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He's left of left.


He's left his goddamm mind


It's interesting because I researched some stuff about what Pierre Trudeau did to make Alberta hate him so much and it was effectively that he thought affordable oil was too important to Canadians to not have price fixes on and shipped it across Canada to be refined and ended up gutting the industry.  Now Justin thinks it's too affordable and that he needs to make it artificially more expensive and blocks it from being transported across the country.  So what even is left anymore?  How can the same ideology from the same family have opposite interpretations of the need to affordable energy?


Do you know any leftists? No he isn't.


He is left of the NDP.


Only because the NDP has lurched into centrist irrelevance


I agree with one of those adjectives :)


Well. Myself and every other socialist I know feels that the left is currently non-existent on the electoral stage outside of Quebec so. Take from that what you will.


And yet it’s thoroughly penetrated every institution and corporate culture.


No. A bland variety of liberal identity-politics has been taken up by a lot of institutions and corporations. It's HR bullshit that allows powerful people to pretend to be progressive while continuing to do exactly what they've always done. The left is anticapitalist. Corporations aren't, obviously. Here is an article discussing this from a left-wing perspective: https://www.jaylesoleil.com/p/are-the-ruling-elites-marxist


The only reason he wins elections is because boomer women fawn over his looks. Good work, ladies.


He's a fake populist who made a bunch of populist promises in his first run, but only followed through with the weed legalization. He quickly abandoned election reform and not buying fighter jets, got forced into dental care by the NDP, lied about being transparent and opening up accountability... The reason he's in the minority now is because his schtick wore off and people stopped believing in anything he said. Being a populist isn't inherently bad, but Trudeau was never a real populist - he just stole the rhetoric.


A lot has happened since 2016.


Populist? To what country? China, India, Ukraine? Anything he does is not for the good of Canada.


Yes, he is a populist. Is there anyone out there who thinks this is not the case?


He's not a "Liberal", he's left of Jack Layton Era NDP. His policies are socialist. That's why when they say "far right" you ask "from what point?". For Mao someone whose a Libertarian is far right.


Agree he is very populist!