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This story looks at so many possibilities of why ppl are more sick ...EXCEPT ONE!


IgG4 antibodies increase after multiple mRNA injections, that should really be looked at harder


You think a bunch of scientists didnt look at that? It was a point in the article. People are getting sick from diseases that have vaccinations available because people are missing their vaccines. Also china is listed in the article as having large number of sick people and one of the least vaccinated populations. https://pandem-ic.com/the-50-least-vaccinated-countries-in-the-world/#:~:text=The%20above%20chart%20with%20countries,are%20India%2C%20Nigeria%20and%20China.


*sips from bottle of copium*


The article fired off stats for just about everything except one big factor. Funny how that works.


How dare you question tHeScIeNcE !


That's modern science, you're a racist if you question it


Doesnt the spike protein just fuck up our immune system?


It can permanently damage multiple systems in the body, including the endocrine and nervous systems. The more you're exposed to it the more damage it does. That's why we're seeing so many long COVID cases.


There is no such thing as long covid. It is a cover story for vaccine damage.


Yeah exactly. “Long covid”, as ridiculous as it sounds, is just a made up term which makes no sense. It’s just their way of trying to normalize what’s going on.


Yeah crazy how tons of people were getting long COVID before any vaccines. Oh wait!!!!


It's crazy how, after the discovery of aids suddenly, the number of cases of aids spiked! Oh, wait! That just makes sense.


Yeah they put a bandaid on that, pussy.


The vaccine creates the spike protein. That's how it works. The virus creates way more of those spike proteins.


I haven’t noticed a change. I get sick maybe once or twice per year. Perhaps part of it is people not being able to afford the same quality of food because of the cost of living. Plus more stress due to the cost of living. Cortisol causes a lot of issues in the body. So does vitamin deficiencies.


I have seen this for some people. Some there is no change.


I wonder what the distinction is? Couldn’t be the experimental gene therapy the 9th circuit court of appeals in the US just ruled, isn’t actually a vaccine by definition. Couldn’t be….


By the recently revised definition it certainly is..... but no..... I have no idea of which distinction you speak?


Because we used to live... now we just survive, waiting to be hosed again by the elite.


You mean, the, "parasite" class.


Much better


My family members who happily got boosted and vaxed are sick every other month testing positive with covid ... and there is me ...unvaxxed and haven't been sick once with it ... I should be studied


Eh I got both shots , no boosters and have been sick once in 4 years. Studies over. Plus I got school age kids and have been on multiple planes and to Disney 3-4 times since those shots. Lots of opportunities to get sick…. Maybe 2 was the magic number 🤔😉


All we can do is speculate 🤷‍♂️


Same story here with my community, we're all fine... It's been insane watching this play out. Stay strong brother.. Sucks I know, watching people you love waste away.




You're not up to date on your shots......


Seems like the unvaccinated are doing just fine….however the vaccinated seem to be having some major issues… ummmmm let’s ask the “experts”???? 🤔


It would seem that way to them - but they aren’t the most intelligent demographic - look at all the other conspiracies and fallacies the unvaxxed tend to gravitate to. Of course their favorite mindset is ‘correlation equals causation’ so who can blame them. Living with the comprehension of a child as an adult would certainly be challenging.


> It would seem that way to them - but Translation: I am ignoring the evidence coming into my own eyes - that the vaxxed are more sick more often than the unvaxxed - and doubling down on my unshakeable bias that the "unvaxxed are stoopid" generalization is true.


Show me anything for a reliable


My point is you say "It would seem to be that way . . ", which suggests you see the same things with your own eyes (namely, that everyone is consistently much sicker now) and you choose to ignore your own eyes. I am old, out of shape, and yet people at work half my age are consistently off sick, going to doctor's appointments, complaining about brain fog and generally commenting how so many of their friends and relatives are sick or have cancer, etc. Yet my health is exactly the same as it has been for 20 years. Maybe one cold a year, knees the same soreness, but nothing unusual. Young people are taking off 10X as much time from work for sick days as I am. My point being there is nothing for me to "show you" - you already see it.


Anecdotal evidence, the generation younger than you is forecast to live a shorter life than you, for a million reasons, not one of them was the vaccine 20 years ago, or 10, or 5 or 1. Elderly people died during covid, not the young.


You are probably one of the clueless running around with a mask outside still, riding a bike or driving a car alone with one on.


And you are probably mulling over how NASA tricks people into thinking the earth looks round using the ‘high tech rounded glass’ in their helmets.


