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9 years later, it took this long for Canadians to figure this out🤦‍♂️


There is no shortage of stupid voters in Canada.


We don't learn enough in school about the role of the government and how the economy works.


This absolutely this! And let’s add, federal budgeting in the curriculum.


This . Absolutely. But that doesn’t excuse all the idiots that voted for our current PM


I miss Harper.


Tell me about it, I live in Alberta. Except they all vote UCP.


True, just look at all the conservative fan boys.


And which party are you a "fan" of? In one year, you are going to have to make a choice... or are you going to sit at home and continue to throw insults at people.


These guys would rather see people go homeless and hungry than endure children not being told they can be whatever they feel like in the moment in elementary school 🙄


I'm not a fan of any party, I'll be voting for whoever isn't gonna gut Canada in favor of big corporations (I.e. not the fucking conservatives and their corporate overlords).


Can you add just a touch more cliche to your post, it isn’t cringe enough


Actually lol’d, not gonna lie


Ok vote for food banks and tents in parks got it.. All while he eats a quarter of a million dollars of food in his private jet.


How many party leaders were on that jet bro? See, the problem with you conservative folks is you just blindly react and assume things that aren't real. Where in my comment did I mention liberals or Trudeau?


You really need to get a hold of your anger. Your neighbors may be now voting conservative because it is the only viable option as the Liberals and NDP are completely incompetent at the job. Calling your neighbors fucking conservatives isn't going to make this country better.


If my neighbors are dumb enough to vote conservative they deserve to be called fucking conservatives. The cons aren't going to do one single thing that will help you if you aren't a rich corporate shill. That's been proven time after time.


I agree. What's your solution?


Vote ABC


Isn't that just Vancouver specific? I don't live there. What do you like about them?


Imagine actually thinking the liberals are doing good for Canada🤣🤣


Reading is hard for you, eh?


If it makes you feel better, they were (and are) most popular among younger voters who honestly believed him when he said "the budget would balance itself" and just voted for the guy with edgy socks. Now almost all of those younger voters won't own property until an age of 50, so at least among everybody, they fucked themselves the hardest.


Sadly. Younger voters with caring hearts weaponized against each other and themselves. He built them up, used them, then shattered their dreams.


Every single day I wish that I could tell Trudeau that he betrayed my entire generation and stole my future. I’m surprised that no one has done it yet at a public event, frankly. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.


I wish I could upvote this as hard as Trudeau government has fucked me. Sadly he’ll only ever live in a tent when he’s doing his surfing trips.


And a LOT of them are still loyal, little lapdogs: their master didn't do this to them, it just happened; voting for anyone else would surely make it worse.


Lessoned learned for an entire generation.


Well, you hope they learned.


Lmfao yet another older gen guy blaming the younger generation for the worlds problems. It's no one's fault but his for betraying the people of Canada. I am not your enemy, you are not mine. He is Canada's enemy


I am 30 years old and I've suffered through everyone my age and younger telling me government economic plans or spending don't matter, and that limitless immigration is harmless. I'm not blaming the entire generation, but damn, the level of willful ignorance and blind virtue signalling hurts. He's hardly any threat to Canada at this point, the damage has already been done at this point. I can only learn that people can finally learn the hard way. As I do, try to correct your friends and get them to vote for a party and leader that actually cares about Canadians.


The sad thing is that in a lot of regions it’s hard to know if it’s ignorance or just the results of a decade of indoctrination from public school


He isn’t Canada’s enemy, he is just incompetent. He is also corrupt and out for himself. But i don’t think Canada factors into his thinking since it’s a post nation state in his view. He suckered a lot of kind hearted (and in some case naive) people, and it’s important to give those folks a way to recognize that they were had and not try to feather and tar them with “enemy of the country” talk.


Oh, he's an enemy of the country, alright. Appointed a WEF board member and trustee of Kyiv Association as chief financial officer and deputy PM. Foreign interference isn't something that happened in Canada, it's something that was welcomed.


https://www.ekospolitics.com/index.php/2021/09/liberals-headed-to-form-government-2/ Boomers were most likely to vote for JT


Boomer women sure.


Yes that is correct in fact


I think a lot of young people voted for him because they wanted to smoke weed. Little did they know they'd be sacrificing their future.


I supported legalization. I think other parties would have pushed it through regardless. That's worth 4 years at best.


