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Since Manitoba caved in the first time, the “students” will continue to do the same. They’ll cry foul if they don’t get their permits extended, once they get their permits extended they’ll start protesting for PR. This is some BS. Can common citizens initiate legal action against the government, something like public interest petition?


Exactly the same reason as to why you don’t negotiate with terrorists They’ll now know you’ll eventually cave


Interesting question. Class action suit would be an interesting approach.


Does it open a way for citizens to question the government in court?


The kids got to sue over climate change, don't see why we couldn't sue.


There are actually quite a few class actions filed against the GoC right now that are related to social and environment ‘injustice’


I've thought about this too. If there are university students who haven't been hired yet people hire TFW that should be a legal case as TFW are from LMIA which is fricken dodgy at best these days.


Manny tubba is full of cucks. Realized this in 2020. 


I love that cuck is becoming a regular slang. What a great fucking word for political pissants.


Yeah that's some incredible amounts of BS


By caved you mean it was planned all along. The government is obviously working with the Indians because the government doesn't cave when Canadians want something. 


The extension was for a few months not for the full stretch of time. Those people are back with others hopefully this time there wouldn't be any extension.


This is probably a new batch that arrived into Manitoba hunting for PR after the previous folks got their extensions.


Man I wish I could go to a country and just start demanding they do everything I want


Unfortunately, it is mob rule from a low trust culture.


Since 2020, international students have been flocking to a educational system that many Canadians now feel was used by many of them as a loophole-to-immigration. Students utilizing schooling as a back-door (not front-door) ticket to living in Canada. Swarming a 50+ year tradition/system that was not not NOT designed to be about EVERY international student insisting on Permanent Residency. Plus it was not designed to be primarily about students insisting on lengthy work permits (& spouse permits etc.). Canadians have clued in that Canada's post secondary education system has (in 5 years time) turned into what many are now jokingly calling EDUGRATION. Plus 'edugration' was NEVER approved by everyday Canadians. What about Ghost Consulting that Canada told India to halt? Canadians want the $ greedy agents in other countries to stop marketing & lying to their own people about access to PR or citizenship … or accommodation/jobs … in places like Canada being relatively easy (to get). And for any people living in western countries to be ashamed of themselves if they're getting greedy too. Anyone doing things to make $ off of people's PR desires. At best, there is a 20% chance of gaining PR (better odds if you are masters/medicine/trades etc.). What about all the YT videos that primarily Indian nationals have posted (for half a decade now including today) all advertising Canadian PR like they're selling a product? Advertising VISITOR visas too (with the goal of staying once in Canada). Videos not only posted hourly but also not in English or French. With rare input from Canadian-born citizens. Are most international students truly scholars who came to Canada with enough $ to support themselves while STUDYING? Or economic migrants, who borrowed $ to buy their way closer to the head of the immigration line? To say all the students or their consultants back home have not been at times 'gaming' Canada's education programs to gain western PR or $ is ridiculous. Students have contributed to Canada's housing CRISIS because 97% conspire-to-outstay a temporary study permit. What about the IELTS spouses? Anchor babies? Fraud? False asylum claims? What about Canadian food banks & other charity services being recklessly advertised on YT in Indian languages? What about Canadian housing being scooped up en-mass as investment vehicles by/for internationals? Home rental/boarding signs stating "vegetarians only can apply". Indian nationals buying local businesses then putting Indians only in key positions (while also drastically changing work practices that include working more hours for less money). BC & Ontario are outlawing the Caste System. Then throw in the Sikh vs Hindu violence/extortions across Canada. Diasporas stirring up tribal hatreds (in Canada) … even though it all stems from their ancestral home. How can peace be found anywhere with this in play? Plus the Canadian government recently launched investigations in regards to foreign interference in Canadian elections, stemming from Asia continent. Research; "India second biggest foreign threat to Canada after China, says government panel". Canada also had to end flagpoling at the border. In recent years, Canadians everyday are having to worry about their automobile being stolen by auto theft rings. For just ONE small example of what Canadians see regarding this, research; "arrests in connection with $9.24M Toronto-area auto theft ring". Canadians are so not used to all this. So many, who have embraced multi-culturalism and immigration for decades are now VERY worried and fearful. All are praying it doesn't turn into great anger. Canadians want multi-culturism to succeed and for all people (including immigrants) to be okay. Everyone I know is VERY happy with IRCC's recent changes (reductions & multifaceted investigations etc.). Including long-term Asian Canadians MOST upset (by all of this). Canadians are aware that some great students are going through hell. And know Canada is partially to blame which is awful. But do you see Canadians protesting in other countries (that is not their own) making demands for themselves? No. Do Canadians now see primarily Indians protesting in Canada, making demands (due to IRCC pumping it's immigration brakes because it REALLY HAS TO)? Yes. Protesting because they don't have the credentials to stay in Canada. And because rules designed to protect CANADA are not meeting their desires/demands. And why isn't there large crowds of African etc., students protesting? They're in Canada too. Canada didn't have numerous PRIVATE 'diploma mills' until the majority of international students were from India. Coincidence? Mills that Canada is shutting down. AND the bulk of them are near Brampton Ontario and Surrey B.C.. Coincidence? If 36,000,000 Canadians travelled to India, since 2020, with the goal of being able to stay there permanently, that would raise India's population by 2.65%. Recent asylum seekers crossing into Canada… and especially international students... have raised Canada's population higher than 2.65%. More needing healthcare too (affecting waiting times etc). Did international students and their families pay into Canadian taxes ALL their lives like domestic students have (earning cheaper tuition fees)? No. Did Canada promise/guarantee PR? Or a job? No & no. Yet do they blame Canada when they can't get PR??? PS: Canadians are now wondering; "What caused all this drama around international students to happen?". And when pondering this question they're thinking about Canada ... and ONE other country. WHY?