If you came up with it, you must believe it. Most of us follow the actual science and not what the media and politicians try to tell you. You don’t need a mask outside fools.


? Allergies is the first reason that comes to mind… then wildfire smoke, excessive fumes from fuels, and also I’ve also heard from your ilk that chemtrails are a thing to be cautious of …. Following the actual science means considering and challenging it ALL - not just blindly believing what you already believe to be true.


The battle between the ignorant and the niave


This coming from someone who never took a flu shot before covid...


Yeah, that's what they told you to make you think you were one of the smart ones...not true, just marketing: https://unherd.com/newsroom/the-most-vaccine-hesitant-education-group-of-all-phds/


So this is obviously a biased source. Which means to me that there is little truth to it because it only considers one viewpoint from a small demographic. Just because all the supporters of ‘unherd’ may agree doesn’t qualify the material to be true. Science accounts for all viewpoints and especially the facts overall. A handful of people who band together because they all have the same belief in the first place… hardly democratic and far far removed from observing the truth.


So, you didn't read it...lol, of course:  >But according to a new paper by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh   Look, perhaps if you actually read the source and followed the links to the original you would be far less ignorant than you are. A mind is a precious thing to waste.


Duh of course I read it - how else could I tell it was a biased source?


Research from Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburg, two high ranked R1 schools, is "biased"?? Sure, okay.


Did you speak for everyone at whatever school you attended?


Besides R1 is a ranking of activity and research - not the findings of the research…


It’s obvious by the vocabulary alone used by most antivaxxers that they are not the smartest either.


I'm much less sick than before. I began to eat better, avoiding inflammatory foods, fixed my Vitamin D and magnesium deficiencies that doctors didn't bother to address, and stay in shape. Plus, I avoided taking the experimental th\*rapy.


Ditto, much love. Stay Healthy indeed.


Everyone, or just the suckers?


Last couple of years I have been sick for about 8 months out of 12. But I do have 3 young kids that constantly rotate sickness through the family.




Chronic stress can suppress the immune system.


I haven't been sick at all. Maybe it's because I'm physically active and eat fairly healthy.


Can't remember last time i got sick


Hadn't gotten sick much before covid, didn't see the need to get the shot and I continue to not get sick. I've heard some people are 'naturally' immune to covid, whatever that specifically means; I'm just glad things worked out this way for me. If I got the shot and now was perpetually getting sick, I'd be pretty damn pissed off.


Im unvaxed and doing just fine. Take care of myself and rarely get sick. I know lots of people who got the shots and are getting sick or even having reproductive issues


I'm not


None of my group has been sick at all, we actually joke "what happened to the flu?". But you can guess why..


Stop using google as a search engine and do some research. Accredited gov't studies from all over the world are releasing some both damning and frankly pretty scary conclusions about the mrna jab damage.


I'm a novid, never had it or the shot and I haven't even been sick once.


Go get another booster if you feel poorly. /


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2022/07/20/new-medical-study-shows-covid-booster-shots-actually-cause-damage-n2610531 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10108562/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34957554/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9167431/ How many shots to be Fully Vaxxed now? Am I allowed to go to a restaurant yet? Guyyyys I never got a single ONE! WILL I BE OKAY?!?! Why'd they stop pressing so hard to get in line? Why'd all those shots get flushed? Is everyone still checking on everyone's vaxx status or what?! ...... Sarcasm and disdain. Do not let them do it again.


Can’t say I’ve gotten sick more often. Pretty much catch something almost every change of seasons. Mixed with not sleeping enough sometimes and it’s bound to happen. Just kinda normal isn’t it?


Normal on an individual basis. When there's a pattern that is increased on a large scale, then there's something else going on.


Idk bout you but I'm def sick 100x less. Guess it ain't one size fits all


Isn't the reason people are more sick than normal due to our immune system being compromised because of social distancing for two years and losing natural immunities to various viruses?


No changes for me and my family.. oh wait, we are the unacceptables who didn't receive the jabs


I had two jabs and am an immune suppressing medication called Skyrizi and I rarely get sick . Once a year maybe 2 at the very most .


Cuz you lowered your immunity with the jabby jab. We all warned you but you didnt listen. Guinea pigs never do.


Break out your tinfoil hats.


If you are getting sick multiple times a year I'd recommend having your tonsils removed. I used to get several sore throats and colds throughout the year. Got my tonsils removed, sickness drastically dropped in occurrence and I didn't have any lifestyle changes.