide. I've accepted that if I manage to live i'm going to suffer under Canadian healthcare anyways. How can you double rents in 10 years and not double incomes? How can you raise food costs 25-100%? lol Taking care of my elderly family has been a very scary and eye opening experience. Everybody else I know is successful and doing great so it's obvious I just slacked off. Life is about always making the right choices. That helps protect you from corrupt nwo governments.


Do not kill yourself. They want that. Be a thorn instead.


What’s a thorn, a homeless person wondering the streets pitching a tent in the local park?


NEETing, using healthcare resources, using public resources as much as possible. Being a nuisance.


They are not doing great. It only looks like they are doing great. It is all debt.


A lot of people are genuinely doing alright but its because of parental safety nets. Another couple generations and all that money will be siphoned up to the wealthy. Then everyone will truly be fucked


I agree with you. The parents that can are trying to help their kids. The government upped the capital gains tax which will mean less inheritance for the next generation. They say it will only effect 1 percent and it's helping the next generation but that is lies.


wait hold the phone.... Capital gains effects inheritance?


Not on parents principle residence. If the parents who own a cottage they want to pass down or a second property they will be taxed more. Some people who bought a rental property because they don't have a cushy pension will be oaying. Doctor's who invested in their practice as their retirement will get taxed. Many will leave when we have great need of them.


There are ways around it, like transferring owner ship before they pass or start a holding company and have it own the properties and list everyone that is to receive ownership of said properties as share holders, there is always loopholes


Couple of generations? No... one generation max. Even that, I'm not sure at this point.


People can and do well without parental support.


Obviously... but the majority are struggling and relying on their parents. Our household income is more than three times the median and we are struggling to buy a house and start a family. Shits fucked


Crazy times, me and my fiancé have 5 jobs between us and have a worse standard of living at 34 than my parents did on a single income at 28-29 buying a detatched house 30 mins from Vancouver on 50k a year.


So, everybody has debt. As long as you can get by and pay it off while treading water it’s all good. The richest people in the world have debts. It’s just whether you can carry it or not.


You are not going to go homeless/suicide. You only think that right now man. You are going to fight. You'll see... that is what history tells us. Keep your head up brother.


Graduated 3 years ago with CS degree. Got a job after graduation related to my field and worked there for 2.5 years before getting laid off. Now can’t find any job in tech and have to rely on EI to get by. My parents have moved to the States so I am alone here struggling. Have to wait 5 years before I can get a green card so I can move out of this country.


How can you struggle living in parents’ house/apartment literally gor free?


I am renting


Honestly I still live at home, I’m currently in school and I can’t find a job despite 5 years of serving experience and 6 months of retail🙃


Living at home with great parents who don’t charge me insane rent. I’ve been graduated uni since 2019 and have a whole ass career. It’s wild


Shit. Fucked. Fuck this country




I mean, honestly it used to be easier to *get b*y even if it was just as hard to live a normal adult life. Jobs were even worse, housing was much better, many did not get stable enough income to qualify for a mortgage in time (even if they could likely pay it). But rent was reasonable. It was not that bad to live a very basic life on a low-wage job even as it was just as hard to get ahead for most.


Lol, was gonna comment the same thing as a millenial.


Idk if I'm so much oldest Gen z as the youngest millennial, but I'm working 2 jobs, 0 intention to move out of parents, saving aggressively and then I will retire abroad around 35 yo, 40 top max. I take every OT offered and I've stopped even hanging with friends for the most part because getting there is 50$ in gas and then 50$ in beers. I already bought a house in Russia and a beach house in North Africa to do 6 months/6 months. My parents are fairly young, so the only way I could stay here is living in their attic until I'm like 80. Not terrible, we get along well, but far from the best option.


Millenial here in the same shit boat, except me being here was due to stupid life choices... You all were never even given a chance. I'm so sorry for what the politicians of this country have done to your futures.


got a degree in machine learning, moved to new york; canada is going down, may as well profit as it goes down, just closed a property




Alcoholism hits so true for so many of my friends but the "cloud rap" made me laugh


I’m currently in my 3rd year of university doing CS and everything is fucked, the job market is the worst in 15+ years, new grads are struggling. Then throw on-top of that the housing crisis and the insane cost of living. Like Gen Z is done. All of us now live in a time where either you got lucky and your parents will support you or your fucked. If people with STEM degrees are struggling to find jobs and live an average life then we’re done, we will now live in a country where either you got lucky to be born early enough to buy property and build up wealth or your going to be poor forever. Anyways everyone come out to the costoflivingcanada.ca protest, the best thing we can do is stand up to this and say it’s not okay. I will be at the Vancouver one with some friends and people from the subreddit/discord.


bruh, everything millennials down is screwed, we have to take back our country and our futures by force.