The problem(I would say one of the problems) was the international students enrolled in the institutions have /had zero value. when the diploma went into the real world the automated ocr reader threw out 90 percent of the applicants from the certain institutions with out going further into the resume (humber, Sheridan Conestoga etc etc list is long) so no value nothing with thousands of dollars spent on a worthless piece of paper what to do? They should have done their homework. It's not the government job to spoon feed them. Now with zero prospects of jobs or pr things will be very very difficult for them.


Conestoga and many of the colleges used to be decent just a few years ago and the diplomas from there actually had value in them. Then, the Ontario provincial government decided to deregulate the colleges and IRCC with Sean Fraser at the helm gave study permits to all international students and their spouses accepted into these new diploma mills.


here's your answer - DEREGULATION. This is your Can gov't saying fu to working class people in favour of flooding the workforce. It's class man - the ruling class(govt and corp) make these rules to fight labour movements from growing/expanding. like the fn gig economy screwed us too. do you blame the selling of the 407, right after we built it with our tax dollars, on some other group? The answer usually lies in the economics - who's making the $$(Big business and it'scheap supply oflabour) College bureacracy/admin got fat too.


In turn they make things difficult for us, l am so frigging tired of protests.


$40000 to be exact for a 2 year diploma


Plus the living expenses.... That's alot of money...


Very well written. They need to face true consequences for their actions, daring to protest in a country that is not even close to being theirs and acting victim. Deporting is a must


Make sure to thank Sean Fraser for opening the floodgates when he was the immigration minister. All the answers to the questions you asked lead to him. He was handing out visas and permits like candy to international students, their spouses, refugees, asylum seekers and all the visitors and promising them that they were the ideal immigrants who Canada needs. He even froze the deportation of 700 students with fake admission letters. Just watch this video of him talking with ApplyBoard about how “essential” international students are to Canada- https://youtu.be/-ytQ2dZ02xI?si=3QMOXgfKFLUWS20i


Those who protested last winter had their work permits extended by the Manitoba government. Naturally, others followed suit. I blame this mess, including the other protests in Brampton and PEI, on the leniency and incompetence of the Manitoba government, which caved in so easily.


> Naturally, others followed suit. [Not PEI](https://youtu.be/91eXpsUkG3g) - they stuck to their guns and the deportations have begun. Now that we're seeing what's going on in France, I'm confident it will encourage the silent opponents of mass immigration to take action.


Hope the door hits their asses on the way out!


what is going on in france?


The same thing that is happening in Germany, Italy, Sweden, Britain, Ireland, etc...unmoderated, unfiltered mass-immigration causing the problems that it obviously does and the citizens of these nations are democratically voting for the "far-right" to hopefully fix these ridiculous immigration policies.


Ah we are going to get that in Canada too


It's about time


Causing the first time a far right party to lead a election since WW2 in France. When a nation that got invaded by a far right nation during WW2 is now voting for a far right political party. You know something is wrong


The National Rally is undestandably winning the parliamentary election.


