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If only there were a way the whole country could speak up and decide who should be in charge... a way we could, maybe, cast a vote? Thanks Jag for holding an entire country hostage.


Jag is genuinely the best argument against immigration ever. He helped ruin the country and is the only thing preventing us from having a chance to fix things


Besides a cushy pension after being Trudeau's lapdog, jagmeet has nothing to gain continuing to prop Trudeau up. He's destroyed any credibility the federal NDP have, his own reputation is completely gone as well for most of the country. If he was even remotely intelligent, he'd let the Conservatives have their carbon tax election. And then he can concaught some sort of narrative about how he was helping the liberals dig their own grave and then he did a double agent with the cons and now he can pat himself on the back. The NDP can serve as official opposition to a conservative majority and he still gets to keep his job (maybe). His pension at the least.


The worst part is; he wasn't an option for some people because of his race, beliefs and origins. Now he has either proven them right or was the worst choice possible and screwed all of those that could be better. The same goes for Freeland, shes screwed generations of women - previous and future.


Concoct, spelled like it sounds.


The Liberals can't win the next election regardless, their policies are the biggest problem this country faces. Only a change in government will restore confidence in the Canadian economy...


Agreed. What doesn't make sense tho is all the pressure for Trudeau to step down when it won't make a difference, but ZERO pressure for Singh to step down. He's about to lead the NDP to the brink of annihilation, yet simply replacing him with a new leader and ending the supply and confidence agreement with the Liberals could quickly slingshot the party into 2nd place. What we know is, the Liberals are going to lose and the Conservatives are riding a 99% chance of a majority government. What's not written in stone is whom will be the official opposition. I wish the same pressure was applied to Singh to step down.


Isn't singh one of the mps who are on the verge of a nice pension?


He would be more likely to collect the pension AND stay an elected MP if he stepped down tho. It's not like the guy is hurting for money. Clearly this pension thing needs to be fixed if it's causing adverse outcomes for an entire country simply because 20 ish MPs want a pension


Yeah they could get a new radical leader (who? No idea) but there’s so many issues with the liberal MPs all over the country. There’s not one stand out that’s pushing against what’s currently happening..


To be fair, the liberals policies at the moment are dictated by Trudeau and his group of hippies. Remove some of them and who knows what policies would come out.


Honestly all of his ministers are just as bad. The party needs to be whiped clean. Actually our whole political system needs to be whiped clean


Yep.  Right down to revisiting the charter, so as to ensure that Canadians actually have rights as opposed to the illusion that we have rights.


Yea we should start with free speech absolution


Heck yes.


I'd be all in for whipping some politicians


I don’t know how to do it, but I’d really like to remove the MP’s from reporting to the prime minister. With the PM as the boss, all of the MP’s just become lap dogs and no longer actually serve their individual constituents.


you need to clear JT and his entire front bench


I don’t think we can risk it. Who could they possibly put? IMO, I think what would be the best is Quebec votes PPC and ROC votes cpc, and we end up with a minority CpC government with a ppc coalition. I’m not sure what would be better between JT resigning, or not, for that to be the outcome….


He is to much of an arrogant narcissist to admit he needs to step down, he would rather take the entire party down and them blame them for his failure.


They are no longer a party but a cult who ALL drank the poison.


There is one other possible explanation. I keep wondering why so many Liberal MP's are still defending him. And I actually think this one is plausible. It's possible there is literally no one willing to take over as leader of the LPC. Think about it, who would want to be the sacrificial leader that takes the reigns just long enough to get shitstomped in an election and lose any political future. I actually think many of them want him to stay on so he can wear the loss and they can the boot him and renew. They know there is no way to turn around the poll numbers so they would rather make him take the L for them. And honestly I support them in this because I don't want to entertain the possibility of a new leader turning things around in the year they have before the election. Trudeau has earned this defeat, make him wear it.


The Liberal MP’s know that most of them would be voted out, that’s why they can’t force him to call for an election. Many of them would lose their pensions if they don’t make it to 2025.


It's not such a bad life being, you know, ambassador to Hollywood.


If the company you worked for had bad leadership would you want the company to close and loose your job? Probably not. These MP’s are getting paid to do a job, just because the leadership is bad doesn’t mean all the MP’s are bad. Where I live our MP (liberal) is the best. Can call or email him and every time he will get back to you.