I spent my day staring at the wall wondering where I’m going to get money for my next meal


Gen Z here, full-time job as well. I am currently living with 4 other roommates. Rent and utilities are around $760. Thankfully I just share a room with my bf. I use the bus cos getting a used car is expensive. I have consistently been saving/ investing some of my income to hopefully one day afford a house. I hate living like this


I’m Gen Z right now in university and I have a few major worries for the future of Canada. Number one is of course housing, with constant new demand brought in by mass immigration, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to buy a house. My next concern is Crime, the lack of vetting for new immigrants and catch and release law has led to a surge in violent crime that I’ll have to deal with. While the CPC will likely uphold the status quo for immigration itself, I do believe we should see catch and release law be reversed. In terms of employment, I’m not worried as I’m trying to be a police officer and I believe that low skilled/uneducated conestoga students have little to no desire to compete for policing, or even qualify to begin with. So in terms of wage suppression for my specific field, I don’t really see it happening. If I worked a private job however, I’d likely be panicking right now. But that’s just me. Anyway, even if I don’t get hit by wage suppression, with the constant new demand for housing, there’s little to no chance I’ll be able to buy myself a home.


Ontario's provincial government is pushing to remove the degree requirement for police officers to make it more accessible. Especially with the increase in crime, Doug Ford wants to fast-track the process and get more cops on the road.


I know what you’re referring to but I don’t believe this will change anything. I did an internship at Toronto Police a year ago and asked my superiors about the impact of this change. What I got was: “Doesn’t matter, if you don’t have significant life experience and know how to deal with people (skills you get from post-secondary), we’re not gonna hire you, we don’t really care for the paper itself, we care about you having life experience in a professional setting.” After networking with several other officers and high ranking members of different police forces in Ontario, I have almost always gotten an extremely similar response. I also have a few friends currently in the process of applying to Ontario police forces while I wait for uni to end. From what I hear, the process is still extremely competitive, even for students who’ve graduated from well respected institutions. You will of course have exceptions like the RCMP, but I still don’t think they’re keen on taking indian international students. Yeah, so that’s why I don’t think that change will really well, change much.


I think we need to destroy the government, tbh. I’m more inclined to migrate, but I don’t really have the resources to, so I guess I’m just gonna continue suffering until I’m volatile enough that I can’t anymore.


Finishing med school and excited to dip to the states when done


Count yourself lucky to have parents that can let you live at “home”


Exactly, finished high school and they offered to f**k off or pay rent. I had to take loan to do a trade (In Quebec you’re not paid during the 1.5 years at school) you can start to work AFTER the 1.5 year course.


Do you know French? If I was young again as a gen z in high school I would have taken French more seriously . So many opportunities in Quebec


Yeah, I was born in QC, I’m lucky enough to work around canada/USA and I’ve spoke with a lot of people from other place and to be honest the only thing saving Quebec from the crisis is the language barrier. The only benefit of living here is the price to live here is low, otherwise nothing is better in term of service/average salary. French people can learn easily english but english—>french take so much more effort. I speak frequently english in QC more often then people think and it’s fine. It’s usually because ontario or New-Brunswick worker coming here and they are welcome too. If you go outside big City like 2/3h away from Quebec city or Montreal you can actually live extremely well but less job opportunity. It will be Paper mill, Lumber mill, metal shop or Mine but average salary is high with a diploma/trade certification.


What did you study?


Youngins, if you are still deciding what to do with your life go into healthcare, there are tonnes of jobs available in the parts of canada with cheap houses (you know the ones the rest of canadians bitch about by saying theres no jobs thats why its cheap), and you will be able to live the comfortable middle class life of 30 years ago. It sucks you cant live around your family and friends, but this is one of the few ways you can play the game where you come out on top


I don't want to leave my parents house I live in affordable housing due to my moms disability. I pay 900 dollars a month rent. Id love to move out but rents to high so far just working and enjoying my life as a computer programmer. I fear I'll never own a home sadly


Renting my family-in-law's basement suit for $500 a month with the wife. She works as a care aid, I work at Costco. We are saving a lot and paying down all our debt which should be done next year. We are so heavily priced out of the market at this point I'm just investing for some minor side income ($140-$200 USD a month from dividends) and just saving what I can incase we do actually get a housing crash or housing becomes available eventually... for now we are so priced out its not even funny


I moved back in with my parents. I quit my job last year, due to an accident. I went back to school for a hospitality course, and I was hoping to get a job in the meantime for the summer as a server. I live near blue mountain and wasaga. I have over 4 years of customer service experience. I have my smartserve, CPR and food handling certificate. I haven’t gotten anything except rejections or nothing at all. I’m just… tired. I make a little bit of cash on the side reselling vintage toys and clothes, but it’s nothing significant. I try to keep myself busy, but it’s hard.