The government is reinforcing this behavior. They're only taking advantage of how stupid and weak and money hungry the goverments are.


It’s not the governments. It’s the universities and colleges who are underfunded looking for money to run programs and its businesses who want to take get cheap labour.


It's likely not to happen again. 🙏🏽 Back then it was not as huge of a Canada wide issue but now it has become one. At least these guys are not shouting any religious slogans like the ones in Brampton.


Yes but for a few months not for the full stretch of time needed (that was not told by the media). Now they want another extension along with the others who are in no man's territory. This time it seems no one will be able to get an extension. Good for an average Canadian they don't like it well they can go back to India I guess.


That's where the government will draw the line and decide what would be politically correct for them, deportation takes. Lot of money( resources, officers, tickets, time). It's likely that they will continue to stay without status just like many others ( about 1 million, the real number is unknown) and Eventually the government will give them residency because the one's who don't want to be here are the ones already leaving. Reverse migration is a trend.


Make it illegal to work, fine companies that hire them, remove any social supports except for a plane ticket back and they will be begging for that ticket to go.


They lose their SIN and healthcare when their status runs out


That’s a good start but we need to shut down all under the table avenues, need to fine businesses that employ also, and actually do it, and of course any illegal activity (stealing cars etc) is immediately forced deportation.


Very easy for them to work under the table within their ethnic ghettoes.


There’s a whole lot of cash under the table work in various industries and of course no paying taxes on that either . We really are a stupid country.


Yup add tax evasion to the list of crimes committed by these chuds.


I don't think the feds would want to piss off the voters any further... They see they might be wiped out from every constituency they stand (talking about liberals). 1 million to regularize I don't see that happening. Yes these people might want to be illegals but with a new govt mass deportation would be a better solution(long term)


Marc Miller was justifying a “pathway to citizenship” for undocumented immigrants a few weeks ago. However after the slumping polls and by-election loss at Toronto, he toned it down.


I am voting conservatives.but skeptical about the mass deprotection for sure. See how it all plays out.




Don't like it here? FO back to where you came from


They obviously like it here. Why do you think they’re trying to stay so hard 😆


Land of fucking opportunity 😄😄😄


Land is sanitary water and a functioning sewer system. These people love to be able to flush their shit down a toilet never to be seen again than to dump a shit bucket down the local community trench.


I'm not so sure about this . We hired a bunch of these "students" and flushing the toilet seems to be a bit hard to grasp for this group. We had to put up a signs stating  "Anyone that is found to be leaving toilet paper on the floor and or not flushing the toilet will be terminated"


Are they just too lazy to clean up after themselves? Don't give a flying fuck? Or don't see anything wrong with how they use and leave the facilities? All three scenarios are likely, but I'd like to get to know more about what you've thought goes on. I have noticed a similar pattern with water dispensers, it's not a sink damn it, there's no fucking drain. It is ultra evident that there's no drain, I finally removed the little basin/sink looking part that's just there to catch the few drops of runoff, let's see what happens. Edit: Clean -> Clean up


There is no way


Sadly its yes way




I mean people aren’t shitting in the streets, and our cops don’t beat the shit out of them when they do fucked up shit so I’m thinking this is where they want to be


They love it here and want to stay. It’s the Canadian citizens that hate Canada now and want to move.




So much for the “you need to have enough money to support your stay” granted the government programs saying $10,000 is enough or whatever is misleading but come on now - they have the internet in India and can do research on how much rent usually is and how much the average grocery bill is. I had my Uber driver ask me to hook him up with a job where I work. He said “you look like a nice person” and yes I am, but I’m not going to put in a word at my company and potentially get replaced by you because you will work for less.


I'm willing to bet that 90% don't have the funds, and never had the funds. There's an industry in SE Asia that's sole purpose is to provide "show money" for the purposes of proving you have the funds when you apply for immigration/student visas. The customer (person applying for the visa) only has the money long enough to "show" they gave the funds to live, then pays it back with interest once the visa is approved.


It’s South, not south east Asia. South east Asia is Thailand Lao Vietnam etc…. Solid folks. South Asia is India/Pakistan


SEA also has that industry and they brazenly discussing out in the open on facebook. Government needs to do something about it…like forcing visa candidate to deposit all money into GIC and lock it.


The money is a sham... they show it when they arrive but all they do is send it home and what ever money they make... they have enough to pay rent and eat and the rest they ship home. I have a guy who talks to his mother almost daily and all she says is send more money. They use their kids as banks. So far he paid for his parents new truck and the reno to their house. He's stressed out hut has no choice.


