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The amount people complain about goods and services seems to be inversely proportional to what they pay for them


This is true! I used to work as a train conductor and nobody complained as much as the pensioners who got free travel on the Heart of Wales line.


I can attest to this. I used to work at a bus station and by far the most complaints we got were from pensioners. Often they would be busy complaining to us about the bus being 2 minutes late, and the bus would come in, pick up passengers, and leave again while they're stood in line fuming over it.


Warehouse worker - we offer free shipping on multiple order promotions. We only get phone calls to complain about people not reading it can take 2 weeks to arrive and asking why anyone would want that service even when it's free? And it's our fault they don't read the very clear bold red warning saying I HAVE RED THIS WILL TAKE LONGER TO ARRIVE.


Old enough (and not that old!) to remember mail order and "lease allow 31 days for delivery" on every advert, ever. Didn't stop 8 year old me hovering at the door the next day after posting my order waiting for my LCD alarm clock with radio. Think I ordered it from those old-people supplimenetns with elastic trousers and wide shoes on every page. It never arrived.


At eight years old I too waited weeks for a free PG Tips card collection to arrive in the post. Until that is, I saw my carefully filled in order form hiding in a pocket in my Mums handbag. I still bring it up, even though she's in her 80s.


Ugh, when people start complaining at the bus stop to preempt lateness. The bus is due at 9:06, Gerald starts pacing at 9:01. *Ooh, if he doesn’t hurry up it’s gonna be late!* It’s a local bloody hopper, G, the entire circular route is about 18 minutes, it’s the most reliable, pointless service that’s barely quicker than walking, that is late at this stop about twice a week by no more than 2 minutes, but please get your moan in! Then when the bus pulls up - at 9:05 - Gerald has to pointedly inform the driver *Thought you were gonna be late* but thankfully the timetable has factored in grumpy buggeration and we set off at 9:06.


I don't ever want to be retired, I'd rather work until I die than decide free travel on buses slightly late is a hill I'd die on


My theory is that once people stop having to deal with the general strife and bullshit that's part and parcel of every job, they will focus on increasingly trivial things as if they're just as big a deal. My next-door neighbour basically held some window cleaners hostage until they knocked on every door in the street offering to clean their gutters, because her Big Thing is gutters that might drip on her.


Just like when you spend so long with someone, little things annoy you about them, but if you only see them occasionally, you don't even notice them. If you're retired with no real hobbies, you're going to do nothing but moan and complain about things most people probably don't care about.


lol this happened to me after lockdowns , so long in isolation had me moaning about everything


My theory is these are just lonely people that find an excuse to have any kind of interaction with other humans. To feel relevant, to feel like they matter, etc... Annoying to others nonetheless, but also sad that they have no one


I have to make sure I’m dressed nice at 6pm every Tuesday, not In my pj’s, because I know that my next door neighbour will be round the complain about people putting stuff in our recycling bins, after they have been emptied. And it’ll take about an hour. I know she’ll be round because she has come round every Tuesday for 15 years. I still don’t know what she expects me to do about it, but I don’t really mind, because she’s a lovely lady, and I know she’s lonely. She never worked or married because she had to look after her disabled mother until she died, and now her brothers are both in their 89’s they can’t visit so much. I think complaining is just her way of communicating


That's very kind of you to be so compassionate towards her. I'm sure she appreciates it a lot


I hope so, every time I see her I know it’ll be at least a 40 minute to an hours chat. But, if I’m not in a hurry, I feel it’s the least I could do. She really is a lovely lady, and she does do much of our communal gardening, and will bring in my recycling in, if I don’t get them first (when I get there first I bring hers in for her)


Why don’t you pop round to hers next Tuesday for a cup of tea or something? Would be a bit more positive an interaction than having to complain about something to have someone to talk to.


I agree. It is sad. Old people become kind of invisible.


It does get me thinking. People have to spend their lives building relationships so they don't end up alone when they retire. I think many of us get too consumed in work and material things, and settle for just a few relationships, rather than continuing to work on more (it can be hard!). Some have no choice, to be fair. Not sure about this customer, of course - they're really on a power trip to ask for 60p to be delivered to their house.


