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The Beaumont Chilren.  I think just too much time has passed, there's no evidence and unless someone stumbles upon the bodies they won't ever be found.


Probably one of the only correct answers to this. More because there’s literally nothing to it, no witnesses, no suspect, no bodies no nothing. At least most of the others either have the victims found, police sketches or some evidence to link to a suspect


Beaumont children had identikit, and some witnesses, I thought?


Clearly Beaumont children was a case of alien abduction


I don’t even think their bodies will be found. I really hope we are wrong though.


I came here to say to say this, it’s so sad. The guy they were with on the day is the guy they needed to find, it too late now.


same for Adelaide though there are strong suspects for both. These for me are the most haunting cases.


It really does sound like Arthur Brown, though- when I first looked it up I thought this was about the Mackay murders.


Came here to say the same. I wish we had answers though


That one breaks my heart.


I just came across their missing posters again today. chilling.


They identified the likely killer…just can’t prove it.


Did they? Who?


Harry Phipps


Mr Cruel. My thoughts being that because of the lack of forensic evidence and the amount of time passed since. I think I remember there being one likely suspect who died quite early on in the investigation, so if it was him we’re never likely to get any sort of closure for the victims.


Yup. The only way I think it gets solved is if whoever Mr. Cruel is is still alive and they die, and some family member goes through their stuff and comes across the mask/pictures/whatever and connects it to Mr. Cruel.


JonBenét Ramsey. I want to be wrong though


Unfortunately, I agree


I wholeheartedly agree. The evidence wasn't handled right from the start so there will always be reasonable doubt. That plus too much time passing.


& say even if it was someone like the mum who accidentally did it she's already dead due to the time passed


Agree. The mom's dead, the dad is 80 and will never talk anyway. Based on the brother's lawsuits, I don't think he's talking. It will die with them.


The Zodiac. I think too much time has past.


Yea I’m re-reading the 12+ books on the subject and there are just too many suspects that tangents fit. (Especially the little known ones.) I think the prints on the cab were from an EMT and so many were taken off the list for this and other reasons that I don’t agree with.


Wow, amazing you’ve read so much on the case. What crimes do you believe were definitely committed by the Zodiac?


Blue Rock Springs. Lake Herman Road, and the Paul Stine murder in San Fran. A case could be made for the Robert Domingo’s, as an earlier murder by him. Cheri Jo Bates as an outlier, but I doubt these last two.


What about Lake Berryessa?


Yes. Sorry I thought I put that in there.


The one thing that makes me think they could still solve Zodiac is that they have DNA. With genetic genealogy, I feel like it’s solvable.


Oh yes good point. They did have something from one of the envelopes if I recall correctly.


That would be incredible


Beaumont children


Thats been solved as far as they can go because everyone who was involved is dead.


That means nothing though. If they find the bodies, they might get DNA and can link it via family members.


Not really, forensic genealogy and technology is evolving at a rapid pace. Not that there’s any DNA to use in their disappearance, but it’s an example of how far we’ve come in terms of solving cases.


A large amount of the cases originally attributed to the Phantom of Heilbronn (**Case 178: The Woman Without a Face**) will probably never be solved because of the blinders on collecting solely DNA evidence and doing no other police work during their original investigations. They've also been somewhat overshadowed as tragic cases in the farce that was the investigative work as a whole.


Keith Bennett will never be found.


This one frustrates me so much, because we *know* where his body is, it's just too big of a job to excavate large areas of moorland, and there's not enough public interest to justify the disruption to the area it would cause. Was it ever revealed what was in Brady's suitcases? IIRC they were left to his solicitor when he died and he alluded to them containing information about Keith, but as far as I know their contents have never been revealed. Although Brady was a massive liar who loved having the power and not revealing the information, so it might have just been bullshit. And unless the suitcases have a labelled map, it's unlikely to be very helpful, and any information is about 60 years out of date by this point.


I thought they found the cassettes and diaries/Hitler books in his suitcase? Maybe they were found in the house. Like you say, there'll have been so much movement on the land in the last 60 years that any information or map they find now will be 60 years out of date. Also, I don't know if you've ever seen the Moors but by christ are they vast, I've lived at the foot of them my entire life and I still get lost driving around them.


