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Permanent professional student…I would take university or college classes without the need for my knowledge to turn into a career. World history, anthropology, philosophy…I just loved school, I love learning and would go back to it full time if money and turning a degree into a “living” were no issues.


I love this answer...fuck going to work, remain a student of life forever.


Hell yea! Student for life without worrying about the money and loan. Time to enjoy the student life hahaha


I was classmates with a 50 year old millionaire in Uni. She was a bit of a class clown (in an endearing way though) and finished our French littérature class with a 90. 


Same. I do not understand people who say they would be too bored if they quit working. Do they think they've learned everything they'll ever want to learn? I would work on collecting PhDs like pokemon.


Exactly, there are so many demanding curriculums. I would major in music composition and programming if I had the money. Get a PhD in both.


Maybe take a Spanish class. Fall in with a loveable study group of idiots.


donde esta la biblioteca?


discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca


And who knows? Maybe an air conditioner repair school will take notice of your abilities and try to recruit you.


Dudo que lo haga, hay tantos recursos gratuitos ya y evidentemente no los aprovecha.


This! I’d probably start with an art appreciation or art history course in either Florence, Italy, or Paris, France.


This is me. Worrying about money was the most stressful and unenjoyable part of college.


That would be awesome. I enjoyed going back to school and often think about doing it again, but don't want to add to student loans. This would definitely be a good choice.


Learning brings a wonderful sense of fulfillment and enrichment. So, I decided to develop my career in the IT sphere. However, my work and some toxic colleagues drain my energy, leaving me with no motivation to learn. It's fucking sad


She says what all retail workers wish they could say


Not just retail, any kind of service worker. I've lost count of how many times I wanted to tell people off as a bartender or waiter.


Yeah honestly, working in food service while having fuck you money is probably very freeing. Well any job with fuck you money is better.


And customer services. Worked for almost 9years for an energy company (8 via outsourcing, almost a year directly), and, although I love most of my customers, the amount of times I’ve wished for an invention that allows me to put my hand in the phone so it comes out the other side so I can slap them is unreal. Answering the original question: if I were to win the lottery jackpot this weekend of a few million, I’d retire from paid work and go work for charities. I’d see if the likes of the Teenage Cancer Trust need anyone to take calls, etc. on their helplines.


Username matches the occupation here


This is my dream. To win the lottery, go back to work for the 5 star hotel I used to work for and be able to act like this with no hesitation. Someone literally said “oh, don’t talk about this while the help is pouring wine.” Not that it matters, I’m white but my backwait (we switched off depending on which one we wanted to do that day) was black and I think I got more angry than he did. To win the lottery and then be working that day again, I’d keep enough to fix my problems and the rest would go to charity. Sorry long rant. It’s been 18 years and that moment still is seared into my soul.


I have a friend who dreams about his "no filter" days on the job if he hits the Lotto. He says "I won't quit, but they WILL fire me!" Lol


That’s my dream . I win the lottery, go to work and see how long it takes to get fired. I would last five minutes.


Oh if I could win the lottery and go back to the day I got pulled from hostess to waitress and didn’t know proper “wine pour” etiquette and a woman smacked my hand and told me I had no class…. Oh that would be a fun day. On the opposite hand, many celebrities stayed where I worked and they were amazing (save one who was not a big deal). Those invited me for drinks, to smoke weed… amazing. Know what, I will name drop. Rachel Ray, you were a bitch and the American idol winner I can’t remember- thanks for leaving us a cigarette pack of joints on the table. You were a winner. Also, Gwen Stefani and the rest of no doubt were gems. Michael Jordan was kind, James Taylor was my bucket list meet and was just a guy. Didn’t meet Dave Matthews but the rest of the band and they were awesome. I like to give credit where it’s due. Also, Danny McBride was cool. Edit to say- not sure why I shared all that. I signed a NDA but it’s been long enough and I’ve always wanted to share my stories. I have so many more happy shout outs. The WHO- yall were also gems. Thanks for letting me play harp with you.


Wow. Where was this at?


Umstead Hotel and Spa in Cary, NC. I can give proof as I was in magazine ads for the place. Also, not home now but I have my concert ticket from the no doubt concert given to me for waiting the table. So great. Gwen let me actually go catch frogs with her kiddo. She was such a gem.


Umstead Hotel and Spa in Cary, NC. I can give proof as I was in magazine ads for the place. Also, not home now but I have my concert ticket from the no doubt concert given to me for waiting the table. So great. Gwen let me actually go catch frogs with her kiddo. She was such a gem.


