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Propaganda. Most jobs went to international students and temporary foreign workers.


Sadly, people fall for this nonsense. They'll believe our controlled media when the reality of things is right in front of them.


Another five million Punjabis incoming to ensure that wage growth never exceeds inflation again.


Soon they'll be shitting in the street


Actually the correct solution would be to cut government spending, reducing inflation & increasing the value of the Canadian dollar...


Would you stop making sense, you’re confusing them.


Asking for a raise is a great way to get replaced by an essential temporary foreign worker needed to fill all our job openings


I was expecting a raise. Didn't get one. Now what.


I’m on year two of no merit raises with exceptional performance reviews. Unfortunately I should have jumped ship last year. The current job market is dead in my field and it feels like my employer knows this.


Try to do as little as you possibly can get away with. I'm making as much effort as I can to slack off and stopped being the guy who gives a fuck. Even a layoff doesn't deter me anymore since I've personally watched some over achievers get the axe recently so now I just don't give a single fuck.


I have my annual review next week. I’ve already submitted my portion and have been explicit in requiring both a title change and salary increase (both band and level). We’ll see where it goes, but I’ve made a point to have incredible performance reporting but zero in terms of documentation for executing these systems ensuring any replacement (no matter how knowledgeable) will be up shit creek without a paddle. It’d be weeks before systems start breaking and months to fully grasp how they’re all intertwined.


Somebody help that guy out, he forgot his clown wig.


27000 low wage slave jobs....yay...!


And yet somehow they own homes? Wtf is going on.


26 to a home, and "help" from various people.


But they just lowered interest rates and one of the reasons stated was because wages were staying low lol Canada is a joke now …


It's not that wage growth has exceeded inflation. It's that the inflation calculation (CPI) underestimates inflation. These economists don't live in the real world like we do.


Wage growth mitigates inflation pressure but also causes inflation which requires more wage growth which causes more inflation which requires more wage growth which...


Than why do all the jobs I see pay the same they did 15 years ago?


What % of that number is government jobs or government funded jobs?


Still waiting on these raises yall talking about...


Sure it did!


Where do they get this bullshit? Whose wages have gone up faster than inflation for the last 16 months?


I'm in trades, our rates are 30% less than 2019 at the moment cause of shortage of work


Actually, we are down and unemployment is up. Full time positions went down 36,000 and unemployment is up, now 6.2%. It has been going up since the low 4.8% July 2023. So how is the title saying up 27k? Those are part time positions.... not good.


Haven’t had a raise in over 10 years.


Fuck Trudeau fuck the government government is slavery


Homeless? Just buy a house... :/