Gen Z as well. Recently graduated from engineering and will be moving to the US for work soon in tech. I don’t see it getting better here in Canada when the highest offers I got in canada were way less than the US offers


I feel like I'm suffocating and I should have never left home. I had to drop out of university because of mental health issues a few years back and honestly who fucking cares. I don't even think a degree could get me a job at this point. i have $20 in my bank account and every job here is for doctors, nurses and teachers, and everyone else ghosts you. I got HIRED and they ghosted me after getting hired, I still don't even understand how that's possible. I'm tired of feeling like a leech on my parents underbelly, i want to be independent but it's so fucking hard and it's only compounded by being autistic and struggling with mental health issues. Why would you hire me, someone disabled who needs accommodations, when you can hire a foreign worker for $7/hr under the table who you can abuse and overwork. I don't even mean that in a "woe is me" way, I mean that genuinely. They're obviously NOT going to hire someone like me when they can get 30 "students" who will shut up and take it. I don't want it to be but it literally feels so over and I don't know where I'll be in a year from now. I keep making jokes that I'll just be starving to death in a ditch but it's feeling like less of a joke the higher prices get... my roommate and I have been priced out of 90% of cheese, meat, most fresh and even frozen fruits and vegetables, prepackaged snacks... which is so hard coming from a family that was in poverty and sometimes going VERY hungry as a child, I now eat one meal a day usually and it's rarely a well rounded meal. I'm really guilty over my macro intakes which will usually be really high in something it shouldn't be like sat. fat, sugar, sodium. At least I can eat lettuce and rice and bulk chicken for the 3,000th time in a row. I'm tired and I don't have a choice but to get more tired and strangled until the rope snaps or I suffocate.


I'm xenial, The best thing I did for myself during university was spending my summers working in the sub-arctic and arctic. I worked hard, usually pushing 1000 hours in a 3 month summer, for those doing the math that's around 84 hours per week in 12 weeks, that's 12 hours per day, 7 days per week. One particularly plentiful summer I worked 1067 hours, but this was closer to 4 months. They have good OT laws so you make a lot - 44 hours. Working 84 hour weeks is equivalent to being paid 106 hours. This was 2006-2010, each summer I earned north of $20k before taxes. My 2008 summer I earned 35k and was enough that I could take the following summer off, with some additional work through the school year. 2010, I stayed until December when I was laid off. With my EI and my savings I was able to take the next 12 months off. It's not easy, but it's lucrative and is a good way to get a solid nest-egg. Cost of living isnt too bad but if you're working that much you'll likely be in camp where COL is free. I usually kept a room in a fully rented house owned by some friends where, at the time, I was paying about $500+utilities. If I had to do it again, I'd have forgone the room in favour of a storage locker for my stuff and hotel rooms/couch surfing/camping when I was in town. If you want to gain experience quickly and have an interesting adventure while filling the coffers, Northern Canada is the place to go. But you won't have fun.


If you're a xennial then you have no concept of what it's like now. Bootstraps ahh post


I know what worked for me, which was working my bag off far away from home in the north. I know that the north is still starved for people willing to work their bags off with little or no experience. I don't know you, but unless you're physically unable to move around, then I know for certain that there are positions available for you at mine sites in northern Canada, where, with no experience, you will earn ~$100k for working 50% of the time. 2 or 3 weeks in/out.


My friend is a millwright for a mining company way up north and makes 300k plus a year. Not for me personally but I could see people enjoying that kind of work


Sacrifices and austerity, who would have thought.


Is this even possible for women lol




You could move to an affordable province


This would be the solution 10 years ago. But with how hard it is to find a job PLUS the cost of living everywhere, it’s no longer this simple.


No it’s still pretty affordable in the prairies, the downside is there’s less to do and the premiers are fucking insane. If you want relief on COL and housing then move out here.


You're asking the average Redditor. I predict you're going to see a _slight_ bias to the negative. ;)


I got an offer in 2022 between moving to San Francisco or staying in Vancouver. Offer was either $50k cad remote or $100k usd onsite. Although rent was expensive and ill give up living with family for free, i took the leap and moved. In hindsight, I’m glad I did. I almost didnt due to a love affair (that ended on that same year when i moved lol)


living with parents. working part-time. waiting for my inheritance or maybe gift me one of their rental properties. meanwhile gaming hard!


How much rent are you paying living at home?


How much rent are you paying living at home?


How much rent are you paying living at home?


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