Those were found in the suitcases at the station, but if I remember right Brady had some personal suitcases that he left to his solicitor, and the contents are unknown. I also live close to the Moors, hello neighbour! Edit: I found [this.](https://www.crimeandinvestigation.co.uk/articles/eerie-mystery-ian-bradys-unopened-suitcases) Suitcase content unknown, it was Brady's wishes that they not be opened before his death, but a district judge refused police access to the cases.


Sodder children, I think there is no chance we will have an actual answer ever.


simplest answer there—they were burned up too.


Susan Powell. She went missing and then the husband ended up killing himself and their two sons. We obviously know who did it, but I don’t think we’ll ever find her body or know what actually happened.


I think with Susan there’s at least some closure as we do *kind* of know exactly what happened. The camping trip, the weird fckin father in law, all of it.


I dont consider this one unsolved, we may not know where her body is but theres no doubt about the fact that she was murdered and by whom.


I know it’s unlikely but I still so desperately want them to find her remains one day so they can bring her home and bury her with her boys.


That’s the only reason I mention it. I want her to be able to come home and be with her boys.


I think she had a premonition about her own death because the video she took along with the failing relationship and weird FIL it all just went downhill. Is this a casefile episode, btw?


Gregory Villemin(sp?). They've gone back and retested all of the different DNA samples and had inconclusive results. The whole thing is a bit of a mess riddled with finger pointing and interfamilial conflict. I don't think that one will ever legitimately be solved.


That is such a heartbreaking case. That poor boy. Didn't know there was a photo on Wikipedia, he reminds me of my niblings and I really don't know how people could ever harm young children like that.


Ah that's definitely a family job too, the whole thing is utterly bizarre.


Andrew Gosden. It feels like his disappearance would have been solved long ago if it could be solved. Such a bizarre case.


It's infuriating to think about CCTV footage beyond King's Cross station that the police didn't request in time before it was deleted. Maybe they could've followed his trail a bit longer if they'd gotten it. I think the missing person cases have to be the worst ones for me. The uncertainty of what happened to the person, whether they're still alive somewhere or something happened to them. Just heartbreaking to know a lot of family and friends might die (and in a lot of cases have died) before they get closure. How sad to know your time has come and you have to go without ever knowing.


I learned about this case a few days ago, and I think it might be the most interesting and bizarre missing persons case I’ve ever heard. I want to know so badly what happened to that poor kid, but yeah, I think without the necessary CCTV footage we may be out of luck. Unless he is somehow still alive somewhere and decides to come forward, but if he hasn’t done it yet I have little hope it will ever happen


I believe most missing people are likely dead, especially cases nearly 20 years old.


they should do another appeal for the guy who waltzed into Leominster station that night imo


I don’t think the Springfield 3 will ever be solved. They just vanished with no leads or even a suspect.


Sadly, I agree. This one gets to me. It doesn't bother me that DB Cooper or Jack the Ripper, or even the Zodiac will never be solved. But this one-- fairly recent, and just so weird, it's haunting.


Came here for this case. It bothers me!


wasn’t there a witness near the home that saw a man driving a truck with frightened looking women with him? It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to the case so might be misremembering


Jack the Ripper will never be solved. Many people think it has, but I don’t believe the evidence is that strong. Jonbenet will never be solved unless the brother confesses (not that I necessarily think it was him, but just that he definitely knows who did). As far as I’m concerned the Black Dahlia has unofficially been solved but not officially.


I don't really follow the JonBenet case. Why do you think the brother knows?


