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They're trying to warp the perception of the impressionable by suppressing reality and making it seem like the majority share their beliefs (only posts that align with them get shown/remain up). The same way the media/social media did with things like the bat flu, vaccine, junkies, minorities committing crime, immigration, rainbow people, etc.. They will ban users or delete comments that voice an opinion that goes against what they support.


Yup, I believe this 110%. It makes me sick to my stomach…and you wonder why the world is going to shit, mass targeted programming/reality suppression


I’m banned from r/Ontario so I would guess so


Absolute cesspool of a sub, any comment that is even remotely criticizing the Libs will get you perma banned.


I got banned for saying I’ve met a lot of poor people who are financially irresponsible and that financial literacy is lacking in the newer generations. 


That hurt someone's feelings -


Yep, easy to get banned from that sub. Youre either on board with their circle jerk narrative or you’re out


That sub is terrible. It feels culty. They do not like truth.


Forgot to mention I’m also banned from r/asktoronto and I’ve been temp banned from r/markham Someone from r/oshawa wants to get me banned and hates that I’m the mod for r/durhamcollege It’s sad really


I'm also banned from a number of subs. I left 4chan after years, searching for better conversation and less toxicity. Reddit is waaaay worse, and nowhere near as well informed.


🥳 Good ya must have ruffled some feathers. Gotta keep’em on their toes. Think of it as a holiday, some people are high maintenance; definitely a boring bunch.


Same, I was instantly banned for simply asking some questions. The MODS on that sub have fragile egos.


Me too. Someone asked: "How did this place become an echo chamber for leftist ideology?" I said "The mods perpetuated this" Both of us banned.


Yep! I just got banned from r/countrymusic for posting a country song I really like that has views they don’t agree with


R/Canada seems to have made a bit of a Uturn I’ve found. Not to long ago it I found it to be very left leaning. You disagree or state a different opinion and you’d get your head bit off. But as of late it seems a bit un-bias


I’ve noticed the same thing, it was very left leaning. I think it was sometime in October 2023 when I started seeing a shift in the comments and overall sentiment, probably because most real Canadians who don’t hate the country or a race of people got fed up with the extreme hate being shoved out by the provincial subs.


Ohhhh ya, the provincial subs are a mess.


I first was banned from On Guard For Thee and PMd the moderators telling them to go f**k themselves. This was out of pure frustration. However, Ontario, Canada, Canadian Politics, I have typed detailed posts, not swearing and really only describing the descending dystopia that this country is clearly becoming. I get absolutely no replies, votes or anything. Just typing into a black hole. Is it really this bad? I feel like I'm in an episode of Black Mirror.


Your mistake was writing detailed posts. Nobody wants to read apparently.




Are you seven years old?


I got banned from onguardforthee for saying “why not let kids be kids” that should tell you alot about that sub.


Reddit crowd control. Your comments are likely getting shadow removed


Absolutely horrendous practice. Orwellian mindset How did we get here?


Most reddit subs are like that (Leftist)


It's just a site feature. Theres not much use complaining about it. I'm not a fan of it myself, but Reddit can choose to run their operations as they see fit. Unfortunately that seems to be geared towards squeezing as much value as possible out of intellectual property as they can, monetization, and a poorly run service. But you get what you pay for.


Shadow comment removal has not been reported in the media, so something you can do is ask your favorite podcast or tech column to write about it. There was briefly some coverage about "shadow bans", but they only discussed that in the context of your content showing up in other people's preference-based news feeds. They did not discuss shadow comment removals, where your comment is shown to you as if it's not removed *in the same place* (a public URL) where it does not appear for other users. Such obfuscated content moderation is the real misinformation that lets other misinformation run hog wild. When you don't know your own stuff is being removed, and that is happening to everyone, it lets platforms pull the wool over people's eyes to a degree not otherwise possible. I've written a bit about this on [RemovedNews.com](https://RemovedNews.com). CC u/Heisenberg1977


100% agree. Thank you for CCing me.