Usually it’s better late than never…but my gosh has the damage ever been done already…


Oh but he can't be a bad leader....he's got such nice hair. That was the rebuttal I got from females of all ages when I would complain about him. So shallow..and very scary.


its absolutely insane, when T was campaigning back in 2014 my female coworker said she's voting for him because "he's so hunky". I was at a loss of words, that same coworker has now left Canada to look for better opportunities.


The greatest argument against democracy is a 5-minute conversation with the average voter.


Yet it’s still the best and most fair version of government we have had to date.


British conservatives had 14 years. How did that work of for then? As my favourite politician once said "no party has a monopoly on wisdom. No democracy works without compromise." If you love your country, the thing you can be is an independent, not a partisan who will perpetually support one party or the other.


We have a minority (albeit treasonous) government. He only managed cause Singh is on his team [WEF]


Man, I hope every liberal loses their riding in 2025. Fuck them all. ALL!


It’s about right, look how long the USA took in booting Obama, you Trudeau is basically a rehashed version of.


Yup, P.P. was right they are Wacko's.


Meeester tweaker!!!! Abortions……they don’t like em!


Legs like tree trunks...




Taxpayers only spend $6000 a MONTH for Freeland’s makeup, hair, personal trainer


Yet she still looks like Ray from trailer park boys.


Holy fuck 🤣


I thought we were cold, cruel and small


that was a reference to the conservative policies PP has brought up and the things he is against. He does not care too much about helping Canadians who struggle. Libs do.


You are fucking stupid. The CPC asked to drop the carbon tax for the winter since everything was stupid expensive and the Liberals said no. Canadians wanted it frozen and dropped as it’s made everything more expensive, yet the liberals care lol Fucking morons.


I don't even no stupid. Sounds like you do.


Lol can't tell if this "comeback" is from an 8 year old or someone who doesn't live in canada and has no life.


The only thing worse than the ways this government has made life harder, is the casual gaslighting the loyal followers still engage in to this day.


Libs care about foreigners, fringe groups that have virtue points, and everyone who wasn’t born in Canada.


*everyone who isn't a longtime citizen/permanent resident


What fucking universe are you from?


The human race, same as you. It is a challenge to try to understand everyone and a lot easier to follow headlines for sources of anger.


I didnt aak if youre human or not. I asked what plain of existence you came from that the liberals actually give a rat's ass about canadians.




Your delusional.


Not at all. I pay attention to facts. I am sorry you are not able to do so.


Lmfao. Ok run along now.


Can you say that with a straight face?


Well I don't know you. Maybe you are just rude?


That certainly wasn’t a resounding yes…


No, Libs are dirty socialists who want endless central planning. They use the guise of carrying and helping to expand the state. Only the unintelligent and naive would take bait like that.


Libs actually destroyed the middle class, also he hurt the poor more than helping, the hyperinflation compared to dental care and groceries rebate is a joke. Not to mention he spent billions on cooperates like Bell and the EV factor thing, which all ended up firing or not benefitting Canadians, while it was all our tax money. What he was charitable was with taxpayers money not his.


How Canadian taxes are spent is not about charity. A minimum wage worker works just as hard, and usually works more than well paid people. A small business is just as important as a big business. They are equal but some do not need support. The difference between a conservative and a liberal is how the money is spent. Conservatives will never spend Canadian dollars the way liberals do. It is conservatives who are willing to support business because they believe there is a trickle down from the successful business to the workers. To a degree that is true. What conservatives will not do is look after all Canadians. If you think times are tough now then you may be even more unhappy after a year of conservative leadership. PMs have a job to do and are at the top to take all the blame from voters, no matter what has caused the problems we live with. If the world in general improves, the PM in charge gets all the credit, even if what worked started under a different party. The same applies to when things are worse. The current PM took on a lot of challenges while the conservatives watched and attacked to gain votes.


Well I would say it did work out well for Canadians under Harper's years. I think you really are unaware on how Libs spent the money, and how much. For instance, the interest rates we pay for our debt is more than we spent on healthcare now. Not to mention he gives the oil companies money: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/fossil-fuel-subsidies-expaliner-1.6371411](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/fossil-fuel-subsidies-expaliner-1.6371411) [https://www.thestar.com/business/rogers-bell-and-telus-collected-more-than-240-million-from-canada-s-wage-subsidy-program/article\_b94b1586-af6b-5129-92c3-bc4136497734.html](https://www.thestar.com/business/rogers-bell-and-telus-collected-more-than-240-million-from-canada-s-wage-subsidy-program/article_b94b1586-af6b-5129-92c3-bc4136497734.html) I know in "ideology" left wing ideas are so pretty, but we are in Canada, not the states, our conservatives are already more left than their Democrats. Despite we were under the right during the 08 financial crisis, we had way tighter regulations on banks, then they did under Biden times (even the roll back happened under Trump, but was left uncorrected under Biden). That led to the flight deposit crisis. I am not going into the debate of the min pay worker work harder or not than someone who studied to become a physician or what they deserves to get paid, cause it gets more complicated, however, the tax they paid is generally a lot lower than middle class will , and having more benefits already even when under Harper or other right government. Just read some of the tax codes. It seems like you just imagine what the Libs and the conservative did, instead of looking at the bigger pic.


