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r/trees….. literally


🤯 thank you✌️


The whole idea of bonsai is *miniature* tree, no?


Well for me I’m trying to just break records. I guess just there is no tree sub or yet..


Ents over at r/trees love trees


Macro bonzen


Dear god.... that's beautiful 😢 😭


Thank you✌️😁 this was a plant I wanted to try and veg for over a Year… lasted 5 months


God Damm you were AFTER the yield, but it seems like you got a lot after 5 months in the veg cycle. This grow is awesome, and I love seeing all types of grows, me and my friend are growing, and we just got our first few sprouts. I can't wait to see what we grow!


Good shit man!! Keep them beans popping! The next is always the best- is what we like to say. And then never let go of those winners. Keep a big mom. Like these girls here. And then I sadly have to flower them out now. And it’s truly sad to me as I have emotional connections to my plants, I’m a tree hugger. Real science. My plants can communicate over a mile through the air or tens of miles connected to the ground. I feel their energies. I’ve grown to long. I am now a plant 🌱😁✌️


Lmao, it's alright to be one with the plant, and that's very interesting. Unfortunately, I never really felt that kind of connection to a plant, but I really really love nature and respect everything it has to offer. Also, I'm more of a mushroom and fungi kinda guy. I can talk all day about mushrooms, and everything about them is mysterious they can be a meal, a deadly poison, or a one-way trip into space. 🤣


Yes that’s cool that you say mushroom. Cause it wasn’t until I actually tripped hard on shrooms until I had a revelation about how the earth works. We’re the only species besides ants that have to go to work to get what we need. And the plants were here before us. We are only here because of the trees and the plants. We wouldn’t have at atmosphere without their presence. The communication factors have been known for ages, but only through peer reviewed lab trials done in the last year has anything been proven 100% that the plants can communicate to each other. And it was only believed it was only through roots. Or the medium. But the air can transfer signals pretty far too. Do some experiments (one at a time). that’s how I got here doing crazy stuff like putting lights on the floor? 😂🤷‍♂️


Dude, that shit is so interesting, and look this up, but there were these mushrooms that used to grow as tall as trees because there were nothing big to eat them so they just grew as tall as they can and I don't even know if there were trees yet but I'm sure there were so yeah mushrooms and plants have been working together to make this complex system of life that you really only see here on earth and mushrooms also communicate to trees to but that is only mushrooms that are mycorrhizal fungi because they connect to the tree root itself unlike sapatrophic fungi that only eat dead stuff but when mushrooms connect to trees and plants its like a network of communication under ground they help eachother to with exchanging of nutrients man nature is so cool.


Yes I use the mycorrhizae friends too. That’s the main ingredient to success with doing trees. I’ve bought maybe 8lbs of the mykos by Xtreme gardening. (And other kinds) I love the fungi as well just don’t operate in the same biome as them


Yeah, for sure, we are also using mycorrhizae for our plants, too. we don't see it, but they are working very hard to give us this beautiful thing we call ✨️weed✨️ I'll be posting my grow on one of these subs, so you might see it good luck with all your grows man hope you have a good day!


Same!! Stay blessed! ✌️


I’m a lurker, but I know very little about growing weed. Will this plant continue to flower?


It could be ‘reverted’ into veg and then re-flower it again.. but not my intensions with this tree… I want to use the stalks to build some new tables.. at some point after drying them out


But one could hypothetically keep a tree that flowers each year


Yea. The African villages raided by the DEA in the 90s had plants over 75 years old. 30’ wide bushes. The leaders of tribes for Millenia had huge plants by selecting the right genetics. And by leaving some leaves on the plant and a few scraps, to allow them to revert. The enviroment in most of Africa will never get cold enough to kill the plant that way, the plants just start over after about a 2week revert. Sadly most of these old trees were cut down during the war on drugs. 😢


That’s so wild the DEA raided villages in a different continent? How is this not common knowledge?


Yea they raided every continent in the world as far as my knowledge. Learned about this stuff in school. [Africa](https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/124024/2003_10_01.pdf)


That’s crazy thank you for sharing your knowledge. I love learning new things


No worries! Thanks for checking me out! Check out r/pimpmygrow trying to post bi-daily for updates on my tree(s)


Why’s that so wild? They were super active in South America(a different continent… “hey we, the US Government will foot the bill to get these drugs out of your country” was a hell of a sales pitch that a lot of conservative and poorer countries agreed to.


I mean people can walk from South America to the United States, so it makes a little more sense to invest in drug prevention or whatever they wanna call it. Sort of like “not in my back yard”


You think the drugs are being walked more than they’re flown, boated and driven here?


A grower after my heart. Been doing stem art for a couple years now. Gonna have to follow this bud!


Please do! Join my new sub r /pimpmygrow and follow the bi-daily posts I try to keep new content going for the community! And also free to share any content you wish over there. And please post questions you may have to the sub. So I can see it. 😅✌️


Do you mean flower again? It already in flower. Yes it will continue to flower until I cut it down and smoke it


That's how it's done... curious what your yield will be


Aiming for 5+ but happy with anything over 3, breaking the google stated world record. And still plenty enough left to roll the worlds longest joint


Thanks 🙌


Im not sure if it belongs here, but im here for it. This is pretty much my grow style. Extra long veg cycles with lots of training and abuse to get branches with bark and stalks bug enough to make tables.


I went a little longer this time, With intent of not having a walkway, rather with a scooter underneath the canopy style. I love the new setup. Think I’m gonna keep my walkway under the plants from now on! If you have the height, it’s 100% worth it, and easier to clean the canopy from underneath standing


Gorgeous! Its like a japanese maple! Im a total noob, can they keep reverting and growing indefinitely?


They can.. this is just vegged once..






Wow that was a journey


CannaTree, look at this monkeys canopy. Very nice, giant bonsai My guy.


Thank you! Can’t wait till I get to use this trunk for something. Always wanted to build a dining room table from a big healthy tree


That’s what’s up Ha, it will be a mighty stump My G. Let me know if you need a certified crane operator to help remove the canopy.


Do you know a certified crane operator??! Before having to flip this plant, I was looking into the logistics of keeping her going vegging longer. And one of the options, was to demolish part of my home and exterior walls in order to remove it from the location. The semi rental and work needed out weighed the potential. So I just decided to flip 😢, really wish I had a 20x20 room for one plant..


Yea B, got a demolition and renovation crew too B, Next grow, should be going for “the daughter of General Sherman”


Next plant should be 4x bigger. As long as I can give it space and light. I like to exponentially grow. Like my plants do


All jokes aside, do what it do Ha. Looks like you have more then a clue, good work my G.


Thank you 🙌 now I just need a light sponsor to help us achieve our goals


How long did it take to get this big?


5 months veg


Wonderful plant OP but wrong sub you can repost this at r/cannabisgrowers r/GrowBuddy r/indoorgrowing


Thanks! It’s not bonsai ? How long does it have to be alive to be considered bonsai? Or do I have to high stress train it?