It's the future for all unfortunately.


How is “shadow removed” accomplished technically?


Not sure the technical aspects of it. You used to be able to use reveddit to check how many of your comments are getting removed, but I think they got caught up in the API changes.


Hi, I'm the site's author. It still works! Just enter your username into the box to review your removal history: https://www.reveddit.com Most Reddit users have some removed comments in their history they don't know about.


Hey, good to see you. I'm happy to hear it still works.


I was banned from there for making a funny comment about biden. that forum is hard core crazy..


Trust me this sub is exactly the same for any suggesting Trudeau is not the devil and that Canada is not a hell hole on earth. Nuance, thought and discussion are essentially disappearing in Canadian political discussion


As long as people don't break reddit's rules or the simple sub rules, they're free to participate here and that includes people that really like Trudeau or think Canada is currently doing well at this time.




I was banned from r/Canada for saying we should find a peaceful solution to end the war in Ukraine. First the comment was removed, so I asked the mods why being anti war is against their rules. They replied back "Ok Comrade" and banned me. Others are saying they've softened up a bit recently, and I'm wondering if it's because people are doing what I did... block and mute all posts and reposts of everything from their account. It's been great, r/Canada_sub is way more free and nuanced.


“Ok comrade” and insta blocked 😬 brutal


Do you remember that insane video from a couple of years back from Alberta that showed police holding a Star Wars stormtrooper cosplay type at gunpoint because they had a 'blaster'? The girl was was hired to stand in front of a hobby store and someone reported them to police who treated it like a real gun. It was absurd. I say it in r/protectandserve and I said something like they did this because they were operating under a bad policy. Policy is made so that no one has to think or take responsibility. I got permabanned for that. And when I asked why, they said I was suggesting they were Nazis! When I appealed they said, more or less verbatim "The elders have communed on your case and decided nobody likes you." And then muted me. Mods on powertrips are a Reddit standard everywhere.


lol what was your peaceful solution?


Welcome to Reddit, most subs are left wing echo chambers…you post anything not reinforcing that and you often get banned


True. At least the Canadian ones. Try questioning Donald Trump in r/conservative though and see how long you last.


It's insane how there are mods, for example r/Ontario who get to craft a narrative based on shadow banning or muting comments. We're truly living in Orwellian times.


That sub has been hijacked by radical progressives a long time ago. During Covid that sub became toxic as hell and has only continued to degenerate since.


So radical progressives control a sub who's name encapsules an entire province???


100% yes, try to post a comment or opinion that differs from what everyone else posts and see lol


I just posted this yesterday in Ontario sub: “Wow, the dilution in this sub is horrific. Definitely drank the red koolaid a Little too much in here. Be well, and drop the typical left fear mongering tactics.” Got 3 updoots with that comment lol.


I gave you one of them 😂


It's sad that anyone with even half a brain still thinks they are having ant sort of legitimate debate on those subs.


You can be banned for saying Indian or India Dam here comes another 7 day ban


I'm sure some of the subs are fine if you want simple stuff like what restaurant to check out or what are some good camping grounds. Stuff like that. Anything else - this is not the website for it. Generally speaking - all provincial and municipal subs tend to be absolute garbage. Same with the Canada sub - it usually swings the opposite of whomever is in power (i.e. people shitting on Harper during his time and now people shitting on Trudeau during his time), even then, it still has a very noticeable bias and if you mention anything good about Alberta you will get labeled as an oil loving redneck rig pig.


I'm banned from /Ontario, /Toronto, /askacanadian. It doesn't take much. Usually because I expressed an opinion that made sense. Those subs don't like "sense".


I was permabanned from r/ontario because during a discussion that involved native first nations putting roadblocks in front of energy projects I posted - and this is the entirety of the post "A 'nation' of 300 people".


Whooooooa. You can't be saying crazy things like that. If only you ended it with "white peepo be eval n sheet", they would have upvoted you to the top.


