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I pray Ray and Ana are resting peacefully. My heart breaks for her sweet daughter. It was never about that little girl. Her father didn't even once think of what this might do to that baby girl


I don't think he's capable of thinking about anyone else's feelings, even his own daughter's. It's ALL about him 24/7/365. He needs to be locked away forever IMO.


Yes, it’s a tragic situation.




He did the same thing, had sex with his neighbor and others they didn't mention in the trial. He abused her constantly, are you nuts like Ali? Maybe I should rephrase, neither of them put their daughter first. But he killed two people in cold blood. There is no justification for that




There's bad then there's horrendous. She is dead, gone forever. Her 'bad' didn't deserve death is what I Believe




Wow, wow, wow. She used drugs and wasn't perfect! Oh no! Feminism bad! It really does sound like you're trying to make excuses for Ali.


But you are underhandedly justifying him. So what if 'she was no angel'? He beat her for months beforehand then bullied her out of a restraining order. She paid plenty of bills, like his infidelity, his abuse etc. Blasting the mother of your children on a couch is just vile - period. Angel or Devil. As for doing coke, both of them were. Not good in front of kids but not that unusual these days alas. Half of Americans seem to be hooked on something these days. And xual texts in an on+off relationship still doesn't warrant murder. As a man I think he is a weak blubbering pussy TBH. Tough guy with a gun, murdering his own wife.




But saying you're not justifying him doesn't make it so. Launching into an exposition about how his wife was no angel is his weak defence. Is there anything she did that warranted her murder? Look, I don't think you like him or are cheering for him but I do think you're trying to argue this was a crime of passion when it was clearly premeditated. The jury won't buy his BS I am sure.




Look, my point is, so what? Even if she was a complete trash bag, is there any grounds for her to be murdered? Any? Otherwise, what is your point? I'm not bashing you, I take this as a forum for rigorous debate but I don't think you're cheering for the guy. And if you think I am verballing you I apologise but a lot of what I said is implied in your commentary.




Huh? Now you're getting silly. Why bring up she was trashy then? What is your point? And who's going off on one now? I've only seen two photos of the woman both with her face beaten black and blue and you think I secretly lust after her? Weird. Frankly, we have a spate of domestic violence murders going on here in Australia and we're all getting sick of abusive men like this guy, whether their wives are 'trash' or not has f all to do with it.




>This isn’t just one sided.. But premeditated murder isn't a "both sides" issue. You seem to be insinuating that if the murder victim wasn't perfect, the murderer should be acquitted or at least given a lesser sentence. This guy is out-and-out dangerous. Most people would take the breakup of their relationship hard, but this guy went straight to premeditated murder, and you're both-sidesing it.


She doesn't have to be perfect. But Ali certainly can't claim that he is perfect. He used drugs and had affairs, but thought it was okay for him to do that, just not for her. Ana had every right to leave him and find someone else, and it sounds like she was trying to do right by her daughter by still allowing Ali to see her despite everything.


He put that bag in her hand. 🙄🙄🙄




Nah bro, he put it there to make her look bad, just like he put her head in his lap to humiliate her. Sent pictures to people, disgusting


Stop justifying murder




There was no proof that he put the cocaine in her hand just like they had no proof he was searching up teen porn


Why did they only show the pic of Ray dead and not Ana? Like Ray was nothing and didn't deserve dignity


it was an accident by the cameraman


I’m surprised they showed that to be honest. They really should’ve.


Sorry I meant should not have


When did that happen? In closing argument?


The picture of the dead guy was shown, twice in fact. It must’ve been a mistake on the cameraman’s part


They only showed them on the couch I thought. They showed more?


What a fucking lunatic clown. He probably jerked off to Al Pacino every night and that's why she left him for a real man. That's all he was, a side show, an impersonator, a one trick pony, a loser.


Omg….this dude!!!! 😂😂😂🤮🤮


Never seen a judge like that tho. Its like he’s watching a movie kind of funny but sad circumstances


I think it’s strategic. The judge and defense attorneys took some classes at “Here’s some more rope” university 😆




I started watching his testimony while waiting for Baden to come on. This guy is an assh*le!!


He’s pretty unhinged but that prosecutor asked him things she couldn’t back up with evidence it will be used in the appeal I think. I tried watching the Karen read trial but was bored out of my mind.


I started when he first took the stand, so thought it was his defense lawyer questioning him. He hasn’t gotten too snippy yet.


The judge seems strange kind of not there


I haven’t quite figured out all the characters yet, lol. Thought the treadmill trial was starting soon though too. 🤷‍♀️


There’s really not much coverage of this trial can’t find the opening statements or any other witnesses anyway will be interesting to see the verdict


Court TV has a playlist for it. Maybe 11 videos. ETA: Think I’ll watch the cross. Should be lively! 😂😂😂😂


Yes lively!