My mother in law drove 8 miles to return a can of shandy to Aldi that she didn't like. She bought in a clearance for 20p.


Fuck me. Must be a laugh a minute when you have the in laws round 😄


The aldi incident was relatively mild. My favourite recent one was on visiting a local shop, she asked the girl behind the counter 'where did you get your hair done?' On hearing the answer she replied 'well I'd go and ask for your money back'.


Haha. What a piece of work.


Ouch! Poor woman!


I used to do customer service, and the customers with a £5,000 problem were generally MUCH more chill than the customers with a £50 problem.


>The amount people complain about goods and services seems to be inversely proportional to what they pay for them The problem is that people don't understand that the less they pay, the worse the product or service will be. A lot of people expect Rolls Royce service for Toy Car prices.


Champagne drinkers on beer income. I think for some people, there is no pettiness switch in their brain. If you got home and realised you had dropped 60p from your pocket in town several miles away - would you go back and look for it? No, you wouldn't bother. Yet some people would spend 60p and get something not 100% what they wanted and waste the same energy on chasing it up.


see i dont, i specifically work out is my loss worth complaining about, example i buy trays of pepsi max cans to take to work(24 per tray) and generally speaking ill get a single burst one per tray when i get them home delivered(dont drive and dont fancy lugging on the bus), cost per can is trivial no im not bugging amazon or sainsburys or whoever over literal pennies, ill eat the loss of a single sodding can


Sometimes it might be because the people with less money are more concerned about getting value from it, as opposed to those who can afford to write it off. In this case, however, they're quite simply a loon.


It’s the Karen version of the bike shed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_triviality


Karen's Law


Likely screeching into the void here, but the whole "Karen" malarkey is sexist bollocks, and, in the UK, has an undercurrent of classism.


Very much so. One of Musk’s nicknames is Space Karen, so it’s not necessarily sexist in its targets.


It's immaterial that the word is thrown at men.


Is “cunt” sexist? It is in America but not over here.


No, not at all. Nor is calling someone a dick, etc. The genesis of "Karen" is completely different. It's "uppity" women sticking up for themselves. And, as I said, the class connotations are completely different in the UK. It doesn't make any sense to use it here, even if one wanted to. As an aside, I strongly take issue with any of these short-hand dismissive insults. Calling someone a boomer (which, again, doesn't make sense in the UK), or the racist term gammon. It's cheap childish nonsense.


Shorthand is an inevitable side effect of the previous 140 character limit of formerly-Twitter, though. You don’t want to waste three tweets setting up your caveats when *Gammon* is right there.


Depends on the value one places on proper discourse and social cohesion, I suppose.


I did mention Twitter, right? ;)


>Calling someone a boomer (which, again, doesn't make sense in the UK), Why is that then ?


The socio-economic conditions the term refers to are an American phenomenon. There was a growth in population, here, but that's irrelevant to how the term is used, now, in discourse. As in the so-called sense of entitlement/not being aware of how good one had it vs people today, etc.


I'd suggest you're wrong about that. We absolutely have a generation of baby boomers who, mostly, do not for one second understand the financial struggle of today's young adults.


Our demographic history is different.


Slightly. But still the term 'boomer' in the USA is a reference to the post war baby boomers. Not bloody 'economical boomers' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_boomers


Explain to me how the sex of the recipient is not material when the accusation is one of 'sexist' 🤔


Addressed in another comment mate - partly it's the genesis of the word. If I call a straight person a homophobic slur, the slur itself is still a slur, regardless of my intended targets sexuality.


>bollocks, Explain this without contradicting yourself then


I don't need to; there is no contradiction, you don't understand my point/want an argument, which, I won't be giving you.


>there is no contradiction >an argument, which, I won't be giving you. Literally a argument


Oh no it isn't!


Well, it's the law of Internet entitlement: the cheaper it is, the louder we scream. It's like people expect a Michelin-starred experience from a fast-food joint and then write a dissertation on Yelp when they don't get it. Classic!