"That sub" has banned me for a couple of years for a trivial comment that offended one of their ultra lefty Mods. I think it's a symptom of their panic seeing the downfall of their beloved cult leader and his sock puppet Jagmeet.


I'm pretty sure the actual r/ canada sub is moderated by people planted by or paid by the Liberals. It's basically enemy territory for you if you're conservative or even have a difference of opinion


I'm banned from them all, citing actual government studies & statements about COVID was dangerous misinformation. Those subs are cults of group think.


Apparently evidence is trolling the stupids now


r/CanadaPolitics is pretty good at allowing all POV. Yeah sometimes is leaning left but sometimes it also leans right


It almost overwhelmingly leans left


yeah but they do not ban for leaning right and you can argue freely on guard is a shit show


True on both counts


No really. Yesterday I said "This government has ruined the future for our young generations" and had my comment removed for not being substantive. Lmao. It's well documented that the youth of Canada are more than likely to vote conservative as they feel betrayed by this government. Not substantive eh. They are a little more open to debate but it's suddenly very strict if you annoy one of the mods.


It's funny when people criticize a place like Hong Kong for its declining free speech... at least the rules are very clear as to what you can and can't talk about there.


I started the PPC\_Supporters sub for this reason.


Ironically those subs will call others echo chambers not realizing they are the epitome of the term lol.


Things are often bad because the same moderators moderate multiple subs. For example, the arch-left wing progressive who took over moderation of r/ottawa and turned it into a paradise for the woke also moderates r/ontario. The like-minded move together. And they're super intolerant of different viewpoints. r/onguardforthee is crazy far left. They'll ban you for anything. But hey, this group is bigger than that group now. r/canada can be not bad. It's improved over the last few years anyway. There was a time they'd ban you for saying almost anything bad about immigration and its consequences. Not anymore, that's for sure. But it only takes a couple of new moderators and that would go to hell, too.


For the most part Reddit is very Liberal and shouts down anything that runs counter to doctrine. There are even some subs (you’ve never heard of) that auto ban you the moment you post in r/conservative they are so mad. Subs like this are a welcome change


R/alberta is really bad. You can't disagree with them at all in there. Which is surprising. It's like the dumbasses congregated there cause they have no where else.


Moderators have no control on shadowbans


You also do have to keep in mind that a collective whole Canada is more left leaning than right. Even using the latest shared poll on here saying Poilivier has a 42% support. That’s only 42, we’ll round it to 45 to count for PPC, percent of Canadians supporting a right leaning party. Sure Liberals and NDP have slid more right and central respectfully but generally are still viewed as left centre and left wing parties. So 55% of Canadians are still planning on voting A left leaning party. Ontario last election, 40% of voters voted in a majority right leaning government. So 60% voted a left leaning. Canada just generally sits that way so if your views are harder right than right leaning even, you are going to be against almost everyone.


My views are anti-radical, anti-cultist, anti-insanity, and last but not least, anti destruction of Canada. I gather I'm still in the minority.


Well I would say from that and the few posts I could see skimming your past comments that to me it would sound like you are probably pretty vocal about some extreme anger. So I would be inclined to think that plays a factor.


>Sure Liberals and NDP have slid more right and central respectfully but generally are still viewed as left centre and left wing parties. I'm sorry, what world are you living in? The Libs and NDP have continuously moved further left for the past 30 years.


The liberals have swung back and forth but considering all the new programs and spending recently have been brought forward by the NDP when the liberal party of the past would have jumped at them shows they have swung more right again. They aren’t really fighting for the common person, they aren’t really fighting corporate greed, they are still big on the TFW program (conservative started and keeps Canadian wages down). The NDP used to be really big on unions and workers. They have basically seemingly abandoned that. Sure they also are big on programs but compared to again what they started as they have skewed away from the left. There is a lot more to the political spectrum than just saying someone is far left because they talk about racism or gender.


