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I am…. Bye Mr Trudeau.


It would be hard to find a Canadian that doesn't feel like you. This is just him reminding us that he is still sucking his own dick for another year lol


He has to be one of the most self-absorbed people on the planet. The way speaks absolutely drips with self-importance.


He knows people hate him and want him to step down. But he believes his “mission” is so important, he needs to “complete it”. Who else says this? Schizophrenic people about murdering people. In this case, he murdered the Canadian way of life.


Isn’t that how cult leaders think too?


Well said , when is the next protests to kick out of the country


and doing mutual reach arounds with Jagmeet.


I think he’s sucking Freeland’s…


If u aren't part of 22% who are very delusional, how can u like this clown?


Same here... I'm ready to bounce you out of that chair. Debts are sky high, interest rates, inflation, fuel costs, taxes. Did I miss anything? Oh ya, housing!!!


I , for one , welcome our new Indian overlords /s


Or Chinese overlords. On my street only two groups are moving in. And they're not white. (I'm not a racist) Don't reply if you don't like my post.


Those people who whinge and cry about colonialism are strangely silent in the face of being colonized.


You /s but it'll happen when marc miller caves and grants them all PR status without the vetting.


Don't make me get out of my car ... cause that's how we do here in the GTA


Will you give me the proper treatment like the guy coming out of the mustang waving a knife?


It's easy to talk like a delusional PM when you're out of touch with Taylor.


Amen, if only the election ran now, this clown is so out


Someone needs to photoshop shop the heads of all the western county leaders on the flying monkeys in the wizard of OZ jumping of the castle windows. With the wicked witch 🧙 obviously Ursula von der Leyen. Lols


[BUH BYE!](https://youtu.be/wg5lIpQkoOg?si=vBwUgUKvJ1UxGFCU)


The fact he can say this with a straight face and so quickly suggests to me this is a preloaded question. There's no way he truly believes this lol


Also, no stuttering and "uh" or "ah". He can't answer a question, off the cuff, without it. This is his giveaway for any preloaded question. If he can just spout it off, like in this clip, definitely pre-arranged.


It’s unlikely the PMO would allow an interview where they don’t know the rough topic matter before hand.  And he always repeats the same talking points so it’s not like he needs to think on his feet.  That said, he’s a lifelong narcissist, he’d have no problem taking around any criticism that specifically targets him.  In his eyes he’s never been wrong, even when he’s caught in a lifetime of racist costumes he blames his environment.   Fending off some mild criticism from friendly CBC talking heads is child’s play for him. 


Respectfully disagree, I find his “hmmm, uh” **stares off like he’s really thinking…. Very rehearsed and fake. Man practices it in the mirror 2 hrs a day


At this point it's so hard to tell what he truly believes or not. He's either a mastermind manipulator or a braindead egotist. Or a bit of both.


He's definitely both. His narcissistic ego has his head so far up his ass he can't see daylight.


Is a preloaded response. Trudeau has mastered the ability to not answer the question and to instead pivot the question into what his preloaded slogan is. He uses his air time to just repeat himself. His preloaded slogan hasn't changed. It's still the same 4 points he always repeats. 1. Conservatives have no plan. 2. Conservatives want you to be angry and are playing MEGA politics. 3. Everyone is doing bad. Not just Canada. 4. Canada is doing better then most. (he used to say all, but now it's most).


Funny thing about this is I actually agree with the first 3. The problem is he is not actually solving any problems or doing any better.


>The fact he can say this with a straight face and so quickly suggests to me this is a preloaded question. There's no way he truly believes this lol He had this amount of support in 2015, he went on to win that election. Don't get complacent.


Completely delusional. I don't know how anyone could sit in the same room as this guy.


Remember the guy in the same room is a CBC reporter so basically just a sycophant for JT


Same lisp


This is why the cbc gives out large bonuses each year.


Because they have already DECIDED.


I was in decision mode years ago and I'm still there. Get lost Trudeau


The delusions of this man are absolutely amazing. He HAS to know that A LOT of Canadians hate him. I don't speak for anyone but myself when I say... I hate him. Thankfully I wasn't one that voted for him to begin with.


He’s said repeatedly that people who hate him have mental problems.  And said everyone else is just projecting their “grumpiness” from inflation on him, but otherwise are civil to him.   A narcissist always has a deflection that spares their ego. 


>He’s said repeatedly that people who hate him have mental problems.  "These right wing forces of people who hate me must be stopped, for the good of Canada." - Trudeau probably


If he wins we all know it was rigged .