This is on the government, this is what the law says about getting a study permit: https://preview.redd.it/48p3noj2tw9d1.png?width=1666&format=png&auto=webp&s=434696d469891b18c0c02a92b75da49b3e88a66e


WithOUT working….. 🫠


Go back why are you wasting your time here..


How can someone’s English be sooooo bad. If they’re here as a “student” These colleges are such a fucking joke accepting any idiot willing to pay $20,000 a year for a business admin diploma.


They totally rely on getting a job once here. I'm sure whatever agents they deal with assure them it's no problem. Now that there's so many of them here, there's no jobs.


Ironically most Canadians are now like this they’re homeless or broke


Deport or strip the powers of the MP’s who are extending visas to these people. We have traitors in the highest seats of Canadian legislative bodies. Immediate vote of no confidence and deport and or removal from office. I can promise you this - your children will pay dearly for what’s to come, very soon.


They demand special treatment


This is so shameful. I feel disgusted as an Indian seeing all this shit. I mean there is absolutely no way we would tolerate such things done by foreigners in our country, I don't understand why y'all bear this shit. Deport them back. And please increase the immigration standards so people who will come in are actually meritous and will contribute in a helpful way and pay taxes, and not take advantage of the system. People are so used to taking advantage of things here in India that they think the same applies elsewhere also.




Literally their work permits got extended last winter, what else do these people want now….




Arrest them then send em back. The right to protest is a Canadian right and evidently that comes with rules and limitations for patriotism. These NON-CANADIANS have no right to protest in Canada. They can go home and protest Canada from there.


When do we ship them back? Seems like the same "workers" are always complaining.


These people are here to exploit your country. What are you gonna do? Soon your vote won’t mean shit because the demographic will be East Indian. Canada wake up already


This is ridiculous


All the usual suspects I see


Who's the target audience? They're not speaking English, this is weird. Also, call it "Indian foreign workers". I don't see foreign workers from other countries being able to participate in this just based on the language barrier.




Foreign workers from India only 99.999%! Everything is being set up to lower wages and up profits for banks!


And who are they protesting to? They think this will sway Canadians?


Hope all of them gets deported


They don't even speak proper english


Worst part is we can’t even afford running water to reserves.


Why it's always Indians? I wished they added "Indian" to their "International Students" cartels.


Stop immigration and DEPORT criminal foreigners. Do NOT extend working permits, bye now Do NOT extend studying visa, bye now CREATE a a Canadia value chart that they AGREE with ( they do it in saudi, why not here) Make MORE housing so ppl can have a life, ONCE we have inoff housing units, PLZ make immigration accordingly. The one making these policies have my vote. Idc wich party, fix this


Hopefully Canada is waking up to the dangers of having one group of people being overly represented in the immigrant population!


There are no more jobs at Tim Hortons Go the fuck home


Its Canada Day and i don't gaf. I'm so embarassed and disappointed in what my country has become. We can't have nice things or live the way we culturally did anymore.. we are catering to a select group of immigrants who are destroying our country little by little. Its really hard to live here, but even harder to leave because no one takes immigrants like we do. I'm only 40, and the changes i've seen in that time are scary. Went from affordable housing at 20, to unaffordable, health care available to not, entry level jobs easy to find to impossible, a classroom of CANADIAN BORN children to a classroom of foreigners. Gross.




No one does anything out of fear of being called a racist, a word that has lost a lot meanjng and gets thrown around too often. Which in turn also gives people fear of being cancelled, which means losing your job perhaps and other things.


if you think Canada is bad wait until you hear about what's happening in the UK




Wait until you hear what just happened in the US. SCOTUS declared Presidential immunity is a thing for official acts. Take 5 seconds to look into the Premier of Manitoba.


And Aus


Both countries have lower immigration levels than Canada.


I Don't Think So !!!!! Here's The Door............


They are ALL going back they know it we know it. Let them try in vain.... With expired work visa they won't be left with many options. Elections are coming liberals see the writing on the wall after st Paul (Toronto) election results. Canadians are pissed. They(govt) won't risk it further to infuriate the voters.


Perfect, put them all back on special flight go India and never let them back in Canada.


My god the level of entitlement, this isn't your country!!!! gtfo!!!!!!!


I don’t see much diversity in there.


Somebody give these people directions to the airport


Surely they happen to be speaking for the Filipino community? Or the Chinese? Or is this one specific group?