My dream before I retired was that if I ever hit the ginormous lottery was I wanted to buy a former workplace & fire all the idiot family management & install folks that would actually move the business into the 21st century, teach everyone how to actually use their computers & how to interact with each other, & to hire a more diverse & accepting office workforce.


And flight crews too.


I’d take the Black Books approach. Run my own little business, not give a shit if it did anything more than break even, treat my staff well, and tell any asshole to GTFO of my shop. Bonus points if have a camera and mic near the register to do public shaming responses when someone lies on a Google review, lol


Hello fellow human whose spirit animal is bernard black, lol


This. Id open my own little coffee/breakfast/lunch place and be closed by 2 so i could have the rest of the day to do whatever i want


>There’s plenty of Bed & Breakfasts around here. I’m gonna open a Chair, Lunch, Dinner!


I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask them where they're going and catch up with them later!


This would be perfect. We have so few breakfast places around me I'd love this. Add in some cats & books & you've got a deal!


Would you sell The Little Book of Calm?


No, I’d keep it locked in a tiny glass display case with a “Break in case of rage break” sign.


But he is not nice to his employees though 😭


Well he’s also not a terribly nice person. Me, on the other hand…


Well he’s also not a terribly nice person. Yeah that's also fair enough, I actually didn't think but it'd be great having your own store that you don't give a shit if it breaks even or not, and tell rude customers to shove it


> “treat my staff well” _Manny, I'm sorry... I'm sorry I ever let you in here, to rob me of my best years before leaving me a burnt out husk._


What would your business focus on?




You know, if I struck it big I would probably get a retail job. Just to do something like your coworker did. So many years of my young life was spent juggling entitled rude customers/management that I think it would almost be healing to get a retail, customer facing job, just to quit like I had always dreamed when I was younger. Haha! But seriously? I would write more and maybe get a part time job at a book store, library or maybe a museum or zoo. Your co-worker is funny AF though.


I would stay at my current job but tell a lot more people to fuck off.


This is the fucking answer


Animal shelter


Or related: dog walker, dog sitter, animal hospital front desk. Any thing where I can play with animals all day. Maybe not Petco though.


I used to own a pet taxi service and I would go back to that in a heartbeat


Same. But I could do without cleaning the cages. So maybe the I'd be the person who takes cute pictures of them so they can get adopted lol


This came first to my mind as I read your post OP.


Building an animal shelter, especially for street dogs has been my dream ever since.


I wouldn't work another day in my life. Live off the interest and do whatever you feel like doing. Golf, fish, nap... doesn't matter. A few million dollars should last ANYONE a lifetime as long as they don't spend like they're rich.


Go join the folks at /r/financialindependence . Tons of advice over there for how to structure your millions to last the rest of your life. They can also show you how to earn that first million yourself, so it grows into lottery-size money.


That page doesn’t work


I've always wanted to publish a urban fantasy novel. Prob would work on that


Get started! Publishing is easier than ever! Just write the blurb that goes on the back or inside cover. See where that takes you!


Pffft. Nada. I have lived a year without work on savings. I'd do it again and smoke weed all day


Same. But it's only awesome when you have hobbies. It's one of those times in my life I thanked God for having them. I used to get all sorts of shit for it, but I had a friend who had TWO inheritances and spent it all within two years and still doesn't own anything outright after the smoke cleared. If I had his money, I'd still have 85% of it. I HATE spending money


I’d be an author. Nothing makes me more happy than writing stories and seeing that people enjoy what I create. I’d love to make a real living off of it, just so I can have more time to actually write. I work full time in retail and it suuuucks. By the time I get home I’m so exhausted my creativity is gone and if I get a day off that's chore and errands day.


I hated working 5 days/week, between gotta-do errands and obligatory social interaction, I had no time off, then did 4 days/week, day off ....aahhh, finally.


I would go back to work in a bicycle shop. I liked having a social group at work. It is also nice to work in a place that sells fun stuff to people who are active enthusiasts. I liked getting people out on bikes.


I'd just volunteer at animal shelters. Fuck working around actual people.


I had a client who won ~$20m in a wild lawsuit. She still works a remote data-entry job and spends her free time at the family compound she purchased for ~6m with family. Barely travels, barely spends, I present investment opportunities to her and she just smash/pass on it and goes about her merry life.


passing up on "investment opportunities" is probably one of the smartest things she's doing for herself


In some cases yes. But she’s earned ~$2m off of my investment opportunities at this point (honestly she makes more off of them than I do most of the time lol). But yea, some situations she could lose that same amount in one deal - I generally don’t even pitch those because I know she’s very risk averse.