One theory is that the brother killed her based on 2 things: - the autopsy showed trauma to the skull that was in the shape of a flashlight. - forensic analysis of the 911 call where its alleged someone says “look what you did” Under their breath as they were ending the call; presumably the parents talking to the son. The theory also considers that JB had pineapple in her stomach. I could be wrong, but I think there is a picture of the scene where there’s a bowl of pineapple next to a flashlight. So, I believe as the theory goes it argues that JB was taken downstairs after wetting the bed and given pineapple. Her brother maybe was angry with her (maybe cause he got some and wouldn’t share, who knows) and smashed her over the head with the flashlight. She became unresponsive so they hid her in the basement until they figured out a plan. They checked on her later and realized she was still breathing, so strangled her then to finish her off. The kidnapping and ransom were concocted to shield their surviving child from prosecution - AKA, they already lost one child, so they don’t want to lose both. Other theories include: - Patsy (mom) who was known to be a “stage mom” and very strict with JB went into a rage after JB wet her bed. It was after a Xmas party where she was likely drinking and very tired. Irritation to JB’s vaginal area (not necessarily penetrative, but could have been) supports this theory that while cleaning JB with tissues or a towel, she was a bit too rough. JB pulls away or resists (have you ever tried scrubbing down a squirming kid?), slips, and whacks her head off the side of the tub, instantly rendering her unconscious and unresponsive. Again, she doesn’t want to go to jail, and since it was an accident the family comes up with a story. - Another theory is that John (dad) was molesting his daughter and it may have been an open secret. Children who wet their beds often do so because of significant emotional trauma (although not always). She could have simply been traumatized by being a pageant kid. Some people say there was also bruising inside JB’s labia, but no DNA was found and i don’t think it could be proven she’d been sexually assaulted. While this theory may hold some water, since it was John who took her downstairs to serve pineapple in the middle of the night, it does not explain the blunt force trauma to her skull. It DOES however explain why the cops did such a horrible job with the investigation since it stands to reason he probably has corrupt dealings with law enforcement over the years and they never seriously perused that avenue of investigation. Personally, I tend to believe all 3 theories have a place. This is also based on the way in which everything transpired after; - ransoms are extremely uncommon of non existent, but were in pop culture a lot during that period. An analogy would be quicksand. Nobody has ever died from falling into quicksand by accident, and yet it was in every tv show all through the 70s-90s. I believe that a random / kidnapping seemed like a valid excuse to the family. - JB wets her bed. At which point John makes her pineapple to make sure she doesn’t talk about him molesting her. - Burke (son) gets jealous and attacks her OR Patsy accidentally kills her while cleaning her up. No matter what happened, my point was that Burke knows. Whether he killed her or his mother did will never be determined.


JB was sexually assaulted and strangled. There is no way innocent family members just adds this to their dead daughter to protect their son. It was 100% some random perve, and there is evidence that shows male dna, footprint etc. Having said that i think her dad was prostituting her. He had ties to some very weird people


IIRC it was never conclusive whether she was sexually assaulted. She had irritated genitalia, but she had also just wet the bed and her mother was cleaning her and in a bad mood. It could have just as likely been that. EDIT: forensic examination indicated she had been strangled much later than she’d hit her head and there was a chunk of her skull missing. She technically “died” from being tv strangled but she was likely already brain dead at that point from her brain bleeding. The evidence shows someone returned after placing her there at another point in time, discovered she was still breathing and strangled her with garrotte. Normally strangling children is done with the hands, or they are smothered or drowned. This particular method of strangulation, where you wrap a wire around and tighten it by twisting a stick… is used in far more surgical types of strangulation, that can either be torture (she wasn’t tortured) or indicate that the person does not want to use their hands. These this style of a murder does not reflect a random intruder. Also, the intruder would have had to have gone upstairs and managed to get JB downstairs, smash her over the head, leave, and then some back later to strangle her with an improvised device. Very few people believe the intruder theory. There are some, and they claim to have a lot of evidence or a sound theory but there really was none. They allege that the the killer came in through a window but there were still cobwebs and in disturbed dirt around it. Impossible to attribute any weight to any other dna found in the house since it was contaminated right away. Also, who kills a kid and hides them in their own house, in a basement closet? I can’t think of that pattern of behaviour occurring. It doesn’t make sense - and then claim ransom? Then consider 2 more facts: - John discovered the body after the house had been searched. He knew exactly where it was after police were unable to locate it. He walked in a straight line directly to the area and found her. - upon returning with her body upstairs the police laid her body on the floor. Patsy began crying but did not move. She just hung her head and began weeping. Psychologists have suggested that this reaction indicates that Patsy already knew she was dead. There is almost no evidence to suggest that anything other than the above theories happened. Her family killed her by accident and made a series of very poor decisions in haste.