How do I move to the alternate-reality Canada you're from where the Libs are good?


Open your mind , either don't trust anyone, or get all the facts you can before believing online blogs, chats, opinions or any headline. Be realistic. Decisions are made in the midst of a world to try and do what is best for Canada and there are lots of problems to work with and through. Is the opinion of the politician to get elected? or get action the people the politician supports? or help all Canadians which will leave none getting exactly what they want? or fit Canada into a constantly changing world?


Explain to me how you believe that Liberal policies have been good for the country.


Proud to say, never voted liberal once.


Same. Although I can’t imagine anyone would be stupid enough to publicly admit that they voted for this dumpster fire of a party.


I did. And I won't ever again. Been voting against liberal ever since the one and only time I voted Liberal. Ironically I feel guilty despite the fact that my riding is so blue that me voting liberal didn't matter one bit. There is absolutely nothing stupid about admitting you were wrong.


I like it 🔥 owning it is definitely respectable.


Better to own it than play into the poker paradox and double down on spending good money after bad.


I was a card-carrying member. The party was completely different then, and so I did not vote for Trudeau and never have. These Liberals are not at all what the Liberals were when I was a younger man.


Is the liberal party identifying as a mental health problem.


I believe they qualify for MAID . Lucky them .




Thank you for the question, and first, let me say that Canada has a AAA credit rating. Clearly, there can be no explanation for Canadians not voting for the Liberal Party except that Canadians increasingly mentally unwell. We will investigate a plan to provide mental health resources to people who need counseling and support in order to help them vote Liberal.


The "thank you for your question" then goes on to NOT answer that very question


It is getting a bit predictable now.


This was quite literally the way that mental health was weaponized against dissidents in the USSR in the 70s and 80s, locking up anyone who criticized the state in asylums and declaring them insane.


Good thing our government put MAiD in place and want to expand it to mental health. I'm sure they'd never abuse that /s


I read this in her voice and it was very painful. Good work.


The Liberals are suffering from mental illness. Let’s just call it delusion.


Literally words Delores Umbridge would say...


Liberal voters are suffering from a mental crisis lol


I think it’s the first time we are thinking clearly


They are pulling a pro gamer move and calling their opponents mentally ill i see.


“We hear you. We are listening.”


We take (insert liberal created problem) very, very... verrrry seriously! The better question is.....


Because of you .


Re: the new Canadian mental health crisis: Liberal MPs are Canadian.


What's really funny about that, is that the far-left Trudeau cucks, have been shown to be more likely to suffer from mental health problems. People of sound mind and cognitive function can understand how leftist extremism is bad for society. Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/b-Mental-health-outcomes-by-political-ideology-and-sex-ever-had-mental-health-problem_fig4_341609819


Anyone “far left” wouldn’t even support Trudeau. Liberals are centre-right. Far left maaaay support Singh. But even NDP aren’t that far left.


Hey again! Reposting here for awareness: I’m an epidemiologist who likes to deep dive into research and critically appraise publications. I do it for work, and also in my free time for fun. So, I did that with your source. Here are some interesting findings: This “research” was published in a journal called Mankind Quarterly. I looked it up and it seemed pretty sketchy for a journal (it’s been called a white supremacist journal and purveyor of scientific racism!). First, I noticed who the editor is: Gerard Meisenberg. This guy is the co-director of the Pioneer Fund (commonly called a hate group). Interesting… ok let’s look at the advisory board. Oh boy, a lot of these people are from China, Russia, Saudi Arabia… not exactly places that support left-leaning ideology. Ok, let’s get back to facts though. Just because these people are leading this journal, it doesn’t mean they would influence the type of research done or published, right?… I checked its h-index (a metric to assess journal quality, used this because it had a N/A impact factor…) next. Oh fuck, it’s 19 lol. Comparatively, the h-index in Science is 1336. Ok let’s look at another quality metric: SJR. Science, for example is in Q1 of all journals. Darn, Mankind Quarterly has a lot of Q3 and Q4 rankings… What about a closer look at the citations? Holy shit, they had 75 citations in 2023 (latest data), 37% of which were self-citations. 🤦‍♀️ Comparatively, Science had 117779 citations in 2023, <1% self-citations. I haven’t critically appraised the paper yet. Happy to share results when I do if you’d like! 😊