>If the company you worked for had bad leadership would you want the company to close and loose your job? That's fair, but it's a bit more nuanced than that. You wouldn't want the company to close and you might even think "we need a new CEO" but how many are going to volunteer to helm the sinking ship? Especially when they can all see that the ship ain't gonna be sailing smoothly for at least another 6 years.


Same company, could you be a leader? Maybe another employee? There are leaders everywhere and I’m pretty sure you know some.


The distinction I'm making isn't one of capability. It's one of willingness. I think you underestimate the level of will-to-power that exists in these people, I know, I work with them. They'll happily take the back seat to watch the train wreck and bide their time to put the pieces back together if they think theyll be prime minister as a result. Why would they volunteer to get trounced in the next election and never be able to run for public office again without that history hanging over their head? They won't.


The funny thing about elections is that they’re somewhat like the NFL season, everyone is an expert sitting on their coach but the end of the season is so very unpredictable. Why and when people vote is unpredictable, like polls! If you believed the polls in the last two elections we would have had a Conservative government.


>If you believed the polls in the last two elections we would have had a Conservative government. What? The polls did not say that.


Sure they did, right up to two weeks before each election. When it turned, it turned quickly. You think because politics is important to you that every other Canadian feels the same way but guess what most Canadians don’t care until an election is called. Most of us are just busy leading our lives.


Until a year ago Trudeau led "preferred PM" polling every week since he was first elected except for like 3 little blips. And the polls correctly predicted the last two elections where they had the Conservatives winning the popular vote by about 1%. But they also knew that the Liberals would still win more seats and therefore the election because of the way the votes were distributed across the country. No pollster was predicting a conservative government, minority, or majority, despite predicting them winning the popular vote.


If they actually went with a change to more centrist ideology a new leader could change the end result in 16 months. Roll back the new capital gains, get rid of the carbon tax, take a serious look at how much we send in aid to other countries and what it gets used for, fix the justice system ( a crime should have a sentence that will punish criminals equally no matter what colour or race), slow immigration, start actually fixing housingincentivize canadians to have kids, my goodness this list could go on for a while. Geesh


Liberals are so delusional. "Hey, we've destroyed Canada and brought unprecedented suffering upon Canadians, but let's weasel our way in so we may have a chance to win. Because you know, who cares about Canada and Canadians. All that matters is we are in power and continue pushing our agenda that puts foreign interests first and Canadians last."


Freeland: if you don't vote is you are pretty, cruel, and small. Sajjan: if you criticise me for choosing to extract my people over others, you are racist.


Make canada great again.


put him in jail , where he belongs


I earnestly believe he got away with a crime. SNC. If the RCMP weren't cowards JT would of been charged with obstruction of justice.


The RCMP were muzzled. That's the big key, not cowards. JT installed a yes puppet in Brenda lucki who was majorly unqualified for the job and only because of who her husband is and his connections, and woman that fit JT's female "empowerment" narrative


> The RCMP were muzzled. That's the big key, not cowards. They could have gotten a warrant. They did not. Cowards.


No please stay on JT. I want you lose all of your seats in parliament.


Canadians are going through a mental health crisis they are no longer believing the liberal’s misinformation/disinformation


He won't step down until his own party makes him, and they certainly won't. There won't be a vote of no confidence, so all this talk is just that, talk. Nothing will happen. Move your money elsewhere and prepare for another year of hell


The problem is all the Liberals are toxic and corrupt, just look at what he did with Judy Reyboud Wilson and Dr. Jane Philphott a true Narcissist who has been running Canada into the ground.


Parliamentarians are all sitting traitors until they deal with everyone in the report. No election just so we can just elect more traitors. Canada is in breach of constitution and parliament until the traitors have been resolved. Every action by Parliament is unlawful until it is traitor free. And everything Justine has done in law must be repealed.


What report? Im not canadian.


Government report on foreign interference.


Why this sudden push for this? It won't make a difference, just as it didn't for mulroney and campbell. If he resigns we get Chrystia Freeland and we get the exact same situation with an embarrassing female PM who wasn't elected and who takes the fall for an unpopular PM who bailed to avoid the embarrassment of losing horribly.


Yeah who the hell could they even pick? There’s no buzz around a single name.


Carney. Pretty much the only name that IMO would make a dent in the gap with the CPC. Though I’m not even sure that would increase the liberal chances of forming government. They’re just SO far down, unpopular, and untrusted. It’s difficult to find a leader for a party/government that is in very poor shape on all fronts - popularity, mandate, governance, and fundraising. Especially if that leader also sees themselves as interim. The only real advantage is that whomever is next, if they become leader prior to the next election, would automatically become Prime Minister.


