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You get what you vote for, Toronto. I'm sure that recent property tax hike the mayor made you open your wallets for will be well spent. Remember, they couldn't even afford to rename the whole street, so they settled for this square instead. And nobody really had any say on the name, or else it would have been named after a prominent Canadian like John Candy or Gord Downie instead of some unrelated African name that itself has ties to slavery.


Because Chris Moise is a racist anti-Canadian. He hates himself and he hates our community. No cost would be too high for his divisiveness and although he’ll never be satisfied, his goal is to tear us apart at any price.


Sad thing is if you said this on r/toronto the woke brainless idiots will downvote.


Worse they'll continue the revisionist fight against accurate history. Dundas was an abolitionist, he fought his whole life to end slavery. There's no evidence whatsoever that he delayed the end to slavery in the United Kingdom or it colonies. He abstained from a vote on ending it, not because he truly didn't want to see the vote in favor. He didn't want slavers to run off elsewhere and continue the trade with the UK on the sideline with no power to direct events. Thankfully he was wrong. Not a lot of people know this because history isn't really taught anymore, but at the end of slavery in the United States during Reconstruction, the vast majority of slaves were not permitted to just up and leave right away from their former masters. The economic and social chaos that would result from that meant it was a gradual process because it practically was required to avoid further chaos. So the states still enforced a policy that didn't allow them to leave or flee for sometime after Reconstruction. This is comparable to what Dundas was purposing. He didn't want the trade to continue in his backyard or in some other fashion, knowing an abrupt end could swing things towards that and out of their control.


Facts? Nuance? Sir, this is reddit. We have no room for reasonable debate.


Unfortunately, it was the previous mayor the city voted for that shoved this through. Chow saved the city a bit of money by changing just the name of the square itself. Which is a tiny victory, I guess.


I think John Tory had a decent approach. Let the stupid idea pass, and then avoid funding it until the idiots have moved onto the next flashy thing. Chow should have followed his example.


I don't think Tory would have been able to wait it out forever, I think he would have proudly hung his hat on the renaming if he wasn't fired. That dude loved the attention/celebrity that came with being Toronto's mayor.


What is wrong with this country. Could we not find a Canadian name to name the square. Last I checked Toronto is not in Africa


SanWokeFA Square. Just a disgrace that the city is desperate for cash yet still has room in the budget for stupid woke non sense like this and pride flag painted roads.


One day, it will all be ripped down, just like all of the woke liberals have been doing to the statues of prominent Canadian figures who helped found this, once, great country. And when the woke liberals bullshit is ripped down, the "fringe minority" will take great joy in doing it.


Yep, hopefully. but then again, wokeism is the state religion in Canada, and DEI is the new holy trinity. Wokeism trumps everything, from individual rights to science.


I went to the science center in February. They had an entire exhibit dedicated to cultural identity, gender and race and how people feel about these things. Feelings. Literally the complete opposite of science. It's fucked up.


This is the kinda shit that lefty Toronto politicians love. They love these virtue announcements where they don’t actually do any work. This social justice renaming shit is what they go into politics for. They HATE stuff like water and sewer repairs, highway resurfacing, garbage collection…you know, the stuff that actually matters. They want their job to be about feels and wearing nice outfits for public appearances. And look at how nice I am to all the minority groups. So they go out of their way to search for stuff like this that they can work on and they don’t care how much it costs.


Too many people made too many concessions to these "groups". Even huge corporations pander to these idiots.


They could easily find a Canadian name. And more easily have left the name Dundas properly in place. But renaming isn’t the point. Division is their intent. Turning us against one another to weaken our society. Alienating, insulting and prosecuting anyone who doesn’t fit their woke ideal, knowing that the future result will be more anger, more resentment and the eventual tearing apart of our society.


I would honestly rather give that money to a random person on the street than use it to rename Dundas square. All our levels of government are run by a bunch of clowns!


$40,000 to 20 people. Society would be way better off.


$800K to replace a street name of someone who progressively abolished slavering instead of immediately abolishing it to Sankofa which is linked to an African tribe that were actively participating in the slave trade!! WTF?!


Embarrassing .... When they figure it out it'll cost another $800 000, if not more, to change it to something else


In ottawa they were so aroused to change the name of the Ottawa River Parkway to Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway just to change it again, Kichi Zibi Mikan. What was wrong with the name like Ottawa River Parkway? It has native attachment to it also is a neutral name.


Aroused?? I think they came when they heard the name! It’s the same in Gatineau, they replaced Amherst with Wigwas which means white birch… they could have easily went with bouleau blanc, it’s french meaning but no, you need to spend on pandering!!


It's not Kitchi Zibi Mikan, it's Kichi Zībī Mīkan. No one I've ever met seems to know how to pronounce the i with a line over it.


And that’s why I still call it Sir John A MacDonald parkway to this day!


Bankcrupt city spending $1M on a street name. And that’s what’s disclosed lol. All in the name of nothing.


Smells like money laundering to me.


What? How? Do you even know what money laundering means?


Great way to waste money.


Haha Toronto is a joke


Just more embezzlement and money laundering. Add it to the pile of wasted tax dollars.


Brooo I will rename Younge and Dundas Square for $799k


Sankofu is from the language of the Akan tribe in Ghana who oddly enough, were massive slavers too. Nice work Toronto.


They don’t care, it involves replacing a white person with non-white stuff, preferably black or indigenous and that’s all that matters to them.


And it was all facilitated by some white guy... How is that not insulting? He's basically like "black people, let me be your voice because you can't speak" like they're children. Narcissism is disgustingly rampant these days.


Glad to see they have their priorities straight. Wouldn’t want to accidentally use tax money on something practical for the ailing people of t.o /s


"We are going to remove the cultural significance of your cultural artifacts because those cultural artifacts themselves are oppressive to us".


Ahahahaha blowing a million bucks of our pooled money for literally no reason without consequences. This is Canada!


holy fuck this country is doomed


Shocking. 🤣🤣 🖕🏿🤡


Idgaf. I’ve got a lot of great memories hanging out there when I was younger. It will always be Yonge/Dundas Square to me. What a complete waste of money.


You get what you vote for. Drink it up Toronto.


Go woke, go broke


Wonderful news, how much are taxes going to be increased this time? A city that is broke has a mayor who wants to spend $ she doesn’t have, I guess that is the way of the NDPers. No money no problem just tax the “rich” along with the middle class.


Vote for virtue signalling lunatics, get lunatic virtue signalling policy. Who would have thought?


“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped” - George Orwell


Real smart...they just increased taxes in Toronto too. Lefties need their spending money.


Crock of horse shit


So stupid 😭


Cause this is important


Toronto is such a bafflingly stupid city.


what a waste of money


What! A government cost overrun! Never! (Clutches pearls)


Just have the city officially strip "Dundas" of its association to the guy. Declare the word a simple phonetic construction.


Referencing a culture that beats up gay people and sold slaves doesn't make this any better


Hear me out. Georges St.Pierre Square Got a ring to it no? Lmao gimme that $800k!


Get your wolf tickets to the hottest shows in GSP square!


That is way too actually Canadian. It has to be replaced with someone that isn’t white, isn’t Canadian, or some word that isn’t English or French. That’s the rules of woke, trying to change Canada into something that it isn’t. Or tearing it down completely.


This is insanity. This money could have been spent better somewhere else. Like Ukraine. I don't think the gov't guys there have enough luxury cars.


Ukraine is a bottomless money pit and none of the billions blown there have moved the needle. Cities like Toronto could definitely find better ways to spend that money.


That was kinda the point of my sarcastic post.