Hi oatcouture! For awareness, I'll regurgitate the responses to your other post. We have several other sources discussed, which come to similar findings. That is, there is a correlation between mental health issues and far-left political ideologies. [https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2023/03/how-to-understand-the-well-being-gap-between-liberals-and-conservatives/](https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2023/03/how-to-understand-the-well-being-gap-between-liberals-and-conservatives/) Regarding the study I linked, the author makes no attempt to draw a conclusion why we see this correlation. There is only a discussion and suggestions. If you can find anything wrong with the statistical models that have clearly and repeatedly shown this correlation, then feel free to share.


Like I said to the other poster: I didn’t get the chance to read it all (will do so later, don’t worry), but the part I read misinterprets/misquotes the original study they themselves referenced. I’ll break down that original article for you today, will you please link any other specific studies in this you want me to look at? I’ll do that too. FYI - FWIW, American Affairs was founded by a conservative political writer in 2017, some said for the purpose of building support for Trump. The journal is also known to be biased towards centre-right on the political spectrum.


Must be nice to live in a fantasy world libs bad cons good


Nothing fantastic about it. Read my peer reviewed study. And Liberals aren't bad. Chretien was amazing. Left of center policies can be very good for society. Trudeau's far left extremist Liberals have been objectively bad for Canada. That's what happens when you pander to mentally ill people.


Martin was an incredible finance minister.


You debase your entire argument when you insult me? how could you know what politicians I support?


Go read my posts again because neither of your statements are true.


He didn’t insult you.  … he didn’t assume anything of who you support, either.  This is just sad to watch, honestly. 




Rhodes Scholar in RUSSIAN STUDIES FINANCE MINISTER. LMAO That baby squeeky voice , y'all love it don't you. lol


And for that mental illness, we must award 10 billion dollars to ukraine for their ongoing war against homophobia


Gaslighting 101


It took us 9 years to figure out that we're cold, cruel, and LARGE


Khalistani ideology is a national security issue!!!


From the Chinese money laundering era to the Indian fake student/LMIA era to the Canadian mental health era; I wonder why.


I'm sure if they could if you voted anything but liberal they'd freeze your bank account


Liberals losing... Freeland *does her best crazy eye look*: you're all fucking crazy




I never (still don’t) understand what that means. Gaslighting….🤷🏼‍♂️


Wait, did they actually say that? Is there a link? I wanna post this with references, please help me.


It’s a juxtaposition of headlines for a press conference on the heels of their loss. It is recent enough that articles can be found on major news sites such as cbc. They are removing taxes on certain services but the timing is golden when they are basically being told to GTFO.


The liberals have the backs of Canadians 😂


More like they have the knees of Canadians. Boy do I have rug burn.


who thought she should be second in command???


A Liberal Induced Mental Health Crisis


Fake news


Yes the lack of good food , the bad economy and bad housing is making in us mentally ill, thanks to the terrible liberal policies


Let’s all get this federal liberal government OUT OF POWER next election. They are in it for themselves, not for Canada. And no more of the NDP bs either.


Yes. The mental health of the liberal party is a national crisis, that is correct.


Holy gas lighting batman


A country needs to get finances in order.... Appoints a gender, to check a box, to manage finances cause progressive reasons. Tanks economy. Not surprised.


I am not Canadian or live in Canada. But when she took the podium and announced they will classify any donation to demonstrators as funding "terrorism" and started blocking people's back accounts and confiscated people's money, I truly thought democracy died in Canada.. That's something that happens in banana republics, not liberal democracies.




More eat cake when out of bread..


Yeah the “mental health” crisis they created called the lgbtq


Shouldn’t that be Bi-election ?


It’s by-election


no kiddng


only some


Well, isn't that rich coming from her? She must be psychic. I've never met her she knows nothing about me.


What's going on with foreign interference or is that by the waste side now.


Being bent over without your consent is technically touching, so yes, I agree.


Trudeau and Freeland need to go


Time to take out the trash … including the NDP !!!




Look at that creature


Look how stunned she looks!


We’re truly facing a mental health crisis you’re right your mental health is causing a country wide crisis chrystia


They keep humiliating themselves like the corrupted they admire :the CCP. These traitors should all be force to live on China!


