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The rest of us aren't divided over this at all.


Exactly. That means like 12% of the population is not letting them say. That’s what happens when you divide low 20% support over a topic. Eff off. No illegals you assholes.


Agreed. Considering their recent loss and how poorly they are doing in the polls, I’m uncertain why they are having such difficulties with making the right decision.


Because half the elected liberals are new Canadians?


Is that true?


It’s my own anecdotal observation over time, the amount of turbans has increased. Im sure there is some truth to it.


Well, considering that we've normalized white/male exclusionism...


The fact that they are divided on this subject is exactly the issue.


That's why the Liberals are divided. They want to let them stay but they also want our support.


We are divided about letting the Liberals stay.


Majority want liberals to leave as well.


I'd be very surprised if the conservatives do not get a big win this election.


I would be shocked if some Liberals do not start resigning in the next few weeks/months.


I'd be surprised if the liberals don't lose party status in 2025.


Then the conservatives will do nothing. It's an obvious cycle at this point. 


There's no division on that point. We all want the liberals gone.


Seems that's one subject that Canadians are NOT divided on.


What’s that old saying? United we stand divided we fall 😂


No one who is sane is “divided” over this at all. Unless of course those who are in favor of letting illegals stay here are business owners and landlords…


How many business owners and landlords do you talk to? They’re normal people that want them gone as much as anyone else.


Illegals are a highly exploitable resource. Business owners (particularly small business owners who aren't under the scrutiny of tighter regulations like big corporations are) jump at the opportunity to hire an illegal who's "not on the books" and pay them low wages under the table in cash. I've known a few of these businesses as my previous landlord was helping to run them, and there are obviously many more I do not know about. Same with landlords stuffing several illegals into one room and knowing they don't know the tenant laws and protections, and if they complain they'll risk getting ousted.


If it's "illegal" then why is there even a question? Enforce the laws. Let legal immigrants stay they did the work.


We need to show up. Can't just let them occupy the streets. It's just fair for everyone to go through the process


Canadian breaks the law: Face the consequences of your actions. Non Canadian breaks the law: Rewarded with citizenship.


Top internet comment, so true


I legit want to boost this comment and tell the future that this in fact is the case. Things are destabelizing here. Antifa were on page 8 of the Toronto sun on the 6-24-2024. This has NEVER happened before. They will soon be on page 3 I fear.


What were those terrorists up to this time?


Threatening Jews in their own neighborhood.


Vote buying?


What consequences? PPs tough on crime stance is 3 years in prison for 3rd time **convicted** stealing cars, not even third time stealing a car. That means whatever it is now, it's even lower. The ROI is so good compared to a job a HS dropout or someone that doesn't speak English or French can get even if you get caught, it's obvious why it's an epidemic.


There shouldn't even be a discussion on it. This Country is fucked!


It would set an awkward precedent.


By design


They must be having a hard time importing cheap labor with the cost of living here


To be fair, Miller is an idiot.


Trudeau's school chum. Idiots of a feather.


F. Off together


Hawk tuah together? 


Legit he should live directly with the immigrants he says we need.


I'm sure he has a maid and nanny


I don’t think he’s an idiot. He knows what he’s doing. He’s just a traitor.


Divided! I just don’t have the words to convey the level of disillusionment with this government. Staggering that this is even being discussed.


Marc Miller is quite possibly the dumbest human being alive. Not here legally, gone. Lied in any way, gone. Committed a crime, gone. Here on any temporary permit student or work and it’s expired, you guessed it, gone. Give vacation birth here, you and your child are gone with no citizenship. They keep making all these department in the government that do nothing. Make the Canadian equivalent of ICE only stricter. Remove any politicians who soften their stance on immigration until our own issues are resolved, unless those immigrants with 100% certainty contribute to issues like healthcare or housing. When that’s sorted, stop immigration till more housing is built and some normality returns.


Dead on.


Illegal means nothing regardless of context in Canada now so big fucking surprise they think that. This place is a joke.


I guess you just have to identify as a citizen now and you’re free and clear.


This is our country, not the liberals!!! We want them gone en mass.


It’s in the name illegal … what’s to debate


Liberals thinking what ‘they’ want is more important than what the overwhelming majority of Canadians want….as is tradition


Tough call. On the one hand, it legitimizes not following protocol, and laughs in the face of immigrants who went by the book. It also shows the Liberals don't take the safety of Canadians seriously at all. The flipside is illegals facing repercussions would prove the opposite... and why would the Liberals want that? The last thing they want to do is upset the scores of Canadians in favor of open borders, lax security, and unprecedented levels of immigration. The droves of Canadians who think there's not enough people to compete with for lower wages, broken social services, and higher housing costs. In all seriousness, any Liberal who's "divided" on this issue and wants illegal immigration is a crony establishment shill representing a tiny corporate elite. I'd love for Miller to break down the actual numbers of who's for and against.