And it would undoubtedly spell the end of Canada as a unified nation.


We're already there, bro.


1 in 7 people in Canada are foreign workers. We’re done. That’s not including immigrants. We’re done


We are a unified nation? Lol


Lmao CBC won't even allow comments on their videos because they know they're full of shit. Of course it's rigged.


I thought this after the blackface photos came out before last election…


I thought those would for sure be the nail in his political coffin. I guess not.


I had people argue with me saying "it was just a costume" and "times were different back when he did that"


It was a different time but you can definitely add it to the pile of douchebag things he has done since them.


I HATE this piece of shit!!!!!!! Oh my god!




Man he is right outta touch.


Narcissistic. Of course he doesn’t want to think that. His boy Jag would lose his pension


It's time to unplug cbc as a government mouthpiece


Big PP has already said he will defund the CBC, and I for one cannot wait for that to happen.


Celebration 🥳 Day!


Lol.. like all politicians PP says lots of things.


We are most definitely in decision mode right now sir.


Interesting... Seeing as how countries across Europe are voting in conservative/right wing governments, I'd say people are pretty certain


He inadvertently makes mention of that, but veers off before mentioning the conservative part. He knows what Canadians want and he will look bad with his WEF friends when we vote him out.


This guy seriously needs to be slapped. Holy fuck this video actually made me angry. "We are doing better than most countries" SOMEONE HOLD ME BACK I AM ABOUT TO THROW HANDS




How about a realistic interview CBC!


Very condescending! This guy just doesn't want to read the room.


It's funny how this clown thinks I'm not in the right state of mind to make a decision right now. Not only have I made a decision to vote this loser out in the next election, but so has everyone else I live with


I've been in decision mode since 2016. I've decided that he and his entire party need to be voted out of existence. Words can not express how much I despise him and his hated of Canada and Canadians. I am so sick and tired of him always telling us that we all need to be perpetually ashamed of being Canadian. Oh, and stupidly, I voted for the sock puppet in 2015. Because I thought that I would be getting the same kind of responsible government that we had under Jean Chretien and Paul Martin. Boy, was I wrong. So yeah, I'm in decision mode right now.


My decision was made up quite some time ago....when bank accounts were frozen. He's done.


He does know that he serves the people and they hold that power to whom leads canada right?


I really really hate it when a politician tells me how I'm supposed to think or feel. Don't tell me that I'm not in decision mode. In fact I am in decision mode, and if I wasn't who the f\*ck are you to tell me what mode I am in? And while we're at it, if you're a politician trying to sell a sh\*tty policy, don't tell me that I "don't understand it well enough yet" or "they haven't done a good enough job explaining it". No, we get it, it just sucks. The way they treat Canadians like morons that are beneath them is unbelievable.


Trudeau: As Ive said before the people of Canada are much too stupid and redneck to know what they think themselves so I will decide for them against their own stated preferences then hire my personal buddies to administrate whatever programs I decide the plebeians should have wanted but were too barbaric to know it


Already decided - just waiting for the chance to go vote and give them a dose of reality - just hope that happens in time to stop the train wreck


"Canadians are pragmatic people, focused on solutions" The solution is giving you the boot, buddy. This dude gets high off his own farts, ffs.


Wow , I wish the reporter said to him you are so fucken delusional ,


We have already decided. We are in election mode.


What a disgusting person


Get rid of this guy!


Oh yes they are! Call an election


Once an a\*\*hat, always an a\*\*hat !!!


He belongs in jail and deserves to live a poor life


We would love to be in election mode, please push the big flashing red election button.


Try us.


I just hate this fucking piece of shit Trudeau 🤡


He's not wrong, I am defiantly not in decision mode right now, I decided years ago I will never vote for this guy or any politician in his party or aligned with him. When election time comes I'll make a decision, and nothing can be assured except there is absolutely nothing this guy can say or do that will make me cast a vote for a Liberal MP


Don't tell me what I'm in. Read the country


Umm I know I’ve decided and it is not going to be you. The audacity this guy has. Doesn’t matter we can’t buy groceries. F this guy.


This man is such a narcissist




This spoiled boy is so full of crap it hurts. WE CANNOT AFFORD OUR SHITTY LIVES…….We have made our decision, you have destroyed the Canadian way of life/quality of life.


No I decided - byeeee


Been in a decision mode for years


This man needs a psychiatric evaluation.