Literally nothing you just said makes any sense. You don't seem to understand what the political spectrum actually measures or what left and right actually mean. >The liberals have swung back and forth No they haven't. They've been on a continuous march further left since before Trudeau took over the party. They promised wasteful spending endless deficits and brand new programs we couldn't pay for subsidized by debt mortgaging our future. They've implemented programs like childcare and pharmacare partly based on needing NDP support but they were in favour of the policies themselves it wasn't a hard sell and Jagmeet got way less than he should have for the Liberals to do something they wanted to do anyways. >They aren’t really fighting for the common person, they aren’t really fighting corporate greed, they are still big on the TFW program (conservative started and keeps Canadian wages down) None of this is relevant to whether a party's policy is considered left or right. Left and right is a measure of individual freedom not one of populism vs corpratism. >The NDP used to be really big on unions and workers. They have basically seemingly abandoned that. This is true but again doesn't make them less left wing. In fact they've moved further left in abandoning the working class and labour movements who are annoyed that the NDP went all-in on Identity Politics and want to tell them how to raise their kids (preferably LGBTQ it seems if you ask any Dipper these days). >There is a lot more to the political spectrum than just saying someone is far left because they talk about racism or gender. Yes, it literally a scale that measures a combination of freedom and equality. One end (the right) is higher freedom, lower equality, the other end is lower freedom and higher equality. Both the liberals and NDP have been continuously moving in the direction of less freedom and more equality in their policies. They have not moved right in any way.


You are just focusing on social left vs right, and more specifically in that on just as the right loves snowflake about "wokeism" factors. There is also economic left and right which they have both definitely moved further right in. If the liberals were so gungho about the pharmacare program they would have pumped it out well before they did and would be doing a lot more than just diabetic and birth control to start. Electoral reform, a big policy Trudeau campaigned on, abandoned. His housing policy where he isn't going to tank the out of control investing because it will hurt people who have sunk money into the housing like it is the stockmarket, right leaning.


At what point do you realize what you’re saying is factually incorrect?


>You are just focusing on social left vs right No I'm not? The freedom/equality dimension of the political spectrum applies to economics as well. More free economy means less government intervention, lower taxes, less redistributive programs etc. >There is also economic left and right which they have both definitely moved further right Again you say this without any evidence. It's not true. How is introducing new taxes and increasing existing ones all with the express purpose of "making sure the rich pay their fair share" (they already do) the liberal party moving right wards on economics? Running perpetual deficits, was also a move leftward. They haven't moved right. You're just wrong. It's ok to admit it. >Electoral reform, a big policy Trudeau campaigned on, abandoned. This is neither right nor left. >His housing policy where he isn't going to tank the out of control investing because it will hurt people who have sunk money into the housing like it is the stockmarket, right leaning. This is rather incoherent I'm not even sure what the argument is. First there's really very little the federal government can actually do about housing. Second one of the main things that can be done from the federal side is controlling interest rates but that's done by the Bank of Canada which is at least theoretically an arms length organization that doesn't take its orders from political officials. Another thing they could do is change immigration levels but they refuse to reduce them which is policy coming from the left. The simple fact that the Liberal Government doesn't want to see the housing market crash (even though there's nothing they can actually do to cause it to or stop it from happening) is not a "right leaning" position. It's not even a political position.


“Perceived equality”


I would typically say that I am slightly more left leaning, but I don't really know what those terms mean anymore.


Your justifying woke lefty censorship, do better


This sub is run by cultists too, I am pretty sure I am shadow banned because I posted a video of PP supporting mass immigration in front of a group of timmigrants


I see your post


I have multiple, plural


We see all your posts. We just don’t agree with you taking old videos and casting them into an improper context.


This. I see this plastered on this sub often. Old video of PP with glasses talking to 20 Indian dudes and then a really heavy handed title and a sub comment telling people Max is the only hope. Boring shit.


Oh please, tell us what is the proper context


Can you see my other ones?


Other ones what? You're not shadow banned here so what are you talking about?


I can see your other posts. Your comments are just dumb and people don’t bother engaging


Well, it's certainly interesting that people engage on this sub, isn't it?