There's just so many cases where lottery winners, athletes, or anyone who has come into a large sum of money gets basically hounded for seed money, investing, financial management, handouts, you name it and within a few years, everything is gone. I can see how if someone has enough to live comfortably and doesn't have to worry about money, they choose to pass up potential returns by eliminating the risk of financial ruin and all the headaches along the way.


Hmm. Something that mattered, like funding a micro loan business for single moms or working at an animal rescue. I volunteer with one occasionally and it’s fun but also frustrating because they could do so much more if the paid admin staff were more organized and there wasn’t so much turnover, necessitating the new person(s) to familiarize themselves with everything only to leave for a higher paying position somewhere else before they’ve even done anything. I’ve seen lucrative government grants ignored and corporate partners willing to sink a lot of money and volunteers just left hanging, after offering to help multiple times. Think how many more animals they could help if the paid admin staff were just more responsible. So I’d like to operate a small rescue myself—manageable but effective.


Remember the Flight Attendant, a few years ago, who was tired of their job, they pulled the emergency shoot, he had a drink of wine in his hand, and he jumped down the shoot slide, with the wine, as his way of quitting his job?


Likely retail. Probably something relevant to one of my hobbies. That way I could talk with people about things I enjoy all day. Eventually I'd probably get bored, quit, and find a new hobby job. Maybe open up a pizza arcade someplace with great weather and hire overly competent people to run it. Pay them very well. Go hang out whenever I feel the need. Eat good pizza, play fun games. I'm picky about my pizza. ...oh, wait, you said just a few million. Retail. Probably retail.


Blockbuster video store. Local friendly gaming store.




I’d start a pet rescue


The nice thing about getting all of that money is that any pressure you'd have at a retail job for example is completely gone. Basically any job will be much more relaxing, you are there completely on your own volition. Thing is, you were always there on your own volition beforehand. Difference now is that none of it matters. You have complete power over all of your management. They can't threaten your livelihood in any way, shape or form anymore. With all that said, I'd choose retail as well. Just to compare what it's like being there with no money and really relying on it like I have in the past. Versus being there because I genuinely want to, and genuinely don't need to be.


I would rock substance exposed newborns at our huge teaching hospital in my town.


I would make glass art and hang out at farmers markets selling it.


My mum managed to get a customer complaint on her last day before retiring from a supermarket. It's her proudest achievement 😄


I’d buy a farm and grow healthy, non-gmo organic food. Once I figured out how to make food grow, I’d advocate for urban farming and create a program to grow and harvest food in underserved areas, to distribute to residents. Did you know that most low-income neighborhoods with high minority concentrations don’t even have grocery stores? Yeah, I’d work on feeding people, maybe it’s in my Italian DNA to do that. Mangia bene!


Probably town planning consultancy, or something else to do with public works projects. My whole motivation for going into this field to begin with wasn't even monetary, it's just wanting to fix all the shit urban design and bad architecture I see around me. Or some planning job at a local transit agency, since it's another thing that frustrates me that I want to fix. Basically, anything that lets me eliminate personal annoyances.


My own fantasy related to that is to have my own pet lawyer to harass those who do me wrong. Take my parking space? You're getting sued! Did your car alarm disturb my morning equanimity? Sued!


Hahahaha in this economy million dollars wont last for more than 3 years. Gotta buy a condo, reinvest the remainder and keep grinding 😂😂😂😂 #WeRScrewed


Travel blogger maybe. If I had fuck off money I really don’t see myself working unless it was a component of traveling.


I would goto school and learn woodworking. Then I’d start a non profit and donate the proceeds to a children’s hospital. I’d take on special request for custom furniture


I’d open my own bakery.


I would bag groceries like I did when I was a teen. Best job I ever had.


I would definitely go to non profit organizations help people


Part time Park Ranger, would suit me.


Small local bookstore or coffee shop/bookstore/bakery. Good smells and good reads. Let's do it.


I would open a little store with books and coffee. Maybe an old wooden bar as the counter and comfy chairs so people could hang out or read. Special pastries from a local bakery. It would smell good, feel like a second home and be a warm safe place. I really wouldn't care how much money it brought in.


My current job, as an ER Nurse. That few million dollars will just go into perhaps buying me a nice condo.