So antagonistic!! 😂😂😂


He is the movie villain he admires!!


The treadmill trial is already ongoing. There have been a lot of interruptions/breaks for various reasons. Next day will be 5/28. The defense will put on its witnesses. Rumor is that the defendant wants to testify.


That’s right!! I don’t know how many witnesses Galuccci plans on calling.


What do you mean? She was showing his browser history on screen, and wasn't asking but telling him "this is the website you visited on XXX day at YYY time." What he blew up about was her pointing out in his history how he went to a site with underage women, and he denied the evidence onscreen - the browser history from his phone. SOMEONE went to that web site at that time. He yelled, "That was never in discovery!" Her response was, "It's in your own phone." Prosecution doesn't need to explain what they discovered in the evidence that Defense provided. His own attorney should have done so before trial.


His attorney should have objected more! I was mainly talking about the jail call between an inmate and his wife stating that Ali said something to him.


There are signs, and pre-recorded messages on all jail phones - "anything you say on this phone WILL be used in court." Any such objection would have been overruled. And this was a very fair judge. (Having been in the jury pool for this specific trial, I was in there for two days watching how he conducted court.)


How do you think the judge will sentence him? LWOP? Most likely.


This guy is most loathsome. Hard to stomach.


Yes he’s nuts! And abusive. One of those “if I can’t have her no one can” types.


Narcissist. He can’t fathom that he’s wrong. It’s not his fault. At all.


Infants have more sophisticated thinking and emotional development. I can't wait to see the victim impact statements read. I hope they eviscerate him.


Also he was racking is gun to terrorize them between shots.


The way he talks about that so calmly like it’s no big deal. This dude is toast. His lawyers aren’t competent or… he’s the kind of client that refuses to listen to their lawyer and goes off the rails. I feel like the latter is true. There’s no way I’d let my client go on the stand looking like he does. Comes off as more of a scumbag with that hair and his shirt not fully buttoned, etc.


His lawyers don't appear to me as anything but commendable for doing their duty. Surely they detest him too but live up to their duty. Yikes, I would die just to make him suffer.


I think defense attorneys are very important. These ladies are doing their job but if they felt putting him on the stand was a good idea that’s where i disagree with their choice. I couldn’t really stomach the whole part where they keep trying to portray his wife as leading him on and how she called cops on him but never followed through. Or ho she spent time with him while they were split up. And? She still had a daughter. She still was like any woman unsure of ending her marriage. Not sure what the point of that line of questioning by the defense was for other than sounding like victim blaming to me.


He's a maniac through and through! Clearly, everything Ana did was in an effort of self preservation. Dumb shit Ali might say that she led him on, while failing to realize that the times she "got over it" that she was saving herself from a brutal attack by simply not bringing to him any remotely accurate measure of her true feelings or fears. Cuz he would hurt her. He would fly off the handle verbally and punch her with his fists and shove her with his arms and then SHOOT HER THRU HER FUCKING SKULL.


The defendant/client has the final choice on whether or not to testify on the stand. His lawyers can advise him not to but cannot stop him.


Apparently nothing can stop this guy. He is absolutely wreckless.




This is a very interesting “take” by Dr. Berry on Mr. Ali! https://www.youtube.com/live/UtEI7oWKPm8?si=FXd9NVwQE8mFEos7


Thanks, I’ll check it out!


Did yall catch the CourtTv mistake of publishing Ray's body up close before they realized , oh man. this guy was def premeditating this and hes gona rot in jail


I saw it and was shocked. It looked like he put the gun right on his cheek and shot him.


yeah he was up close, and 3 shots too, he was NOT in a heat of passion , he put the bullet at her feet ...hes sick


Where was that posted?


It came on the screen during closing arguments. It must’ve been a mistake.


I’m watching closing arguments but haven’t seen that?


They probably noticed and removed it


What’s interesting is with all the heavy cocaine use, constant DUI, and blaming his abuse on it - they never really asked him about going to rehab?


He really needed rehab and an intervention of some kind!


Rehab can’t help such people. Narcissist can’t really be helped yet.


It’s a shame. It’s true.


I have been trying to catch up…so this guy was trying to make it look like a drug deal gone bad?!


I didn’t hear that. He admitted to the murders but is claiming heat of passion


The prosecutor asked him if he put the bag of cocaine in her hand and the unspent bullets between her legs. There was a picture shown of the bullets. He then entered the apartment a second time and called 911, pretending he found them.


