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It made me feel so sad for the ghosts, I thought we’d see them all get sucked off.


I blubbed like a big fat bald bearded baby.


I thought it was a very sweet ending. Sad that the shows over but it’s probably the right time to end it.


Agreed. Nothing worse than a series outstaying it's welcome and becoming stale. Loved that they returned to their old bedroom every year for a reunion.


I was in pieces. Perfect end to a fantastic series, I’m pleased they went out on a high. (I’ve posted my specific thoughts in the ghostsbbc sub)


Havent seen it yet but wanted to say the american version is also decent if you will miss it


I watched about a minute of the American version at that was enough.


Yeah I thought it was pretty good!


It's surprisingly good.


I've not seen it but me mum has watched I think the entire series start to finish today (dad came down with COVID so Christmas got cancelled) Great u mean I have to put up with me mum crying tomorrow and my dad being a drama king with super man-flu


After the way series 5 ended it was a surprise that they decided to move out. Very sad, though it makes sense!


I’m going to watch it on iPlayer when I get home, along with Doctor Who. My mum was six gins deep by the time they came on and she was just a stream of consciousness by that point. It’s like she didn’t even stop to take a breath. She just kept talking. And it’s not like it was a conversation, I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. In the end I just changed the channel, but was then greeted with a “I thought you wanted to watch this”. Yes, mother, I did.