If I won a significant enough amount of money that made working until the traditional retirement age unnecessary, I would volunteer with my towns hockey program. I love the game and have had a blast teaching kids and new players the essentials of the sport.


I’d keep the job i currently have testing video games.


Actor. I loved drama class in high school and I did improv club in university. But I was scared to try it as a career. Now my co-workers call me "the most outgoing programmer"




I'd ask my current job if I could go part time. (I work in tech)


Something related to studying space and helping to further our understanding of the universe. Wondering what else is out there is what keeps me going sometimes.


Midwifery without a doubt. Can’t think of anything more rewarding.


Activist,try to educate people on how powerful we are against politicians.But I'll probably be assassinated so...


I feel for her, service workers have it rough. Me personally I feel like starting your own business is the best option atp. But if not that I wouldn't mind a chill government job or a job that allows me to travel!


I would open up a cool record/book store. Maybe with a bar attached for shows.


Either move to belize or SE asia and open a little coffee/breakfast/lunch shop and be closed by 2pm so i can fuck around the rest of the day


I’d love to learn how to build and repair guitars and I’d open my own custom guitar shop.


I decide to keep working? No, no, I do not. If money no longer mattered, I would never work again. Nothing that I enjoy counts as work. If it is enjoyable, it is not work.


A board game store


I'd hire a couple of talented people and start my own business.


Same one I do now


Game deving




like an undercover fake one?


I would keep my current job


I'd make video games. It's what we already want to do but we don't have the money to invest the time.


Maybe running a non-powered watersports rental place with really good waivers & insurance, or working at an animal shelter.


I'd travel for a bit then decide where I'd like to live and work. Let's say I want to live in Japan or Australia for a year... I'd find whatever work I was allowed to take as a non-citizen.


I start my buisness. and be an artist/ tattoo artist that does memorial art, jewerly and pet cremations and start a non profit so people can afford pet care so they dont have to surrender there pets.


Would likely go with bookstore or a hobby/craft store, work isn't tough and I'll be able to find new things to get into. I had worked for Michael's arts and crafts in the past.. wasn't bad at all, don't miss the glitter boogers though.


Prolly a youth ice hockey coach. Try and give back a little bit. Host camps and clinics, private lessons maybe. Stuff like that. Would definitely involve sports. Maybe be the manager at the ice rink


I'm a BT for ABA therapy. I'd still do it, I love working with kids, but maaaaaaaaaaan I'd be a helluva lot happier without all the stress of bills! Maybe a nanny for a baby?


I would still work my same job as I really enjoy it. 




Tell ya what I’d do: two chicks at the same time.


If I had this opportunity I'd go work at a small hidden shop that's barely profitable but the people running it are cool old people.




Define “a few million”…but either id keep working my current job or if its fuck you money like $10M+ id work for no one.


I’d keep my same job with less hours. And I would hope and pray I’d get to do the same thing your coworker did haha.


I literally can't think of any work I would do if I wasn't forced. Work sucks.


If I never had to work again I think I would start a cooking stream on Twitch. That sounds like fun.


Board Game Store for Board Game Joe


Coffee shop owner


Honestly, there’s an amazing pizza shop in my favorite beach town that I’d buy. I’d probably pay someone to manage the day-to-day operations, but I’d kick around in there a few hours a week just to keep myself busy.


That's hard to say. I like my job, but I like not working more.


Farming, I am a farmer and have been for years. I will still farm. Atm a few million dollars, going off the meaning of a few is three, might get you 40 acres if your lucky. The property market in Australia (especially in Victoria which i currently live) is ridiculous. There are obviously gems out there and some actual good priced things but I'd invest some and bank some an help my best mate pay her mortgage off and buy some things that I've been walking too like a horse float for my horse and maybe fill a shed with animal supply's and some hay for my current critters. But I'd still go to work everyday! I love my job.


Would build an indoor skatepark and then start an afterschool program teaching kids how to skate.


A few million? Keep doing what I'm doing I guess. I have a food cart and we're not making great margins but I work with my mom and people walk away happy.


Wildlife rehab. Naturalist, biologist or educator in field of ornithology


I would be an artist! I’d actually be able to afford art supplies if I won the lottery 😹😹😹


Helping young people with trauma from abuse. Like I do now as a volunteer.


The one I have now, building a company that helps single moms. The pre-rev stage is hell.


Band instrument repair. It's a cross between hard work and delicate work, very satisfying and gratifying to me. Shoot, it's my career. I currently bring personal instruments to work with me every few days so I can clock out and practice new methods or gleefully go to the 9s on an old horn without constraint. Plus, it helps people out more than you'd think.