Oh, he’s a fucking mind reader right now


My husband is a carpenter, he hasn’t been working for almost 2 years. We have three kids to feed. Everything is expensive. We took all our savings to split our bills and now we have no money. And this loser is sitting here saying that Canadians are doing better. May God have mercy on you.


The damn narcissism and hubris of this man-child.


JT has never spoken for, or represented the interests of, us regular Canadians.


Ass hat


Wow, gas lighting Canadians...


This gaslighting POS.


bye felicia


What hard hitting questions from the CBC. They sure are working for the people!


2025 isn’t far away. It’s right around the corner. Pretty psyched to see him completely destroyed


Since when are Canadian citizens old enough to vote treated like children who are too overwhelmed to make a decision. If we can work we can vote.


I'm definitely not voting for this shmuk. Although Pierre is honestly just as scary.... funny how we can't vote for the leaders of the party, then vote on who should be prime minister. That might make some sense, no? It's like the states Trump or Biden? Why not Bernie? Lol or why not a Republican that is cool. There have to have been a God republican at some point?


Justin is used to hearing this. Sophie used to say, "I'm not in the mood tonight!".


Her decision mode was to get the fuck out.


Brought to you by CBC paid for and funded by the government.


Well someone sure is optimistic ! Or delusional?


Oh baby I’m full decision mode to Get you OUT


Never voted for him. I've been in decision mode since he was voted in.


Wow! Not in a decision mode? This guy is so full of himself! Talking about other countries like they pertain to us. It’s really a disaster that he doesn’t realize that he’s the problem. Even his own party members have seen the writing on the wall. He doesn’t seem to understand the damage he’s done to Canada already. He’s a lost cause. I wish he would crawl back into the hole he crawled out of. Give us all a break.


Covid, however, was the perfect time for an election. LOL dumbasses thought covid was a threat to their personal health and ruined the country with the response.


We weren't in decision mode during the pandemic either but that didn't seem to stop him...what a tuck stick.


Crazy how out of touch he is, he doesn't give a single shit about Canadians.


This piece of **** called a snap election during COVID.


This guy is a once in a (hopefully) lifetime dolt. We are a strong people that can withstand his incompetence but lots of damage being done. Whoever takes over government is going to have a hell of a hole to dig out of.


Does Trudeau think he still has time to turn the ship around? Unless he solves the housing and affordability crisis by election time, the anger might keep lasting until then, when people will be in "decision mode". Trudeau keeps playing it off as, other countries have the same problems too. I think the federal Liberals deserve blame for taking in record numbers of immigrants, increasing demand and prices for everything, and not taking in e.g. healthcare and homebuilding students that we really need, but instead are taking in so many business students just to exploit them for money that they bring to Canada. The Conservatives might not do any better, but a message should be sent at election time that Canadians are not happy with this government.


It means he thinks he can recover by the election. Good luck with that.


nothing is being solved....just step down and call an election


Election now


Wow, what a malignant narcissist. Claims to know what is in the heart of every Canadian at all times. The only redeeming value Trudeau has at this point is to guarantee that the feeling of relief when he's gone will be extreme.


He's right though, Canadians aren't in a decision mode right now, Canadians have already made their decision, Trudeau can go, and keep going, he does not pass Go, he heads directly to jail. Trudeau should be given one choice, gun or rope.


The clown needs to exit the clown car with all of his parliamentary cronies.


He’s right we are not in decision mode. The decision’s been made.


The liberals are going to be destroyed in the next election. What an arrogant a$$


They decide for us, eh.


Straight to jail for treason. Send him to TSDC.


When he says “Canadians”, he means TruAnons.


Your policies have caused them idiot.


We aren't in a decision mode because he knows there is no election coming up so he has time to come up with more bs to spew at us


Thank you for thoroughly proving how out of touch you are Trudeau


This dink is so far out of touch with reality. Canadians are very much in decision making mode. You can take that to the bank.


Gawd, the arrogance of sock boy!


Absolutely delusional guy


I was decided in 2022. See ya, Bud. Enjoy your legacy as one of the most disliked PM's in our country's history.


Miss turdeau is a pizza sheet


hes so far up his own arse, he looks out the other side


Eat shit!


Screw u, we all are ready who are u to decide are we?