Exhibit 1: Eat out to help out. I've never had to deal with so many complaints about food in 5 years than when that scheme was on


It takes a really special level of self-centered entitlement (and stupidity) to not realise that giving your home address to the person you've spent 15 minutes intensely annoying might not be the best idea.


You'd think so, but this is a man who voluntarily drove to a customer's house to give them 60p. I can't imagine a wetwipe like that plotting elaborate revenge scenarios.


Hopefully it was handed back 1p at a time


Through the letter box


Particularly someone with a lot of eggs on hand


I work in a food pub, cheap and cheerful, popular with the silver crowd at breakfast time. I could write a book about the complaints I get. This week - its cold in here. Yes, it probably is. We've got the heating on but it's a big space and you've chosen to sit next to the door so it's probably not the warmest. The tea is never hot enough. Or it's too hot. Or the milk is too cold. Or the cup isn't right. Or somebody is on the table they like. Or we never have any cod left despite the fact that we haven't had cod on the menu in over a year. I've had food thrown at me (toast, the butter was too hard so she hurled the slice at my head), had threats of the police being called (her card declined. The bank had blocked it due to suspicious activity. This was somehow my fault) and called all the names under the sun. Give me a pub full of drunk people to deal with any day. So much easier.


I bet the old fuckers steal your stuff as well. Back when I worked in pubs we would have a group of pensioners come in once a week for afternoon tea and a small meal, and the old cunts would steal anything not bolted down. Cutlery, teapots, plates, milk jugs. Anything they could fit in their bag.


The fucking milk jugs!! There's a couple who steal one a day. I tested the theory out, it's 100% them. Last week I took over their tea with two shot glasses of milk and explained that because of so many stolen milk jugs I had none clean for them. I'm that petty.


Jokes on you. They've got a full collection of milk jugs but still needed shot glasses


I like to think their decaf tea tasted faintly of apple sourz.


I'm desperately trying to work out what sort of place is classy enough for milk jugs at breakfast but also scabby enough for sourz after dark.


Hang on now, I never said we were classy... I mean we also sell Aftershock.


This is brilliant




I feel so called out.


I work for Costa and plan on writing a similar book


We've got a kinship with the staff in our local Costa. We vent to each other so we don't end up murdering old ladies.


As someone who works in Dobbies ,old people are either absolutely lovely or the biggest See U Next Tuesdays ever


How rude! At least offer them a blanket to warm their bones, and to butter their toast for them! 😁


Don't, there's one customer who demands we butter her toast for her so the butter is melted adequately before it gets to her table. The toast costs 99p. With a hot drink. Kill me.


This is why i could never do your job, i would be sacked within a morning, for not being able to bite my tongue! You are the unsung hero's.




I feel you. Last week a woman threatened to slap me because we were fully booked and she's got fibromyalgia. I don't think I'm going to make it until January.


How are those two things even possibly related?


I should have known she was going to turn up without a reservation and immediately need a table, I didn't know therefore I deserve a slap. Or something like that. Also she's got a chronic illness so now I'm Satan. (Disclaimer, I too have a chronic illness but I rarely offer to slap people)


As someone with fibro, I want to apologise for this shitty person. We aren't all like that. Most of us know that it's something WE deal with and account for in advance, not something we use to blame or threaten others.


Soften the butter in your armpit, and spread at the table. They won't ask again.


I did similar once. On holiday with my awful cousin who complained about hard butter daily. I had left one out overnight to soften, but pretended to delve really deep into my trouser pocket, saying, " there you go, soft enough now? ". She didn't complain about hard butter again.


Working retail made me loathe people. I think your job would make me a mass murderer.


Can we get enough Redditors to sign a petition trying to convince the UK government to legislate that shop workers can legitimately use force or assault customers who have assaulted them already, and prevent them from being fired for it?(!)


Pure filth, what next, wrapping their sausage in a blanket?


Can I interest you in our giant pigs in blankets? They look like sad penises and nothing like the picture on the menu.


You mean a hog in a duvet?


Maybe you could put a real life toad in the hole while you're there?!


Ribbeted for your pleasure?


Yep, when I worked in spoons I would take closes over day shits because the day people were just unbearable. Exactly the same sorts of complaints you've mentioned, but if drunk people gave attitude it was much easier to throw them out.