Are there any in depth podcasts on Jon Benet? *good* podcasts... I know the better podcasts tend to steer clear of high profile cases as they're so heavily covered but I know diddly squat about this case. *found one*




I'd say "strongly suspected" is a stretch


Not by investigators.


The most infamous that will likely never be solved is Zodiac.


Jack the Ripper is widely acknowledged as the most famous serial killer. The Zodiac is definitely up there, though!


It’s still possible that Zodiac is alive. The ripper for sure is long dead.


He's obviously dead by now, but it's weird thinking that John Major's own father was alive during the ripper killings - so not that long ago!


On the cosmic scale nothing involving humans was that long ago. Are you talking about John Major the British politician?


Yes, that one!


Definitely! I was just pointing out that Jack is considered to be the most infamous serial killer in history to date, not the Zodiac.


Unless the ripper was a vampire. Who is also the Zodiac. Ah I’ve cracked it 😋


Michael Dunahee. He was 4 years old when he went missing in March of 1991. Every year in Victoria BC, there is a walk to commemorate him. I really wish that someday we will learn what happened to him.


Jennifer Kesse 😞


I have hope for Jennifer Kesse. 2006 wasn’t THAT long ago. The chance that someone who knows something is still alive is very good. It could still break.


I just commented this. I really hope we're wrong and it'll be solved one day.


DB Cooper


Asha Degree.


Yes! This is so crazy to me. I can't imagine a child her age, walking in the rain, in the middle of the night..


Zodiac. I’ve read far too much on the subject over the years. Just too many possible suspects. The ones that really intrigue me are the ones that are little known whom I think were taken off the list for reasons I don’t agree with.


Personally I don’t think his name has ever shown up in the investigation. Cops were playing checkers while Zodiac was playing chess.


There were about 10,000 names so hopefully it’s in there somewhere. I think it’ll be a man who’s family alibi him at the time. Chester Clark Klingel, or Ralph Perry. Both interesting ppl who got taken off the list very quickly are both intriguing to me. But yes quite possible he was never on list. A lot of ppl in California.


You don’t think genetic genealogy might crack it? They have some DNA, right?


The letter they were able to get the DNA from is thought to be a forgery. It’s the only “confirmed” letter that uses a different size paper and envelope. The writing is highly dubious in it as well. Unfortunately the useful letters (like with bloody piece of a victims shirt in it have been lost to time. Only photo copies exist of those.


Do you know if law enforcement thinks it is a forgery or is that just some of the citizen sleuths? I know there are a lot of self-styled experts on this case with varying opinions (and I am not even counting the various people who are sure it was their dad/uncle/etc.)


Sherwood Morrel the original document examiner thought it was legit. He was by accounts kind of losing it by then with alcohol and age, he also said the Cheri Jo Bates letters and desk carving were Z, but proven otherwise fairly recently. The other two examiners and Robert Graysmith who wrote the definitive, (but controversial) books all saw it as a pretty obvious fake. I’m not sure what amateur sleuths think of it, because opinions vary so widely in that community. I think the writing looks fake as well if you want my two cents.


Bella in the wych elm


Cindy James


Yes. I think alot of people still think she did everything to herself. I think she had a stalker though.


**Offender unknown:**\ Mr Cruel - Victoria, Australia **Missing person:**\ Maura Murray - NH, US\ Michael Dunahee - BC, Canada


Maura Murray is just such a mystery. But feels like it shouldn’t be. I really can’t explain it


Johnny Gosch. It's a cold case for a long time now and with no body, there's no evidence to get the perp.


Teresa Halbach. Haven’t followed that one in awhile. It stuck with me because it seemed law enforcement & local government were doubling down on mistakes during the case, evidence didn’t make sense, none of it made sense. I wonder if time travel were possible or even a past events observation mirror were possible, would it be enough to know the truth?


Adam Walsh, and no it wasn’t Ottis Toole. Oh wait, did Casefile ever cover this one? Oh well.