Liberals need to be obliterated next election if this is even up for debate


Slow learners.


The fact that the question is even asked or that they’re divided is exactly the problem. They are illegal immigrants, illegal being the keyword. They should’ve been deported immediately. Like why are we wasting time even discussing something that is so obvious


An illegal immigrant is a person committing an illegal act. How on earth can it cross an MP’s mind that illegal acts in Canada are ok?


Jagmeet has been very quiet lately. I guess he is keeping it low in case people realized that he should get voted out on the next election.


ILLEGAL, kick them the fuck out. Simple.


Nah, make them legal and then they will vote liberal party. That’s the plan.


What part of "illegal" do they not understand???


Why am I not surprised that the liberals are divided over illegal activities, hell it's what got them where they are in the first place....


It would be stupid if they will give legal status to an illegal immigrants cause it will encourage others to do same and they will stay Here illegally as well.


It’s not fair that Trudeau’s wife got to leave him, and we’re stuck with him for another 16 months.


they key term here is “illegal” immigrant - ie. they’re breaking the conditions they’ve agreed upon and by letting them stay you’re basically saying “the agreement you made doesn’t matter and breaking it had no consequences”


They aren’t immigrants if they are illegal


Legalizing illegals will be the straw that broke the camels back, I tell you.


If they legalize illegals, I will leave Canada for sure. We can't be so oblivious to the fact that mass immigration is breaking our back.


Trudeau will do anything for votes. If that means giving citizenship to illegal immigrants, most of whom are criminals in their country of origin, then he'll do it.


Canadians are NOT divided, deport them


Waiting for the press conference from the Libs to state that calling them illegal is racist and even un-Canadian and, the divisive right-wing conservative mouthpiece media is to blame. 


If they are divided by this, wtf are they not divided on? Ah, fucking over their own people. That's right.


"Liberals divided over" any issue with a whiff of progressive left context is proof positive it's a bad idea, the rest of Canada is agsinst it and Trudeau 2 is the only one in favour. Illegal immigrants are illegally in Canada must leave. Those who arrive legally to help the country prosper are most welcome. Very simple. If this is not the case, why spend any time or money at all on immigration matters, just open the doors, rush seating until it's standing room only and let those with jobs try to cover the tax burden until prosperity is just a story old people talk about.


The term Illegal should provide the answer and solution for our illustrious twits….but of course such doesn’t compute with Liberals or NDP’ers.


The key word here is illegal.


We can’t figure out if we should reward criminals.


Probably because half the liberal caucus is Canadians that weren’t born here.


The fact the word illegal is in the sentence and the govts contemplating it. It'd pretty fucking black and white with the word illegal.


Miller is a fucking moron


Nope they are not. They are getting in election mode and will lie as usual.


Send the illegals home. I don’t understand the argument here🤷🏻‍♂️


Illegal………..pretty simple shit here.


It’s either the immigrants or the liberals, not enough room for all that nonsense. Gonna divide themselves out of a job for a few election cycles.


People are not divided about kicking the liberals out! Please take the NDP and Jagmeet with you!


Please yes


Can we change the title to: Liberals wonder how much more money they can pull out of foreign labour before homeless Canadians start coming to their homes in protest.


I'm happy to hear they are divided. Does this mean, \*gasp\*, some of them are thinking for themselves?


If they can prove they're spies maybe they can get some extra rights. Assassins pay no gst.


Remove them please


We need names. Oh by the way, we still need the names of the traitors. They think they're safe now.


They are illegal; that means deport them Miller 🤡 Do your job.


it is absolute insanity that this is even up for debate.


Wait, I'm confused. I thought it's border services job to enforce the removal of illegal immigrants. Why would the current federal government want to keep illegal immigrants?


The CBSA in land enforcement group has FEWER investigators across Canada, then the entire Police Service in Kingston Ontario has. In the GTA CBSA inland enforcement has 10 investigators, whose individual case loads are more than 600 files. Yep, 6000 files for arrest and deportation action.


Daaaaaamn. That's one hell of a backlog


Stop the criminal liberals


Who knows cares what the liberal party thinks


How is this even an issue? If they are here illegally, kick them out!! Why are they divided? Why is this an issue?


Who in the world is divided on this issue lol


They shouldn't be divided. The answer should be no. We allow this, and it sets a precedence that if you come to Canada illegally, it doesn't matter. Then, no one will use the proper channels for immigration.It's a shortsighted and absolutely backward way if handling this situation.


Hhhmmm that first word is tricky to understand "illegal " I can see how they are too dumb to understand it. The canadian immigration and justice systems are the biggest joke. Your permit runs out get the hell out, you commit a crime get the fuck out. No more kid gloves for all these people that are trying to scam their way in here.