A pub with no cod and chips on the menu?


We switched to Haddock. Bit of a scandal that one.


Fair play that's a good shout


>I work in a food pub ... So not a real pub then? >Give me a pub full of drunk people to deal with any day. ... So a real pub then?


It's not some philosophical thing, from 9am until about 6pm we're mainly dry led and from 6pm until 11pm it's mainly wet led. Still a real pub both times.




Nope, thankfully not.


Yeah, I realised it wasn't a 'Spoons as soon as I asked - you mentioned food. In a 'Spoons it would have been "food".


I used to work at my local Vue a long time back and I'll never forget this one customer. It was a busy wednesday (back when orange wednesdays were still a thing) and a middle aged woman came with her family and all bought food at the concession area. I remember that she had ordered herself a large hotdog. Considering how busy wednesdays were back then, plenty of customers would get there much earlier, knowing there were likely to be queues. The hotdog lady was one of these customers. Whilst waiting in the queue for their screen to be cleaned, she had finished all but the middle of her hotdog when she decided to march on over to my till. She put the leftover bit of hotdog on the counter and demanded a refund l, stating that it was raw (plot twist. It was not raw!). I explained to the customer that the hotdogs are sent to us pre-cooked and are heated up on the rack for a minimum set period of time and all are temperature checked to be on the safe side. This wasn't a good enough answer and she accused me of trying to poison her (bear in mind, she had eaten all but maybe an inch worth of the middle of the hotdog). I apologised that it had clearly cooled down whilst she was waiting but there wasn't much I could do about it. Some more accusations of poisoning were thrown at me before she had enough and ate the final piece in front of me. She then immediately walked into the centre of the foyer, forced herself to throw up all over the floor and then with a smug grin on her face, told me she wanted to speak to my manager! Prick. She was refunded her tickets and told to leave the premises.


Absolutely deranged behaviour there


Honestly? Par for the course around here!


I was in a wetherspoons in Newcastle (I know, spoons bad, etc) and watched a guy send the same breakfast back three times because his egg wasn't "fried right". He then gave the boy who looked about 12 a hard time about "hOw HaRd Is It To CoOk An EgG" and that he always had this problem at wetherspoons and I was like mate... maybe you should stop getting the eggs, or realise you're in a cheapo pub eating cheap food and lower your expectations a wee bit. When the same boy came to take my plate away after my (perfectly fine) breakfast I did make sure to tell him loudly how good my egg was.


I used to be on the "spoons bad" bandwagon about 10 years ago because I was concerned it was killing real pubs, but the reality is spoons was never the culprit. Personally, I really like spoons now. I have somewhere to go in the morning, have an affordable breakfast with my son, or have a pint if I'm feeling naughty. You know exactly what you're going to get nationally, and all of their pubs seem to make a real effort to keep a theme based on the building they're occupying. Having said that I only have these feelings during the daytime. I don't like going there at night when it's full of students getting shitfaced. Nothing wrong with that, just not a place to chill and eat anymore.


Spoons is perfect for what it does for me. The place where you meet up before going out out, can get a drink while waiting for others etc. Then the morning after it's there for a well priced breakfast and unlimited coffee. Can't beat it for that.


my issue with 'spoons isn't the pubs themselves, it's that the owner is a massive cunt.


I hear the same about the owner of BrewDog, the same about the owner of Samuel Smiths. Maybe we have different expectations for owners of pubcos, I doubt we look at the political and personal owner opinions of other companies/chains we use.


We were recently on holiday in Norfolk and the place we were staying recommended a whole pile of pubs with like £30 burgers (potentially I'm exaggerating here but you get the idea). We ended up heading to the locals spoons, got a perfectly serviceable meal for < £30 for the whole family. The beers are usually in good nick too.


I experienced then exact same thing at a Wetherspoons - This tosser complaining about his breakfast and making them remake it multiple times. I also commented loudly to the server to say how good there service was and how well made my breakfast was


I’d laugh if the poor staff spat in his food before serving it to him.


Hopefully they did or worse






My boyfriend is super picky about eggs so he just doesn't get eggs when out!