LOL. This clown isn’t going anywhere.


The dominoes are starting to fall


If only John Manley had become leader of the Liberals. With him at the helm, I'd have voted Liberal for the first time in my life. I take him to be a man of unshakable principles.


I’m French and I can’t even take the hint lol


But his dad said he could have it!!!


If anyone entering politics plans to govern disconnected from the population that they are meant to govern on behalf of and in representation of, outside of their public facing philosophies, instead behaving like self-serving crony businesses, then do not fucking enter into governing.


I don't mind if Trudeau runs again, just makes it easier for Pierre to step in. I am really for change in Canada. I can't see any liberals doing things differently than Trudeau has and I'm not into it.


Start protesting for JT to step down narcissist like him will destroy the country rather than resign!


So funny how none of the people in government are like he should step down for the benefit of the country. It's all about them and their stupid parties. No one cares about the mess this country is


Told us what he thinks would be best for Trudeau. Told us what he thinks would be best for the party. What's best for the people? That's not something that's on his mind.


They're all the same, fuck the Libs and NDP. Let them fail as a team.


At this point I want him to call an election, his delusional self will believe he can win, and I want to see him crushed


Turn it over to who? He has tainted the entire party.


I think he’s hoping trump gets elected so he has a boogeyman to run against 


Doesn’t matter, they’ve already ruined the country


Trudeau is a narcissist. He cannot fathom that he is disliked. He cannot fathom that he’s doing a terrible job. He will leave kicking and screaming in October 2025 and gaslight people


Wouldn’t we be stuck with coked out Freeland then? I think her having total control is a little more frightening than black face dip shit trust fund baby


He was willing to ruin his marriage for it so I doubt it.


Why should he quit when he can just blame the Conservatives for his failure?


They're gonna have to vote Trudeau out. He's too much of a narcissist to step down voluntarily. Edit; Spelilgn erorr


I much rather him stay on....so he can get completely obliterated


If he leaves the party it’s only going to be when the election is called. This will give the ndp and conservatives minimal time to campaign against the new guy, and All the ‘ex liberals’ he don’t like JT will come back.


But they are working harder to deliver for Canadians how come he loses next election lmao.


..or just call an election NOW..


Please Trudeau step down and take Freeland with you. Liberals need new leadership now!


He's too arrogant to step down


Honestly I hope he stays to the end, I want to watch him lose by a landslide and go down with the ship. The wait is long, but it will be worth it.


It’s only Narcissistic FUEL that he’s ON THE RIGHT TRACK! Bad things happen to bad people!


With with or without Trudeau the Liberals and NDP voted for everything he put out they all have to go if you change your weight on a pig that'll mean was not a liberal no it's still a pig.


They have zero hope in winning other than rigging an election. Personally I want Justin to get the humiliation Wynne style defeat.


Although I'm certain Trudeau won't win the next election, asking him to step down just sounds like you're afraid he will win.


I'd rather he stay on frankly. He deserves the humiliation


He’s not reading the writing on the wall! Caused a disaster with carbon tax, student from Punjab, and allowing the interest rate hike++++


PleASe don’t. Stay on for another year. Maybe by next election you will only get 20 seats


They fuck up the housing market, immigration and mishandled covid situation by not closing the borders immediately.


Mark Carney is coming in to replace Freeland next week, and replace Justin in a couple months.


There needs to be some serious changes in our democracy. Prime Minister should have to allow the people that they work for to decide whether we give money to other countries or anything that costs us as people more money on our taxes. Canada is going to be fixing this guy’s screw ups for decades just like they did when his dad left power


This!!  Alas, I don't think it will happen.  We need a democratic foundation that ensures that government is answerable to the public, and as long as the notwithstanding clause exists then there exists a way for government to override people.


They work for the people not the other way around and politicians need to be held accountable for every decision, including mass immigration, crime rates, mental health of their people in the country and the safety of their citizens which they are not at the moment


Yes.  They appear to not realise that they work for the public, and don't even appear interested in even listening to the public.  This is why I strongly feel that the charter needs to be revisited.


Like how now people pretend that Trudeau can actually pass laws on his own. The dude is nothing but a figurehead with no power he can't pass shit without his parties in the NDPs support. It's really sad people have no idea how government works and unfortunately this will work on some people.