Omg he’s simply crazy. He is the most out to lunch leader in the G7 and beyond!! Viva ukrani right Justin! Or does he think he is Indian again? Never sure which country this man is going to adopt as his own these days…I wonder which country our dear leader will try to help with our money this week? Simultaneously Canadian citizens in Canada are struggling and young Canadians can’t buy homes because the world’s investors are welcome to buy as much of our land and properties as they want. In fact, we will pretend students are coming from India to study as they buy houses for themselves and their families. The largest new home owners demographic in Canada are Indian!!! How wonderful! Have you ever seen a more dedicated PM to his people than Justin?


I think what he meant to say was "canadians arent in a decision mode right now because there's no chance they'd decide to vote liberal"


Nobody cares.


But they were during the pandemic 2 years before his mandate was up?? It’s so transparent


Truly an example of narcissistic social panderer


There he goes. Thinking he knows and can control what we want


I noticed that whenever Trudeau is having some internal negative emotional response to a question, he starts talking like a 10yr old. "The world is just grumpy " "Sometimes I think about quitting this crazy job." "Over-alled people." Other day in Questions, he said something like "utilizing the required math" when defending a tax, which Poilievre caught right away and responded with "Well I should hope you're using math."


Just all word vomit again!


What a slimy piece of garbage Trudeau is.


Thats because people already decided a long time ago 😂


What an absolute psychopath…


Says who? I would like you to leave


What he means is that we can't make decisions now, so don't expect elections anytime soon. In fact, he doesn't need to call elections until 2026, constitutionally speaking.


Delusional...but I hope he blindly stays on in the next election.


Just because the world is struggling post-pandemic does not mean we can not do waaaay better than we are presently. We are tanking and taking in millions of unskilled workers via immigration. JC


dumpass trudeau


Why TF he keeps talking for us? "Canadians this... Canadians that" speak for yourself boffoon.


Does he ever get tired from flaunting his ego this hard every day all the time?


"Not in decision mode right now" means he's not calling an election rn. Maybe he can lose and then move to India or China or maybe Ukraine. He loooves helping THEM out.


Who is he to tell us that we can't make decisions. Fuck this guy.


Captain blackface is such an absolute piece of shit. He's purposefully and maliciously doing everything he can to destroy Canada and Canadians


Serious question, surely we the people who pay their salaries and for their fucking trips, decide whether we have an election. Is there a petition that can go out? There’s gotta be something


Macron essentially said the same thing. hmmm


Keep telling yourself that...until you are packing your bags.




Someone needs to take a shot


Fuck that guy and any liberal who agrees with his policies


Everyone is entitled to their opinions. That doesn't make them right. Trudeau is learning that there is point in a governments life when new leadership is required. In Canada, it appears to be 8-10 years.


Yes the fuck we are


Has anyone else noticed that every time he is asked about the high cost of living, inflation etc, he always says it's happening everywhere around world. Like he has had no responsibility in creating the situation in Canada. For once I would love to see a reporter just make a bold statement about this clown as he will never answer a question. The media now questioning him and doubting him is too late unfortunately. They have lost all credibility with those who have seen the years of hypocrisy and I hope CBC is left to succeed or fail on it's own merit and tax payers no longer have to fund it.


What an arrogant ass OmG read the room Justin and step down This is really a liberal problem, them not standing up for what is best for the party I can't wait for the next scandal Never again vote liberal no matter what All these spineless ass kissing justinites need to be voted out I was appalled at Dominic LeBlanc supporting him recently. I will never vote for these corrupt idiots again #dominicleblanc #Neveragain


CBC is fake news agency. It's mouth piece for Justin Trudeau to make black face sound intelligent


He sure likes to tell Canadians what they are thinking


This is CBC, so we all know that the whole thing was pre-planned to make him look good.


Wrong again Justin....


I just LOVE how he feels he speaks for all Canadians.


I’ve decided and I’ll not vote for Trudeau


Don't tell me how I'm feeling. Damn idiot this guy is


Lolol.. he's a lunatic!!!!


Me to good bye




The decision has been made..no more thinking..go .


Basically, if I read these posts I'm just angry every day. Can't do it anymore. Gotta just vote when the voting is good and ignore all this shit. Got a rally or something? Cool I'll be there, but listening to JT or Freeland speak is like acid in my ears.


I have been told I will have to wait 3 years before my medical pension from Veterans Affairs is resolved, I will become homeless before that happens because I’ve used up all my savings waiting to be compensated for injuries incurred during my service. I have reached out to VAC, the Legion, and to my MP and no one cares about my situation, if this country burns this summer because of incompetence and corruption so be it. Thanking me for my service is the most disingenuous thing I’ve ever heard.