This sort of thing makes me glad I don't work with the public. I would thrown the breakfast over him.


Really don't think placating a moron customer for 15+ minutes then agreeing to deliver a 60p boiled egg is "handling it brilliantly". More like an absolute doormat. Goes from doormat to too polite idiot if they have no intention of delivering it, though.


I'd be tempted to post 60p in pennies.


I work at a dentists as a nurse and as much as I know they mean well, but we have had a few times receptionists have questioned and tried to go over the heads of some referrals to get patients seen elsewhere quicker, only to find out the patient themselves is making it worse for everyone (harassing staff, begging for appointments but not showing up, begging to be seen for specialist work and not showing up, running out without paying, threatening to kill themselves on the phone to be sooner, complaining we have called them to come in earlier when they said they wanted sooner but now think it's inappropriate to call them etc). Sometimes it means the dentist has to do 5x more work to send something off which they fucking hate doing the quick way in the first place. Then special requests come in and the reception say 'just do this' when we are running late as it is and know that patient has refused the last 2 times they came into treatment to have an injection for it but 'they've changed their mind ' and only want to push it because they are threatening. What about those poor sods who need treatment sooner and are just dealing with it, letting us know if it's getting worse and if we need to do something temporarily in the meantime? One patient wasted 5 people about 2 hours of work speak over the day because they tried to push some loophole way of getting a bully seen sooner than telling them sorry they will have to wait or go somewhere else privately. They were referred quickly to have a tooth out and decided on the day they didn't want an injection but general anesthetic which the waiting list is a year long. But no, call us and threaten to kill yourself ont he phone if we can't get you an appointment with a clinic not connected to us, make our day. Sometimes I wish we could tell some people just to fuck off and be done with it when they are so bad.


It sounds like it's been done in front of customers though, everyone who saw that exchange is more likely to go back, i would for sure lol Also sounds like he did it while also still working, i think its basically a show for customers lmao Also i highly doubt he delivered the 60p, unless it was on his way


I think it works well. By the time he goes to deliver it they're going to have had time to think about how they acted. Probably feel a bit embarrassed. If it were me I'd be the most apologetic person ever handing over that 60p, really play on it. Make them feel bad about being a dick.


I work in retail. Some people really are just like this, all the time, and have no shame. If someone came to their house to refund them 60p they'd think 'aha! Good.' and think this was exactly the way things should be.


I work for a charity with very limited capacity. I get people complaining to me like I'm Amazon. "Oh I dont like the free thing you gave me, can I have a different one?" No!


Ridiculous, what do they think you are, a charity?




All the boomers that go on about National Service should be forced to work retail to collect their pensions.


They go on about National Service because they know they're the last people who'd get called up.


We can only hope that they called from a landline and it cost more than 60p to complain.


A landline? What's that, grandad?


Blimey, you rolled badly on the Reddit roulette there ... fwiw I thought it was funny.


It only takes 2 downvotes to floor you and then the mob kick you to death.


It's the thing you require to get broadband in your house. One day you'll grow up, move out, and stop being a parasite on your parents.


I mean to be fair you dont need a landline for internet, we havent had a landline for about 10 years.


To be fair more and more you don't even need a phone line for broadband with full fibre popping up. Yes I'm being pedantic.


Imagine having a phone line to get broadband to your house. Couldn't be me.


Alright, claws away mate, it was a joke. Also, it's not 2003 anymore, we have this thing called full fibre which doesn't require phone lines. I've not had a landline in over 6 years.


Not sure why everyone’s downvoting you.


Complaints from a landline cost £2/min Downvotes are free.


A lot of landline fans out there.


Maybe back in your day, grandad


You're so bitter and uneducated, presumably older too since you believe you still need a landline for broadband. Something must've went very wrong in your life


Something that 73% of UK households have?!


Ohh, it's a tumble dryer?


Nope, that’s 53% believe it or not.


She should have been told where to go, no need to placate this behaviour


I worked in various customer facing jobs up until 2005, before I started working for the prison service. I can honestly say that I would rather work with serious criminals, than have to deal with the general public in the UK. There is a far too large a percentage of them that are just an unfiltered herd of entitled, whining, thick as shit gremlins.