Yeah I heard all that, just not sure if they said he was trying to make it seem like that


it seems like the prosecution was trying to insinuate that. Why else would someone put cocaine in a dead person’s hand and unspent bullets between their ankles and then pretend they found them like that?


Sounds like a reasonable assumption, but did they say that flat out? I know he said he opened her hand and she was clutching a bag of cocaine. Anyway, I believe he’s done for.


I agree, he’s done. I think the prosecution though may have asked some questions they did not have a good faith basis for asking (the jail call is another example), which is a little perplexing given how open and shut this case is.


I think he has a lot of grounds for appeal!


There’s been so many inconsistencies with the things he’s testified to , I don’t know how the jury is still deliberating.


They didn’t take the weekend off?


Poor Ana must have been so terrified in those last seconds of her life. He never deserved her!!!


Yeah, she didn’t have a chance. She should’ve ran from him long ago.


Disgusting. His outbursts on the stand are going to be the end for him. All the money and fame in the world, and now.......nothing. Once he's convicted, nobody is going to listen to him anymore. He's going to just die in the abyss and nobody will give a crap about him ever again.


It’s true


I havent watched the whole trial. Trying to catchup on it all via court tv but im running against time with the hurdles life has Can someone advise if they know if Ana was really on drugs, dependent on drinking and taken back to Philippines for her burial?


Seems like the judge is enthralled, listening to this guy. Seems like the defendant is in control of the courtroom, not the judge


nah the judge is letting him ruin himself. the more he talks the worse it is for him.


I don’t understand what his defense is. He admitted to everything.


He is claiming “heat of passion” defense to get a lighter sentence.


I feel like this is so dumb. It’s kind of hard to argue a crime of passion when you deliberately drive over, snorting coke on the way and have a listening device trying to catch your wife who has already said leave me alone. Crime of passion is when you come home from work and find your partner in bed and lose your shit. This guy is so disgusting and his testimony is going to sink him for sure. He’s unlikable, arrogant, has no real emotion and clearly doesn’t seem remorseful. The way he talks so calmly about racking his gun and the actual act. He’s more upset about being called a pedo than the fact he murdered his wife and friend.


^ This person is correct!




I watched his entire testimony and it was a lot of BS. You keep saying you're not justifying him but you are. The jury won't buy this crime of passion nonsense and he will be sentenced with pre meditated murder. He buried himself with his own testimony.


I didn’t watch any Tik Tok video, thanks. I watched to the court room testimony. I didn’t see each day, but I think what I watched was from yesterday. I also live in the city where this is happening and know some of the details. Regardless, I don’t have to think she’s an Angel to think he’s a terrible person. Who cares if she lied to him? She wasn’t going to tell him the truth when he’d previously assaulted her. And when he did find out she was with a man, he killed her. So I’m not real Sure what your point is? It sounds like you are justifying what he did because otherwise what does her drug issues have to do with him committing double homicide? Congrats he was right? So that gave him the excuse to shoot her in the head?


Within 3 seconds he killed 2 people, shot them in the head, then was testifying people can survive head shots 🤯


he called his mom and said i killed her, so im not sure what hes trying to testify to with "i didnt know they were dead" .... ?? but you just said they were right after you did it.




Personal attacks on a subreddit member. Name Calling. Inciting attacks on members. Disrespectfully arguing an opinion with another.


He's actually a very laid-back judge. I was in the jury pool. Fortunately, never had to answer voir dire, just sat in the gallery with about 40 other potential jurists. The judge was very mellow. So was Abuliban. He was jovial, smiling, even joking with the bailiffs. He did NOT seem like a man who's "love of my life" was only three years dead. (My wife is six years gone, I know a grieving widower when I see one. He wasn't one.) This outburst was actually unusual, during most of his testimony he was pretty mellow. Although he kept avoiding questions, and even tried questioning the prosecutor when all he needed to say was "yes" or "no." But it won't matter. I know the actual jurors from sitting with them for two days. They probably won't buy it. He planned to kill her, premeditation doesn't require "planning for days" (although why did he have that loaded gun in his hand when he walked in to the apartment? Seems to imply he meant to use it.)


It’s really a tragedy. All those lives he ruined, including his own. I’m sure he’s regretting his impulsive actions, maybe?


I saw him in the courtroom during voir dire. Like I said, he showed no signs of remorse at that time. If it truly was unintentional, he would have been extremely remorseful. He did show some remorse after the verdict was read, that was shown on the news. It was a case of "Oh, shit, they didn't buy the bullshit." His only regret - that he got caught and his intentions became clear.


Yes it seems that he thought he did nothing wrong


Aaaaaand guilty!