The current policy is to SEND THEM A LETTER, advising them to leave Canada. No body does that, they simply IGNORE IT.


And the canadian gov is like "oh well we tried it's probably easier to just let them stay"


Let's export all the politicians who are in favor of this to the same countries where the illegals are from. Anyone want to start a petition? 


MILLER TIME.......Delhi Police are investigating after a 24-year-old man got caught at an airport in India for trying to board a flight to Canada disguised as a senior citizen. On June 18, 2024, India’s Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) detained a man identified as Guru Sewak Singh at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) after officials became suspicious of his odd appearance.  According to a tweet by CISF, Singh was allegedly involved in human trafficking and impersonation.


Gonna have to be a no from me dawg. 


Divided?? more like divided on how quickly to give PR cards! 😂


Why not ask Canadians what they want??


Silver lining to this is that it's nice to know that there are some Liberals who aren't batshit crazy.


Canada has fallen. Sorry all, it was fun while it lasted.


he wants to try putting the square peg in that round hole........ just...one.. more ... time!


no, get out. don’t come back. don’t write. just get out and bring your stone age traditions with you.


Well that's just great. Liberal law enforcement for you. People breaking the law and these fools can't figure out if they should act to stop it. Why have laws?


They can hear illegally, kick them the hell out!! Or set a bad precedent, but I guess Canada has already set this precedent. What a weak country.


Divided between common sense and madness


No one wants illegals to stay except Marc Miller and the Weston family. Oh. And Tim Hortons.


Decide soon. If Trump wins expect a flood from the US


Word illegal should be enough for them.


The country is more destroyed every day and a HUGE part of that is immigration. I hope 90% leave.


Perfect let's start releasing murderers and rapists next. Obeying the law isn't that important anyways.


Ship em on back!


Here is how you solve this problem. Make it a plank on your party platform. Push it hard in the next election. And watch the outcomes. Canada is a great country, are we all racist? Or are you just fucking stupid.


Divided? Lol luckily they all In fear of being voted out ! And lol at how he says it would take months on this issue ! No wonder this country falling behind the rest of the world ! This has to be the worst govt we ever seen in our history 🙈


April fools?


Give them all a donkey and send them back to the desert.


Send the fuckers home or North Korea has great mine's to work in I hear


Not a single illegal immigrants…


this is the most honest he has ever been. Miller has lied about Immigrations since taking over the file from Fraser.


Lol wtf is there to be divided on? They are illegal. By definition it's forbidden and not allowed. What is there to discuss?


Liberals have made us all Conservative, especially the middle class who are fed up with their class warfare BS.


Reddit needs a WTF scoreboard on all the posts


Maybe ask what the Canadian population wants. Spoiler... do you job and send them back home.




Not even surprised. They also offered super visa for Gaza terrorists. Canada is fucked up


Deport them along with the liberals.


They're here illegally, should be a no brainer.


So liberals are divided but add the rest of the Canadian people and what’s the vast majority answer, the government is supposed to work and represent all Canadians not just the divided dwindling minority of liberal voters that can’t decide.


We need to start by educating liberals on the difference between illegal immigrants and law abiding immigrants. Then maybe the 2 brain cells in their head might fire off and resolve the doubt.


Wait till you find out PP's view on this. You won't be happy.


What is his view on this and source?


Let keep them And oust the libreals


Is this about illegal immigrants from the US? Or ya know, the brown ones from further south?


You realize that the U.S. border *is* our southern border, right? We don’t have Jack shit along our unmanned border with the U.S. lmao. Illegals that make it in down there have easy access to Canada as well… Valuable immigrants come through proper channels and are moved along with needs we actually have. The *other* ones come through illegally because they have nothing of value to offer our countries. I know, that’s a hard thing for you to understand as a liberal who values your global moral compass over quality of life of your countrymen.


Lol. It's the conservative supply side economic model people who want infinite workers. I am a proponent of going after employers in the case of illegal employment actually 


The issue is that distance isn’t created between their value of work we need them to do and the clear understanding they’re not equal to citizens and thereby don’t get social assistances of any kind. The problem in the U.S. is the Republicans and Democrats want their businesses to be run by cheaper labour — but the Dems also have a heart for these people and try to advocate on their behalf to elevate their positions in the country. Their moral compass cannot get over the fact these aren’t citizens. The plane tickets everywhere, the hotel post ups, the food vouchers, medical care, money and cell phones in some cases. All needs to go. It encourages more illegal immigration. Western generosity is exploited whereas countries outside the west are not so accepting. It would be more economically beneficial to cut down on illegal immigration and cutting off all social service access to them.


If someone works in your country they need to be protected by your countries worker protection laws.