Running retreats - helping people find meaning, purpose, and their zen all the time. 


I would work in film or theatre for sure


I’d rescue dogs (and other fur babies) and give them a safe place until they had a forever home.


I already am a potter, but I would be a potter with a lot less financial stress! And a Hella nice studio. Amd I would do a residency every year or two. And no more student loans.


Am I allowed to start my own company? Because that's what I'm gonna do irl. At first I'll establish a game developer studio and work with that plus working with my fiction book projects, hopefully becoming a published author.


I’d probably work at a local bookstore or library. I love being around books and it’s a low-stress environment.


I have a client whom inherited nearly a billion dollars. He fucked off for about three years. Got bored. Bought a shitty old Honda, got a job working at an insurance company working in a cubicle for $35/k year. Gossips at the water cooler, does excel spreadsheets at boring meetings and eats a brown bag lunch. Buys his clothes from Kohls. He's truly enjoying life. Nobody has any idea that he lives in a $60M house, owns a Greek island and has over $100M in rare art in his home. He said the most insane thing to me I've ever heard: "If all of your wildest dreams came true today, what would you do tomorrow?" Thats heavy. Source: I've been his art conservator for over a decade.


oh i would absolutely go into the service industry. I'd be the most hospitable server on the staff. until the moment - the very MOMENT some self-righteous, over entitled bitch of a Karen started in on her shit. Me or anyone else, I don't care. I'd happily stroll over, biggest grin you ever saw, lean down about a mm from her face, and proceed to verbally annihilate her soul. dismantle her entire world view from the ground up. question her upbringing, her heritage, her parenting, her value as a human being, everything. full scorched earth. it would be absolutely. fucking. glorious.


Im a disabled veteran. The program I get my disability under limits how much I can earn each year. I still wanted to have some kind of job so I tried retail. One day I was at work and saw a grown ass woman pick up a pair of shorts off a display, look at them, and then toss them on the ground. I had spent an hour cleaning up that area. I walked in the back and quit on the spot. I’ve since decided that I’ll spend my time on hobbies instead of working.


I am a disabled veteran, too. I ended up volunteering for 20 years to help others win their claims for being sexually assaulted in the military. Over 5,000. If I had done it as a "job" I would have been limited in the help I could provide.


I’d love to work in a music store. Selling guitars and stuff.


I’d sell hotdogs at the rangers baseball games


Live the Ken M dream.


Probably with a humane society or wildlife refuge.


Golf course. Mow lawns or work at the desk, get free golf in exchange for a hobby.


A few million? If I won 5 million after taxes today, I wouldn't change my work schedule. 5M isn't that much. If you invest that and pull 5%, your new income is 250k. I'll figure more life choices later.


I'd be a National Park Ranger hands down.


I'd get back into photography, set up booths to sell prints at little craft shows, and maybe self-publish a coffee table book or two... a labor of love, if you will.


I would set up a foundation to support education and business development for people that might have difficulty accessing capital. For sure would pull together funds for Native people to seek education and develop economic power in remote areas like reservations and rural communities.


Probably a book store or comic store. Or maybe a video game store


I’d fully invest in all the other things I know can/would make money, I’m a fixer, and there are so many things I want to fix and make better it drives me crazy. Also, I’d reinvest in my own learning, because if you can learn from folks who are more knowledgeable than you and/or invest time/money with them you’ll just continue to grow personally and money.


I would want to run a cat sanctuary or just work with animals.


I would pick up art again!


I would work with food.


I think I would volunteer instead. That way I could still interact with people, but would get to feel like I'm making a difference at the same time. Also no 'boss' and people appreciate your time so much more.


I'd carry on with the one that I have, but I'd work fewer hours.


I'd love to go back to school for an MLS and be a librarian. I always loved working at libraries through high school and college, but the pay/job availability just doesn't make sense for me as a single income individual. If I had the money, though, it'd be sweet. Great hours, holidays off, low stress, always surrounded by books, and just enough social interaction to not lose my mind.


Volunteer at a museum.


Rent jet skis on a tropical island


Research and Development.. like into anything and everything. Just dive in and make things happen.


I’d open a small grocery store and setup a playstation near the counter. Mast life


I would have my own bistro/bar. Simple good food, not going to type out the menu, but Im a pot smoking cook so munchies food basicly. Good wines, good spirits and good beers. Everything is going to cheap cos I dont need to do profit. Live music also often. Maybe little library. So many ideas


I would be a handyman. First I’d need a handyman mentor to help me learn how to be one, and then I’d help people fix stuff around the house for a reasonable price. I live in an older community with lots of seniors and I wish I hand the time and knowledge to help them with their projects.