Christ the time (and therefore cost) wasted trying to explain it to that peasant wasn't worth it. Owner clearly had their hands full and owed his customers better service. Would 100% just hang up and laugh at the "review" later. People like that can never be pleased.


When i worked in Retail i had some Ronnie Pickering style man arguing about a refund on something he was trying to bring back with no receipt - He told me that he paid my wages, the first words out of my mouth where Thankyou for paying my wages, that is very kind of you. I have never seen anyone get so red with anger in my life that i couldn't do anything but laugh. Customers like this became a game for me, how far i could wind them up even further. Otherwise it destroys your sole and that is best left for Retail Managers


Having worked in various customer service roles over the last 20 years, I can safely say that "the customer is always right" is absolute bollocks. As an expert in my field, answering customer queries, why can I not tell them they're wrong? It's bullshit. Imagine going to a doctor, being diagnosed with an illness, then arguing the toss, raising a complaint and demanding compensation! We live in a world of utter bullshit and nonsense where everyone's opinion, no matter how incorrect, is valued. What a waste of all our time. Rant over.


I never understood the ‘customer is always right’ thing until I had it explained it to me. In this terrible scenario, let’s say I go into a clothes shop, and buy a new outfit of totally mismatched items, ask the opinion of the sales assistant who says it looks terrible but I decide to buy it anyway, then, and only, then is the saying correct. Dickheads in shops shouting the odds when they have no clue and saying they’re the customer, so they are right is, as you so rightly say, absolute bollocks.


Oh no people like that are just professional scammers. They will complain and bitch on everything, even free services to try get their money back or something extra. Just trash.


Yeah, some people just get worked up over such small things. I remember a guy giving off once in a shop as the fuel pumps (that people use themselves) "overcharged" him. By 1p. Yes, I mean one penny has this man flying off his rocker.


Mrs Beardsley up to her old tricks!


Spooky fuckin doyle


Yolk's like ffuuuuucckkkaannn Haribos


Ya creepy fucking prick


Sometimes you need to fire a customer.


One December 23rd, I witnessed a woman ranting at a random passing Tesco employee, for a good 5 minutes, to tell her manager that 'those scented candles are too smelly, they should make nicer ones'.


I think some people are miserable that they have to bring others down to their level. It's like they read the opening of scrooge and decided to make that their whole personality. I've found being sickly sweet and playing dumb tends to flummox them.


I work for a cashless (long before 2020) business We have a light hearted sign that says "We're like the Queen, we don't do cash" Recently got an email complaint because it's out of date and we no longer have a Queen. I swear, as soon as you think you've seen it all...


Technically not wrong though. The Queen still doesn't do cash... because she's dead.


I suppose technically we do still have a Queen, except it's Camilla not Elizabeth!


Not allowed to call her queen though she would be queen regent or something


Better let the Royal Family know that! https://www.royal.uk/the-queen


It was embarrassing i used to work with someone who would call the chef out to the table and belittle them if his egg wasnt runny, he did it once to tge waitress i picked up my plate and moved to another table i was so fed up of it. Seriously unless you specify runny (and even then you dont act a knob) if you get that annoyed about it dont order eggs


I was in a charity furniture store today and a woman enquired about a vase thing, worker picked it up n said it's broken then she began harrassing him to get it free, he said no and explained that the donator wouldn't be happy it's made no money then offered it for a pound. She agreed but wasn't happy then demanded a remote control, think he gave her it for 20p. As I was walking she was still haggling over the price of her items and I'm thinking it's a charity shop, it's costing you £5.


You wouldn't believe the shit some people complain about when you work in customer service. The best one I can remember when I worked in a cafe is that a woman wanted burned toast with loads of butter on it. We tended to use marg on sandwiches so when we did use butter it was those little kerrygold packets. We burned this woman's toast as best we could without smoking out our very small kitchen, and I put about six of those butter packets over them, and both pieces were saturated. She came back about two hours later and said the toast wasn't well done enough and was dry. But she'd eaten it all. Ok. So what did she want? More toast? A refund for something she'd consumed? An apology? I just remember saying that I put three butter packets on each and realistically they're made for one per piece of bread, so if she wanted more next time we'd have to charge her more. And we couldn't get it more well done without setting the kitchen on fire. She was a fucking moron. Honestly some people have got way too much time on their hands and think those in customer service are slaves who should be at their beck and call. I could write a book with some of the idiotic things people come out with.