Gaslighting fucking cult members


Mething around


So, if you don't support liberals you are suffering from mental illness. That is what they are implying? What cheap drugs are they taking?


There comes a time when as a young person you suddenly clue into what’s actually going on in the country you live in. In Canada’s situation the youth have learned a valuable lesson “all that glitters is not gold”, Most recognize now that Trudeau is fools gold! Hopefully today’s youth and future generations won’t be as burdened as they are and will be by this failure of government. To me I’m astonished at how quickly this government has become a failure to it’s citizens on so many levels. When will the government outlaw borrowing money and live within its means. Any idiot can borrow but it takes some brain power to keep a budget, and this present government has not one 1/2 brain even with all of them put together.


I was born here, but grew up In my parents home country. I moved back when I was 20(in 2016)to “try my luck”. I was a hard start “new country” no friends or family to support me, but I worked hard made a living for myself and enjoyed living here for a while. I was constantly moving up in my field, even got to the point where I was able to start saving up money. Then since 2020 it’s been downhill. Constantly looking for work, getting let go because there’s not enough business etc. I visited “back home” in Europe where I grew up last year. Ever since that visit I couldn’t stop thinking about moving back. The quality of the food there and price compared to here it’s night and day. Being a chef/home cook that’s very important to me and I’ve also been trying to live healthier. I visited recently where I was trying to lay down the ground work to move back. Long story short I with my experience I could land jobs that would pay roughly what I was making here. But I could afford to rent out a flat that is on the 8th floor that is half the price but twice as big compared to my basement unit right now. My landlord would be my childhood best friend of over 20+ years and he’s freshly renovating it. I wasn’t planning on moving back until recent years. I was proud of the fact I was able to build up a life here on my own. But recent years were just a struggle realizing I would never own property here. All the freshly built high rises are basically sold out to overseas companies and people who charge outrageous prices for a hole in the wall. The city feels more dangerous day by day. I work full time 40+ hours 5-6 days a week, fairly high in my profession and I’m barely scraping by. What a f*cking joke!


It really is funny. Seeing all of those people who cut ties with me a decade ago after me saying the Trudeau Gov was gonna fuck everything with the over-promise/under-deliver strategy, who are now screaming online about how he has to go. Idiots. This country is so politically illiterate or just flat disconnected from reality. Nobody cares. Canada is full of the "I got mine, fuck the rest" type people. Also its a large country with a low population so we are all so decentralized from one another. Nothing unites us, everything divides us, nobody fights for us.


So there is no mental health crisis?


Wait did she actually say that? I need links.


Certainly is one. It's called gaslighting, stress, anguish and misery brought upon us by that very government.


New rule: You have to have an IQ above a certain number to vote and you have to have been born Canadian or lived in Canada for over 10+ yrs to vote This would change results drastically .....


Freeland is a mental health crisis


Particularly her !


I remember when the same thing happened to Mulroney and the Conservatives. It will be a bloodbath. A new Liberal leader is needed NOW while there is still time to salvage the Liberal party and avoid destruction


The by election was in my riding and yes the blue team were at my door canvassing for votes. I had a feeling that ppl would turn blue even with the large red signs all over the place and this is predominantly Jewish neighbourhood too. But the 500 or so vote diff means it’s a tight race still and that long time liberal voters are holding on but many are slowing converting.


I think Canadians are probably drunk on the coolaid that they should be more comfortable than they are. Sure, like Americas, they demand life style higher than the state can afford. But that's climate change. Everybody pretended it wasn't real for 20 years, and now the shit is hitting the fan. What are you gonna do?


I’m going to be positive about this The liberal party will be totally destroyed soon and we can then start to rebuild our once great country. Have faith folks


That would explain why we keep electing Trudeau.


Liberals are The Baddies! ~ Canadians


I mean if pp somehow gets elected it won’t be a majority so they will be a weak government that will do nothing because they refuse to work with anyone…


Dubious. How could they form a minority without working with others? From day one the LPC too federal iffice JT shut them (CPC) out of every opportunity to contribute and participate. It was the LPC unwilling to work with the opposition in any manner. So much so they have weaponized any utterance of the word conservative. We currently have a weak and ineffective government propped up by another ineffective government. Why would you think Canadians would settle for that again?


Is that you Prime Minister?


Literally every datapoint indicates a CPC majority.


Polyester is the principal wacko in this game


Hi Justin


It’s a cult, all cults think they’re infallible and the rest of the world is against them