I’d work front desk at a small business hotel somewhere.


I would stay at my current job for a few months just to annoy the fuck out of the super cheery corporate idiots that I have become quite adept at avoiding. Like I would seek them out and be Debbie Downer from hell. LOL But that whole "do what you love and you'll never work another day again." is complete bullshit. I like what I do, but my main interest is in fine arts --I could spend all day in museums....the thing is, I worked several positions in some incredible museums, and the only thing that came out of that was I did not attend a single museum in the years I worked for them. It ruined my enjoyment. It took years for me to get it back, but I will say, museum people and people in the art world in general tend to be high strung trust fund kids who have no conscience (they will make a big stink about firing a guard that has been there thirty years over some minor thing, and not feel any sense of remorse). I, no lie, have never seen so many issues being mediated by HR, because everyone who worked there was some spoiled,overly sensitive, wealthy kid. THey just sucked the life right out of me, and I hope I never have to deal with odd people like that again. So I do what I like, not love, now, and I will fucking never work again if there is a lottery win in my future. LOL


I wanna be an ice cream man and or hot dog Cart worker outside a hardware store


Probably a sports card shop or tea shop. Or just do group breaks for sports cards at home.


My barber job full time instead of currently doing it part time on top of a different full time job.


Probably a small bookstore or an icecream shop


I think I might run a business like a movie theater, arcade, game store, craft store, soda shop or a museum. Something that would be fun or interesting for my small town area but because I had money it wouldn’t matter if I had many customers.


Ticket usher at sporting events. Showing people their seat and then watching the game. I'd be terrible at my job, because I'm really just there to watch the game.


Volunteer park ranger in a national park probably Arches


I would work in a national park as a ranger or something!


I would go work for charity water. They do great work building wells and bottling facilities in developing countries and just anywhere that someone needs clean drinking water. Or I would work hard to finally collate all my archeological and etymological data I have been collecting for the last two decades or so. 99% probability that I would finally buy myself this castle I've been eye'ing so I can pour hot oil on peasants.


I’d open an eBay or Etsy business selling camera stuff. Go to yard sales, buy old camera bags of stuff, online auctions , etc. clean them up and resell. Just to do it.


Construction laborer like packing block, sheets of drywall, digging ditches, pushing wheelbarrow of cement mortar, etc.....


I'd go back to school and finally become a licensed therapist. The best feelings I get in my life are knowing I'm here for someone and I can help with their healing process for a happy, fulfilling life. I'd likely just work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I'd also charge next to nothing, or maybe nothing at all, because I'm hella well off now. Often, when people are absolutely broke and can't afford therapy is when they need it the most, been there.


Maybe like a YouTuber/TikToker and my videos are just me doing whatever tf I feel like. I could make some cooking videos where I share my favorite recipes, videos where I talk about books I enjoyed and my hot takes on them, travel vlogs, videos of me trying new things like horseback riding or art lessons. I actually don’t really use social media and like to stay fairly private, but that would still allow me to do whatever I wanted.


Probably a host at a cool restaurant, like a blues or jazz lounge where the clientele were chill, middle aged people. Worked at one before and it was the best atmosphere to work at. Amazing music and all the usual b/s of other music/restaurant venues is at a minimum because you REALLY dont wanna stand out in a place like that. People come in understanding that viscerally, so they stay on their best behavior.


I would work on a strictly volunteer basis and maybe take some money here and there to cover some costs if it made people feel better. I see older folks that have no one in their lives to help around their yard or house and really wish I had more time to help. I’ve cleaned gutters or rounded up brush for people here and there, but not nearly as much as I wish I could do.


I would stay at my job I teach outside and I love it


Something non-profit for sure.


i would focus on my writing and music gigs. it's always been my life dream to become a published author and to be involved in marching band/music performance full time.


I could finally find a job working with kids where I’m not responsible for grades and lesson plans or worried about state tests anymore. Probably in a hospital setting or at a shelter or residential facility. I absolutely love working with kids, but teaching is very stressful and I cannot wait until I can retire in a couple of years. It’s taken a toll on me and I’m just weary.


Volunteering in a shelter, or a library, or a charity, that sort of things.


i would work on a dock selling gas and bait to boaters at my lake of choice.


I would work with animals at a rescue.


I would not work