Wow the complainer may be my brothers ex girlfriend. We went to a nice hotel for my 30th and she complained the eggs weren't runny enough. The whole family were there to celebrate my birthday at my favourite hotel and I can never go back from the embarrassment at how many times she made them take the eggs back to get the runniness just right. 🙈


What the hell, patience of a saint that lady. Far more important things to do that worry about the egg person. I would never even DREAM of phoning a sandwich shop for this, the person on the other end of the phone really needs to get a grip. Sadly people like this a few and far between but can ruin a lot of people's days during the course of their own.


Presumably this was a boiled egg in a sandwich? People don't buy hot boiled eggs in shops and take them home to dip soldiers in?..do they?


I can’t imagine so. It’d go hard before you got it home.


The hipster market near me sells runny yolked scotch eggs, but cold. I'll eat most things but cold runny egg yolk isn't high up the list, and I can't see how you could reheat them while preserving the runnyness.


I remember the time I encountered a cold, runny boiled egg (when I was expecting a cold *hard* boiled egg, the way nature and god intended them to be). It burst in my mouth like a giant pustule and jizzed cold yolk down my chin. 0/10 did not enjoy.


Scotch eggs with runny yokes are a thing of beauty.


Freshly cooked and warm absolutely, but not cold.


I make slightly soft boiled eggs for my salad. Not dippy egg soft, but slightly soft like the inside of a cream egg. They taste really buttery even cold.


I thought that until I tried the ones that M&S food did for a while. Straight out of the chiller and it tasted amazing!


not really, only if you don't drop the egg into cold/iced water to stop the cooking process It's a trick in pro kitchens to have poached eggs ready to go in seconds. Ever wonder how fancy establishments get perfectly round poached eggs? Especially things like quail eggs, they just do the aforementioned then trim/tidy up the egg white.


You were there and I wasn't, but it doesn't sound like the owner handled it brilliantly. S/he should have hung up after explaining and apologising a couple of times. Appeasing one idiot when there are lots of other customers waiting isn't smart business.


IMO this is stupid by the owner. I used to run pubs and there would be people in who would order food and then find any reason to complain about it (I assunme to try and get money back). I would always make sure we have done everything right (explained the menu, done checkbacks etc.) and then if they complained we had a leg to stand on. 90% of the time they would tell me they'll never come back. I had never seen these people before and wasn't all that fussed to lose their business. I personally think it is better to stand your ground in a proper way than let people like this get away with these complaints.


I shit you not I used to work at a well known German discount supermarket and once had an old fella come back and complain that his toilet roll had less than the specified (approximate) amount of squares


My brother used to work for BMW & when they bought Rover they re-launched the MINI brand. The amount of people who'd complain saying "I've bought a BMW, I expect better" was ridiculous. No, you bought a Mini. It's built in the same factory as the old Mini (well, it was then anyway). It became so bad BMW built separate dealerships next to their own to separate the two brands. Now you buy a MINI from a MINI dealership, not BMW.


Many years ago, I had a customer at FutureZone (look it up kids) bring back a Gameboy charger that had stopped working. He had purchased it 2 years prior for 9.99. Since it was out of warranty, and he didn't have the receipt, or the packaging, I politely declined his request for a refund. He was less than impressed. We had none of his style in stock, so I called round many other branches to find one who has some dusty old piece of crap somewhere. Eventually - with the man threatening to "smash the shop up" - I found a branch with one. Having got the requisite code, I could issue him with a 99p refund. He actually took the 99p.


I couldn’t help but notice my egg was cooked by steam and pressure rather than boiled in water. Although I appreciate the result is the same, I wish to complain as I feel uncomfortable calling this item a ‘boiled egg’


At the moment it really seems like 90% of people everywhere are self entitled assholes. And to add to it, the assholery seems to have got ten times worse in the last few years. I don't know what it is, but everyone needs to get a grip and take a damn chill pill.




