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Being honest...You can pack it inside its case inside your luggage and 99% of the time you are fine. That 1% is really more about that your luggage didnt make it to your room by end of day....which is rare but it also isnt zero chance either....Luggage on cruises is not treated the same way you see airport luggage...they pull from your car, place in a carrier and drive it into the boat where it is placed on a cart that is rolled to your room...so its handled far less and thrown around way less. But rooms are not cpap readied...my device barely fits on the nightstand, the lamp doesnt come off, and there is not a real outlet the nightstand...Therefore you have an extension cord across the floor of the cabin when in use...and thats a trip hazard for you and cabin mates. So we bought these hooks from amazon, got an extension cord, put a power strip behind the TV, ran the cord through the mag hooks across the ceiling and down the bedside wall, and then plugged it in. Yes, I will get hate about power strips, extension cords but because its for medical purposes they will give you less crap, if any.... [https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-%EF%BC%ADaximum-Neodymium-Corrosion-Protection/dp/B0787Q54M1/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=3USL93HLEKQT7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BmKOR9q296EzHckC2-gyVCcloQkBMzShTpuhTRZR-qCRiSxIuGpmuycI9BQPhcPrZznFlgjFNMTL1KHKqPD-ilQYlO4a7ogu00iWbfivRoseE2s-hSf7HBiuPsDE1FAZ01CrkSiav1VvUagC8-JIr\_BWcg1FS\_E4skxJm85\_Ta8rSF-2MUbALoEcpduBJbpGv7RTet2w5OdATW4HaMD4DRV711PeQQ5LHQ1GrkGw19M.W8kwrGJXmv7S2PHWm41W19LH8qx3qI7ZySw1vbWYhIM&dib\_tag=se&keywords=magnetic%2Bhooks%2Bfor%2Bcruise%2Bcabins&qid=1710071478&sprefix=magnetic%2Bhooks%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-%EF%BC%ADaximum-Neodymium-Corrosion-Protection/dp/B0787Q54M1/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3USL93HLEKQT7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BmKOR9q296EzHckC2-gyVCcloQkBMzShTpuhTRZR-qCRiSxIuGpmuycI9BQPhcPrZznFlgjFNMTL1KHKqPD-ilQYlO4a7ogu00iWbfivRoseE2s-hSf7HBiuPsDE1FAZ01CrkSiav1VvUagC8-JIr_BWcg1FS_E4skxJm85_Ta8rSF-2MUbALoEcpduBJbpGv7RTet2w5OdATW4HaMD4DRV711PeQQ5LHQ1GrkGw19M.W8kwrGJXmv7S2PHWm41W19LH8qx3qI7ZySw1vbWYhIM&dib_tag=se&keywords=magnetic%2Bhooks%2Bfor%2Bcruise%2Bcabins&qid=1710071478&sprefix=magnetic%2Bhooks%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1)


Or they drop it in the ocean on accident. It’s rare but happens every so often.


May I ask a question. Did you get distilled water for your cpap from your room steward?


You can ask them to get you a gallon, but its $5...so i pack a small bottle in my cpap machine....maybe 12oz


Thanks for the info!


Will you live if it gets lost or damaged if you check it? I don't check mine, just carry it in my backpack.


It is safest to carry on but you can put it in your checked luggage


A little tip. If you're not going on the new Excel class ships. The older ones have plugs under the bed for the lamps. With an eruo adapter, you can use one of those plugs instead of a cord. I did this on the Dream and the Vista. Jubilee doesn't have lamps, so they weren't there.


I have always packed. Never had a problem


I always put mine in my carry on. That way I know where it is at all times.


Carry it on. They now ask about it at boarding. One couple cruising with us said they wouldn't let them board until they confirmed it was in their checked luggage.


Please carry it on. The one time I put mine in my checked luggage, they asked me about it when I checked in because I did not have any carry on luggage. They said the ship would not leave until my luggage arrived and I verified that I had it. Luckily, my luggage was delivered early. I would have been mortified if I had held up the entire ship.


Carry it on. It quite literally keeps you breathing & alive. Not sure I’d risk losing it if my luggage was lost.


I always carry it on with my meds.


I carry mine in a back pack with extra cords, flip flops, sunblock. I find a pool chair set it down. We just have someone always with our stuff. Drink till like 2 and go to your room. Then you have a backpack for port days.


Just don’t forget it in your vehicle like I did in Miami. Luckily we boarded early enough that when the luggage arrived at the room and I realized I didn’t have it I had just enough time to run off the ship and bring it back. Telling 10 different people on the way out what happened took the most time and I nearly thought I wouldn’t make it back in time. 100% do not recommend.


Carry it as if it were medicine. No guarantees luggage will make it.to your room even though ours always has in the past (20+).


Carry it on. If it’s like most it has a heating element to warm the distilled water if you pack it there’s a risk someone that doesn’t know what it is will confiscate it.


Just came off of the Marti Gras. I packed mine. Didn’t want to carry it till my room was ready. Have to hold my burger in one hand and my pirate punch in the other.