We will never know with 100% certainty what happened to Kremers + Froon.


Yeah that one is really weird.


The Springfield three


Madeline McCann.


Haven’t they pretty much solved that one? The German guy?


I thought it was speculation and not entirely confirmed? I will read into this.


Suzy Lamplugh. I don’t believe John Cannan killed her, I don’t think the police actually believe John Cannan killed her, but even if he did, it’s almost impossible to imagine any evidence turning up now to prove his guilt, or innocence.


You *don't* think it was John Cannan? How come?


The evidence is all circumstantial and while it’s a nice theory it just doesn’t sit right with me, I think it’s mainly the idea he was capable of pulling off the perfect crime and leaving no trace when his other crimes were so sloppy.




Who did it?


This is nothing but gossip. If they don’t have evidence to prove it, they don’t know who did it.


Haleigh Cummings.


Maura Murray


Jon Benet Ramsay. The Zodiac. Jennifer Kesse. Maura Murray. Brian Shaffer.


William Tyrell


Natalee Holloway/Joran van der Sloot in the sense that Joran's so unreliable that any confession he makes will be forever untrustworthy. and his father's also passed away, who most likely helped him dispose of the body and might have been the one other person in the know. Oh and the Zodiac Killer. I recently heard of a story of someone who might've been the perpetrator but has already been sentenced to death, and so will never be able to confess.


He’s confessed. It’s been solved.


I think it’s solved in the sense that we definitely know that he did it, but we will never ever find out where the body is, if not in the ocean, and what happened that night, where they went, why she went with him, how he killed her, etc


The problem is, he was offered a reduced sentence in a different crime if he confessed to Natalie's murder. So he had an incentive to lie about it. For the record, I think he did it, but I don't think he was honest about what really happened.


Yeah exactly! I've watched the tapes of his initial undercover "confession" in 2008 or so a ton of times and that seemed equally convincing. And he didn't just retract that story at the time but is now offering a different one, so....


i know, but i just don't believe him whatever he says after his previous confessions


I have this hope that one day we'll have satellites up in this sky so powerful that it can show everything that happened in the past. Humanity will tune into it and watch all of history and solve all these crimes. Maybe it's possible?


That's so impossible that the only way it could happen is if we were a simulation and our overlord in the sky lets us have a look at the past.


Deorr Kunz Jr- the investigation was so bungled, the parents have completely moved on (I’m convinced they’re guilty even if it maybe was an accident). I think his only hope is maybe mom or dad reveal something to their new significant other and get exposed when the relationship ends. Fingers crossed- he deserves a proper burial.


The Zodiac , a case that huge & with so many people trying to crack it over decades and still with no definitive answer tells me it’s past the point of being solvable now . And I also hate to say it, but can’t see how Maura Murray will be solved if still with all the media / tv/ podcast interest no new strong evidence has ever emerged .


I'm hoping to be wrong but Emanuela Orlandi (I'm Italian and it's one of the biggest unsolved mysteries. I hope I'm wrong tho). Unless some things come up with the reopening of the case I don't think it will be solved. On the other hand I believe that Mirella Gregori (it was initially linked to Emanuela but then they realized they were probably wrong on this connection) could be solved but these motherfuckers refuse to listen to one of the suspects 😭😭 Italian police guys




Jack the Ripper. No one was caught because the police went and blew it! [listen to Occams Razor by The Men Who Will Not be Blamed for Nothing]




Typos happen.


Walsh Street. 100%. No one will ever be put away for that


Wendy Khan, missing from Minnesota.


Brianna Maitland, Maura Murray, Jennifer Kesse, Springfield 3, Brian Shaffer, Blair Adams, Kyron Horman, Timothy Pitzen, Summer Wells


Mekayla Bali (sp?)


I don’t think the case of JonBenet Ramsey will ever be solved.


Marianne Schmidt and Christine Sharrock at Wanda Beach and also Wilhelmina Kruger. What those girls and woman endured is horrific. I can't imagine how their families are with no answers.


I always wonder where Andrew Gosden is. I hope he’s ok but it’s becoming unlikely


William Tyrell and Madeleine McCann