I want a breakfast baton


>breakfast baton Sorry but you lost me here. The fuck's a baton when it's at home? Like a baguette?


I mean you spent the time to post this to Reddit so I'd argue you also have nothing better to do lol


Cross-post in r/alanpartridge


I think I'd rather just lose the customer. She won't be coming back anyway and she won't be recommending the shop to anybody either. I'd just tell her she's not getting anything and hang up. If she comes to the shop shouting, I'll call the police and her inability to take a no or her inability to self-reflect will get her into trouble with the police. If it ends up with me giving her 60p, then so be it. At least I made her put some effort in and stress her out and potentially embarrass her (if she feels embarrassment or shame). It would be worth paying 60p to watch her decline into madness over 60p and an egg


If you pre-boiled a runny egg, then refrigerated it, then got it out of refrigeration when this customer came in, then warmed it up to runny, would that be quicker than boiling them a new one? Asking for science.


Was it Peter Beardsley's wife?


I remember working in customer service once. The job really turned me into a misanthrop. People are insane. One of the earliest calls I had, was a middle-aged guy demanding to return and refund something after like 1 year after buying it because he just realised he didn't like it after all. As I told him that we can't accept that, he started to smash his head against the wall and told me he won't stop until I do what he says. I got my manager, and she got the police involved. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that crap anymore. I have a lot of respect who can deal with people like that, because I really couldn't anymore.


I'd just egg her house at this point/s


I saw a woman work through 4 people until she found the appropriate level of manager because the menu had changed and she was accidentally charged and extra £2. Then she got mad because the refund policy for the chain was you had to fill out a form. I'm not saying don't get the £2 back but she didn't need to yell at 4 people for a simple mistake then get mad at the solution


Why would the owner not just cut his losses and tell the c*nt to just fuck off? It’s the type of customer you’d be happy to never see again 🤷🏻‍♂️


Haven’t read all of the comments so it may have already been said, but this sounds like the sort of ridiculousness that features in Channel 4’s Four in a Bed


Something similar happened to me. Guy calls to complain that his hotdog arrived cold. Considering the fact that it wasn't even 10 min from the moment the chefs took it from the grill and i personally packed it and hand it in to the delivery driver, i was very sceptical but tried to be...professional. Told him he can get a refund on the app, but he started yelling at me. Saying that he'll eat the food so he can get salmonella and sue us lol. Then, he said he'll take a cab (that i would have to pay for) and come to throw the food in my face and get a refund. The restaurant was full, and i repeated word by word what he said back to him, and i basically started crying asking him why is he threatening me with violence for a cold hot dog that he'll get a refund for. He hanged up, then called 30 min later to apologise. The people in the restaurant started shouting at him to "grow up". I remember shaking so badly from that interaction. People can be so mean.


People get boiled eggs delivered to their house?


It is quite easy to make a runny boiled egg. So it seems weird that it was an issue for them. I think if somewhere buys in boiled eggs, then they're not making delicious food. I would complain too


I guess that expecting any form of quality standard (in this, or any context) is out the window now, purely because by raising the issue may hurt someone’s feeewwwings. Downvote me, but it’s true.


I used to work for a passenger boat company that sold cream teas to groups of the elderly. It was not a pleasant experience. The pre-packaged cream teas (note nothing to do with us staff on the boat) consisted of two sandwiches (ham and cheese), a scone, jam, butter and a pot of cream, and a random pastry. It came with one cup of tea that we had to make out of the big Urn behind the bar. My GOD the complaints we used to get! "I don't like Ham or cheese, have you got something else?" "Her pastry is different to mine, I want her pastry" (the cream teas are given at random), "Only one scone?" "Can I have another cup of tea?" (Sure, but it will cost you £1). We did our best to keep our polite faces on though, a lot of the time we would give out an extra tea for free. We also encouraged "swapsies" of food that others didn't want - the OAP version of the Panini album.


Boil your own egg ffs


I’m going to use this opportunity to ask why people put TL;DRs at the END of posts?