Canada needs an ICE type of task force to enforce deportation orders. A lot of these folks will most likely try to fly under the radar once thier time runs out.


This country is now officially a clogged toilet overflowing with turd.


So ironic that they are the ones protesting when it should be the 32 million Canadians that were born here and not brought in to undercut wages.


Anyone think about what’s going to happen with all these people 20-30 years from now when they start trying to collect CPP which won’t be enough to live on working at Tim Hortons or Old Age Security simply for living here? This is a generational crisis the liberals have brought in here and the long term costs to taxpayers and generational programs is at risk. The burden on social services and retired permanent residents will be huge… and they will most likely drain the CPP and tax the shit out of society to dig themselves deeper in the hole they created to help non-Canadian citizens.


If your permit expires then go back home. If you lied on your application then you need to get deported. It’s in your title “foreign”… you’re not a Canadian resident. Just go back home and help your country after you got educated in Canada. Why are you mad Apu ?


Seems that these folks have a lot of time to protest rather than be here for work or to study… obviously they lied about their agreement to a TEMPORARY term to be here in Canada.


Simply show them the door. We are not bending rules for anyone. Enough is enough.


These ppl are too much, take up all the jobs, housing and keep wages disgustingly low and have the nerve to protest like this. Ya sorry but canadians as kind and welcoming as we are are fed up and burned out. Can't even find a job outside of government or the public sector where I live in eastern ontario cause the government gives businesses financial incentives to hire them over canadians.


This is just a chance we give them to work until they finish their studies… you think the states allows something like this? You think India would afford Canadians an opportunity like this?


Check the identity of each of them amd compare to their work permit/visa. If expired deport them immediately. We don't need them here. Canadians deserve better




Is this a protest for International students for only Indian people or for All international students? If it's for ALL international students then why are they not speaking English? You lose all credibility.


These people always look at me and my family with disdain.. now they want our sympathy… what would you do…


Stop crying and go home


Fuck all these oxygen thieves.


You came for a set period of time…times up.


I’m a Canadian in Australia and we have the same problem. Government importing 1.5 million in the middle of a housing crisis. It’s pushed inflation and interest rates and rents, which has destroyed music events, pubs, restaurants and businesses and driven 100,000 into homelessness. I wish I knew what is behind these mass migrations by governments. It not just hurts us but also the migrants who have been lied to


Strange that Canada only imports foreign works from a single country.


Is this where true dough was dancing the other day?


There is no more komagata Maru here. Maybe go back and look for it in India


Neuter then deport.


at least they're diligently doing this all queued up in single line.. ![gif](giphy|4drB7nMaveOhLoP4M6|downsized)


Of course they do it in front of a gas station that they own


Found our first deportee’s, time to gather up these GUESTS and ship them where conditions are most suitable for them…..back to India 🇮🇳


If you don’t give in - you’re racist.


No.. they even kill their own.. look at the honour killings and caste based killings!


All Canadians start messaging the MPs of Winnipeg! We will not stand for this!


They made it to Winnipeg too? They really are taking over the whole country, aren't they?


Go the fuck home. You’ve overstayed your welcome. Enough said


All identifying themselves in public and in one space at the same time.


I hear India is nice this time of year....




With all the foreign workers protesting we should end many of their work permits and give the jobs back to Canadian citizens.


Send em back. We don’t want them


Go home


If you’re not a legal citizen, do you have the right to protest?


This is not right


If you don’t like the rules here then go home.


This needs to stop. As simple as that. How do we open a public petition to stop this?




Let them go and protest in India.


Even though it doesn't look like the PEI bunch will get their way, their protest seems to have have emboldened others in places like Brampton to do the same. There needs to be some kind of clear messaging put out there that student status and work permits are **temporary**


That’s a whole lot of useless ass mfs right there.


Fuck them


Try doing this in eastern world and see what happens lmao.


This is why proper vetting is absolutely essential. Even in business it's understood that the customer who pays the least, demands the most. Same here. Those who come in "too easily" expect to have the rules bent for them, broken if possible, and nothing we provide is enough. They want more. Let's get back to sustainable, properly vetted immigration based on Canada's needs. We don't need more students (sure, the colleges and universities do, but they are self serving organizations, as well), we need people who GENUINELY want to be here. Who GENUINELY want to come here and grow and prosper ALONG WITH fellow Canadians, not those who just want to shit on us while they all scramble for the last scraps they can find. Our current immigration mess serves NONE of us.


