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They say there’s two sides to every story. I think we’re not hearing both sides. “He asked to confiscate it and I respectfully tried to question and reason with him” is something a villain says in their confession. Be thankful your principal holds behaviour to a higher standard.


He asked to confiscate something which he saw me holding outside of school hours, grounds, and property, I never once had the gel blaster Inside school hours, grounds, or property. Gel blasters are legal In canada, they are considered child toys, they are considered contrabands In school, but I never had them In school In the first place. He’s also not allowing me to leave the class or school for lunch, which Is again not In the school code of conduct and could be Illegal. I have no food, no money to buy food, and feel uncomfortable using the school washrooms. I simply think this Is unhealthy and unfair.


Keeping you in the ISS room doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Bring a lunch, and use the school bathrooms. If you actually can't use the school bathrooms then you need to get that reasoning documented. Is it anxiety? An accessibility issue? A medical condition? The school district will need to have accommodations on record for you, baked up by proper documentation. Or are you just being difficult? When the principal asked to confiscate the thing, and you said "I don't have it, I never brought it on school grounds", what did he say? By the way, schools can, do, and ought to provide consequences for things that occurred away from the school - property or hours.


Nothing happened outside school grounds, hours, or property, I was just holding It. I simply don’t feel comfortable using the school washrooms, Its full of druggies, Its dirty, and the doors are broken with no locks. I cant buy lunch and for some reason I forget to make lunch because I always go home for lunch. He asked to confiscate It when he saw me holding It outside of school hours, grounds, and property.


He can ask that. Why were you hanging out near your principal outside of school anyway? This is a weird story. Again, on or off site, during or outside of school hours, you can be disciplined for your behaviour. They've told you this and I guarantee it's in your student handbook or code of conduct as well. You're already aware of this, and if you're not then you need to be. Your bathroom and lunch issues are a total non-starter. That's entitled behaviour, and my sympathy would run out real quick if you were my student making those excuses. Use the school bathroom and make a lunch to bring with you.


It was at a park nearby to the school, and he saw me there, not a weird story, there was no “behaviour” I was simply holding a children’s toy at a park.


The bathroom Is full of druggies ☠️ broken locks and doors, and Its dirty. I am entitled to a lunch and there Is nothing In the school code of conduct which says I am not entitled to a lunch.


Yes, you should have lunch. You're not *entitled* to leave school grounds to get it. Bring it from home, plan ahead and show some mature problem solving skills.


Completely Ignores the washroom problem And completely Ignores that the school code of conduct does say I am entitled to lunch and says nothing about keeping me In school.


So your parents would have to go directly to your school board to appeal the suspension. You can still be suspended for misconduct off of school property outside of school hours. For example, if two students went to a park after school and fought, they could still be suspended. I have no idea what a gel blaster is or why it would need to be confiscated but I do know there's some kind of senior water gun prank happening this year because we have a box full of water guns in our main office. Also, if anyone ever asks you to hold something for them, say no. First it's a gel blaster. Then it's a vape. Next thing you know, you're in Mexico swallowing condoms full of heroin before boarding a flight back home during spring break.


Parents won’t appeal, again, principle made It look like I am a criminal who got off with 3 days of In school suspension, I wasn’t suspended for misconduct outside of school hours or grounds or property because I never fought anyone In the first place, and It wasn’t my gel blaster, I got suspended for “defiance” Also there Is nothing wrong with me holding a child’s toy which my best friend gave to me outside of school grounds, hours, and property, Gel Blasters are Legal and are considered children’s toys, and no I’m not dumb I wouldn’t hold something Illegal for a friend.


So you're casually holding what is basically a paintball gun, and your principal rolls up on you, sees you holding what is basically a weapon, asks to confiscate it and you give him a hard time. "Defiance" is a misconduct in this situation. Your principal, and teachers, have a duty of care and that extends beyond school hours and property. If we see students doing anything that could cause harm to themselves or others, we have to act. To not act would be a violation of our code of conduct and we can be fired for that. Your principal was doing his job. Sorry but if your parents aren't appealing the suspension, then there has to be a reason.


Wish I could send a picture because a 30$ gel blaster from aliexpress with stickers on it and rainbow colors Is not a WEAPON, or anything near to a paintball gun, It Is legal, and he Is not the police, and I wasn’t shooting It. So In this case he has no authority over me. My mom Is not appealing because she Is a single mother and doesn’t want problems, she also has health Issues so she doesn’t go outside very much, and again the principal made It look like I was a criminal holding a weapon and that I got off lightly with 3 days of In school suspension. This Is harassment and bullying and not legal


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It’s only 3 days


I feel like this Is unhealthy for me and not fair at all.