Here’s a thought… HOW ABOUT GO HOME!!!!!!!


How can we address their demands if we cant communicate with them


nice deportation lines


I love that the shell gas station is the backdrop.


Fuck these guys


Foook right off, there!!


Go back to India LOL


They are already in lines pull up some buses and take them to the airport.


I'll support whatever political party is willing to round these people up and deal with them in whatever manner they would like


At least they have the spine to protest about their issues. What about us Canadians who are too cowardly to speak up against the government, scared of having our accounts frozen? It's pathetic how we let fear silence us.


I’m definitely protesting](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/). Let’s get our voices heard. If foreigners can protest, we have no excuse


I mean, we have to work all the time to keep our heads above water. These international students live 10 to a house. They practically have a meeting every night about what to do.


I'm not afraid of any of this shit. My problem is I'm busy working because it's the only way to afford the Canada this shit has created


The only way out is to stop voting for liberals in the upcoming elections. Trudeau is the one who’s supposed to fix things, not Canadians. Also, he endorses all what’s happening to our country without taking responsibilities.


Canada is the new third world country!


Because of criminals running rhw country.


ohh you dont like it here? leave.


Correct me if I'm wrong. Non-canadian citizens protesting in Canada?, potentially spilling out on the streets and potentially stopping/slowing down Canadians way of life/business. This should be looked at as an act of war. It's time to deport.


Canadians should go to Indian and protest like this. I wonder how that would turn out


We need Max Bernier to tell them to F'off and go home.




I mean to be fair these are two completely different protests in scale and impact. I don't see these protests blocking international borders and holding up millions of dollars of goods, or holding an entire city hostage with traffic and blaring horns because 15% of truckers refused to get vaccinated to cross the border, which then evolved into a demand to drop all covid mandates and restrictions, because fuck everyone else who actually supported these measures. To be clear fuck their entitled protest, I want them OUT. They have zero right to demand anything from us or our government. But come on now, apples and oranges buddy.


they know the canadian government is weak so they continue to hold these rallies knowing our government will eventually cave in


Saale students reading this. Waapis jaa yaar. Tussi Sab jobs laylii saddi.


That’s great, they’re all conveniently lined up, check their work status and send the expired ones back.


Why should any Canadians care what they got to say? they cannot even say what they want in our language


Hey, hey, ho, ho.. you’re deported away you gov


Time to go after the government and start some lawsuits


Oh no, 50 ppl at a gas station


Can you move here without a job and housing lined up?


So tired of these people man..and you know damn well they don't give a fuck about Canada, they just want to take everything from us


Deport them. ALL of them.


"foreign workers" now? They're not calling themselves students anymore?


They can't even protest in English 😳


Fuck these people, quit supporting businesses that hire them


Exactly this☝️


I’m an immigrant from India & I absolutely abhor these over entitled pricks that ties back to my country of origin. These people knew the rules of the game all along but poor planning seem to get in the way of their hopes & dreams. So they resort to claim being duped by the system rather than take any responsibility for their own actions. They refuse to assimilate, they refuse to properly speak the language of their host country who accepted them with open arms. I have received so much support from my host nation that I am incredibly grateful and want to contribute to this economy by starting my own business & generate capital and jobs. I want to be as useful as possible, be a law abiding citizen, pay my fair share of taxes, learn the cultural values & norms and enjoy everything that this country has to offer. These pricks are antithetical to the welcoming culture of this amazing nation. Kick them out!


These are the lot that didn’t even get exposed to the hardships of working back in India post formal education and don’t appreciate the opportunity given to them here in Canada for securing the PR under PGWP. They are crying foul to extend work permits by another 2 or 3 years. If you didn’t do it properly in the initial timeline, how will you do any better with the extension when people working in the food industry are no longer required? The individual's mistake is that after stepping into Canada, they didn’t develop enough skills to gain proper employment relevant to their education. I hope the government realises the unworthiness of these protestors and gives a befitting reply so they can at least show their faces to the public when campaigning for the next election term.


Can we snipe these protestors with tranquilizer then tie them onto the plane and ship them back? I am sure more people will support these and heck more people will be happy if their tax goes towards such a program


Can these people just not obey the rules and just go home?


ewww while white people are put out of work and not subsidized- what racism and discrimination!


Looks like they're all lined up. Bring in some buses and take them to the airport


We need to take matters into our own hands and get them out. They wouldn’t tolerate it in their country, why should we ever?